msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: WooCommerce v1.1.3\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" "POT-Creation-Date: \n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2011-11-01 10:32+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Roy Dittmann \n" "Language-Team: \n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n" "X-Poedit-Language: German\n" "X-Poedit-Country: GERMANY\n" "X-Poedit-SourceCharset: utf-8\n" "X-Poedit-KeywordsList: __;_e;__ngettext:1,2;_n:1,2;__ngettext_noop:1,2;_n_noop:1,2;_c,_nc:4c,1,2;_x:1,2c;_ex:1,2c;_nx:4c,1,2;_nx_noop:4c,1,2;\n" "X-Poedit-Basepath: ../\n" "X-Poedit-Bookmarks: \n" "X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: .\n" "X-Textdomain-Support: yes" #: admin/admin-attributes.php:107 #: admin/admin-attributes.php:152 #: admin/admin-init.php:40 #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:40 #@ woothemes msgid "Attributes" msgstr "Attribute" #: admin/admin-attributes.php:113 #@ woothemes msgid "Edit Attribute" msgstr "Attribut bearbeiten" #: admin/admin-attributes.php:114 #@ woothemes msgid "Attribute taxonomy names cannot be changed; you may only change an attributes type." msgstr "Die Taxonomie-Bezeichungen von Attributen können nicht geändert werden. Sie haben lediglich die Möglichkeit, die Attribut-Art zu ändern." #: admin/admin-attributes.php:118 #: admin/admin-attributes.php:220 #@ woothemes msgid "Attribute Label" msgstr "Attribut benennen" #: admin/admin-attributes.php:120 #: admin/admin-attributes.php:222 #@ woothemes msgid "Label for the attribute (shown on the front-end)." msgstr "Benennung des Attributs (wird im Front-end angezeigt)" #: admin/admin-attributes.php:123 #: admin/admin-attributes.php:225 #@ woothemes msgid "Attribute type" msgstr "Attribut-Art" #: admin/admin-attributes.php:125 #: admin/admin-attributes.php:227 #@ woothemes msgid "Select" msgstr "Auswählen" #: admin/admin-attributes.php:126 #: admin/admin-attributes.php:228 #@ woothemes msgid "Text" msgstr "Text" #: admin/admin-attributes.php:130 #@ woothemes msgid "Save Attribute" msgstr "Attribut speichern" #: admin/admin-attributes.php:160 #: admin/admin-post-types.php:85 #: admin/admin-post-types.php:132 #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:130 #: templates/single-product-reviews.php:77 #@ woothemes #@ default msgid "Name" msgstr "Name" #: admin/admin-attributes.php:161 #@ woothemes msgid "Label" msgstr "Beschriftung" #: admin/admin-attributes.php:162 #: admin/admin-post-types.php:134 #: classes/shipping/shipping-flat_rate.php:109 #@ woothemes msgid "Type" msgstr "Art" #: admin/admin-attributes.php:163 #@ woothemes msgid "Terms" msgstr "Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen (AGB)" #: admin/admin-attributes.php:177 #: admin/admin-import.php:64 #: shortcodes/shortcode-my_account.php:102 #: shortcodes/shortcode-my_account.php:131 #: woocommerce_taxonomy.php:138 #: woocommerce_taxonomy.php:164 #: woocommerce_taxonomy.php:197 #: woocommerce_taxonomy.php:227 #: woocommerce_taxonomy.php:260 #@ woothemes msgid "Edit" msgstr "Bearbeiten" #: admin/admin-attributes.php:177 #@ woothemes msgid "Delete" msgstr "Löschen" #: admin/admin-attributes.php:197 #@ woothemes msgid "Configure terms" msgstr "AGB konfigurieren" #: admin/admin-attributes.php:201 #@ woothemes msgid "No attributes currently exist." msgstr "Derzeit keine Attribute vorhanden." #: admin/admin-attributes.php:211 #@ woothemes msgid "Add New Attribute" msgstr "Neues Attribut hinzufügen" #: admin/admin-attributes.php:212 #@ woothemes msgid "Attributes let you define extra product data, such as size or colour. You can use these attributes in the shop sidebar using the \"layered nav\" widgets. Please note: you cannot rename an attribute later on." msgstr "Mit Attributen können Sie zusätzliche Produkteigenschaften wie Größe oder Farbe definieren. Sie können diese Attribute in der Shop-Sidebar mit dem Widget \"Layer-Navigation\" nutzen. Zu beachten: Attribute können später nicht umbenannt werden." #: admin/admin-attributes.php:215 #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:195 #@ woothemes msgid "Attribute Name" msgstr "Attributname" #: admin/admin-attributes.php:217 #@ woothemes msgid "Unique name/reference for the attribute; must be shorter than 28 characters." msgstr "Der eindeutige Name/ die Bezeichnung des Attributs darf nicht länger als 28 Zeichen sein." #: admin/admin-attributes.php:230 #@ woothemes msgid "Determines how you select attributes for products. Text allows manual entry via the product page, whereas select attribute terms can be defined from this section. If you plan on using an attribute for variations use select." msgstr "Bestimmt, wie Attribute für Produkte ausgewählt werden. Text ermöglicht Ihnen die Eingabe von Hand über die Produktseite, während Sie mit Auswählen Attributbezeichnungen über diesen Bereich zuweisen können. Falls Sie Attribute für Varianten verwenden möchten, nutzen Sie Auswählen." #: admin/admin-attributes.php:233 #@ woothemes msgid "Add Attribute" msgstr "Attribut hinzufügen" #: admin/admin-attributes.php:244 #@ woothemes msgid "Are you sure you want to delete this attribute?" msgstr "Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie dieses Attribut löschen möchten?" #: admin/admin-dashboard.php:26 #@ woothemes msgid "Shop Content" msgstr "Shop Inhalt" #: admin/admin-dashboard.php:34 #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:314 #: woocommerce_taxonomy.php:160 #@ woothemes msgid "Products" msgstr "Produkte" #: admin/admin-dashboard.php:40 #: widgets/widget-product_categories.php:38 #@ woothemes msgid "Product Categories" msgstr "Produktkategorien" #: admin/admin-dashboard.php:46 #: widgets/widget-product_tag_cloud.php:42 #@ woothemes msgid "Product Tags" msgstr "Produkt Schlagwörter" #: admin/admin-dashboard.php:52 #@ woothemes msgid "Attribute taxonomies" msgstr "Attribut-Taxonomien" #: admin/admin-dashboard.php:62 #: woocommerce_taxonomy.php:223 #@ woothemes msgid "Orders" msgstr "Bestellungen" #: admin/admin-dashboard.php:66 #@ woothemes msgid "Pending" msgstr "Unerledigt" #: admin/admin-dashboard.php:70 #@ woothemes msgid "On-Hold" msgstr "Wartend" #: admin/admin-dashboard.php:74 #: admin/admin-post-types.php:528 #@ woothemes msgid "Processing" msgstr "Bearbeitung" #: admin/admin-dashboard.php:78 #@ woothemes msgid "Completed" msgstr "Abgeschlossen" #: admin/admin-dashboard.php:100 #: admin/admin-reports.php:29 #@ woothemes msgid "Monthly Sales" msgstr "Monatliche Verkäufe" #: admin/admin-dashboard.php:103 #@ woothemes msgid "WooCommerce recent orders" msgstr "WooCommerce Kürzlich aufgegebene Bestellungen" #: admin/admin-dashboard.php:104 #@ woothemes msgid "WooCommerce recent reviews" msgstr "WooCommerce Kürzlich abgegebene Bewertungen" #: admin/admin-dashboard.php:129 #: admin/admin-reports.php:307 #@ woothemes msgid "item" msgid_plural "items" msgstr[0] "Produkt" msgstr[1] "Produkte" #: admin/admin-dashboard.php:129 #: admin/admin-reports.php:307 #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:329 #: shortcodes/shortcode-pay.php:108 #: shortcodes/shortcode-thankyou.php:71 #: templates/emails/customer_completed_order.php:39 #: templates/emails/customer_note_notification.php:43 #: templates/emails/customer_pay_for_order.php:43 #: templates/emails/customer_processing_order.php:39 #: templates/emails/new_order.php:39 #@ woothemes msgid "Total:" msgstr "Gesamt:" #: admin/admin-dashboard.php:163 #: classes/product.class.php:635 #: templates/single-product-reviews.php:29 #: widgets/widget-recent_reviews.php:74 #: woocommerce.php:527 #@ woothemes msgid "out of 5" msgstr "aus 5" #: admin/admin-dashboard.php:171 #@ woothemes msgid "There are no product reviews yet." msgstr "Bisher gibt es keine Kundenbewertungen." #: admin/admin-import.php:60 #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:754 #: widgets/widget-product_search.php:50 #: woocommerce_taxonomy.php:134 #@ woothemes msgid "Search" msgstr "Suche" #: admin/admin-import.php:61 #: woocommerce_taxonomy.php:135 #@ woothemes msgid "All" msgstr "Alle" #: admin/admin-import.php:62 #: admin/admin-import.php:63 #: woocommerce_taxonomy.php:136 #: woocommerce_taxonomy.php:137 #@ woothemes msgid "Parent" msgstr "Vorgänger" #: admin/admin-import.php:65 #: woocommerce_taxonomy.php:139 #@ woothemes msgid "Update" msgstr "Aktualisieren" #: admin/admin-import.php:66 #: woocommerce_taxonomy.php:140 #@ woothemes msgid "Add New" msgstr "Hinzufügen" #: admin/admin-import.php:67 #: woocommerce_taxonomy.php:141 #@ woothemes msgid "New" msgstr "Neu" #: admin/admin-init.php:37 #@ woothemes msgid "WooCommerce" msgstr "WooCommerce" #: admin/admin-init.php:38 #@ woothemes msgid "Settings" msgstr "Einstellungen" #: admin/admin-init.php:39 #@ woothemes msgid "Reports" msgstr "Berichte" #: admin/admin-init.php:91 #@ woothemes msgid "Remove this item? If you have previously reduced this item's stock, or this order was submitted by a customer, will need to manually restore the item's stock." msgstr "Dieses Produkt entfernen? Wenn Sie zuvor den Bestand des Produkts reduziert haben oder diese Bestellung von einem Kunden eingereicht wurde, muss der Bestand manuell erhöht werden." #: admin/admin-init.php:92 #@ woothemes msgid "Calc totals based on order items, discount amount, and shipping?" msgstr "Der errechnete Betrag basiert auf den bestellten Produkten, der Höhe des Rabatts und der Versandkosten?" #: admin/admin-init.php:93 #@ woothemes msgid "Copy billing information to shipping information? This will remove any currently entered shipping information." msgstr "Rechnungsangaben als Versandangaben speichern? Alle bisher eingegebenen Versandinformationen werden damit gelöscht." #: admin/admin-init.php:95 #: admin/admin-post-types.php:84 #: admin/admin-post-types.php:133 #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:128 #@ woothemes msgid "ID" msgstr "ID" #: admin/admin-init.php:96 #@ woothemes msgid "Item Name" msgstr "Produktbezeichnung" #: admin/admin-init.php:97 #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:192 #: woocommerce_actions.php:230 #@ woothemes msgid "Quantity e.g. 2" msgstr "Anzahl z.B.: 2" #: admin/admin-init.php:98 #@ woothemes msgid "Cost per unit e.g. 2.99" msgstr "Stückpreis z. B.: 2,99" #: admin/admin-init.php:99 #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:194 #: woocommerce_actions.php:232 #@ woothemes msgid "Tax Rate e.g. 20.0000" msgstr "Steuersatz z. B.: 20.0000" #: admin/admin-init.php:100 #@ woothemes msgid "Meta Name" msgstr "Meta-Name" #: admin/admin-init.php:101 #@ woothemes msgid "Meta Value" msgstr "Meta-Wert" #: admin/admin-init.php:102 #@ woothemes msgid "Select terms" msgstr "AGB ansehen" #: admin/admin-post-types.php:835 #, php-format #@ woothemes msgid "[%s with SKU of %s]" msgstr "[%s mit ArtNr. von %s]" #: admin/admin-post-types.php:841 #, php-format #@ woothemes msgid "[%s with ID of %d]" msgstr "[%s mit ID von %d]" #: admin/admin-init.php:258 #@ woothemes msgid "No product to duplicate has been supplied!" msgstr "Kein Produkt zum Duplizieren vorhanden!" #: admin/admin-init.php:278 #@ woothemes msgid "Product creation failed, could not find original product:" msgstr "Produktauswahl fehlgeschlagen, es konnte kein Originalprodukt gefunden werden:" #: admin/admin-init.php:296 #@ woothemes msgid "Make a duplicate from this product" msgstr "Duplizieren Sie dieses Produkt" #: admin/admin-init.php:297 #@ woothemes msgid "Duplicate" msgstr "Duplizieren" #: admin/admin-init.php:320 #@ woothemes msgid "Copy to a new draft" msgstr "In einen neuen Entwurf kopieren" #: admin/admin-init.php:356 #@ woothemes msgid " (Copy)" msgstr "(Kopieren)" #: admin/admin-install.php:188 #@ woothemes msgctxt "page_slug" msgid "shop" msgstr "shop" #: admin/admin-install.php:188 #@ woothemes msgid "Shop" msgstr "Shop" #: admin/admin-install.php:191 #@ woothemes msgctxt "page_slug" msgid "cart" msgstr "warenkorb" #: admin/admin-install.php:191 #: widgets/widget-cart.php:42 #@ woothemes msgid "Cart" msgstr "Warenkorb" #: admin/admin-install.php:194 #@ woothemes msgctxt "page_slug" msgid "checkout" msgstr "kasse" #: admin/admin-install.php:194 #: admin/admin-settings.php:91 #@ woothemes msgid "Checkout" msgstr "Kasse" #: admin/admin-install.php:197 #@ woothemes msgctxt "page_slug" msgid "order-tracking" msgstr "sendungsverfolgung" #: admin/admin-install.php:197 #@ woothemes msgid "Track your order" msgstr "Status Ihrer Bestellung einsehen" #: admin/admin-install.php:200 #@ woothemes msgctxt "page_slug" msgid "my-account" msgstr "mein-konto" #: admin/admin-install.php:200 #: admin/admin-settings.php:132 #: shortcodes/shortcode-thankyou.php:53 #@ woothemes msgid "My Account" msgstr "Mein Konto" #: admin/admin-install.php:203 #@ woothemes msgctxt "page_slug" msgid "edit-address" msgstr "adresse-bearbeiten" #: admin/admin-install.php:203 #@ woothemes msgid "Edit My Address" msgstr "Meine Adresse bearbeiten" #: admin/admin-install.php:206 #@ woothemes msgctxt "page_slug" msgid "view-order" msgstr "bestellung-ansehen" #: admin/admin-install.php:206 #: woocommerce_taxonomy.php:230 #: woocommerce_taxonomy.php:231 #@ woothemes msgid "View Order" msgstr "Bestellung ansehen" #: admin/admin-install.php:209 #@ woothemes msgctxt "page_slug" msgid "change-password" msgstr "passwort-aendern" #: admin/admin-install.php:209 #@ woothemes msgid "Change Password" msgstr "Passwort ändern" #: admin/admin-install.php:212 #@ woothemes msgctxt "page_slug" msgid "pay" msgstr "bezahlen" #: admin/admin-install.php:212 #@ woothemes msgid "Checkout → Pay" msgstr "Zur Kasse" #: admin/admin-install.php:215 #@ woothemes msgctxt "page_slug" msgid "order-received" msgstr "auftrag-eingegangen" #: admin/admin-install.php:215 #: woocommerce_emails.php:132 #@ woothemes msgid "Order Received" msgstr "Auftrag eingegangen" #: admin/admin-post-types.php:22 #@ woothemes msgid "Code" msgstr "Code" #: admin/admin-post-types.php:23 #@ woothemes msgid "Coupon type" msgstr "Gutscheinart" #: admin/admin-post-types.php:24 #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-coupon_data.php:33 #@ woothemes msgid "Coupon amount" msgstr "Gutscheinbetrag" #: admin/admin-post-types.php:25 #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-coupon_data.php:39 #@ woothemes msgid "Product IDs" msgstr "Produkt-IDs" #: admin/admin-post-types.php:26 #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-coupon_data.php:45 #@ woothemes msgid "Usage limit" msgstr "Nutzungslimit" #: admin/admin-post-types.php:27 #@ woothemes msgid "Usage count" msgstr "Nutzungsanzahl" #: admin/admin-post-types.php:28 #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-coupon_data.php:48 #@ woothemes msgid "Expiry date" msgstr "Ablaufdatum" #: admin/admin-post-types.php:83 #@ woothemes msgid "Thumb" msgstr "Miniaturbild" #: admin/admin-post-types.php:86 #: woocommerce_taxonomy.php:172 #@ woothemes msgid "Parent Product" msgstr "Übergeordnetes Produkt" #: admin/admin-post-types.php:130 #@ woothemes msgid "Image" msgstr "Bild" #: admin/admin-post-types.php:136 #: woocommerce_taxonomy.php:49 #: woocommerce_taxonomy.php:51 #@ woothemes msgid "Categories" msgstr "Kategorien" #: admin/admin-post-types.php:137 #: woocommerce_taxonomy.php:72 #: woocommerce_taxonomy.php:74 #@ woothemes msgid "Tags" msgstr "Schlagwörter" #: admin/admin-post-types.php:138 #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:763 #@ woothemes msgid "Featured" msgstr "Empfohlen" #: admin/admin-post-types.php:141 #@ woothemes msgid "In Stock?" msgstr "Verfügbar?" #: admin/admin-post-types.php:144 #: shortcodes/shortcode-cart.php:86 #: shortcodes/shortcode-order_tracking.php:81 #: templates/emails/customer_completed_order.php:18 #: templates/emails/customer_note_notification.php:22 #: templates/emails/customer_pay_for_order.php:22 #: templates/emails/customer_processing_order.php:18 #: templates/emails/new_order.php:18 #: woocommerce_template_functions.php:517 #@ woothemes msgid "Price" msgstr "Preis" #: admin/admin-post-types.php:145 #: admin/admin-post-types.php:425 #: shortcodes/shortcode-my_account.php:58 #@ woothemes msgid "Date" msgstr "Datum" #: admin/admin-post-types.php:184 #@ woothemes msgid "Change" msgstr "Ändern" #: admin/admin-post-types.php:196 #: admin/admin-reports.php:1478 #: admin/admin-reports.php:1500 #@ woothemes msgid " in stock" msgstr "vorrätig" #: admin/admin-post-types.php:204 #: admin/admin-post-types.php:507 #@ default msgid "Unpublished" msgstr "Nicht veröffentlicht" #: admin/admin-post-types.php:207 #: admin/admin-post-types.php:510 #@ default msgid "Y/m/d g:i:s A" msgstr "Y/m/d g:i:s A" #: admin/admin-post-types.php:214 #: admin/admin-post-types.php:517 #, php-format #@ default msgid "%s ago" msgstr "%s vorher" #: admin/admin-post-types.php:216 #: admin/admin-post-types.php:519 #@ default msgid "Y/m/d" msgstr "Y/m/d" #: admin/admin-post-types.php:222 #@ default msgid "Published" msgstr "Veröffentlicht" #: admin/admin-post-types.php:225 #@ default msgid "Missed schedule" msgstr "Termin verpasst" #: admin/admin-post-types.php:227 #@ default msgid "Scheduled" msgstr "Geplant" #: admin/admin-post-types.php:230 #@ default msgid "Last Modified" msgstr "Zuletzt geändert" #: woocommerce_taxonomy.php:408 #@ woothemes msgid "Show all categories" msgstr "Alle Kategorien anzeigen" #: admin/admin-post-types.php:380 #@ woothemes msgid "Exclude image" msgstr "Bild schließen" #: admin/admin-post-types.php:389 #@ woothemes msgid "Enabling this option will hide it from the product page image gallery." msgstr "Aktivierung dieser Option wird es in der Produktseitengalerie verbergen." #: admin/admin-post-types.php:420 #: shortcodes/shortcode-my_account.php:61 #@ woothemes msgid "Status" msgstr "Status" #: admin/admin-post-types.php:421 #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:52 #: woocommerce_taxonomy.php:224 #@ woothemes msgid "Order" msgstr "Bestellung" #: admin/admin-post-types.php:422 #@ woothemes msgid "Billing" msgstr "Rechnung" #: admin/admin-post-types.php:423 #: admin/admin-settings.php:929 #: shortcodes/shortcode-order_tracking.php:91 #: templates/checkout/pay_for_order.php:18 #: templates/checkout/review_order.php:19 #: woocommerce_template_functions.php:725 #: woocommerce_template_functions.php:1248 #@ woothemes msgid "Shipping" msgstr "Versand" #: admin/admin-post-types.php:424 #@ woothemes msgid "Order Total" msgstr "Bestellung gesamt" #: admin/admin-post-types.php:445 #, php-format #@ woothemes msgid "%s" msgstr "%s" #: admin/admin-post-types.php:450 #, php-format #@ woothemes msgid "Order #%s" msgstr "Bestellung #%s" #: admin/admin-post-types.php:464 #: admin/admin-reports.php:301 #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:72 #: woocommerce_actions.php:1028 #: woocommerce_actions.php:1081 #@ woothemes msgid "Guest" msgstr "Gast" #: admin/admin-post-types.php:467 #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:70 #@ woothemes msgid "Customer:" msgstr "Kunde:" #: admin/admin-post-types.php:470 #: templates/emails/customer_completed_order.php:53 #: templates/emails/customer_note_notification.php:57 #: templates/emails/customer_processing_order.php:53 #: templates/emails/new_order.php:53 #: woocommerce_template_functions.php:1304 #@ woothemes msgid "Email:" msgstr "E-Mail:" #: admin/admin-post-types.php:473 #: templates/emails/customer_completed_order.php:56 #: templates/emails/customer_note_notification.php:60 #: templates/emails/customer_processing_order.php:56 #: templates/emails/new_order.php:56 #@ woothemes msgid "Tel:" msgstr "Tel.:" #: admin/admin-post-types.php:484 #@ woothemes msgid "Paid via" msgstr "Bezahlt per" #: admin/admin-post-types.php:499 #@ woothemes msgid "Shipped via" msgstr "Versand durch" #: admin/admin-post-types.php:594 #@ woothemes msgid "Show all statuses" msgstr "Jeden Status anzeigen" #: admin/admin-post-types.php:623 #@ woothemes msgid "Show all customers" msgstr "Alle Kunden anzeigen" #: admin/admin-post-types.php:699 #: admin/admin-post-types.php:700 #@ woothemes msgid "Order updated." msgstr "Bestellung aktualisiert." #: admin/admin-post-types.php:701 #@ woothemes msgid "Order published." msgstr "Bestellung veröffentlicht." #: admin/admin-post-types.php:703 #@ woothemes msgid "Order submitted." msgstr "Bestellung aufgegeben." #: admin/admin-post-types.php:704 #@ woothemes msgid "Order draft updated." msgstr "Bestellübersicht aktualisiert." #: admin/admin-post-types.php:717 #: admin/admin-post-types.php:736 #: admin/admin-post-types.php:757 #@ default msgid "You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page." msgstr "Sie haben nicht die erforderlichen Rechte, um auf diese Seite zuzugreifen." #: admin/admin-post-types.php:718 #: admin/admin-post-types.php:737 #: admin/admin-post-types.php:759 #@ woothemes msgid "You have taken too long. Please go back and retry." msgstr "Sie haben das Zeitlimit überschritten. Bitte gehen Sie zurück und versuchen Sie es erneut." #: admin/admin-reports.php:16 #@ woothemes msgid "sales" msgstr "Umsatz" #: admin/admin-reports.php:18 #: admin/admin-reports.php:51 #: admin/admin-reports.php:59 #@ woothemes msgid "Overview" msgstr "Übersicht" #: admin/admin-reports.php:24 #@ woothemes msgid "Daily Sales" msgstr "Tagesumsatz" #: admin/admin-reports.php:34 #@ woothemes msgid "Product Sales" msgstr "Produktumsatz" #: admin/admin-reports.php:39 #@ woothemes msgid "Top sellers" msgstr "Verkaufsschlager" #: admin/admin-reports.php:44 #@ woothemes msgid "Top earners" msgstr "Hauptverdiener" #: admin/admin-reports.php:49 #@ woothemes msgid "customers" msgstr "Kunden" #: admin/admin-reports.php:57 #@ woothemes msgid "stock" msgstr "Lager" #: admin/admin-reports.php:263 #@ woothemes msgid "Total sales" msgstr "Gesamtumsatz" #: admin/admin-reports.php:265 #: admin/admin-reports.php:271 #: admin/admin-reports.php:277 #: admin/admin-reports.php:283 #: admin/admin-reports.php:551 #: admin/admin-reports.php:557 #: admin/admin-reports.php:563 #: admin/admin-reports.php:569 #: admin/admin-reports.php:751 #: admin/admin-reports.php:757 #: admin/admin-reports.php:763 #: admin/admin-reports.php:769 #: admin/admin-reports.php:1198 #: admin/admin-reports.php:1204 #: admin/admin-reports.php:1210 #: admin/admin-reports.php:1216 #: admin/admin-reports.php:1222 #: admin/admin-reports.php:1228 #@ woothemes msgid "n/a" msgstr "k.A." #: admin/admin-reports.php:269 #@ woothemes msgid "Total orders" msgstr "Gesamtbestellungen" #: admin/admin-reports.php:271 #: admin/admin-reports.php:557 #: admin/admin-reports.php:757 #@ woothemes msgid " items" msgstr "Produkte" #: admin/admin-reports.php:275 #@ woothemes msgid "Average order total" msgstr "Durchschnittliche Gesamtbestellung" #: admin/admin-reports.php:281 #@ woothemes msgid "Average order items" msgstr "Durchschnittliche Produktbestellung" #: admin/admin-reports.php:287 #@ woothemes msgid "Last 5 orders" msgstr "Die letzten 5 Bestellungen" #: admin/admin-reports.php:321 #@ woothemes msgid "This months sales" msgstr "Umsatz dieses Monats" #: admin/admin-reports.php:543 #: admin/admin-reports.php:897 #: admin/admin-reports.php:991 #: classes/product.class.php:554 #: classes/product.class.php:560 #@ woothemes msgid "From:" msgstr "Von:" #: admin/admin-reports.php:543 #: admin/admin-reports.php:897 #: admin/admin-reports.php:991 #@ woothemes msgid "To:" msgstr "Bis:" #: admin/admin-reports.php:543 #: admin/admin-reports.php:744 #: admin/admin-reports.php:897 #: admin/admin-reports.php:991 #: admin/admin-reports.php:1115 #@ woothemes msgid "Show" msgstr "Anzeigen" #: admin/admin-reports.php:549 #@ woothemes msgid "Total sales in range" msgstr "Gesamtumsatz der Auswahl" #: admin/admin-reports.php:555 #@ woothemes msgid "Total orders in range" msgstr "Gesamtbestellung der Auswahl" #: admin/admin-reports.php:561 #@ woothemes msgid "Average order total in range" msgstr "Durchschnittliche Gesamtbestellung der Auswahl" #: admin/admin-reports.php:567 #@ woothemes msgid "Average order items in range" msgstr "Durchschnittliche Produktbestellungen der Auswahl" #: admin/admin-reports.php:575 #@ woothemes msgid "Sales in range" msgstr "Umsatz der Auswahl" #: admin/admin-reports.php:739 #@ woothemes msgid "Year:" msgstr "Jahr:" #: admin/admin-reports.php:749 #@ woothemes msgid "Total sales for year" msgstr "Jahresgesamtumsatz" #: admin/admin-reports.php:755 #@ woothemes msgid "Total orders for year" msgstr "Jahresgesamtbestellung" #: admin/admin-reports.php:761 #@ woothemes msgid "Average order total for year" msgstr "Durchschnittliche Jahresbestellung" #: admin/admin-reports.php:767 #@ woothemes msgid "Average order items for year" msgstr "Durchschnittliche Produktbestellung pro Jahr" #: admin/admin-reports.php:775 #@ woothemes msgid "Monthly sales for year" msgstr "Monatliche Verkäufe pro Jahr" #: admin/admin-reports.php:902 #: admin/admin-reports.php:996 #: admin/writepanels/writepanels-init.php:44 #: templates/checkout/pay_for_order.php:7 #: templates/checkout/review_order.php:7 #: templates/emails/customer_completed_order.php:16 #: templates/emails/customer_note_notification.php:20 #: templates/emails/customer_pay_for_order.php:20 #: templates/emails/customer_processing_order.php:16 #: templates/emails/new_order.php:16 #: woocommerce_taxonomy.php:161 #: woocommerce_template_functions.php:1237 #@ woothemes msgid "Product" msgstr "Produkt" #: admin/admin-reports.php:903 #: admin/admin-reports.php:997 #: admin/admin-reports.php:1122 #@ woothemes msgid "Sales" msgstr "Umsatz" #: admin/admin-reports.php:916 #: admin/admin-reports.php:1010 #@ woothemes msgid "Product does not exist" msgstr "Dieses Produkt existiert nicht." #: admin/admin-reports.php:1090 #@ woothemes msgid "Product:" msgstr "Produkt:" #: admin/admin-reports.php:1093 #@ woothemes msgid "Choose an product…" msgstr "Wählen Sie ein Produkt…" #: admin/admin-reports.php:1121 #@ woothemes msgid "Month" msgstr "Monat" #: admin/admin-reports.php:1137 #@ woothemes msgid "No sales :(" msgstr "Keine Umsätze" #: admin/admin-reports.php:1196 #@ woothemes msgid "Total customers" msgstr "Kunden gesamt" #: admin/admin-reports.php:1202 #@ woothemes msgid "Total customer sales" msgstr "Kundenumsatz gesamt" #: admin/admin-reports.php:1208 #@ woothemes msgid "Total guest sales" msgstr "Gastumsatz gesamt" #: admin/admin-reports.php:1214 #@ woothemes msgid "Total customer orders" msgstr "Kundenbestellungen gesamt" #: admin/admin-reports.php:1220 #@ woothemes msgid "Total guest orders" msgstr "Gastbestellung gesamt" #: admin/admin-reports.php:1226 #@ woothemes msgid "Average orders per customer" msgstr "Durchschnittliche Bestellungen pro Kunde" #: admin/admin-reports.php:1234 #@ woothemes msgid "Signups per day" msgstr "Anmeldungen pro Tag" #: admin/admin-reports.php:1468 #@ woothemes msgid "Low stock" msgstr "Geringer Bestand" #: admin/admin-reports.php:1482 #@ woothemes msgid "No products are low in stock." msgstr "Keines der Produkte hat nur noch einen geringen Bestand." #: admin/admin-reports.php:1490 #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:164 #: classes/product.class.php:386 #: classes/product.class.php:414 #: classes/product.class.php:423 #@ woothemes msgid "Out of stock" msgstr "Nicht vorrätig." #: admin/admin-reports.php:1504 #@ woothemes msgid "No products are out in stock." msgstr "Alle Produkte sind vorrätig." #: admin/admin-settings-forms.php:168 #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:113 #@ default #@ woothemes msgid "Width" msgstr "Breite" #: admin/admin-settings-forms.php:170 #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:114 #@ default #@ woothemes msgid "Height" msgstr "Höhe" #: admin/admin-settings-forms.php:172 #@ woothemes msgid "Hard Crop" msgstr "Exakt beschneiden" #: admin/admin-settings-forms.php:298 #: admin/admin-settings-forms.php:324 #@ woothemes msgid "Standard Rate" msgstr "Standardsteuersatz" #: admin/admin-settings-forms.php:307 #: admin/admin-settings-forms.php:329 #@ woothemes msgid "Rate" msgstr "Steuersatz" #: admin/admin-settings-forms.php:308 #: admin/admin-settings-forms.php:330 #@ woothemes msgid "Apply to shipping" msgstr "Für Versand bestätigen" #: admin/admin-settings-forms.php:313 #@ woothemes msgid "+ Add Tax Rule" msgstr "+ Steuersatz hinzufügen" #: admin/admin-settings-forms.php:335 #: admin/admin-settings.php:1032 #@ woothemes msgid "Select countries/states" msgstr "Land/Region auswählen" #: admin/admin-settings-forms.php:343 #@ woothemes msgid "Delete this rule?" msgstr "Diese Regel löschen?" #: admin/admin-settings.php:20 #@ woothemes msgid "General Options" msgstr "Allgemeine Einstellungen" #: admin/admin-settings.php:23 #@ woothemes msgid "Base Country/Region" msgstr "Land/Region festlegen" #: admin/admin-settings.php:24 #@ woothemes msgid "This is the base country for your business. Tax rates will be based on this country." msgstr "Dies ist das von Ihnen ausgewählte Land. Steuersätze werden auf Grundlage dieser Angabe berechnet." #: admin/admin-settings.php:69 #@ woothemes msgid "Allowed Countries" msgstr "Zulässige Länder" #: admin/admin-settings.php:70 #@ woothemes msgid "These are countries that you are willing to ship to." msgstr "In diese Länder versenden wir." #: admin/admin-settings.php:76 #@ woothemes msgid "All Countries" msgstr "Alle Länder" #: admin/admin-settings.php:77 #: admin/admin-settings.php:82 #: classes/shipping/shipping-flat_rate.php:144 #: classes/shipping/shipping-flat_rate.php:153 #: classes/shipping/shipping-free_shipping.php:65 #: classes/shipping/shipping-free_shipping.php:73 #@ woothemes msgid "Specific Countries" msgstr "Ausgewählte Länder" #: admin/admin-settings.php:174 #@ woothemes msgid "Enable the \"Demo Store\" notice on your site" msgstr "Aktiviert den Hinweis \"Demo Shop\" auf Ihrer Seite" #: admin/admin-settings.php:201 #@ woothemes msgid "ShareThis Publisher ID" msgstr "Ihre ShareThis-ID" #: admin/admin-settings.php:214 #@ woothemes msgid "Google Analytics ID" msgstr "Google Analytics ID" #: admin/admin-settings.php:215 #@ woothemes msgid "Log into your google analytics account to find your ID. e.g. UA-XXXXX-X" msgstr "Bei Google Analytics anmelden, um die ID zu finden, z.B.: UA-XXXXX-X" #: admin/admin-settings.php:246 #@ woothemes msgid "Page Setup" msgstr "Seitenaufbau" #: admin/admin-settings.php:249 #@ woothemes msgid "Shop Base Page" msgstr "Shop Hauptseite" #: admin/admin-settings.php:250 #@ woothemes msgid "This sets the base page of your shop." msgstr "Damit stellen Sie die Hauptseite Ihres Shops ein." #: admin/admin-settings.php:258 #@ woothemes msgid "Base Page Title" msgstr "Hauptseite Titel" #: admin/admin-settings.php:259 #@ woothemes msgid "This title to show on the shop base page. Leave blank to use the page title." msgstr "Diesen Titel auf der Shop-Hauptseite anzeigen. Feld leer lassen, wenn der Seitentitel genutz werden soll." #: admin/admin-settings.php:266 #@ woothemes msgid "Terms page ID" msgstr "AGB Seite ID" #: admin/admin-settings.php:267 #@ woothemes msgid "If you define a \"Terms\" page the customer will be asked if they accept them when checking out." msgstr "Wenn Sie eine \"AGB\" Seite festlegen, wird der Kunde beim Abmelden gefragt, ob er diesen zustimmt." #: admin/admin-settings.php:273 #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:138 #: classes/shipping/shipping-flat_rate.php:123 #@ woothemes msgid "None" msgstr "Keine" #: admin/admin-settings.php:286 #@ woothemes msgid "Permalinks" msgstr "Permalinks" #: admin/admin-settings.php:289 #@ woothemes msgid "Taxonomy base page" msgstr "Taxonomie-Hauptseite" #: admin/admin-settings.php:290 #, php-format #@ woothemes msgid "Prepend shop categories/tags with shop base page (%s)" msgstr "Verbindet Shop-Kategorien/Schlagwörter mit der Hauptseite (%s)" #: admin/admin-settings.php:297 #@ woothemes msgid "Product base