/** * External dependencies */ import { __, sprintf } from '@wordpress/i18n'; import { Icon, warning } from '@wordpress/icons'; export const setupErrorTypes = { DOWNLOAD: 'download', INSTALL: 'install', ACTIVATE: 'activate', SETUP: 'setup', START: 'start', }; const setupErrorDescriptions = { [ setupErrorTypes.DOWNLOAD ]: __( 'download', 'woocommerce' ), [ setupErrorTypes.INSTALL ]: __( 'install', 'woocommerce' ), [ setupErrorTypes.ACTIVATE ]: __( 'activate', 'woocommerce' ), [ setupErrorTypes.SETUP ]: __( 'set up', 'woocommerce' ), [ setupErrorTypes.START ]: __( 'start', 'woocommerce' ), }; export default function SetupNotice( { isSetupError, errorReason } ) { const getErrorMessage = ( errorType ) => { // Default to 'set up' description if the error type somehow doesn't exist. const description = errorType in setupErrorDescriptions ? setupErrorDescriptions[ errorType ] : setupErrorDescriptions[ setupErrorTypes.SETUP ]; return sprintf( __( 'Unable to %s the plugin. Refresh the page and try again.', 'woocommerce' ), description ); }; if ( ! isSetupError ) { return null; } return (
{ getErrorMessage( errorReason ) }
); }