"SUM($products_table.product_qty) as items_sold", 'net_revenue' => "SUM($products_table.product_net_revenue ) AS net_revenue", 'orders_count' => "COUNT( DISTINCT $products_table.order_id ) AS orders_count", 'products_count' => "COUNT( DISTINCT $products_table.product_id ) AS products_count", 'variations_count' => "COUNT( DISTINCT $products_table.variation_id ) AS variations_count", ); return $this->prepare_selections( $columns_mapping ); } /** * Calculate segments for totals where the segmenting property is bound to product (e.g. category, product_id, variation_id). * * @param array $segmenting_selections SELECT part of segmenting SQL query--one for 'product_level' and one for 'order_level'. * @param string $segmenting_from FROM part of segmenting SQL query. * @param string $segmenting_where WHERE part of segmenting SQL query. * @param string $segmenting_groupby GROUP BY part of segmenting SQL query. * @param string $segmenting_dimension_name Name of the segmenting dimension. * @param string $table_name Name of SQL table which is the stats table for orders. * @param array $totals_query Array of SQL clauses for totals query. * @param string $unique_orders_table Name of temporary SQL table that holds unique orders. * * @return array */ protected function get_product_related_totals_segments( $segmenting_selections, $segmenting_from, $segmenting_where, $segmenting_groupby, $segmenting_dimension_name, $table_name, $totals_query, $unique_orders_table ) { global $wpdb; $product_segmenting_table = $wpdb->prefix . 'wc_order_product_lookup'; // Can't get all the numbers from one query, so split it into one query for product-level numbers and one for order-level numbers (which first need to have orders uniqued). // Product-level numbers. $segments_products = $wpdb->get_results( "SELECT $segmenting_groupby AS $segmenting_dimension_name {$segmenting_selections['product_level']} FROM $table_name $segmenting_from {$totals_query['from_clause']} WHERE 1=1 {$totals_query['where_time_clause']} {$totals_query['where_clause']} $segmenting_where GROUP BY $segmenting_groupby", ARRAY_A ); // WPCS: cache ok, DB call ok, unprepared SQL ok. $totals_segments = $this->merge_segment_totals_results( $segmenting_dimension_name, $segments_products, array() ); return $totals_segments; } /** * Calculate segments for intervals where the segmenting property is bound to product (e.g. category, product_id, variation_id). * * @param array $segmenting_selections SELECT part of segmenting SQL query--one for 'product_level' and one for 'order_level'. * @param string $segmenting_from FROM part of segmenting SQL query. * @param string $segmenting_where WHERE part of segmenting SQL query. * @param string $segmenting_groupby GROUP BY part of segmenting SQL query. * @param string $segmenting_dimension_name Name of the segmenting dimension. * @param string $table_name Name of SQL table which is the stats table for orders. * @param array $intervals_query Array of SQL clauses for intervals query. * @param string $unique_orders_table Name of temporary SQL table that holds unique orders. * * @return array */ protected function get_product_related_intervals_segments( $segmenting_selections, $segmenting_from, $segmenting_where, $segmenting_groupby, $segmenting_dimension_name, $table_name, $intervals_query, $unique_orders_table ) { global $wpdb; $product_segmenting_table = $wpdb->prefix . 'wc_order_product_lookup'; // LIMIT offset, rowcount needs to be updated to LIMIT offset, rowcount * max number of segments. $limit_parts = explode( ',', $intervals_query['limit'] ); $orig_rowcount = intval( $limit_parts[1] ); $segmenting_limit = $limit_parts[0] . ',' . $orig_rowcount * count( $this->get_all_segments() ); // Can't get all the numbers from one query, so split it into one query for product-level numbers and one for order-level numbers (which first need to have orders uniqued). // Product-level numbers. $segments_products = $wpdb->get_results( "SELECT {$intervals_query['select_clause']} AS