page" msgstr "Produkt-Hauptseite" #: admin/admin-settings.php:298 #, php-format #@ woothemes msgid "Prepend product permalinks with shop base page (%s)" msgstr "Verbindet Produkt-Permalinks mit der Hauptseite (%s)" #: admin/admin-settings.php:306 #@ woothemes msgid "Product base category" msgstr "Produkt-Oberkategorien" #: admin/admin-settings.php:307 #@ woothemes msgid "Prepend product permalinks with product category" msgstr "Verbindet Produkt-Permalinks mit der Produkt-Kategorie" #: admin/admin-settings.php:316 #@ woothemes msgid "Shop Pages" msgstr "Shop-Seiten" #: admin/admin-settings.php:316 #@ woothemes msgid "The following pages need selecting so that WooCommerce knows which are which. These pages should have been created upon installation of the plugin." msgstr "Die folgenden Seiten müssen ausgewählt werden, damit WooCommerce weiß, wie diese jeweils zuzuordnen sind. Die Seiten sollten bei der Installation des Plugins automatisch erzeugt worden sein." #: admin/admin-settings.php:319 #@ woothemes msgid "Cart Page" msgstr "Warenkorb" #: admin/admin-settings.php:320 #@ woothemes msgid "Page contents: [woocommerce_cart]" msgstr "Seiteninhalt: [woocommerce_cart]" #: admin/admin-settings.php:328 #@ woothemes msgid "Checkout Page" msgstr "Abmelde-Seite" #: admin/admin-settings.php:329 #@ woothemes msgid "Page contents: [woocommerce_checkout]" msgstr "Seiteninhalt: [woocommerce_checkout]" #: admin/admin-settings.php:337 #@ woothemes msgid "Pay Page" msgstr "Kassen-Seite" #: admin/admin-settings.php:338 #@ woothemes msgid "Page contents: [woocommerce_pay] Parent: \"Checkout\"" msgstr "Seiteninhalt: [woocommerce_pay] Vorherige: \"Abmelden\"" #: admin/admin-settings.php:346 #@ woothemes msgid "Thanks Page" msgstr "Dankes-Seite" #: admin/admin-settings.php:347 #@ woothemes msgid "Page contents: [woocommerce_thankyou] Parent: \"Checkout\"" msgstr "Seiteninhalt: [woocommerce_thankyou] vorherige: \"Abmelden\"" #: admin/admin-settings.php:355 #@ woothemes msgid "My Account Page" msgstr "Mein Konto Seite" #: admin/admin-settings.php:356 #@ woothemes msgid "Page contents: [woocommerce_my_account]" msgstr "Seiteninhalt: [woocommerce_my_account]" #: admin/admin-settings.php:364 #@ woothemes msgid "Edit Address Page" msgstr "Adresse ändern Seite" #: admin/admin-settings.php:365 #@ woothemes msgid "Page contents: [woocommerce_edit_address] Parent: \"My Account\"" msgstr "Seiteninhalt: [woocommerce_edit_address] vorherige: \"Mein Konto\"" #: admin/admin-settings.php:373 #@ woothemes msgid "View Order Page" msgstr "Seite Bestellungen ansehen" #: admin/admin-settings.php:374 #@ woothemes msgid "Page contents: [woocommerce_view_order] Parent: \"My Account\"" msgstr "Seiteninhalt: [woocommerce_view_order] vorherige: \"Mein Konto\"" #: admin/admin-settings.php:382 #@ woothemes msgid "Change Password Page" msgstr "Passwort-Seite ändern" #: admin/admin-settings.php:383 #@ woothemes msgid "Page contents: [woocommerce_change_password] Parent: \"My Account\"" msgstr "Seiteninhalt: [woocommerce_change_password] Vorherige: \"Mein Konto\"" #: admin/admin-settings.php:397 #@ woothemes msgid "Catalog Options" msgstr "Katalogauswahl" #: admin/admin-settings.php:400 #@ woothemes msgid "Subcategories" msgstr "Unterkategorien" #: admin/admin-settings.php:401 #@ woothemes msgid "Show subcategories on category pages" msgstr "Unterkategorien auf der Kategorienseite anzeigen" #: admin/admin-settings.php:409 #@ woothemes msgid "Show subcategories on the shop page" msgstr "Unterkategorien auf der Shopseite anzeigen" #: admin/admin-settings.php:417 #@ woothemes msgid "When showing subcategories, hide products" msgstr "Wenn die Unterkategorien angezeigt werden, die Produkte verbergen" #: admin/admin-settings.php:425 #@ woothemes msgid "Product fields" msgstr "Produktgruppen" #: admin/admin-settings.php:426 #@ woothemes msgid "Enable the SKU field for products" msgstr "Aktivieren des ArtNr.-Feldes für Produkte" #: admin/admin-settings.php:434 #@ woothemes msgid "Enable the weight field for products" msgstr "Aktivieren des Gewichtsfeldes für Produkte" #: admin/admin-settings.php:442 #@ woothemes msgid "Enable the dimension fields for products" msgstr "Aktiviere das Abmessungsfeld für Produkte" #: admin/admin-settings.php:458 #@ woothemes msgid "Weight Unit" msgstr "Gewichtseinheit" #: admin/admin-settings.php:459 #@ woothemes msgid "This controls what unit you will define weights in." msgstr "Kontrolliert, in welcher Einheit Gewichte festgelegt werden." #: admin/admin-settings.php:465 #@ woothemes msgid "kg" msgstr "kg" #: admin/admin-settings.php:466 #@ woothemes msgid "lbs" msgstr "lbs" #: admin/admin-settings.php:471 #@ woothemes msgid "Dimensions Unit" msgstr "Abmessungseinheit" #: admin/admin-settings.php:472 #@ woothemes msgid "This controls what unit you will define lengths in." msgstr "Kontrolliert, welche Längeneinheit festgelegt wird" #: admin/admin-settings.php:478 #@ woothemes msgid "cm" msgstr "cm" #: admin/admin-settings.php:479 #@ woothemes msgid "in" msgstr "in" #: admin/admin-settings.php:484 #@ woothemes msgid "Cart redirect" msgstr "Zurück zum Warenkorb" #: admin/admin-settings.php:485 #@ woothemes msgid "Redirect to cart after adding a product to the cart (on single product pages)" msgstr "Zurück zum Warenkorb nachdem ein Produkt hinzugefügt wurde (bei einer Einzelproduktansicht)" #: admin/admin-settings.php:493 #@ woothemes msgid "Pricing Options" msgstr "Preiskalkulation" #: admin/admin-settings.php:32 #@ woothemes msgid "Currency" msgstr "Währung" #: admin/admin-settings.php:40 #@ woothemes msgid "US Dollars ($)" msgstr "US-Dollar ($)" #: admin/admin-settings.php:41 #@ woothemes msgid "Euros (€)" msgstr "Euro (€)" #: admin/admin-settings.php:42 #@ woothemes msgid "Pounds Sterling (£)" msgstr "Britische Pfund (£)" #: admin/admin-settings.php:43 #@ woothemes msgid "Australian Dollars ($)" msgstr "Australische Dollar ($)" #: admin/admin-settings.php:44 #@ woothemes msgid "Brazilian Real ($)" msgstr "Brasilianische Real ($)" #: admin/admin-settings.php:45 #@ woothemes msgid "Canadian Dollars ($)" msgstr "Kanadische Dollar ($)" #: admin/admin-settings.php:46 #@ woothemes msgid "Czech Koruna" msgstr "Tschechische Kronen" #: admin/admin-settings.php:47 #@ woothemes msgid "Danish Krone" msgstr "Dänische Kronen" #: admin/admin-settings.php:48 #@ woothemes msgid "Hong Kong Dollar ($)" msgstr "Hong Kong Dollar ($)" #: admin/admin-settings.php:49 #@ woothemes msgid "Hungarian Forint" msgstr "Ungarische Forint" #: admin/admin-settings.php:50 #@ woothemes msgid "Israeli Shekel" msgstr "Israelische Schekel" #: admin/admin-settings.php:51 #@ woothemes msgid "Japanese Yen (¥)" msgstr "Yen (¥)" #: admin/admin-settings.php:52 #@ woothemes msgid "Malaysian Ringgits" msgstr "Malayische Ringgits" #: admin/admin-settings.php:53 #@ woothemes msgid "Mexican Peso ($)" msgstr "Mexikainische Peso ($)" #: admin/admin-settings.php:54 #@ woothemes msgid "New Zealand Dollar ($)" msgstr "Neuseeland Dollar ($)" #: admin/admin-settings.php:55 #@ woothemes msgid "Norwegian Krone" msgstr "Norwegische Kronen" #: admin/admin-settings.php:56 #@ woothemes msgid "Philippine Pesos" msgstr "Philippinische Peso" #: admin/admin-settings.php:57 #@ woothemes msgid "Polish Zloty" msgstr "Polnische Zloty" #: admin/admin-settings.php:58 #@ woothemes msgid "Singapore Dollar ($)" msgstr "Singapur Dollar ($)" #: admin/admin-settings.php:59 #@ woothemes msgid "Swedish Krona" msgstr "Schwedische Kronen" #: admin/admin-settings.php:60 #@ woothemes msgid "Swiss Franc" msgstr "Schweizer Franken" #: admin/admin-settings.php:61 #@ woothemes msgid "Taiwan New Dollars" msgstr "Neuer Taiwan Dollar" #: admin/admin-settings.php:62 #@ woothemes msgid "Thai Baht" msgstr "Thailändische Baht" #: admin/admin-settings.php:63 #@ woothemes msgid "Turkish Lira (TL)" msgstr "Türkische Lira" #: admin/admin-settings.php:496 #@ woothemes msgid "Currency Position" msgstr "Weitere Währung" #: admin/admin-settings.php:497 #@ woothemes msgid "This controls the position of the currency symbol." msgstr "Kontrolliert die Position des Währungssymbols." #: admin/admin-settings.php:504 #@ woothemes msgid "Left" msgstr "Links" #: admin/admin-settings.php:505 #@ woothemes msgid "Right" msgstr "Rechts" #: admin/admin-settings.php:506 #@ woothemes msgid "Left (with space)" msgstr "Links (mit Leerzeichen)" #: admin/admin-settings.php:507 #@ woothemes msgid "Right (with space)" msgstr "Rechts (mit Leerzeichen)" #: admin/admin-settings.php:512 #@ woothemes msgid "Thousand separator" msgstr "Tausenderstellen-Trennzeichen" #: admin/admin-settings.php:513 #@ woothemes msgid "This sets the thousand separator of displayed prices." msgstr "Setzt das Trennzeichen für die Tausenderstellen bei den angezeigten Preisen." #: admin/admin-settings.php:522 #@ woothemes msgid "Decimal separator" msgstr "Dezimalstellen-Trennzeichen" #: admin/admin-settings.php:523 #@ woothemes msgid "This sets the decimal separator of displayed prices." msgstr "Setzt das Trennzeichen für Dezimalstellen bei den angezeigten Preisen." #: admin/admin-settings.php:532 #@ woothemes msgid "Number of decimals" msgstr "Anzahl der Dezimalstellen" #: admin/admin-settings.php:533 #@ woothemes msgid "This sets the number of decimal points shown in displayed prices." msgstr "Stellt die Anzahl der Dezimalpunkte bei den angezeigten Preisen ein." #: admin/admin-settings.php:543 #@ woothemes msgid "Image Options" msgstr "Bilderoptionen" #: admin/admin-settings.php:546 #@ woothemes msgid "Catalog Images" msgstr "Katalogbilder" #: admin/admin-settings.php:547 #@ woothemes msgid "This size is usually used in product listings" msgstr "Diese Größe wird gewöhnlich bei Produktlisten genutzt" #: admin/admin-settings.php:555 #@ woothemes msgid "Single Product Image" msgstr "Einzelansicht Produkt" #: admin/admin-settings.php:556 #@ woothemes msgid "This is the size used by the main image on the product page." msgstr "Dies ist die Größe für das Hauptbild auf der Produktseite" #: admin/admin-settings.php:564 #@ woothemes msgid "Product Thumbnails" msgstr "Produkt-Miniaturbild" #: admin/admin-settings.php:565 #@ woothemes msgid "This size is usually used for the gallery of images on the product page." msgstr "Diese Größe wird gewöhnlich für die Bildergalerie auf der Produktseite genutzt." #: admin/admin-settings.php:579 #@ woothemes msgid "Inventory Options" msgstr "Inventaroptionen" #: admin/admin-settings.php:582 #@ woothemes msgid "Manage stock" msgstr "Bestand überprüfen" #: admin/admin-settings.php:583 #@ woothemes msgid "Enable stock management" msgstr "Bestandsmanagement aktivieren" #: admin/admin-settings.php:590 #@ woothemes msgid "Notifications" msgstr "Benachrichtigungen" #: admin/admin-settings.php:591 #@ woothemes msgid "Enable low stock notifications" msgstr "Aktivieren um geringen Bestand anzuzeigen" #: admin/admin-settings.php:599 #@ woothemes msgid "Enable out of stock notifications" msgstr "Aktivieren um leeren Bestand anzuzeigen" #: admin/admin-settings.php:607 #@ woothemes msgid "Low stock threshold" msgstr "Grenzwert für geringen Bestand" #: admin/admin-settings.php:617 #@ woothemes msgid "Out of stock threshold" msgstr "Grenzwert für nicht vorrätig" #: admin/admin-settings.php:627 #@ woothemes msgid "Out of stock visibility" msgstr "Sichtbarkeit von nicht vorrätig" #: admin/admin-settings.php:628 #@ woothemes msgid "Hide out of stock items from the catalog" msgstr "Ausblenden von Produkten, die nicht vorrätig sind" #: admin/admin-settings.php:641 #@ woothemes msgid "Shipping Options" msgstr "Versandoptionen" #: admin/admin-settings.php:654 #@ woothemes msgid "Enable the shipping calculator on the cart page" msgstr "Aktiviere den Versandrechner auf der Warenkorb-Seite" #: admin/admin-settings.php:663 #@ woothemes msgid "Only ship to the users billing address" msgstr "Nur an die Rechnungsadresse versenden" #: admin/admin-settings.php:676 #@ woothemes msgid "Tax Options" msgstr "Mehrwertsteueroptionen" #: admin/admin-settings.php:679 #@ woothemes msgid "Calculate Taxes" msgstr "Berechne die Mehrwertsteuer" #: admin/admin-settings.php:680 #@ woothemes msgid "Enable taxes and tax calculations" msgstr "Aktiviere Steuern bzw. Mehrwertsteuerberechnungen" #: admin/admin-settings.php:687 #@ woothemes msgid "Prices inclusive of tax" msgstr "Preise inkl. Mehrwertsteuer" #: admin/admin-settings.php:688 #@ woothemes msgid "Catalog Prices include tax" msgstr "Katalogpreise inkl. Mehrwertsteuer" #: admin/admin-settings.php:695 #@ woothemes msgid "Cart totals display..." msgstr "Gesamtsumme Warenkorb" #: admin/admin-settings.php:697 #@ woothemes msgid "Should the subtotal be shown including or excluding tax on the frontend?" msgstr "Soll die Zwischensumme inkl. oder exkl. Mehrwertsteuer im Frontend angezeigt werden?" #: admin/admin-settings.php:703 #@ woothemes msgid "price including tax" msgstr "Preis inkl. Mehrwertsteuer" #: admin/admin-settings.php:704 #@ woothemes msgid "price excluding tax" msgstr "Nettopreis" #: admin/admin-settings.php:709 #@ woothemes msgid "Additional Tax classes" msgstr "Zusätzliche Steuersätze" #: admin/admin-settings.php:710 #@ woothemes msgid "List 1 per line. This is in addition to the default Standard Rate." msgstr "Zeige 1 pro Zeile. Dies kommt zum voreingestellten Standardsteuersatz hinzu." #: admin/admin-settings.php:711 #@ woothemes msgid "List product and shipping tax classes here, e.g. Zero Tax, Reduced Rate." msgstr "Produkt, Versand und Steuersatz hier aufzählen, z.B.: 19% Mehrwertsteuer, reduzierte Raten" #: admin/admin-settings.php:719 #@ woothemes msgid "Tax rates" msgstr "Mehrwertsteuersatz" #: admin/admin-settings.php:720 #@ woothemes msgid "All fields are required." msgstr "Bitte alle Felder ausfüllen." #: admin/admin-settings.php:721 #@ woothemes msgid "To avoid rounding errors, insert tax rates with 4 decimal places." msgstr "Um Rundungsfehlern vorzubeugen, Steuersätze mit vier Dezimalstellen angeben." #: admin/admin-settings.php:757 #@ woothemes msgid "\"From\" name" msgstr "\"From\" Absender" #: admin/admin-settings.php:758 #@ woothemes msgid "The sender name for WooCommerce emails." msgstr "Absendername für WooCommerce E-Mails." #: admin/admin-settings.php:765 #@ woothemes msgid "\"From\" email address" msgstr "\"From\" E-Mailadresse des Absenders" #: admin/admin-settings.php:766 #@ woothemes msgid "The sender email address for WooCommerce emails." msgstr "Absenderadresse für WooCommerce E-Mails" #: admin/admin-settings.php:774 #@ woothemes msgid "Email template" msgstr "E-Mail-Vorlage" #: admin/admin-settings.php:777 #@ woothemes msgid "Header image" msgstr "Header-Bild" #: admin/admin-settings.php:778 #, php-format #@ woothemes msgid "Enter a URL to an image you want to show in the email's header. Upload your image using the media uploader." msgstr "Geben Sie die URL von dem Bild an, das sie im Header der E-Mail einfügen wollen. Zum Hochladen bitte den Uploader nutzen Media-Uploader." #: admin/admin-settings.php:785 #@ woothemes msgid "Email footer text" msgstr "Text für den E-Mail-Footer" #: admin/admin-settings.php:786 #@ woothemes msgid "The text to appear in the footer of WooCommerce emails." msgstr "Hier den Text eingeben, der in der Fußzeile der WooCommerce E-Mails erscheinen soll." #: admin/admin-settings.php:790 #@ woothemes msgid "Powered by WooCommerce" msgstr "Powered by WooCommerce" #: admin/admin-settings.php:794 #@ woothemes msgid "Base colour" msgstr "Grundfarbe" #: admin/admin-settings.php:795 #@ woothemes msgid "The base colour for WooCommerce email templates. Default #557da1." msgstr "Die Grundfarbe für WooCommerce E-Mail-Vorlagen. Vorgabe #557da1." #: admin/admin-settings.php:802 #@ woothemes msgid "Background colour" msgstr "Hintergrundfarbe" #: admin/admin-settings.php:803 #@ woothemes msgid "The background colour for WooCommerce email templates. Default #eeeeee." msgstr "Die Hintergrundfarbe für WooCommerce