/* eslint-disable jest/no-export, jest/no-disabled-tests */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const { merchant, waitForSelectorWithoutThrow, } = require( '@woocommerce/e2e-utils' ); /** * External dependencies */ const { it, describe, beforeAll, } = require( '@jest/globals' ); import deprecated from '@wordpress/deprecated'; /** * Quick check for page title and no data message. * * @param pageTitle Page title in H1. * @param element Defaults to '.d3-chart__empty-message' * @param elementText Defaults to 'No data for the selected date range' */ const checkHeadingAndElement = async ( pageTitle, element = '.d3-chart__empty-message', elementText = 'No data for the selected date range') => { await expect(page).toMatchElement('h1', {text: pageTitle}); // Depending on order of tests the chart may not be empty. const found = await waitForSelectorWithoutThrow( element ); if ( found ) { await expect(page).toMatchElement(element, {text: elementText}); } else { await expect(page).toMatchElement( '.woocommerce-chart' ); } }; // Analytics pages that we'll test against const pages = [ ['Overview'], ['Products'], ['Revenue'], ['Orders'], ['Variations'], ['Categories'], ['Coupons'], ['Taxes'], ['Downloads'], ['Stock', '.components-button > span', 'Product / Variation'], ['Settings', 'h2', 'Analytics Settings'] ]; const runAnalyticsPageLoadsTest = () => { describe('Analytics > Opening Top Level Pages', () => { beforeAll(async () => { await merchant.login(); }); deprecated( 'runAnalyticsPageLoadsTest', { alternative: '@woocommerce/admin-e2e-tests `testAdminAnalyticsPages()`', }); it.each(pages)( 'can see %s page properly', async (pageTitle, element, elementText) => { // Go to the desired page and verify it await merchant.openAnalyticsPage(pageTitle.toLowerCase()); await checkHeadingAndElement(pageTitle, element, elementText); } ); }); } module.exports = runAnalyticsPageLoadsTest;