headers as $header) { $string = WC_Makepot::get_addon_header($header, $source); if (!$string) continue; $args = array( 'singular' => $string, 'extracted_comments' => $header.' of the plugin/theme', ); $entry = new Translation_Entry($args); $pot .= "\n".PO::export_entry($entry)."\n"; } return $pot; } function append( $ext_filename, $pot_filename, $headers = null ) { if ( $headers ) $this->headers = (array) $headers; if ( is_dir( $ext_filename ) ) { $pot = implode('', array_map(array(&$this, 'load_from_file'), glob("$ext_filename/*.php"))); } else { $pot = $this->load_from_file($ext_filename); } $potf = '-' == $pot_filename? STDOUT : fopen( $pot_filename, 'a' ); if (!$potf) return false; fwrite($potf, $pot); if ('-' != $pot_filename) fclose($potf); return true; } } $included_files = get_included_files(); if ( $included_files[0] == __FILE__ ) { /** * Note: this file is locked by default since it should not be publicly accessible * on a live website. You can unlock it by temporarily removing the following line. */ exit( 'Locked' ); ini_set('display_errors', 1); $potextmeta = new PotExtMeta; if (!isset($argv[1])) { $potextmeta->usage(); } $potextmeta->append( $argv[1], isset( $argv[2] ) ? $argv[2] : '-', isset( $argv[3] ) ? $argv[3] : null ); }