E-Mails. Vorgabe #eeeeee." #: admin/admin-settings.php:810 #@ woothemes msgid "Email body background colour" msgstr "Hintergrundfarbe der E-Mail" #: admin/admin-settings.php:811 #@ woothemes msgid "The main body background colour. Default #fdfdfd." msgstr "Die Haupthintergrundfarbe. Vorgabe #fdfdfd." #: admin/admin-settings.php:818 #@ woothemes msgid "Email body text colour" msgstr "Textfarbe der E-Mail" #: admin/admin-settings.php:819 #@ woothemes msgid "The main body text colour. Default #505050." msgstr "Farbe des Haupttextes. Vorgabe #505050." #: admin/admin-settings.php:841 #: classes/woocommerce.class.php:274 #@ woothemes msgid "Action failed. Please refresh the page and retry." msgstr "Vorgang fehlgeschlagen. Bitte Seite neu laden und erneut probieren." #: admin/admin-settings.php:862 #@ woothemes msgid "Your settings have been saved." msgstr "Ihre Einstellungen wurden gespeichert." #: admin/admin-settings.php:912 #@ woothemes msgid "Like WooCommerce? Support us by leaving a rating!" msgstr "Ihnen gefällt WooCommerce? Unterstützen Sie uns, indem Sie uns bewerten!" #: admin/admin-settings.php:925 #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:32 #@ woothemes msgid "General" msgstr "Allgemein" #: admin/admin-settings.php:926 #@ woothemes msgid "Pages" msgstr "Seiten" #: admin/admin-settings.php:927 #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:753 #@ woothemes msgid "Catalog" msgstr "Katalog" #: admin/admin-settings.php:928 #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:36 #@ woothemes msgid "Inventory" msgstr "Bestandsliste" #: admin/admin-settings.php:930 #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:34 #: shortcodes/shortcode-order_tracking.php:95 #: templates/checkout/pay_for_order.php:22 #: templates/checkout/review_order.php:65 #: woocommerce_template_functions.php:768 #: woocommerce_template_functions.php:1252 #@ woothemes msgid "Tax" msgstr "Mehrwertsteuer" #: admin/admin-settings.php:931 #@ woothemes msgid "Shipping Methods" msgstr "Versandmöglichkeiten" #: admin/admin-settings.php:932 #@ woothemes msgid "Payment Gateways" msgstr "Zahlungsweisen" #: admin/admin-settings.php:933 #@ woothemes msgid "Emails" msgstr "E-Mails" #: admin/admin-settings.php:1004 #@ woothemes msgid "Save changes" msgstr "Speichere Änderungen" #: admin/admin-settings.php:1059 #@ woothemes msgid "The changes you made will be lost if you navigate away from this page." msgstr "Ihre Änderungen gehen verloren, wenn Sie diese Seite verlassen." #: admin/admin-taxonomies.php:22 #: admin/admin-taxonomies.php:81 #@ woothemes msgid "Thumbnail" msgstr "Vorschaubild" #: admin/admin-taxonomies.php:26 #: admin/admin-taxonomies.php:86 #@ woothemes msgid "Upload/Add image" msgstr "Hochladen/ Bild hinzufügen" #: admin/admin-taxonomies.php:27 #: admin/admin-taxonomies.php:87 #@ woothemes msgid "Remove image" msgstr "Bild entfernen" #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-coupon_data.php:30 #@ woothemes msgid "Discount type" msgstr "Rabatt-Art" #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-coupon_data.php:33 #@ woothemes msgid "0.00" msgstr "0.00" #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-coupon_data.php:33 #@ woothemes msgid "Enter an amount e.g. 2.99" msgstr "Geben Sie einen Wert ein, z.B. 2,99" #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-coupon_data.php:36 #@ woothemes msgid "Individual use" msgstr "Individueller Gebrauch" #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-coupon_data.php:36 #@ woothemes msgid "Check this box if the coupon cannot be used in conjunction with other coupons" msgstr "Wenn der Gutschein nicht in Verbindung mit anderen Gutscheinen verwendet werden darf, müssen Sie hier ein Häckchen setzen" #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-coupon_data.php:39 #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-coupon_data.php:42 #: woocommerce_template_functions.php:1318 #: woocommerce_template_functions.php:1331 #@ woothemes msgid "N/A" msgstr "nicht lieferbar" #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-coupon_data.php:45 #@ woothemes msgid "Unlimited usage" msgstr "Unbegrenzte Verwendung" #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-coupon_data.php:45 #@ woothemes msgid "(optional) How many times this coupon can be used before it is void" msgstr "(optional) So oft kann dieser Gutschein verwendet werden, bevor er ungültig wird" #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-coupon_data.php:48 #@ woothemes msgid "Never expire" msgstr "Niemals ablaufen" #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-coupon_data.php:48 #@ woothemes msgid "(optional) The date this coupon will expire, YYYY-MM-DD" msgstr "(optional) Das Datum an dem dieser Gutschein abläuft, YYYY-MM-DD" #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-coupon_data.php:65 #@ woothemes msgid "Coupon code" msgstr "Gutschein-Code" #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-coupon_data.php:81 #@ woothemes msgid "Coupon amount is required" msgstr "Der Wert des Gutscheins wird benötigt" #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-coupon_data.php:82 #@ woothemes msgid "Product discount coupons require you to set \"Product IDs\" to work." msgstr "Für Rabattgutscheine auf Produkte, ist es erforderlich die \"Product IDs\" zu setzen." #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:53 #@ woothemes msgid "Customer Billing Address" msgstr "Rechnungsadresse des Kunden" #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:54 #@ woothemes msgid "Customer Shipping Address" msgstr "Lieferadresse des Kunden" #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:58 #@ woothemes msgid "Order status:" msgstr "Status der Bestellung:" #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:82 #@ woothemes msgid "Customer Note:" msgstr "Hinweis des Kunden:" #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:83 #@ woothemes msgid "Customer's notes about the order" msgstr "Hinweise des Kunden zur Bestellung" #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:86 #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:101 #: classes/checkout.class.php:34 #: classes/checkout.class.php:35 #: classes/checkout.class.php:105 #: classes/checkout.class.php:106 #: shortcodes/shortcode-my_account.php:281 #: shortcodes/shortcode-my_account.php:282 #@ woothemes msgid "First Name" msgstr "Vorname" #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:87 #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:102 #: classes/checkout.class.php:40 #: classes/checkout.class.php:41 #: classes/checkout.class.php:111 #: classes/checkout.class.php:112 #: shortcodes/shortcode-my_account.php:285 #: shortcodes/shortcode-my_account.php:286 #@ woothemes msgid "Last Name" msgstr "Nachname" #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:88 #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:103 #: classes/checkout.class.php:46 #: classes/checkout.class.php:47 #: classes/checkout.class.php:117 #: classes/checkout.class.php:118 #: shortcodes/shortcode-my_account.php:291 #: shortcodes/shortcode-my_account.php:292 #@ woothemes msgid "Company" msgstr "Firma" #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:89 #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:104 #: classes/checkout.class.php:51 #: classes/checkout.class.php:122 #@ woothemes msgid "Address 1" msgstr "Adresse 1" #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:90 #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:105 #: classes/checkout.class.php:56 #: classes/checkout.class.php:57 #: classes/checkout.class.php:127 #: classes/checkout.class.php:128 #: shortcodes/shortcode-my_account.php:300 #@ woothemes msgid "Address 2" msgstr "Adresse 2" #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:91 #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:106 #: classes/checkout.class.php:62 #: classes/checkout.class.php:63 #: classes/checkout.class.php:133 #: classes/checkout.class.php:134 #: shortcodes/shortcode-my_account.php:306 #: shortcodes/shortcode-my_account.php:307 #@ woothemes msgid "City" msgstr "Ort" #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:92 #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:107 #: classes/checkout.class.php:68 #: classes/checkout.class.php:69 #: classes/checkout.class.php:139 #: classes/checkout.class.php:140 #: shortcodes/shortcode-my_account.php:310 #: woocommerce_template_functions.php:688 #@ woothemes msgid "Postcode" msgstr "Postleitzahl" #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:93 #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:108 #: classes/checkout.class.php:75 #: classes/checkout.class.php:146 #: shortcodes/shortcode-my_account.php:316 #@ woothemes msgid "Country" msgstr "Land" #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:94 #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:109 #: classes/checkout.class.php:83 #: classes/checkout.class.php:153 #: classes/checkout.class.php:324 #@ woothemes msgid "State/County" msgstr "Bundesland/Region" #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:95 #: classes/checkout.class.php:89 #: shortcodes/shortcode-my_account.php:361 #@ woothemes msgid "Email Address" msgstr "E-Mail-Adresse" #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:96 #@ woothemes msgid "Tel" msgstr "Tel." #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:100 #@ woothemes msgid "Copy billing address to shipping address" msgstr "Kopiere Rechnungsadresse zur Lieferadresse" #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:129 #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:55 #@ woothemes msgid "SKU" msgstr "ArtNr." #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:131 #@ woothemes msgid "Item Meta" msgstr "Produkt Metadaten" #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:133 #: shortcodes/shortcode-cart.php:85 #: shortcodes/shortcode-order_tracking.php:82 #: templates/emails/customer_completed_order.php:17 #: templates/emails/customer_note_notification.php:21 #: templates/emails/customer_pay_for_order.php:21 #: templates/emails/customer_processing_order.php:17 #: templates/emails/new_order.php:17 #@ woothemes msgid "Quantity" msgstr "Anzahl" #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:134 #: classes/shipping/shipping-flat_rate.php:128 #@ woothemes msgid "Cost" msgstr "Preis" #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:135 #@ woothemes msgid "Tax Rate" msgstr "Mehrwertsteuersatz" #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:136 #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:74 #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:244 #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:199 #@ woothemes msgid "Remove" msgstr "Entfernen" #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:153 #: woocommerce_actions.php:205 #@ woothemes msgid "Product ID:" msgstr "Produkt-ID:" #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:154 #: woocommerce_actions.php:206 #@ woothemes msgid "Variation ID:" msgstr "Varianten-ID:" #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:155 #: woocommerce_actions.php:207 #@ woothemes msgid "Product SKU:" msgstr "Produkt-ArtNr.:" #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:169 #: woocommerce_actions.php:223 #@ woothemes msgid "Add meta" msgstr "Metadaten hinzufügen" #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:193 #: woocommerce_actions.php:231 #@ woothemes msgid "Cost per unit ex. tax e.g. 2.99" msgstr "Preis pro Einheit exkl. Mehrwertsteuer, z.B. 2.99" #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:209 #@ woothemes msgid "Choose an item…" msgstr "Produkt auswählen…" #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:251 #@ woothemes msgid "Add item" msgstr "Produkt hinzufügen" #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:254 #@ woothemes msgid "Calculate totals" msgstr "Gesamtbetrag ausrechnen" #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:270 #@ woothemes msgid "Save Order" msgstr "Bestellung speichern" #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:270 #@ woothemes msgid "- Save/update the order." msgstr "- Bestellung speichern/aktualisieren." #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:272 #@ woothemes msgid "Reduce stock" msgstr "Reduziere Lagerbestand" #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:272 #@ woothemes msgid "- Reduces stock for each item in the order; useful after manually creating an order or manually marking an order as complete/processing after payment." msgstr "- Reduziert den Lagerbestand für jedes Produkt in der Bestellung; nützlich wenn man eine Bestellung manuell erstellt hat oder wenn man eine Bestellung nach der Bezahlung als Fertig/in Bearbeitung markiert." #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:273 #@ woothemes msgid "Restore stock" msgstr "Lagerbestand wiederherstellen" #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:273 #@ woothemes msgid "- Restores stock for each item in the order; useful after refunding or canceling the entire order." msgstr "- Stellt den Lagerbestand wieder her für jedes Produkt in der Bestellung; nützlich nach Rückerstattung oder Abbruch einer ganzen Bestellung" #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:275 #@ woothemes msgid "Email invoice" msgstr "E-Mail-Rechnung" #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:281 #@ default msgid "Delete Permanently" msgstr "Dauerhaft löschen" #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:283 #@ default msgid "Move to Trash" msgstr "In den Papierkorb bewegen" #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:302 #: templates/emails/customer_completed_order.php:23 #: templates/emails/customer_note_notification.php:27 #: templates/emails/customer_pay_for_order.php:27 #: templates/emails/customer_processing_order.php:23 #: templates/emails/new_order.php:23 #@ woothemes msgid "Subtotal:" msgstr "Zwischensumme:" #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:303 #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:308 #: classes/countries.class.php:606 #@ woothemes msgid "(ex. tax)" msgstr "(exkl. Mehrwertsteuer)" #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:307 #@ woothemes msgid "Shipping & Handling:" msgstr "Versandkosten:" #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:312 #@ woothemes msgid "Shipping method..." msgstr "Versandart..." #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:314 #@ woothemes msgid "Order shipping tax:" msgstr "Versand MwSt.:" #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:319 #: templates/emails/customer_completed_order.php:35 #: templates/emails/customer_note_notification.php:39 #: templates/emails/customer_pay_for_order.php:39 #: templates/emails/customer_processing_order.php:35 #: templates/emails/new_order.php:35 #@ woothemes msgid "Tax:" msgstr "Mehrwertsteuer:" #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:324 #: templates/emails/customer_completed_order.php:31 #: templates/emails/customer_note_notification.php:35 #: templates/emails/customer_pay_for_order.php:35 #: templates/emails/customer_processing_order.php:31 #: templates/emails/new_order.php:31 #@ woothemes msgid "Discount:" msgstr "Rabatt:" #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:334 #@ woothemes msgid "Payment method..." msgstr "Zahlungsarten..." #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:446 #@ woothemes msgid "Manually reducing stock." msgstr "Lagerbestand manuell reduzieren." #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:460 #: classes/order.class.php:512 #, php-format #@ woothemes msgid "Item #%s stock reduced from %s to %s." msgstr "Lagerbestand des Produkts #%s reduziert von %s auf %s." #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:477 #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:507 #, php-format #@ woothemes msgid "Item %s %s not found, skipping." msgstr "Produkt %s %s nicht gefunden, überspringen." #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:483 #@ woothemes msgid "Manual stock reduction complete." msgstr "Manuelle Minderung des Lagerbestandes abgeschlossen." #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:487 #@ woothemes msgid "Manually restoring stock." msgstr "Manuelles Wiederherstellen des Lagerbestandes." #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:501 #, php-format #@ woothemes msgid "Item #%s stock increased from %s to %s." msgstr "Lagerbestand von Produkt #%s erhöht von %s auf %s." #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:513 #@ woothemes msgid "Manual stock restore complete." msgstr "Manuelle Wiederherstellung des Lagerbestandes vollständig." #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-order_notes.php:37 #: woocommerce_actions.php:272 #, php-format #@ woothemes msgid "added %s ago" msgstr "vor %s hinzugefügt" #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-order_notes.php:37 #: woocommerce_actions.php:272 #@ woothemes msgid "Delete note" msgstr "Hinweis löschen" #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-order_notes.php:41 #@ woothemes msgid "There are no notes for this order yet." msgstr "Es gibt bisher keine Angaben zu dieser Bestellung." #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-order_notes.php:47 #@ woothemes msgid "Add note" msgstr "Mitteilung hinzufügen" #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-order_notes.php:48 #@ woothemes msgid "Add a note for your reference, or add a customer note that the customer can view on their view order and track order pages." msgstr "EIne Mitteilung hinzufügen für Sie als Betreff, oder eine Mitteilung an den Kunden, die dieser einsehen kann auf seinen Seiten zur Bestellübersicht und Sendungsverfolgung." #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-order_notes.php:51 #@ woothemes msgid "Customer note" msgstr "Kundenmitteilung" #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-order_notes.php:52 #@ woothemes msgid "Private note" msgstr "Internamitteilung" #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-order_notes.php:54 #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:298 #@ woothemes msgid "Add" msgstr "Hinzufügen" #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-downloadable.php:25 #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:390 #@ woothemes msgid "File path" msgstr "Dateipfad" #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-downloadable.php:27 #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:133 #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:293 #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:392 #@ woothemes msgid "File path/URL" msgstr "Dateipfad/URL" #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-downloadable.php:28 #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:393 #@ woothemes msgid "Upload a file" msgstr "Datei hochladen" #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-downloadable.php:33 #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:398 #@ woothemes msgid "Download Limit" msgstr "Download Limit" #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-downloadable.php:36 #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:139 #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:297 #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:401 #@ woothemes msgid "Leave blank for unlimited re-downloads." msgstr "Leer lassen für unbegrenzte Downloads" #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-downloadable.php:90 #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:777 #@ woothemes msgid "Insert into URL field" msgstr "In URL-Feld einfügen" #: admin/admin-post-types.php:335 #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-downloadable.php:102 #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:45 #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:125 #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:286 #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:760 #@ woothemes msgid "Downloadable" msgstr "Herunterladbar" #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:45 #@ woothemes msgid "Bulk edit:" msgstr "Massenbearbeitung:" #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:75 #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:245 #@ woothemes msgid "Variation:" msgstr "Variante:" #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:86 #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:251 #@ woothemes msgid "Any" msgstr "Jeder" #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:112 #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:275 #: woocommerce_template_functions.php:227 #@ woothemes msgid "SKU:" msgstr "ArtNr.:" #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:114 #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:277 #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:103 #: classes/product.class.php:776 #@ woothemes msgid "Weight" msgstr "Gewicht" #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:116 #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:279 #@ woothemes msgid "Stock Qty:" msgstr "Lagerbestand Anzahl:" #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:118 #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:281 #: widgets/widget-price_filter.php:162 #@ woothemes msgid "Price:" msgstr "Preis:" #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:120 #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:283 #@ woothemes msgid "Sale Price:" msgstr "Angebotspreis:" #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:45 #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:129 #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:290 #@ woothemes msgid "Enabled" msgstr "Aktiv" #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:190 #: woocommerce_taxonomy.php:195 #@ woothemes msgid "Add Variation" msgstr "Variante hinzufügen" #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:191 #@ woothemes msgid "Link all variations" msgstr "Alle Varianten verlinken" #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:193 #@ woothemes msgid "Add (optional) information for product variations. You must save your product attributes in the \"Product Data\" panel to make them selectable." msgstr "Fügen Sie (optionale) Angaben für Ihre Produktvarianten hinzu. Sie müssen Ihre Produkt-Attribute im Feld \"Product Data\" speichern, um sie auswählen zu können." #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:218 #@ woothemes msgid "You must add some attributes via the \"Product Data\" panel and save before adding a new variation." msgstr "Sie müssen Attribute über das Feld \"Product Data\" hinzufügen and speichern, bevor Sie eine neue Variante hinzufügen können." #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:315 #@ woothemes msgid "Are you sure you want to link all variations? This will create a new variation for each and every possible combination of variation attributes." msgstr "Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie alle Varianten verknüpfen wollen? Dies wird eine neue Variante erzeugen für jedes Varianten-Attribut und jede mögliche Kombination eines Varianten-Attributes." #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:341 #@ woothemes msgid "Are you sure you want to remove this variation?" msgstr "Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie diese Variante entfernen wollen?" #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:376 #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:382 #@ woothemes msgid "Enter a price" msgstr "Preis eingeben" #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:388 #@ woothemes msgid "Enter stock quantity" msgstr "Lagerbestandsmenge eingeben" #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product-types.php:28 #@ woothemes msgid "Simple products have no specific options." msgstr "Einfache Produkte haben keine spezifischen Optionen." #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product-types.php:44 #@ woothemes msgid "Virtual products have no specific options." msgstr "Virtuelle Produkte haben keine spezifischen Optionen." #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product-types.php:62 #@ woothemes msgid "Grouped products have no specific options — you can add simple products to this grouped product by editing them and setting their parent product option." msgstr "Gruppierte Produkte haben keine spezifischen Optionen — Sie können einfache Produkte zu diesem gruppierten Produkt hinzufügen, indem Sie sie bearbeiten und ihr parent product einstellen." #: admin/admin-post-types.php:339 #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:45 #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:127 #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:288 #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product-types.php:79 #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:758 #@ woothemes msgid "Virtual" msgstr "Virtuell" #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product-types.php:84 #@ woothemes msgid "Grouped" msgstr "Gruppiert" #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:322 #@ woothemes msgid "Up-sells are products which you recommend instead of the currently viewed product, for example, products that are more profitable or better quality or more expensive." msgstr "Up-Sells bezeichnet Produkte, welche Sie Ihren Kunden empfehlen anstelle des gerade angezeigten Produkts, z.B. Produkte welche höherpreisig oder von besserer Qualität sind" #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:332 #@ woothemes msgid "Cross-sells are products which you promote in the cart, based on the current product." msgstr "Cross-Sells sind Produkte, welche Sie bei Ansicht des Warenkorbs empfehlen, basierend auf dem Produkt im Warenkorb." #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:351 #@ woothemes msgid "Choose a grouped product…" msgstr "Wählen Sie ein gruppiertes Produkt…" #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:42 #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:375 #@ woothemes msgid "Grouping" msgstr "Gruppieren" #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:378 #@ woothemes msgctxt "ordering" msgid "Sort Order" msgstr "Sortierreihenfolge" #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:73 #@ woothemes msgid "Regular Price" msgstr "Regulärer Preis" #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:76 #@ woothemes msgid "Sale Price" msgstr "Angebotspreis" #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:79 #@ woothemes msgid "Sale Price Dates" msgstr "Zeitraum des Angebotspreises" #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:88 #@ woothemes msgid "From…" msgstr "Vom…" #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:91 #@ woothemes msgid "To…" msgstr "Bis…" #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:92 #@ woothemes msgid "Date format" msgstr "Datumsformat" #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:111 #: classes/product.class.php:785 #@ woothemes msgid "Dimensions" msgstr "Abmessungen" #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:112 #@ woothemes msgid "Length" msgstr "Länge" #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:135 #: classes/shipping/shipping-flat_rate.php:119 #@ woothemes msgid "Tax Status" msgstr "Versteuerung" #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:136 #: classes/shipping/shipping-flat_rate.php:122 #@ woothemes msgid "Taxable" msgstr "zu versteuern" #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:137 #@ woothemes msgid "Shipping only" msgstr "nur Versand" #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:144 #@ woothemes msgid "Standard" msgstr "Standard" #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:149 #@ woothemes msgid "Tax Class" msgstr "Mehrwertsteuersatz" #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:159 #@ woothemes msgid "Manage stock?" msgstr "Lagerbestand verwalten?" #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:162 #@ woothemes msgid "Stock status" msgstr "Lagerbestand Status" #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:163 #: classes/product.class.php:392 #: classes/product.class.php:411 #@ woothemes msgid "In stock" msgstr "Auf Lager" #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:172 #@ woothemes msgid "Stock Qty" msgstr "Lagerbestandsmenge" #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:175 #@ woothemes msgid "Allow Backorders?" msgstr "Lieferrückstände zulassen?" #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:176 #@ woothemes msgid "Do not allow" msgstr "Nicht zulassen" #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:177 #@ woothemes msgid "Allow, but notify customer" msgstr "Zulassen, aber Kunden informieren" #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:178 #@ woothemes msgid "Allow" msgstr "Zulassen" #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:196 #@ woothemes msgid "Value(s)" msgstr "Wert(e)" #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:196 #@ woothemes msgid "Add multiple attributes for text attributes by pipe (|) separating values." msgstr "Mittels des Pipe-Symbols (|) verschiedene Werte für mehrere Attribute von Text-Attributen hinzufügen." #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:197 #@ woothemes msgid "Visible?" msgstr "Sichtbar?" #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:197 #@ woothemes msgid "Enable this to show the attribute on the product page." msgstr "Aktivieren Sie dies, um die Attribute auf der Produktseite anzuzeigen." #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:198 #@ woothemes msgid "Variation?" msgstr "Variante?" #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:198 #@ woothemes msgid "Enable to use this attribute for variations." msgstr "Aktiviere, um dieses Attribut für Varianten zu verwenden." #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:263 #@ woothemes msgid "Pipe separate terms" msgstr "Trenne einzelne Ausdrücke" #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:300 #@ woothemes msgid "Custom product attribute" msgstr "Benutzerdefiniertes Produkt-Attribut" #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:316 #@ woothemes msgid "Search for product" msgstr "Nach Produkt suchen" #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:321 #@ woothemes msgid "Up-Sells" msgstr "Up-Sells" #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:331 #@ woothemes msgid "Cross-Sells" msgstr "Cross-Sells" #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:447 #@ woothemes msgid "Product SKU must be unique." msgstr "Produkt-ArtNr. muss einzigartig sein." #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:744 #@ woothemes msgid "Product Type" msgstr "Produkt-Art" #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:752 #@ woothemes msgid "Catalog & Search" msgstr "Katalog & Suche" #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:755 #@ woothemes msgid "Hidden" msgstr "Unsichtbar" #: admin/writepanels/writepanels-init.php:25 #@ woothemes msgid "Product Type & Visibility" msgstr "Produkt-Art & Sichtbarkeit" #: admin/writepanels/writepanels-init.php:26 #@ woothemes msgid "Product Data" msgstr "Produktangaben" #: admin/writepanels/writepanels-init.php:28 #@ woothemes msgid "Order Data" msgstr "Bestelldaten" #: admin/writepanels/writepanels-init.php:29 #@ woothemes msgid "Order Items – Note: if you edit quantities or remove items from the order you will need to manually change the item's stock levels." msgstr "Bestellte Produkte – Hinweis: Wenn Sie die Menge bestellter Produkte ändern oder Produkte entfernen, dann müssen Sie deren jeweiligen Lagerbestand entsprechend von Hand anpassen." #: admin/writepanels/writepanels-init.php:30 #@ woothemes msgid "Order Totals" msgstr "Gesamtsumme der Bestellung" #: admin/writepanels/writepanels-init.php:31 #: classes/checkout.class.php:253 #@ woothemes msgid "Order Notes" msgstr "Hinweise zur Bestellung" #: admin/writepanels/writepanels-init.php:32 #@ woothemes msgid "Order Actions" msgstr "Aktionen ausführen" #: admin/writepanels/writepanels-init.php:38 #@ woothemes msgid "Coupon Data" msgstr "Gutscheindaten" #: admin/writepanels/writepanels-init.php:53 #@ default msgid "(no parent)" msgstr "(nicht übergeordnet)" #: classes/cart.class.php:205 #, php-format #@ woothemes msgid "You cannot add that amount to the cart since there is not enough stock. We have %s in stock." msgstr "Sie können diese Menge nicht zum Warenkorb hinzufügen, da diese nicht vorrätig ist. Wir haben %s Produkte auf Lager." #: classes/cart.class.php:208 #: classes/cart.class.php:221 #@ woothemes msgid "You cannot add that product to the cart since the product is out of stock." msgstr "Sie können dieses Produkt nicht in den Warenkorb legen, da es nicht vorrätig ist." #: classes/cart.class.php:218 #, php-format #@ woothemes msgid "You cannot add that amount to the cart since there is not enough stock. We have %s in stock and you already have %s in your cart." msgstr "Sie können diese Menge nicht dem Warenkorb hinzufügen, da diese nicht vorrätig ist. Wir haben %s Produkte auf Lager und Sie haben bereits %s Produkte in Ihrem Warenkorb." #: classes/cart.class.php:567 #, php-format #@ woothemes msgid "Sorry, we do not have enough \"%s\" in stock to fulfill your order (%s in stock). Please edit your cart and try again. We apologise for any inconvenience caused." msgstr "Entschuldigung, wir haben nicht ausreichend \"%s\" auf Lager, um Ihre Bestellung auszuführen (%s auf Lager). Bitte bearbeiten Sie Ihren Warenkorb und versuchen Sie es erneut. Wir bedauern die Unannehmlichkeiten die hierdurch verursacht wurden." #: classes/cart.class.php:572 #, php-format #@ woothemes msgid "Sorry, we do not have enough \"%s\" in stock to fulfill your order. Please edit your cart and try again. We apologise for any inconvenience caused." msgstr "Entschuldigung, wir haben nicht ausreichend \"%s\" auf Lager, um Ihre Bestellung auszuführen. Bitte bearbeiten Sie Ihren Warenkorb und versuchen Sie es erneut. Wir bedauern die Unannehmlichkeiten die hierdurch verursacht wurden." #: classes/cart.class.php:788 #: classes/order.class.php:181 #: classes/product.class.php:587 #@ woothemes msgid "Free!" msgstr "Kostenlos!" #: classes/cart.class.php:799 #@ woothemes msgid "via" msgstr "über" #: classes/cart.class.php:260 #@ woothemes msgid "Discount code already applied!" msgstr "Gutscheincode bereits angewandt!" #: classes/cart.class.php:266 #@ woothemes msgid "Invalid coupon." msgstr "Ungültiger Gutschein." #: classes/cart.class.php:284 #@ woothemes msgid "Discount code applied successfully." msgstr "Gutscheincode wurde erfolgreich verarbeitet." #: classes/cart.class.php:288 #@ woothemes msgid "Coupon does not exist!" msgstr "Gutschein existiert nicht!" #: classes/checkout.class.php:50 #: classes/checkout.class.php:121 #: shortcodes/shortcode-my_account.php:296 #@ woothemes msgid "Address" msgstr "Adresse" #: classes/checkout.class.php:90 #: shortcodes/shortcode-my_account.php:362 #@ woothemes msgid "" msgstr "" #: classes/checkout.class.php:95 #: shortcodes/shortcode-my_account.php:366 #@ woothemes msgid "Phone" msgstr "Telefon" #: classes/checkout.class.php:96 #@ woothemes msgid "Phone number" msgstr "Telefonnummer" #: classes/checkout.class.php:166 #@ woothemes msgid "Billing & Shipping" msgstr "Rechnung & Versand" #: classes/checkout.class.php:168 #: shortcodes/shortcode-my_account.php:101 #: shortcodes/shortcode-my_account.php:278 #: shortcodes/shortcode-order_tracking.php:137 #: woocommerce_template_functions.php:1327 #@ woothemes msgid "Billing Address" msgstr "Rechnungsadresse" #: classes/checkout.class.php:183 #@ woothemes msgid "Create an account?" msgstr "Kundenkonto anlegen?" #: classes/checkout.class.php:189 #@ woothemes msgid "Create an account by entering the information below. If you are a returning customer please login with your username at the top of the page." msgstr "Füllen Sie die Angaben unten aus und legen Sie damit ein Kundenkonto an. Wenn Sie bereits Kunde bei uns sind, melden Sie sich bitte mit Ihren vorhandenen Login-Daten an." #: classes/checkout.class.php:193 #@ woothemes msgid "Account username" msgstr "Konto-Benutzername" #: classes/checkout.class.php:194 #: templates/myaccount/login.php:16 #: templates/myaccount/login.php:42 #: widgets/widget-login.php:90 #: woocommerce_template_functions.php:813 #@ woothemes msgid "Username" msgstr "Benutzername" #: classes/checkout.class.php:198 #: classes/checkout.class.php:204 #@ woothemes msgid "Account password" msgstr "Konto-Passwort" #: classes/checkout.class.php:199 #: classes/checkout.class.php:205 #: templates/myaccount/login.php:20 #: templates/myaccount/login.php:52 #: widgets/widget-login.php:92 #: woocommerce_template_functions.php:817 #@ woothemes msgid "Password" msgstr "Passwort" #: classes/checkout.class.php:225 #@ woothemes msgid "Ship to same address?" msgstr "Lieferung an diesselbe Adresse?" #: classes/checkout.class.php:227 #: shortcodes/shortcode-my_account.php:130 #: shortcodes/shortcode-my_account.php:278 #: shortcodes/shortcode-order_tracking.php:146 #: woocommerce_template_functions.php:1314 #@ woothemes msgid "Shipping Address" msgstr "Lieferadresse" #: classes/checkout.class.php:254 #@ woothemes msgid "Notes about your order, e.g. special notes for delivery." msgstr "Hinweise zu Ihrer Bestellung, z.B. spezielle Wünsche zur Lieferung." #: classes/checkout.class.php:293 #: shortcodes/shortcode-my_account.php:318 #: woocommerce_template_functions.php:649 #@ woothemes msgid "Select a country…" msgstr "Land auswählen…" #: classes/checkout.class.php:317 #: shortcodes/shortcode-my_account.php:343 #: woocommerce.php:242 #: woocommerce_template_functions.php:670 #@ woothemes msgid "Select a state…" msgstr "Bundesland auswählen…" #: classes/checkout.class.php:377 #, php-format #@ woothemes msgid "Sorry, your session has expired. Return to homepage →" msgstr "Entschuldigung, aber Ihre Sitzung ist abgelaufen. Zurück zur Startseite →" #: classes/checkout.class.php:414 #@ woothemes msgid " (billing) is not a valid postcode/ZIP." msgstr " (Rechnung) ist keine gültige Postleitzahl/PLZ." #: classes/checkout.class.php:420 #@ woothemes msgid " (billing) is not a valid number." msgstr " (Rechnung) ist keine gültige Nummer." #: classes/checkout.class.php:423 #@ woothemes msgid " (billing) is not a valid email address." msgstr " (Rechnung) ist keine gültige E-Mailadresse." #: classes/checkout.class.php:428 #@ woothemes msgid " (billing) is a required field." msgstr " (Rechnung) ist ein Pflichtfeld." #: classes/checkout.class.php:452 #@ woothemes msgid " (shipping) is not a valid postcode/ZIP." msgstr " (Lieferung) ist keine gültige Postleitzahl/PLZ." #: classes/checkout.class.php:460 #@ woothemes msgid " (shipping) is a required field." msgstr " (Lieferung) ist ein Pflichtfeld." #: classes/checkout.class.php:491 #@ woothemes msgid "Please enter an account username." msgstr "Bitte geben Sie einen Benutzernamen für das Konto ein." #: classes/checkout.class.php:492 #@ woothemes msgid "Please enter an account password." msgstr "Bitte geben Sie ein Passwort für das Konto ein." #: classes/checkout.class.php:493 #: shortcodes/shortcode-my_account.php:415 #: woocommerce_actions.php:697 #@ woothemes msgid "Passwords do not match." msgstr "Passwörter stimmen nicht überein." #: classes/checkout.class.php:497 #@ woothemes msgid "Invalid email/username." msgstr "E-Mail/Benutzername ungültig." #: classes/checkout.class.php:499 #@ woothemes msgid "An account is already registered with that username. Please choose another." msgstr "Ein Kundenkonto mit diesem Benutzernamen existiert bereits. Bitte wählen Sie einen anderen aus." #: classes/checkout.class.php:504 #@ woothemes msgid "An account is already registered with your email address. Please login." msgstr "Ein Kundenkonto mit Ihrer E-Mailadresse ist bereits registriert. Bitte loggen Sie sich ein." #: classes/checkout.class.php:509 #@ woothemes msgid "You must accept our Terms & Conditions." msgstr "Die Zustimmung zu unseren Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen (AGB) ist erforderlich." #: classes/checkout.class.php:517 #@ woothemes msgid "Invalid shipping method." msgstr "Ungültige Versandart." #: classes/checkout.class.php:526 #@ woothemes msgid "Invalid payment method." msgstr "Ungültige Bezahlart." #: classes/checkout.class.php:554 #: woocommerce_actions.php:714 #, php-format #@ woothemes msgid "ERROR: Couldn’t register you... please contact the webmaster !" msgstr "FEHLER: Registrierung nicht möglich... Bitte informieren Sie den Webmaster !" #: classes/countries.class.php:573 #@ woothemes msgid "to the" msgstr "zum" #: classes/countries.class.php:574 #@ woothemes msgid "to" msgstr "nach" #: classes/countries.class.php:582 #@ woothemes msgid "the" msgstr "das" #: classes/gateways/gateway-banktransfer.php:50 #: classes/gateways/gateway-cheque.php:44 #: classes/gateways/gateway-paypal.php:51 #@ woothemes msgid "Enable/Disable" msgstr "Aktivieren/Deaktivieren" #: classes/gateways/gateway-banktransfer.php:52 #@ woothemes msgid "Enable Bank Transfer" msgstr "Überweisung aktivieren" #: classes/gateways/gateway-banktransfer.php:56 #: classes/gateways/gateway-cheque.php:50 #: classes/gateways/gateway-paypal.php:57 #: shortcodes/shortcode-order_tracking.php:79 #@ woothemes msgid "Title" msgstr "Anrede" #: classes/gateways/gateway-banktransfer.php:58 #: classes/gateways/gateway-cheque.php:52 #: classes/gateways/gateway-paypal.php:59 #: classes/shipping/shipping-flat_rate.php:105 #: classes/shipping/shipping-free_shipping.php:51 #@ woothemes msgid "This controls the title which the user sees during checkout." msgstr "Dies steuert die Anrede, die der Benutzer während des Bestellablaufs sieht." #: classes/gateways/gateway-banktransfer.php:59 #@ woothemes msgid "Direct Bank Transfer" msgstr "Überweisung" #: classes/gateways/gateway-banktransfer.php:62 #: classes/gateways/gateway-cheque.php:56 #@ woothemes msgid "Customer Message" msgstr "Kundennachricht" #: classes/gateways/gateway-banktransfer.php:64 #@ woothemes msgid "Give the customer instructions for paying via BACS, and let them know that their order won't be shipping until the money is received." msgstr "Informieren Sie den Kunden über Ihre Zahlungsmodalitäten für die Rechnungsbegleichung per Überweisung und achten Sie darauf anzugeben, das die Bestellung erst ausgeführt wird, nachdem das Geld überwiesen wurde." #: classes/gateways/gateway-banktransfer.php:65 #@ woothemes msgid "Make your payment directly into our bank account. Please use your Order ID as the payment reference. Your order wont be shipped until the funds have cleared in our account." msgstr "Zahlen Sie direkt per Überweisung an uns. Bitte geben Sie Ihre Auftragsnummer im Verwendungszweck an. Ihre Bestellung wird erst nach Erhalt des Rechnungsbetrages an Sie ausgeliefert." #: classes/gateways/gateway-banktransfer.php:68 #: classes/gateways/gateway-banktransfer.php:141 #: classes/gateways/gateway-banktransfer.php:174 #@ woothemes msgid "Account Name" msgstr "Kontobezeichnung" #: classes/gateways/gateway-banktransfer.php:74 #: classes/gateways/gateway-banktransfer.php:142 #: classes/gateways/gateway-banktransfer.php:175 #@ woothemes msgid "Account Number" msgstr "Kontonummer" #: classes/gateways/gateway-banktransfer.php:80 #: classes/gateways/gateway-banktransfer.php:143 #: classes/gateways/gateway-banktransfer.php:176 #@ woothemes msgid "Sort Code" msgstr "Bankleitzahl" #: classes/gateways/gateway-banktransfer.php:86 #: classes/gateways/gateway-banktransfer.php:144 #: classes/gateways/gateway-banktransfer.php:177 #@ woothemes msgid "Bank Name" msgstr "Name der Bank" #: classes/gateways/gateway-banktransfer.php:92 #: classes/gateways/gateway-banktransfer.php:145 #: classes/gateways/gateway-banktransfer.php:178 #@ woothemes msgid "IBAN" msgstr "IBAN" #: classes/gateways/gateway-banktransfer.php:94 #: classes/gateways/gateway-banktransfer.php:100 #@ woothemes msgid "Your bank may require this for international payments" msgstr "Ihre Bank wird dies für den Internationalen Zahlungsverkehr benötigen" #: classes/gateways/gateway-banktransfer.php:98 #@ woothemes msgid "BIC (formerly Swift)" msgstr "BIC/SWIFT" #: classes/gateways/gateway-banktransfer.php:116 #@ woothemes msgid "BACS Payment" msgstr "Zahlung per Überweisung" #: classes/gateways/gateway-banktransfer.php:117 #@ woothemes msgid "Allows payments by BACS (Bank Account Clearing System), more commonly known as direct bank/wire transfer." msgstr "Erlauben Sie Zahlungen per Überweisung bzw. Direktüberweisung." #: classes/gateways/gateway-banktransfer.php:138 #: classes/gateways/gateway-banktransfer.php:171 #@ woothemes msgid "Our Details" msgstr "Unsere Angaben" #: classes/gateways/gateway-banktransfer.php:146 #: classes/gateways/gateway-banktransfer.php:179 #@ woothemes msgid "BIC" msgstr "BIC" #: classes/gateways/gateway-banktransfer.php:200 #@ woothemes msgid "Awaiting BACS payment" msgstr "Erwarte Überweisung" #: classes/gateways/gateway-cheque.php:46 #@ woothemes msgid "Enable Cheque Payment" msgstr "Bezahlung per Scheck aktivieren" #: classes/gateways/gateway-cheque.php:53 #: classes/gateways/gateway-cheque.php:74 #@ woothemes msgid "Cheque Payment" msgstr "Bezahlung per Scheck" #: classes/gateways/gateway-cheque.php:58 #@ woothemes msgid "Let the customer know the payee and where they should be sending the cheque to and that their order won't be shipping until you receive it." msgstr "Informieren Sie den Kunden über den Scheckbegünstigten und wohin der Scheck zu senden ist und das die Lieferung erst nach Erhalt desselben erfolgt." #: classes/gateways/gateway-cheque.php:75 #@ woothemes msgid "Allows cheque payments. Why would you take cheques in this day and age? Well you probably wouldn't but it does allow you to make test purchases for testing order emails and the 'success' pages etc." msgstr "Erlauben Sie die Bezahlung per Scheck. Warum sollten Sie heutzutage noch Schecks annehmen? Nun gut, wahrscheinlich wollen Sie das nicht, aber Sie können damit Testkäufe durchführen, um z.B. die Bestellmails oder die Seite über den erfolgreichen Abschluß der Bestellung zu testen." #: classes/gateways/gateway-cheque.php:115 #@ woothemes msgid "Awaiting cheque payment" msgstr "Erwarte Zahlung per Scheck" #: classes/gateways/gateway-paypal.php:53 #@ woothemes msgid "Enable PayPal standard" msgstr "Aktiviere PayPal-Standard" #: classes/gateways/gateway-paypal.php:60 #@ woothemes msgid "PayPal" msgstr "PayPal" #: classes/gateways/gateway-paypal.php:63 #: woocommerce_template_functions.php:532 #@ woothemes msgid "Description" msgstr "Beschreibung" #: classes/gateways/gateway-paypal.php:65 #@ woothemes msgid "This controls the description which the user sees during checkout." msgstr "Dies steuert die Beschreibung, welche der Benutzer während des Bestellablaufs sieht." #: classes/gateways/gateway-paypal.php:66 #@ woothemes msgid "Pay via PayPal; you can pay with your credit card if you don't have a PayPal account" msgstr "Zahlung über PayPal; Sie können mit Ihrer Kreditkarte bezahlen, wenn Sie über kein PayPal-Konto verfügen." #: classes/gateways/gateway-paypal.php:69 #@ woothemes msgid "PayPal Email" msgstr "PayPal E-Mail" #: classes/gateways/gateway-paypal.php:71 #@ woothemes msgid "Please enter your PayPal email address; this is needed in order to take payment." msgstr "Bitte geben Sie Ihre PayPal E-Mailadresse ein; diese wird benötigt, um die Bezahlung abschließen zu können." #: classes/gateways/gateway-paypal.php:75 #@ woothemes msgid "Shipping details" msgstr "Versanddetails" #: classes/gateways/gateway-paypal.php:77 #@ woothemes msgid "Send shipping details to PayPal" msgstr "Versanddetails an PayPal übermitteln" #: classes/gateways/gateway-paypal.php:81 #@ woothemes msgid "PayPal sandbox" msgstr "PayPal-Testumgebung" #: classes/gateways/gateway-paypal.php:83 #@ woothemes msgid "Enable PayPal sandbox" msgstr "PayPal-Testumgebung aktivieren" #: classes/gateways/gateway-paypal.php:105 #@ woothemes msgid "PayPal standard" msgstr "PayPal-Standard" #: classes/gateways/gateway-paypal.php:106 #@ woothemes msgid "PayPal standard works by sending the user to PayPal to enter their payment information." msgstr "PayPal-Standard leitet den Benutzer an PayPal weiter, um die Zahlungsinformationen einzugeben." #: classes/gateways/gateway-paypal.php:227 #@ woothemes msgid "Shipping cost" msgstr "Versandkosten" #: classes/gateways/gateway-paypal.php:239 #@ woothemes msgid "Pay via PayPal" msgstr "Bezahlen über PayPal" #: classes/gateways/gateway-paypal.php:239 #@ woothemes msgid "Cancel order & restore cart" msgstr "Bestellung abbrechen & Warenkorb zurücksetzen" #: classes/gateways/gateway-paypal.php:244 #@ woothemes msgid "Thank you for your order. We are now redirecting you to PayPal to make payment." msgstr "Vielen Dank für Ihre Bestellung. Sie werden nun zu PayPal weitergeleitet, um die Bezahlung vorzunehmen." #: classes/gateways/gateway-paypal.php:286 #@ woothemes msgid "Thank you for your order, please click the button below to pay with PayPal." msgstr "Vielen Dank für Ihre Bestellung, bitte klicken Sie auf den Button unten, um mit PayPal zu bezahlen." #: classes/gateways/gateway-paypal.php:381 #@ woothemes msgid "IPN payment completed" msgstr "IPN-Zahlung vollständig" #: classes/gateways/gateway-paypal.php:396 #: classes/gateways/gateway-paypal.php:401 #, php-format #@ woothemes msgid "Payment %s via IPN." msgstr "Zahlung %s über IPN." #: classes/gateways/gateway.class.php:132 #@ woothemes msgid "This function needs to be overridden by your payment gateway class." msgstr "Diese Funktion kann die Klasse Ihrer Bezahlschnittstelle nicht berücksichtigen." #: classes/order.class.php:178 #, php-format #@ woothemes msgid " %svia %s" msgstr " %süber %s" #: classes/order.class.php:390 #, php-format #@ woothemes msgid "Order status changed from %s to %s." msgstr "Status der Bestellung von %s auf %s geändert." #: classes/order.class.php:531 #@ woothemes msgid "Order item stock reduced successfully." msgstr "Lagerbestand der bestellten Produkte erfolgreich reduziert." #: classes/product.class.php:397 #: classes/product.class.php:402 #@ woothemes msgid "available" msgstr "verfügbar" #: classes/product.class.php:398 #@ woothemes msgid " (backorders allowed)" msgstr " (Auftragsrückstand gestattet)" #: classes/product.class.php:409 #: classes/product.class.php:421 #@ woothemes msgid "Available on backorder" msgstr "Verfügbar bei Nachlieferung" #: classes/product.class.php:635 #: templates/single-product-reviews.php:29 #, php-format #@ woothemes msgid "Rated %s out of 5" msgstr "Bewertet mit %s von 5" #: classes/shipping/shipping-flat_rate.php:16 #@ woothemes msgid "Flat rate" msgstr "Versandkostenpauschale" #: classes/shipping/shipping-flat_rate.php:90 #@ woothemes msgid "Flat Rates" msgstr "Versandkostenpauschalen" #: classes/shipping/shipping-flat_rate.php:91 #@ woothemes msgid "Flat rates let you define a standard rate per item, or per order." msgstr "Mit Versandkostenpauschalen können Sie Standardbeträge pro Produkt oder pro Bestellung definieren." #: classes/shipping/shipping-flat_rate.php:94 #: classes/shipping/shipping-flat_rate.php:96 #: classes/shipping/shipping-free_shipping.php:40 #: classes/shipping/shipping-free_shipping.php:42 #@ woothemes msgid "Enable/disable" msgstr "Aktivieren/Deaktivieren" #: classes/shipping/shipping-flat_rate.php:98 #@ woothemes msgid "Enable Flat Rate" msgstr "Versandkostenpauschale aktivieren" #: classes/shipping/shipping-flat_rate.php:103 #: classes/shipping/shipping-free_shipping.php:49 #@ woothemes msgid "Method Title" msgstr "Bezeichnung der Versandart" #: classes/shipping/shipping-flat_rate.php:112 #@ woothemes msgid "Per Order" msgstr "je Bestellung" #: classes/shipping/shipping-flat_rate.php:113 #@ woothemes msgid "Per Item" msgstr "je Produkt" #: classes/shipping/shipping-flat_rate.php:130 #@ woothemes msgid "Cost excluding tax. Enter an amount, e.g. 2.50." msgstr "Kosten exklusive Mehrwertsteuer. Geben Sie einen Wert ein, z.B. 2.50." #: classes/shipping/shipping-flat_rate.php:134 #@ woothemes msgid "Handling Fee" msgstr "Bearbeitungsgebühr" #: classes/shipping/shipping-flat_rate.php:136 #@ woothemes msgid "Fee excluding tax. Enter an amount, e.g. 2.50, or a percentage, e.g. 5%. Leave blank to disable." msgstr "Gebühr exklusive Mehrwertsteuer. Geben Sie einen Wert ein, z.B. 2.50, oder einen Prozentsatz, z.B. 5%. Zum Deaktivieren leer lassen." #: classes/shipping/shipping-flat_rate.php:140 #: classes/shipping/shipping-free_shipping.php:61 #@ woothemes msgid "Method availability" msgstr "Verfügbarkeit der Versandart" #: classes/shipping/shipping-flat_rate.php:143 #: classes/shipping/shipping-free_shipping.php:64 #@ woothemes msgid "All allowed countries" msgstr "Alle zugelassenen Länder" #: classes/shipping/shipping-free_shipping.php:16 #@ woothemes msgid "Free shipping" msgstr "Kostenloser Versand" #: classes/shipping/shipping-free_shipping.php:37 #@ woothemes msgid "Free Shipping" msgstr "Kostenloser Versand" #: classes/shipping/shipping-free_shipping.php:44 #@ woothemes msgid "Enable Free Shipping" msgstr "Kostenlosen Versand aktivieren" #: classes/shipping/shipping-free_shipping.php:55 #@ woothemes msgid "Minimum Order Amount" msgstr "Untergrenze Bestellsumme" #: classes/shipping/shipping-free_shipping.php:57 #@ woothemes msgid "Users will need to spend this amount to get free shipping. Leave blank to disable." msgstr "Dieser Betrag muss erreicht werden, um kostenlosen Versand zu erhalten. Zum Deaktivieren leer lassen." #: classes/woocommerce.class.php:227 #@ woothemes msgid "Cart Discount" msgstr "Warenkorb Rabatt" #: classes/woocommerce.class.php:228 #@ woothemes msgid "Cart % Discount" msgstr "Warenkorb % Rabatt" #: classes/woocommerce.class.php:229 #@ woothemes msgid "Product Discount" msgstr "Produktrabatt" #: classes/woocommerce.class.php:230 #@ woothemes msgid "Product % Discount" msgstr "Produkt % Rabatt" #: classes/countries.class.php:23 #@ woothemes msgid "Andorra" msgstr "Andorra" #: classes/countries.class.php:24 #@ woothemes msgid "United Arab Emirates" msgstr "Vereinigte Arabische Emirates" #: classes/countries.class.php:25 #@ woothemes msgid "Afghanistan" msgstr "Afghanistan" #: classes/countries.class.php:26 #@ woothemes msgid "Antigua and Barbuda" msgstr "Antigua und Barbuda" #: classes/countries.class.php:27 #@ woothemes msgid "Anguilla" msgstr "Anguilla" #: classes/countries.class.php:28 #@ woothemes msgid "Albania" msgstr "Albanien" #: classes/countries.class.php:29 #@ woothemes msgid "Armenia" msgstr "Armenien" #: classes/countries.class.php:30 #@ woothemes msgid "Netherlands Antilles" msgstr "Niederländische Antillen" #: classes/countries.class.php:31 #@ woothemes msgid "Angola" msgstr "Angola" #: classes/countries.class.php:32 #@ woothemes msgid "Antarctica" msgstr "Antarktika" #: classes/countries.class.php:33 #@ woothemes msgid "Argentina" msgstr "Argentinien" #: classes/countries.class.php:34 #@ woothemes msgid "American Samoa" msgstr "Amerikanisch-Samoa" #: classes/countries.class.php:35 #@ woothemes msgid "Austria" msgstr "Österreich" #: classes/countries.class.php:36 #@ woothemes msgid "Australia" msgstr "Australien" #: classes/countries.class.php:37 #@ woothemes msgid "Aruba" msgstr "Aruba" #: classes/countries.class.php:38 #@ woothemes msgid "Aland Islands" msgstr "Åland" #: classes/countries.class.php:39 #@ woothemes msgid "Azerbaijan" msgstr "Aserbaidschan" #: classes/countries.class.php:40 #@ woothemes msgid "Bosnia and Herzegovina" msgstr "Bosnien und Herzegowina" #: classes/countries.class.php:41 #@ woothemes msgid "Barbados" msgstr "Barbados" #: classes/countries.class.php:42 #@ woothemes msgid "Bangladesh" msgstr "Bangladesch" #: classes/countries.class.php:43 #@ woothemes msgid "Belgium" msgstr "Belgien" #: classes/countries.class.php:44 #@ woothemes msgid "Burkina Faso" msgstr "Burkina Faso" #: classes/countries.class.php:45 #@ woothemes msgid "Bulgaria" msgstr "Bulgarien" #: classes/countries.class.php:46 #@ woothemes msgid "Bahrain" msgstr "Bahrain" #: classes/countries.class.php:47 #@ woothemes msgid "Burundi" msgstr "Burundi" #: classes/countries.class.php:48 #@ woothemes msgid "Benin" msgstr "Benin" #: classes/countries.class.php:49 #@ woothemes msgid "Saint Barthélemy" msgstr "Sankt Bartholomäus" #: classes/countries.class.php:50 #@ woothemes msgid "Bermuda" msgstr "Bermuda" #: classes/countries.class.php:51 #@ woothemes msgid "Brunei" msgstr "Brunei" #: classes/countries.class.php:52 #@ woothemes msgid "Bolivia" msgstr "Bolivien" #: classes/countries.class.php:53 #@ woothemes msgid "Brazil" msgstr "Brasilien" #: classes/countries.class.php:54 #@ woothemes msgid "Bahamas" msgstr "Bahamas" #: classes/countries.class.php:55 #@ woothemes msgid "Bhutan" msgstr "Bhutan" #: classes/countries.class.php:56 #@ woothemes msgid "Bouvet Island" msgstr "Bouvetinsel" #: classes/countries.class.php:57 #@ woothemes msgid "Botswana" msgstr "Botswana" #: classes/countries.class.php:58 #@ woothemes msgid "Belarus" msgstr "Belarus" #: classes/countries.class.php:59 #@ woothemes msgid "Belize" msgstr "Belize" #: classes/countries.class.php:60 #@ woothemes msgid "Canada" msgstr "Kanada" #: classes/countries.class.php:61 #@ woothemes msgid "Cocos (Keeling) Islands" msgstr "Kokosinseln" #: classes/countries.class.php:62 #@ woothemes msgid "Congo (Kinshasa)" msgstr "Kongo-Kinshasa" #: classes/countries.class.php:63 #@ woothemes msgid "Central African Republic" msgstr "Zentralafrikanische Republik" #: classes/countries.class.php:64 #@ woothemes msgid "Congo (Brazzaville)" msgstr "Kongo-Brazzaville" #: classes/countries.class.php:65 #@ woothemes msgid "Switzerland" msgstr "Schweiz" #: classes/countries.class.php:66 #@ woothemes msgid "Ivory Coast" msgstr "Elfenbeinküste" #: classes/countries.class.php:67 #@ woothemes msgid "Cook Islands" msgstr "Cookinseln" #: classes/countries.class.php:68 #@ woothemes msgid "Chile" msgstr "Chile" #: classes/countries.class.php:69 #@ woothemes msgid "Cameroon" msgstr "Kamerun" #: classes/countries.class.php:70 #@ woothemes msgid "China" msgstr "China" #: classes/countries.class.php:71 #@ woothemes msgid "Colombia" msgstr "Kolumbien" #: classes/countries.class.php:72 #@ woothemes msgid "Costa Rica" msgstr "Costa Rica" #: classes/countries.class.php:73 #@ woothemes msgid "Cuba" msgstr "Kuba" #: classes/countries.class.php:74 #@ woothemes msgid "Cape Verde" msgstr "Kap Verde" #: classes/countries.class.php:75 #@ woothemes msgid "Christmas Island" msgstr "Weihnachtsinsel" #: classes/countries.class.php:76 #@ woothemes msgid "Cyprus" msgstr "Zypern" #: classes/countries.class.php:77 #@ woothemes msgid "Czech Republic" msgstr "Tschechien" #: classes/countries.class.php:78 #@ woothemes msgid "Germany" msgstr "Deutschland" #: classes/countries.class.php:79 #@ woothemes msgid "Djibouti" msgstr "Dschibuti" #: classes/countries.class.php:80 #@ woothemes msgid "Denmark" msgstr "Dänemark" #: classes/countries.class.php:81 #@ woothemes msgid "Dominica" msgstr "Dominica" #: classes/countries.class.php:82 #@ woothemes msgid "Dominican Republic" msgstr "Dominikanische Republik" #: classes/countries.class.php:83 #@ woothemes msgid "Algeria" msgstr "Algerien" #: classes/countries.class.php:84 #@ woothemes msgid "Ecuador" msgstr "Ecuador" #: classes/countries.class.php:85 #@ woothemes msgid "Estonia" msgstr "Estland" #: classes/countries.class.php:86 #@ woothemes msgid "Egypt" msgstr "Ägypten" #: classes/countries.class.php:87 #@ woothemes msgid "Western Sahara" msgstr "Westsahara" #: classes/countries.class.php:88 #@ woothemes msgid "Eritrea" msgstr "Eritrea" #: classes/countries.class.php:89 #@ woothemes msgid "Spain" msgstr "Spanien" #: classes/countries.class.php:90 #@ woothemes msgid "Ethiopia" msgstr "Äthiopien" #: classes/countries.class.php:91 #@ woothemes msgid "Finland" msgstr "Finnland" #: classes/countries.class.php:92 #@ woothemes msgid "Fiji" msgstr "Fidschi" #: classes/countries.class.php:93 #@ woothemes msgid "Falkland Islands" msgstr "Falklandinseln" #: classes/countries.class.php:94 #@ woothemes msgid "Micronesia" msgstr "Mikronesien" #: classes/countries.class.php:95 #@ woothemes msgid "Faroe Islands" msgstr "Färöer" #: classes/countries.class.php:96 #@ woothemes msgid "France" msgstr "Frankreich" #: classes/countries.class.php:97 #@ woothemes msgid "Gabon" msgstr "Gabun" #: classes/countries.class.php:98 #@ woothemes msgid "United Kingdom" msgstr "Vereinigtes Königreich" #: classes/countries.class.php:99 #@ woothemes msgid "Grenada" msgstr "Grenada" #: classes/countries.class.php:100 #: classes/countries.class.php:461 #@ woothemes msgid "Georgia" msgstr "Georgien" #: classes/countries.class.php:101 #@ woothemes msgid "French Guiana" msgstr "Französisch-Guayana" #: classes/countries.class.php:102 #@ woothemes msgid "Guernsey" msgstr "Guernsey" #: classes/countries.class.php:103 #@ woothemes msgid "Ghana" msgstr "Ghana" #: classes/countries.class.php:104 #@ woothemes msgid "Gibraltar" msgstr "Gibraltar" #: classes/countries.class.php:105 #@ woothemes msgid "Greenland" msgstr "Grönland" #: classes/countries.class.php:106 #@ woothemes msgid "Gambia" msgstr "Gambia" #: classes/countries.class.php:107 #@ woothemes msgid "Guinea" msgstr "Guinea" #: classes/countries.class.php:108 #@ woothemes msgid "Guadeloupe" msgstr "Guadeloupe" #: classes/countries.class.php:109 #@ woothemes msgid "Equatorial Guinea" msgstr "Äquatorialguinea" #: classes/countries.class.php:110 #@ woothemes msgid "Greece" msgstr "Griechenland" #: classes/countries.class.php:111 #@ woothemes msgid "South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands" msgstr "Südgeorgien und die Südlichen Sandwichinseln" #: classes/countries.class.php:112 #@ woothemes msgid "Guatemala" msgstr "Guatemala" #: classes/countries.class.php:113 #@ woothemes msgid "Guam" msgstr "Guam" #: classes/countries.class.php:114 #@ woothemes msgid "Guinea-Bissau" msgstr "Guinea-Bissau" #: classes/countries.class.php:115 #@ woothemes msgid "Guyana" msgstr "Guyana" #: classes/countries.class.php:116 #@ woothemes msgid "Hong Kong S.A.R., China" msgstr "Hongkong, China" #: classes/countries.class.php:117 #@ woothemes msgid "Heard Island and McDonald Islands" msgstr "Heard und McDonaldinseln" #: classes/countries.class.php:118 #@ woothemes msgid "Honduras" msgstr "Honduras" #: classes/countries.class.php:119 #@ woothemes msgid "Croatia" msgstr "Kroatien" #: classes/countries.class.php:120 #@ woothemes msgid "Haiti" msgstr "Haiti" #: classes/countries.class.php:121 #@ woothemes msgid "Hungary" msgstr "Ungarn" #: classes/countries.class.php:122 #@ woothemes msgid "Indonesia" msgstr "Indonesien" #: classes/countries.class.php:123 #@ woothemes msgid "Ireland" msgstr "Irland" #: classes/countries.class.php:124 #@ woothemes msgid "Israel" msgstr "Israel" #: classes/countries.class.php:125 #@ woothemes msgid "Isle of Man" msgstr "Isle of Man" #: classes/countries.class.php:126 #@ woothemes msgid "India" msgstr "Indien" #: classes/countries.class.php:127 #@ woothemes msgid "British Indian Ocean Territory" msgstr "Britisches Territorium im Indischen Ozean" #: classes/countries.class.php:128 #@ woothemes msgid "Iraq" msgstr "Irak" #: classes/countries.class.php:129 #@ woothemes msgid "Iran" msgstr "Iran" #: classes/countries.class.php:130 #@ woothemes msgid "Iceland" msgstr "Island" #: classes/countries.class.php:131 #@ woothemes msgid "Italy" msgstr "Italien" #: