/** * External dependencies */ import { __ } from '@wordpress/i18n'; import { Button, Card, CardBody, CardFooter, CheckboxControl, FlexItem as MaybeFlexItem, Spinner, Popover, } from '@wordpress/components'; import { Component, useRef } from '@wordpress/element'; import { compose } from '@wordpress/compose'; import { withDispatch, withSelect } from '@wordpress/data'; import { Form, TextControl } from '@woocommerce/components'; import { COUNTRIES_STORE_NAME, ONBOARDING_STORE_NAME, OPTIONS_STORE_NAME, SETTINGS_STORE_NAME, } from '@woocommerce/data'; import { recordEvent } from '@woocommerce/tracks'; import { Text } from '@woocommerce/experimental'; import { Icon, info } from '@wordpress/icons'; /** * Internal dependencies */ import { getCountryCode, getCurrencyRegion } from '../../../dashboard/utils'; import { StoreAddress, getStoreAddressValidator, } from '../../../dashboard/components/settings/general/store-address'; import UsageModal from '../usage-modal'; import { CurrencyContext } from '../../../lib/currency-context'; import { getAdminSetting } from '~/utils/admin-settings'; import './style.scss'; // FlexItem is not available until WP version 5.5. This code is safe to remove // once the minimum WP supported version becomes 5.5. const FlextItemSubstitute = ( { children, align } ) => { const style = { display: 'flex', 'justify-content': align ? 'center' : 'flex-start', }; return
{ children }
; }; const FlexItem = MaybeFlexItem || FlextItemSubstitute; const LoadingPlaceholder = () => (
); class StoreDetails extends Component { constructor( props ) { super( props ); this.state = { showUsageModal: false, skipping: false, isStoreDetailsPopoverVisible: false, isSkipSetupPopoverVisible: false, }; this.onContinue = this.onContinue.bind( this ); this.onSubmit = this.onSubmit.bind( this ); this.validateStoreDetails = this.validateStoreDetails.bind( this ); } deriveCurrencySettings( countryState ) { if ( ! countryState ) { return null; } const Currency = this.context; const country = getCountryCode( countryState ); const { currencySymbols = {}, localeInfo = {} } = getAdminSetting( 'onboarding', {} ); return Currency.getDataForCountry( country, localeInfo, currencySymbols ); } onSubmit() { this.setState( { showUsageModal: true, skipping: false, } ); } async onContinue( values ) { const { createNotice, goToNextStep, updateProfileItems, updateAndPersistSettingsForGroup, profileItems, settings, errorsRef, } = this.props; const currencySettings = this.deriveCurrencySettings( values.countryState ); const Currency = this.context; Currency.setCurrency( currencySettings ); recordEvent( 'storeprofiler_store_details_continue', { store_country: getCountryCode( values.countryState ), derived_currency: currencySettings.currency_code, email_signup: values.isAgreeMarketing, } ); await updateAndPersistSettingsForGroup( 'general', { general: { ...settings, woocommerce_store_address: values.addressLine1, woocommerce_store_address_2: values.addressLine2, woocommerce_default_country: values.countryState, woocommerce_store_city: values.city, woocommerce_store_postcode: values.postCode, woocommerce_currency: currencySettings.code, woocommerce_currency_pos: currencySettings.symbolPosition, woocommerce_price_thousand_sep: currencySettings.thousandSeparator, woocommerce_price_decimal_sep: currencySettings.decimalSeparator, woocommerce_price_num_decimals: currencySettings.precision, }, } ); const profileItemsToUpdate = { is_agree_marketing: values.isAgreeMarketing, store_email: values.storeEmail, }; const region = getCurrencyRegion( values.countryState ); /** * If a user has already selected cdb industry and returns to change to a * non US store, remove cbd industry. * * NOTE: the following call to `updateProfileItems` does not respect the * `await` and performs an update aysnchronously. This means the following * screen may not be initialized with correct profile settings. * * This comment may be removed when a refactor to wp.data datatores is complete. */ if ( region !== 'US' && profileItems.industry && profileItems.industry.length ) { const cbdSlug = 'cbd-other-hemp-derived-products'; const trimmedIndustries = profileItems.industry.filter( ( industry ) => { return cbdSlug !== industry && cbdSlug !