/** * Internal dependencies */ import { registeredBlocks } from './registered-blocks-init'; /** * Asserts that an option is of the given type. Otherwise, throws an error. * * @throws Will throw an error if the type of the option doesn't match the expected type. * @param {Object} options Object containing the option to validate. * @param {string} optionName Name of the option to validate. * @param {string} expectedType Type expected for the option. */ const assertOption = ( options, optionName, expectedType ) => { if ( typeof options[ optionName ] !== expectedType ) { throw new Error( `Incorrect value for the ${ optionName } argument when registering an inner block. It must be a ${ expectedType }.` ); } }; /** * Registers an inner block that can be added as a child of another block. * * @export * @param {Object} options Options to use when registering the block. * @param {string} options.main Name of the parent block. * @param {string} options.blockName Name of the child block being registered. * @param {Function} options.component React component used to render the child block. */ export function registerInnerBlock( options ) { assertOption( options, 'main', 'string' ); assertOption( options, 'blockName', 'string' ); assertOption( options, 'component', 'function' ); const { main, blockName, component } = options; if ( ! registeredBlocks[ main ] ) { registeredBlocks[ main ] = {}; } registeredBlocks[ main ][ blockName ] = component; }