/** * External dependencies */ import { useMemo } from '@wordpress/element'; import { __, sprintf } from '@wordpress/i18n'; import { CURRENT_USER_IS_ADMIN } from '@woocommerce/settings'; /** * Internal dependencies */ import { returnTrue } from '../utils'; type CheckoutFilterFunction = < T >( value: T, extensions: Record< string, unknown >, args?: CheckoutFilterArguments ) => T; type CheckoutFilterArguments = | ( Record< string, unknown > & { context?: string; } ) | null; let checkoutFilters: Record< string, Record< string, CheckoutFilterFunction > > = {}; /** * Register filters for a specific extension. */ export const __experimentalRegisterCheckoutFilters = ( namespace: string, filters: Record< string, CheckoutFilterFunction > ): void => { checkoutFilters = { ...checkoutFilters, [ namespace ]: filters, }; }; /** * Get all filters with a specific name. * * @param {string} filterName Name of the filter to search for. * @return {Function[]} Array of functions that are registered for that filter * name. */ const getCheckoutFilters = ( filterName: string ): CheckoutFilterFunction[] => { const namespaces = Object.keys( checkoutFilters ); const filters = namespaces .map( ( namespace ) => checkoutFilters[ namespace ][ filterName ] ) .filter( Boolean ); return filters; }; /** * Apply a filter. */ export const __experimentalApplyCheckoutFilter = < T >( { filterName, defaultValue, extensions = {}, arg = null, validation = returnTrue, }: { /** Name of the filter to apply. */ filterName: string; /** Default value to filter. */ defaultValue: T; /** Values extend to REST API response. */ extensions?: Record< string, unknown >; /** Object containing arguments for the filter function. */ arg?: CheckoutFilterArguments; /** Function that needs to return true when the filtered value is passed in order for the filter to be applied. */ validation?: ( value: T ) => true | Error; } ): T => { return useMemo( () => { const filters = getCheckoutFilters( filterName ); let value = defaultValue; filters.forEach( ( filter ) => { try { const newValue = filter( value, extensions, arg ); if ( typeof newValue !== typeof value ) { throw new Error( sprintf( /* translators: %1$s is the type of the variable passed to the filter function, %2$s is the type of the value returned by the filter function. */ __( 'The type returned by checkout filters must be the same as the type they receive. The function received %1$s but returned %2$s.', 'woo-gutenberg-products-block' ), typeof value, typeof newValue ) ); } value = validation( newValue ) ? newValue : value; } catch ( e ) { if ( CURRENT_USER_IS_ADMIN ) { throw e; } else { // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console.error( e ); } } } ); return value; }, [ filterName, defaultValue, extensions, arg, validation ] ); };