== industry.slug; } ); profileItemsToUpdate.industry = trimmedIndustries; } let errorMessages = []; try { await updateProfileItems( profileItemsToUpdate ); } catch ( error ) { // Array of error messages obtained from API response. if ( error?.data?.params ) { errorMessages = Object.values( error.data.params ); } } if ( ! Boolean( errorsRef.current.settings ) && ! errorMessages.length ) { goToNextStep(); } else { createNotice( 'error', __( 'There was a problem saving your store details', 'woocommerce-admin' ) ); errorMessages.forEach( ( message ) => createNotice( 'error', message ) ); } } validateStoreDetails( values ) { const { getLocale } = this.props; const locale = getLocale( values.countryState ); const validateAddress = getStoreAddressValidator( locale ); const errors = validateAddress( values ); if ( values.storeEmail && values.storeEmail.trim().length && values.storeEmail.indexOf( '@' ) === -1 ) { errors.storeEmail = __( 'Invalid email address', 'woocommerce-admin' ); } return errors; } render() { const { showUsageModal, skipping, isStoreDetailsPopoverVisible, isSkipSetupPopoverVisible, } = this.state; const { skipProfiler, isLoading, isBusy, initialValues, invalidateResolutionForStoreSelector, } = this.props; /* eslint-disable @wordpress/i18n-no-collapsible-whitespace */ const skipSetupText = __( 'Manual setup is only recommended for\n experienced WooCommerce users or developers.', 'woocommerce-admin' ); const configureCurrencyText = __( 'Your store address will help us configure currency\n options and shipping rules automatically.\n This information will not be publicly visible and can\n easily be changed later.', 'woocommerce-admin' ); /* eslint-enable @wordpress/i18n-no-collapsible-whitespace */ if ( isLoading ) { return (
); } return (
{ __( 'Welcome to WooCommerce', 'woocommerce-admin' ) } { __( "Tell us about your store and we'll get you set up in no time", 'woocommerce-admin' ) } { isStoreDetailsPopoverVisible && ( this.setState( { isStoreDetailsPopoverVisible: false, } ) } > { configureCurrencyText } ) }
{ ( { getInputProps, handleSubmit, values, isValidForm, setValue, } ) => ( { showUsageModal && ( { if ( skipping ) { skipProfiler(); } else { this.onContinue( values ); } } } onClose={ () => this.setState( { showUsageModal: false, skipping: false, } ) } /> ) } { values.isAgreeMarketing && ( ! values.storeEmail || ! values.storeEmail.trim().length ) && (
{ __( 'Please enter your email address to subscribe', 'woocommerce-admin' ) }
) }
{ __( 'Get tips, product updates and inspiration straight to your mailbox.', 'woocommerce-admin' ) }{ ' ' } { __( 'Powered by Mailchimp', 'woocommerce-admin' ) } } { ...getInputProps( 'isAgreeMarketing' ) } />
) }
{ isSkipSetupPopoverVisible && ( this.setState( { isSkipSetupPopoverVisible: false, } ) } > { skipSetupText } ) }
); } } StoreDetails.contextType = CurrencyContext; export default compose( withSelect( ( select ) => { const { getSettings, getSettingsError, isUpdateSettingsRequesting, } = select( SETTINGS_STORE_NAME ); const { getProfileItems, isOnboardingRequesting, getEmailPrefill, hasFinishedResolution: hasFinishedResolutionOnboarding, } = select( ONBOARDING_STORE_NAME ); const { getLocale, getLocales, hasFinishedResolution: hasFinishedResolutionCountries, } = select( COUNTRIES_STORE_NAME ); const { isResolving } = select( OPTIONS_STORE_NAME ); const profileItems = getProfileItems(); const emailPrefill = getEmailPrefill(); const { general: settings = {} } = getSettings( 'general' ); const isBusy = isOnboardingRequesting( 'updateProfileItems' ) || isUpdateSettingsRequesting( 'general' ) || isResolving( 'getOption', [ 'woocommerce_allow_tracking' ] ); const isLoading = ! hasFinishedResolutionOnboarding( 'getProfileItems' ) || ! hasFinishedResolutionOnboarding( 'getEmailPrefill' ) || ! hasFinishedResolutionCountries( 'getLocales' ); const errorsRef = useRef( { settings: null, } ); errorsRef.current = { settings: getSettingsError( 'general' ), }; // Check if a store address is set so that we don't default // to WooCommerce's default country of the UK. const countryState = ( settings.woocommerce_store_address && settings.woocommerce_default_country ) || ''; getLocales(); const initialValues = { addressLine1: settings.woocommerce_store_address || '', addressLine2: settings.woocommerce_store_address_2 || '', city: settings.woocommerce_store_city || '', countryState, postCode: settings.woocommerce_store_postcode || '', isAgreeMarketing: typeof profileItems.is_agree_marketing === 'boolean' ? profileItems.is_agree_marketing : true, storeEmail: typeof profileItems.store_email === 'string' ? profileItems.store_email : emailPrefill, }; return { getLocale, initialValues, isLoading, profileItems, isBusy, settings, errorsRef, }; } ), withDispatch( ( dispatch ) => { const { createNotice } = dispatch( 'core/notices' ); const { invalidateResolutionForStoreSelector, updateProfileItems, } = dispatch( ONBOARDING_STORE_NAME ); const { updateAndPersistSettingsForGroup } = dispatch( SETTINGS_STORE_NAME ); return { createNotice, invalidateResolutionForStoreSelector, updateProfileItems, updateAndPersistSettingsForGroup, }; } ) )( StoreDetails );