/** * External dependencies */ import { select } from '@wordpress/data'; // Stand-in wcTracks.recordEvent in case tracks is not available (for any reason). window.wcTracks = window.wcTracks || {}; window.wcTracks.recordEvent = window.wcTracks.recordEvent || function() {}; export const recordEditorEvent = function( event, props ) { // Force prefix - our editor events will be 'wcadmin_blocks_*'. const blocksPrefix = 'blocks_'; const postData = select( 'core/editor' ); // If tracks is not available (e.g. opt-out), recordEvent is a no-op. window.wcTracks.recordEvent( blocksPrefix + event, { // Automatically include post id and post type props. post_id: postData.getCurrentPostId(), post_type: postData.getCurrentPostType(), ...props, } ); };