legacy = true; $this->meta = array_filter( (array) $item ); return; } $this->item = $item; $this->meta = array_filter( (array) $item['item_meta'] ); $this->product = $product; } /** * Display meta in a formatted list * * @param bool $flat (default: false) * @param bool $return (default: false) * @param string $hideprefix (default: _) * @param string $delimiter Delimiter used to separate items when $flat is true * @return string|void */ public function display( $flat = false, $return = false, $hideprefix = '_', $delimiter = ", \n" ) { $output = ''; $formatted_meta = $this->get_formatted( $hideprefix ); if ( ! empty( $formatted_meta ) ) { $meta_list = array(); foreach ( $formatted_meta as $meta ) { if ( $flat ) { $meta_list[] = wp_kses_post( $meta['label'] . ': ' . $meta['value'] ); } else { $meta_list[] = '
' . wp_kses_post( $meta['label'] ) . ':
' . wp_kses_post( wpautop( make_clickable( $meta['value'] ) ) ) . '
'; } } if ( ! empty( $meta_list ) ) { if ( $flat ) { $output .= implode( $delimiter, $meta_list ); } else { $output .= '
' . implode( '', $meta_list ) . '
'; } } } $output = apply_filters( 'woocommerce_order_items_meta_display', $output, $this ); if ( $return ) { return $output; } else { echo $output; } } /** * Return an array of formatted item meta in format e.g. * * array( * 'pa_size' => array( * 'label' => 'Size', * 'value' => 'Medium', * ) * ) * * @since 2.4 * @param string $hideprefix exclude meta when key is prefixed with this, defaults to `_` * @return array */ public function get_formatted( $hideprefix = '_' ) { if ( $this->legacy ) { return $this->get_formatted_legacy( $hideprefix ); } $formatted_meta = array(); foreach ( $this->item['item_meta_array'] as $meta_id => $meta ) { if ( empty( $meta->value ) || is_serialized( $meta->value ) || ( ! empty( $hideprefix ) && substr( $meta->key, 0, 1 ) == $hideprefix ) ) { continue; } $attribute_key = urldecode( str_replace( 'attribute_', '', $meta->key ) ); // If this is a term slug, get the term's nice name if ( taxonomy_exists( $attribute_key ) ) { $term = get_term_by( 'slug', $meta->value, $attribute_key ); if ( ! is_wp_error( $term ) && is_object( $term ) && $term->name ) { $meta->value = $term->name; } } $formatted_meta[ $meta_id ] = array( 'key' => $meta->key, 'label' => wc_attribute_label( $attribute_key, $this->product ), 'value' => apply_filters( 'woocommerce_order_item_display_meta_value', $meta->value ), ); } return apply_filters( 'woocommerce_order_items_meta_get_formatted', $formatted_meta, $this ); } /** * Return an array of formatted item meta in format e.g. * Handles @deprecated args * @return array */ public function get_formatted_legacy( $hideprefix = '_' ) { _deprecated_function( 'get_formatted_legacy', '2.4', 'Item Meta Data is being called with legacy arguments' ); $formatted_meta = array(); foreach ( $this->meta as $meta_key => $meta_values ) { if ( empty( $meta_values ) || ( ! empty( $hideprefix ) && substr( $meta_key, 0, 1 ) == $hideprefix ) ) { continue; } foreach ( (array) $meta_values as $meta_value ) { // Skip serialised meta if ( is_serialized( $meta_value ) ) { continue; } $attribute_key = urldecode( str_replace( 'attribute_', '', $meta_key ) ); // If this is a term slug, get the term's nice name if ( taxonomy_exists( $attribute_key ) ) { $term = get_term_by( 'slug', $meta_value, $attribute_key ); if ( ! is_wp_error( $term ) && is_object( $term ) && $term->name ) { $meta_value = $term->name; } } // Unique key required $formatted_meta_key = $meta_key; $loop = 0; while ( isset( $formatted_meta[ $formatted_meta_key ] ) ) { $loop ++; $formatted_meta_key = $meta_key . '-' . $loop; } $formatted_meta[ $formatted_meta_key ] = array( 'key' => $meta_key, 'label' => wc_attribute_label( $attribute_key, $this->product ), 'value' => apply_filters( 'woocommerce_order_item_display_meta_value', $meta_value ), ); } } return $formatted_meta; } }