time_interval, $segmenting_groupby AS $segmenting_dimension_name {$segmenting_selections['product_level']} FROM $table_name $segmenting_from {$intervals_query['from_clause']} WHERE 1=1 {$intervals_query['where_time_clause']} {$intervals_query['where_clause']} $segmenting_where GROUP BY time_interval, $segmenting_groupby $segmenting_limit", ARRAY_A ); // WPCS: cache ok, DB call ok, unprepared SQL ok. $intervals_segments = $this->merge_segment_intervals_results( $segmenting_dimension_name, $segments_products, array() ); return $intervals_segments; } /** * Return array of segments formatted for REST response. * * @param string $type Type of segments to return--'totals' or 'intervals'. * @param array $query_params SQL query parameter array. * @param string $table_name Name of main SQL table for the data store (used as basis for JOINS). * * @return array * @throws WC_Admin_Reports_Parameter_Exception In case of segmenting by variations, when no parent product is specified. */ protected function get_segments( $type, $query_params, $table_name ) { global $wpdb; if ( ! isset( $this->query_args['segmentby'] ) || '' === $this->query_args['segmentby'] ) { return array(); } $product_segmenting_table = $wpdb->prefix . 'wc_order_product_lookup'; $unique_orders_table = 'uniq_orders'; $segmenting_where = ''; // Product, variation, and category are bound to product, so here product segmenting table is required, // while coupon and customer are bound to order, so we don't need the extra JOIN for those. // This also means that segment selections need to be calculated differently. if ( 'product' === $this->query_args['segmentby'] ) { $segmenting_selections = array( 'product_level' => $this->get_segment_selections_product_level( $product_segmenting_table ), ); $segmenting_from = ''; $segmenting_groupby = $product_segmenting_table . '.product_id'; $segmenting_dimension_name = 'product_id'; $segments = $this->get_product_related_segments( $type, $segmenting_selections, $segmenting_from, $segmenting_where, $segmenting_groupby, $segmenting_dimension_name, $table_name, $query_params, $unique_orders_table ); } elseif ( 'variation' === $this->query_args['segmentby'] ) { if ( ! isset( $this->query_args['product_includes'] ) || count( $this->query_args['product_includes'] ) !== 1 ) { throw new WC_Admin_Reports_Parameter_Exception( 'wc_admin_reports_invalid_segmenting_variation', __( 'product_includes parameter need to specify exactly one product when segmenting by variation.', 'woocommerce-admin' ) ); } $segmenting_selections = array( 'product_level' => $this->get_segment_selections_product_level( $product_segmenting_table ), ); $segmenting_from = ''; $segmenting_where = "AND $product_segmenting_table.product_id = {$this->query_args['product_includes'][0]}"; $segmenting_groupby = $product_segmenting_table . '.variation_id'; $segmenting_dimension_name = 'variation_id'; $segments = $this->get_product_related_segments( $type, $segmenting_selections, $segmenting_from, $segmenting_where, $segmenting_groupby, $segmenting_dimension_name, $table_name, $query_params, $unique_orders_table ); } elseif ( 'category' === $this->query_args['segmentby'] ) { $segmenting_selections = array( 'product_level' => $this->get_segment_selections_product_level( $product_segmenting_table ), ); $segmenting_from = " LEFT JOIN {$wpdb->prefix}term_relationships ON {$product_segmenting_table}.product_id = {$wpdb->prefix}term_relationships.object_id RIGHT JOIN {$wpdb->prefix}term_taxonomy ON {$wpdb->prefix}term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = {$wpdb->prefix}term_taxonomy.term_taxonomy_id "; $segmenting_where = " AND taxonomy = 'product_cat'"; $segmenting_groupby = 'wp_term_taxonomy.term_id'; $segmenting_dimension_name = 'category_id'; $segments = $this->get_product_related_segments( $type, $segmenting_selections, $segmenting_from, $segmenting_where, $segmenting_groupby, $segmenting_dimension_name, $table_name, $query_params, $unique_orders_table ); } return $segments; } }