/** * External dependencies */ import { __, _n, _x } from '@wordpress/i18n'; import { applyFilters } from '@wordpress/hooks'; import { Component } from '@wordpress/element'; import { map } from 'lodash'; import { Link } from '@woocommerce/components'; import { getNewPath, getPersistedQuery } from '@woocommerce/navigation'; import { formatValue } from '@woocommerce/number'; import { getAdminLink } from '@woocommerce/settings'; /** * Internal dependencies */ import ReportTable from '../../components/report-table'; import { isLowStock } from '../products/utils'; import { CurrencyContext } from '../../../lib/currency-context'; import { getVariationName } from '../../../lib/async-requests'; import { getAdminSetting } from '~/utils/admin-settings'; const EXPERIMENTAL_VARIATIONS_REPORT_TABLE_TITLE_FILTER = 'experimental_woocommerce_admin_variations_report_table_title'; const EXPERIMENTAL_VARIATIONS_REPORT_TABLE_SUMMARY_VARIATIONS_COUNT_LABEL_FILTER = 'experimental_woocommerce_admin_variations_report_table_summary_variations_count_label'; const manageStock = getAdminSetting( 'manageStock', 'no' ); const stockStatuses = getAdminSetting( 'stockStatuses', {} ); const getFullVariationName = ( rowData ) => getVariationName( rowData.extended_info || {} ); class VariationsReportTable extends Component { constructor() { super(); this.getHeadersContent = this.getHeadersContent.bind( this ); this.getRowsContent = this.getRowsContent.bind( this ); this.getSummary = this.getSummary.bind( this ); } getHeadersContent() { return [ { label: __( 'Product / Variation title', 'woocommerce' ), key: 'name', required: true, isLeftAligned: true, }, { label: __( 'SKU', 'woocommerce' ), key: 'sku', hiddenByDefault: true, isSortable: true, }, { label: __( 'Items sold', 'woocommerce' ), key: 'items_sold', required: true, defaultSort: true, isSortable: true, isNumeric: true, }, { label: __( 'Net sales', 'woocommerce' ), screenReaderLabel: __( 'Net sales', 'woocommerce' ), key: 'net_revenue', required: true, isSortable: true, isNumeric: true, }, { label: __( 'Orders', 'woocommerce' ), key: 'orders_count', isSortable: true, isNumeric: true, }, manageStock === 'yes' ? { label: __( 'Status', 'woocommerce' ), key: 'stock_status', } : null, manageStock === 'yes' ? { label: __( 'Stock', 'woocommerce' ), key: 'stock', isNumeric: true, } : null, ].filter( Boolean ); } getRowsContent( data = [] ) { const { query } = this.props; const persistedQuery = getPersistedQuery( query ); const { formatAmount, formatDecimal: getCurrencyFormatDecimal, getCurrencyConfig, } = this.context; return map( data, ( row ) => { const { items_sold: itemsSold, net_revenue: netRevenue, orders_count: ordersCount, product_id: productId, variation_id: variationId, } = row; const extendedInfo = row.extended_info || {}; const { stock_status: stockStatus, stock_quantity: stockQuantity, low_stock_amount: lowStockAmount, deleted, sku, } = extendedInfo; const name = getFullVariationName( row ); const ordersLink = getNewPath( persistedQuery, '/analytics/orders', { filter: 'advanced', variation_includes: variationId, } ); const editPostLink = getAdminLink( `post.php?post=${ productId }&action=edit` ); return [ { display: deleted ? ( name + ' ' + __( '(Deleted)', 'woocommerce' ) ) : ( { name } ), value: name, }, { display: sku, value: sku, }, { display: formatValue( getCurrencyConfig(), 'number', itemsSold ), value: itemsSold, }, { display: formatAmount( netRevenue ), value: getCurrencyFormatDecimal( netRevenue ), }, { display: ( { ordersCount } ), value: ordersCount, }, manageStock === 'yes' ? { display: isLowStock( stockStatus, stockQuantity, lowStockAmount ) ? ( { _x( 'Low', 'Indication of a low quantity', 'woocommerce' ) } ) : ( stockStatuses[ stockStatus ] ), value: stockStatuses[ stockStatus ], } : null, manageStock === 'yes' ? { display: stockQuantity, value: stockQuantity, } : null, ].filter( Boolean ); } ); } getSummary( totals ) { const { query } = this.props; const { variations_count: variationsCount = 0, items_sold: itemsSold = 0, net_revenue: netRevenue = 0, orders_count: ordersCount = 0, } = totals; const { formatAmount, getCurrencyConfig } = this.context; const currency = getCurrencyConfig(); return [ { /** * Experimental: Filter the label used for the number of variations in the report table summary. * * @filter experimental_woocommerce_admin_variations_report_table_summary_variations_count_label * * @param {string} label Label used for the count. * @param {string} variationsCount Number of variations. * @param {Array} query Query parameters. */ label: applyFilters( EXPERIMENTAL_VARIATIONS_REPORT_TABLE_SUMMARY_VARIATIONS_COUNT_LABEL_FILTER, _n( 'variation sold', 'variations sold', variationsCount, 'woocommerce' ), variationsCount, query ), value: formatValue( currency, 'number', variationsCount ), }, { label: _n( 'item sold', 'items sold', itemsSold, 'woocommerce' ), value: formatValue( currency, 'number', itemsSold ), }, { label: __( 'net sales', 'woocommerce' ), value: formatAmount( netRevenue ), }, { label: _n( 'orders', 'orders', ordersCount, 'woocommerce' ), value: formatValue( currency, 'number', ordersCount ), }, ]; } render() { const { advancedFilters, baseSearchQuery, filters, isRequesting, query, } = this.props; const labels = { helpText: __( 'Check at least two variations below to compare', 'woocommerce' ), placeholder: __( 'Search by variation name or SKU', 'woocommerce' ), }; return ( ); } } VariationsReportTable.contextType = CurrencyContext; export default VariationsReportTable;