classes/countries.class.php:132 #@ woothemes msgid "Jersey" msgstr "Jersey" #: classes/countries.class.php:133 #@ woothemes msgid "Jamaica" msgstr "Jamaika" #: classes/countries.class.php:134 #@ woothemes msgid "Jordan" msgstr "Jordanien" #: classes/countries.class.php:135 #@ woothemes msgid "Japan" msgstr "Japan" #: classes/countries.class.php:136 #@ woothemes msgid "Kenya" msgstr "Kenia" #: classes/countries.class.php:137 #@ woothemes msgid "Kyrgyzstan" msgstr "Kirgisistan" #: classes/countries.class.php:138 #@ woothemes msgid "Cambodia" msgstr "Kambodscha" #: classes/countries.class.php:139 #@ woothemes msgid "Kiribati" msgstr "Kiribati" #: classes/countries.class.php:140 #@ woothemes msgid "Comoros" msgstr "Komoren" #: classes/countries.class.php:141 #@ woothemes msgid "Saint Kitts and Nevis" msgstr "St. Kitts und Nevis" #: classes/countries.class.php:142 #@ woothemes msgid "North Korea" msgstr "Nordkorea" #: classes/countries.class.php:143 #@ woothemes msgid "South Korea" msgstr "Südkorea" #: classes/countries.class.php:144 #@ woothemes msgid "Kuwait" msgstr "Kuwait" #: classes/countries.class.php:145 #@ woothemes msgid "Cayman Islands" msgstr "Kaimaninseln" #: classes/countries.class.php:146 #@ woothemes msgid "Kazakhstan" msgstr "Kasachstan" #: classes/countries.class.php:147 #@ woothemes msgid "Laos" msgstr "Laos" #: classes/countries.class.php:148 #@ woothemes msgid "Lebanon" msgstr "Libanon" #: classes/countries.class.php:149 #@ woothemes msgid "Saint Lucia" msgstr "Sankt Lucia" #: classes/countries.class.php:150 #@ woothemes msgid "Liechtenstein" msgstr "Liechtenstein" #: classes/countries.class.php:151 #@ woothemes msgid "Sri Lanka" msgstr "Sri Lanka" #: classes/countries.class.php:152 #@ woothemes msgid "Liberia" msgstr "Liberia" #: classes/countries.class.php:153 #@ woothemes msgid "Lesotho" msgstr "Lesotho" #: classes/countries.class.php:154 #@ woothemes msgid "Lithuania" msgstr "Litauen" #: classes/countries.class.php:155 #@ woothemes msgid "Luxembourg" msgstr "Luxemburg" #: classes/countries.class.php:156 #@ woothemes msgid "Latvia" msgstr "Lettland" #: classes/countries.class.php:157 #@ woothemes msgid "Libya" msgstr "Libyen" #: classes/countries.class.php:158 #@ woothemes msgid "Morocco" msgstr "Marokko" #: classes/countries.class.php:159 #@ woothemes msgid "Monaco" msgstr "Monaco" #: classes/countries.class.php:160 #@ woothemes msgid "Moldova" msgstr "Moldawien" #: classes/countries.class.php:161 #@ woothemes msgid "Montenegro" msgstr "Montenegro" #: classes/countries.class.php:162 #@ woothemes msgid "Saint Martin (French part)" msgstr "Saint-Martin" #: classes/countries.class.php:163 #@ woothemes msgid "Madagascar" msgstr "Madagaskar" #: classes/countries.class.php:164 #@ woothemes msgid "Marshall Islands" msgstr "Marshallinseln" #: classes/countries.class.php:165 #@ woothemes msgid "Macedonia" msgstr "Mazedonien" #: classes/countries.class.php:166 #@ woothemes msgid "Mali" msgstr "Mali" #: classes/countries.class.php:167 #@ woothemes msgid "Myanmar" msgstr "Myanmar" #: classes/countries.class.php:168 #@ woothemes msgid "Mongolia" msgstr "Mongolei" #: classes/countries.class.php:169 #@ woothemes msgid "Macao S.A.R., China" msgstr "Macao, China" #: classes/countries.class.php:170 #@ woothemes msgid "Northern Mariana Islands" msgstr "Nördliche Marianen" #: classes/countries.class.php:171 #@ woothemes msgid "Martinique" msgstr "Martinique" #: classes/countries.class.php:172 #@ woothemes msgid "Mauritania" msgstr "Mauretanien" #: classes/countries.class.php:173 #@ woothemes msgid "Montserrat" msgstr "Montserrat" #: classes/countries.class.php:174 #@ woothemes msgid "Malta" msgstr "Malta" #: classes/countries.class.php:175 #@ woothemes msgid "Mauritius" msgstr "Mauritius" #: classes/countries.class.php:176 #@ woothemes msgid "Maldives" msgstr "Malediven" #: classes/countries.class.php:177 #@ woothemes msgid "Malawi" msgstr "Malawi" #: classes/countries.class.php:178 #@ woothemes msgid "Mexico" msgstr "Mexiko" #: classes/countries.class.php:179 #@ woothemes msgid "Malaysia" msgstr "Malaysia" #: classes/countries.class.php:180 #@ woothemes msgid "Mozambique" msgstr "Mosambik" #: classes/countries.class.php:181 #@ woothemes msgid "Namibia" msgstr "Namibia" #: classes/countries.class.php:182 #@ woothemes msgid "New Caledonia" msgstr "Neukaledonien" #: classes/countries.class.php:183 #@ woothemes msgid "Niger" msgstr "Niger" #: classes/countries.class.php:184 #@ woothemes msgid "Norfolk Island" msgstr "Norfolkinsel" #: classes/countries.class.php:185 #@ woothemes msgid "Nigeria" msgstr "Nigeria" #: classes/countries.class.php:186 #@ woothemes msgid "Nicaragua" msgstr "Nicaragua" #: classes/countries.class.php:187 #@ woothemes msgid "Netherlands" msgstr "Niederlande" #: classes/countries.class.php:188 #@ woothemes msgid "Norway" msgstr "Norwegen" #: classes/countries.class.php:189 #@ woothemes msgid "Nepal" msgstr "Nepal" #: classes/countries.class.php:190 #@ woothemes msgid "Nauru" msgstr "Nauru" #: classes/countries.class.php:191 #@ woothemes msgid "Niue" msgstr "Niue" #: classes/countries.class.php:192 #@ woothemes msgid "New Zealand" msgstr "Neuseeland" #: classes/countries.class.php:193 #@ woothemes msgid "Oman" msgstr "Oman" #: classes/countries.class.php:194 #@ woothemes msgid "Panama" msgstr "Panama" #: classes/countries.class.php:195 #@ woothemes msgid "Peru" msgstr "Peru" #: classes/countries.class.php:196 #@ woothemes msgid "French Polynesia" msgstr "Französisch-Polynesien" #: classes/countries.class.php:197 #@ woothemes msgid "Papua New Guinea" msgstr "Papua-Neuguinea" #: classes/countries.class.php:198 #@ woothemes msgid "Philippines" msgstr "Philippinen" #: classes/countries.class.php:199 #@ woothemes msgid "Pakistan" msgstr "Pakistan" #: classes/countries.class.php:200 #@ woothemes msgid "Poland" msgstr "Polen" #: classes/countries.class.php:201 #@ woothemes msgid "Saint Pierre and Miquelon" msgstr "Saint-Pierre und Miquelon" #: classes/countries.class.php:202 #@ woothemes msgid "Pitcairn" msgstr "Pitcairn" #: classes/countries.class.php:203 #@ woothemes msgid "Puerto Rico" msgstr "Puerto Rico" #: classes/countries.class.php:204 #@ woothemes msgid "Palestinian Territory" msgstr "Palästinensisches Territorium" #: classes/countries.class.php:205 #@ woothemes msgid "Portugal" msgstr "Portugal" #: classes/countries.class.php:206 #@ woothemes msgid "Palau" msgstr "Palau" #: classes/countries.class.php:207 #@ woothemes msgid "Paraguay" msgstr "Paraguay" #: classes/countries.class.php:208 #@ woothemes msgid "Qatar" msgstr "Katar" #: classes/countries.class.php:209 #@ woothemes msgid "Reunion" msgstr "Réunion" #: classes/countries.class.php:210 #@ woothemes msgid "Romania" msgstr "Rumänien" #: classes/countries.class.php:211 #@ woothemes msgid "Serbia" msgstr "Serbien" #: classes/countries.class.php:212 #@ woothemes msgid "Russia" msgstr "Russland" #: classes/countries.class.php:213 #@ woothemes msgid "Rwanda" msgstr "Rwanda" #: classes/countries.class.php:214 #@ woothemes msgid "Saudi Arabia" msgstr "Saudi-Arabien" #: classes/countries.class.php:215 #@ woothemes msgid "Solomon Islands" msgstr "Salomonen" #: classes/countries.class.php:216 #@ woothemes msgid "Seychelles" msgstr "Seychellen" #: classes/countries.class.php:217 #@ woothemes msgid "Sudan" msgstr "Sudan" #: classes/countries.class.php:218 #@ woothemes msgid "Sweden" msgstr "Schweden" #: classes/countries.class.php:219 #@ woothemes msgid "Singapore" msgstr "Singapur" #: classes/countries.class.php:220 #@ woothemes msgid "Saint Helena" msgstr "St. Helena" #: classes/countries.class.php:221 #@ woothemes msgid "Slovenia" msgstr "Slowenien" #: classes/countries.class.php:222 #@ woothemes msgid "Svalbard and Jan Mayen" msgstr "Spitzbergen" #: classes/countries.class.php:223 #@ woothemes msgid "Slovakia" msgstr "Slowakei" #: classes/countries.class.php:224 #@ woothemes msgid "Sierra Leone" msgstr "Sierra Leone" #: classes/countries.class.php:225 #@ woothemes msgid "San Marino" msgstr "San Marino" #: classes/countries.class.php:226 #@ woothemes msgid "Senegal" msgstr "Senegal" #: classes/countries.class.php:227 #@ woothemes msgid "Somalia" msgstr "Somalia" #: classes/countries.class.php:228 #@ woothemes msgid "Suriname" msgstr "Suriname" #: classes/countries.class.php:229 #@ woothemes msgid "Sao Tome and Principe" msgstr "São Tomé und Príncipe" #: classes/countries.class.php:230 #@ woothemes msgid "El Salvador" msgstr "El Salvador" #: classes/countries.class.php:231 #@ woothemes msgid "Syria" msgstr "Syrien" #: classes/countries.class.php:232 #@ woothemes msgid "Swaziland" msgstr "Swasiland" #: classes/countries.class.php:233 #@ woothemes msgid "Turks and Caicos Islands" msgstr "Turks- und Caicosinseln" #: classes/countries.class.php:234 #@ woothemes msgid "Chad" msgstr "Tschad" #: classes/countries.class.php:235 #@ woothemes msgid "French Southern Territories" msgstr "Französische Süd- und Antarktisgebiete" #: classes/countries.class.php:236 #@ woothemes msgid "Togo" msgstr "Togo" #: classes/countries.class.php:237 #@ woothemes msgid "Thailand" msgstr "Thailand" #: classes/countries.class.php:238 #@ woothemes msgid "Tajikistan" msgstr "Tadschikistan" #: classes/countries.class.php:239 #@ woothemes msgid "Tokelau" msgstr "Tokelau" #: classes/countries.class.php:240 #@ woothemes msgid "Timor-Leste" msgstr "Osttimor" #: classes/countries.class.php:241 #@ woothemes msgid "Turkmenistan" msgstr "Turkmenistan" #: classes/countries.class.php:242 #@ woothemes msgid "Tunisia" msgstr "Tunesien" #: classes/countries.class.php:243 #@ woothemes msgid "Tonga" msgstr "Tonga" #: classes/countries.class.php:244 #@ woothemes msgid "Turkey" msgstr "Türkei" #: classes/countries.class.php:245 #@ woothemes msgid "Trinidad and Tobago" msgstr "Trinidad und Tobago" #: classes/countries.class.php:246 #@ woothemes msgid "Tuvalu" msgstr "Tuvalu" #: classes/countries.class.php:247 #@ woothemes msgid "Taiwan" msgstr "Taiwan, China" #: classes/countries.class.php:248 #@ woothemes msgid "Tanzania" msgstr "Tansania" #: classes/countries.class.php:249 #@ woothemes msgid "Ukraine" msgstr "Ukraine" #: classes/countries.class.php:250 #@ woothemes msgid "Uganda" msgstr "Uganda" #: classes/countries.class.php:251 #@ woothemes msgid "United States Minor Outlying Islands" msgstr "Kleinere Inselbesitzungen der Vereinigten Staaten" #: classes/countries.class.php:252 #@ woothemes msgid "United States" msgstr "Vereinigte Staaten" #: classes/countries.class.php:254 #@ woothemes msgid "Uruguay" msgstr "Uruguay" #: classes/countries.class.php:255 #@ woothemes msgid "Uzbekistan" msgstr "Usbekistan" #: classes/countries.class.php:256 #@ woothemes msgid "Vatican" msgstr "Vatikan" #: classes/countries.class.php:257 #@ woothemes msgid "Saint Vincent and the Grenadines" msgstr "St. Vincent und die Grenadinen" #: classes/countries.class.php:258 #@ woothemes msgid "Venezuela" msgstr "Venezuela" #: classes/countries.class.php:259 #@ woothemes msgid "British Virgin Islands" msgstr "Britische Jungferninseln" #: classes/countries.class.php:260 #@ woothemes msgid "U.S. Virgin Islands" msgstr "Amerikanische Jungferninseln" #: classes/countries.class.php:261 #@ woothemes msgid "Vietnam" msgstr "Vietnam" #: classes/countries.class.php:262 #@ woothemes msgid "Vanuatu" msgstr "Vanuatu" #: classes/countries.class.php:263 #@ woothemes msgid "Wallis and Futuna" msgstr "Wallis und Futuna" #: classes/countries.class.php:264 #@ woothemes msgid "Samoa" msgstr "Samoa" #: classes/countries.class.php:265 #@ woothemes msgid "Yemen" msgstr "Jemen" #: classes/countries.class.php:266 #@ woothemes msgid "Mayotte" msgstr "Mayotte" #: classes/countries.class.php:267 #@ woothemes msgid "South Africa" msgstr "Südafrika" #: classes/countries.class.php:268 #@ woothemes msgid "Zambia" msgstr "Sambia" #: classes/countries.class.php:269 #@ woothemes msgid "Zimbabwe" msgstr "Simbabwe" #: classes/countries.class.php:274 #@ woothemes msgid "Australian Capital Territory" msgstr "Australisches Hauptstadtterritorium" #: classes/countries.class.php:275 #@ woothemes msgid "New South Wales" msgstr "Neusüdwales" #: classes/countries.class.php:276 #@ woothemes msgid "Northern Territory" msgstr "Nordterritorium" #: classes/countries.class.php:277 #@ woothemes msgid "Queensland" msgstr "Queensland" #: classes/countries.class.php:278 #@ woothemes msgid "South Australia" msgstr "Südaustralien" #: classes/countries.class.php:279 #@ woothemes msgid "Tasmania" msgstr "Tasmanien" #: classes/countries.class.php:280 #@ woothemes msgid "Victoria" msgstr "Victoria" #: classes/countries.class.php:281 #@ woothemes msgid "Western Australia" msgstr "Westaustralien" #: classes/countries.class.php:314 #@ woothemes msgid "Alberta" msgstr "Alberta" #: classes/countries.class.php:315 #@ woothemes msgid "British Columbia" msgstr "Britisch-Kolumbien" #: classes/countries.class.php:316 #@ woothemes msgid "Manitoba" msgstr "Manitoba" #: classes/countries.class.php:317 #@ woothemes msgid "New Brunswick" msgstr "New Brunswick" #: classes/countries.class.php:318 #@ woothemes msgid "Newfoundland" msgstr "Neufundland" #: classes/countries.class.php:319 #@ woothemes msgid "Northwest Territories" msgstr "Nordwest-Territorien" #: classes/countries.class.php:320 #@ woothemes msgid "Nova Scotia" msgstr "Neuschottland" #: classes/countries.class.php:321 #@ woothemes msgid "Nunavut" msgstr "Nunavut" #: classes/countries.class.php:322 #@ woothemes msgid "Ontario" msgstr "Ontario" #: classes/countries.class.php:323 #@ woothemes msgid "Prince Edward Island" msgstr "Prinz-Edward-Insel" #: classes/countries.class.php:324 #@ woothemes msgid "Quebec" msgstr "Quebec" #: classes/countries.class.php:325 #@ woothemes msgid "Saskatchewan" msgstr "Saskatchewan" #: classes/countries.class.php:326 #@ woothemes msgid "Yukon Territory" msgstr "Yukon" #: classes/countries.class.php:451 #@ woothemes msgid "Alabama" msgstr "Alabama" #: classes/countries.class.php:452 #@ woothemes msgid "Alaska" msgstr "Alaska" #: classes/countries.class.php:453 #@ woothemes msgid "Arizona" msgstr "Arizona" #: classes/countries.class.php:454 #@ woothemes msgid "Arkansas" msgstr "Arkansas" #: classes/countries.class.php:455 #@ woothemes msgid "California" msgstr "Kalifornien" #: classes/countries.class.php:456 #@ woothemes msgid "Colorado" msgstr "Colorado" #: classes/countries.class.php:457 #@ woothemes msgid "Connecticut" msgstr "Connecticut" #: classes/countries.class.php:458 #@ woothemes msgid "Delaware" msgstr "Delaware" #: classes/countries.class.php:459 #@ woothemes msgid "District Of Columbia" msgstr "District Of Columbia" #: classes/countries.class.php:460 #@ woothemes msgid "Florida" msgstr "Florida" #: classes/countries.class.php:462 #@ woothemes msgid "Hawaii" msgstr "Hawaii" #: classes/countries.class.php:463 #@ woothemes msgid "Idaho" msgstr "Idaho" #: classes/countries.class.php:464 #@ woothemes msgid "Illinois" msgstr "Illinois" #: classes/countries.class.php:465 #@ woothemes msgid "Indiana" msgstr "Indiana" #: classes/countries.class.php:466 #@ woothemes msgid "Iowa" msgstr "Iowa" #: classes/countries.class.php:467 #@ woothemes msgid "Kansas" msgstr "Kansas" #: classes/countries.class.php:468 #@ woothemes msgid "Kentucky" msgstr "Kentucky" #: classes/countries.class.php:469 #@ woothemes msgid "Louisiana" msgstr "Louisiana" #: classes/countries.class.php:470 #@ woothemes msgid "Maine" msgstr "Maine" #: classes/countries.class.php:471 #@ woothemes msgid "Maryland" msgstr "Maryland" #: classes/countries.class.php:472 #@ woothemes msgid "Massachusetts" msgstr "Massachusetts" #: classes/countries.class.php:473 #@ woothemes msgid "Michigan" msgstr "Michigan" #: classes/countries.class.php:474 #@ woothemes msgid "Minnesota" msgstr "Minnesota" #: classes/countries.class.php:475 #@ woothemes msgid "Mississippi" msgstr "Mississippi" #: classes/countries.class.php:476 #@ woothemes msgid "Missouri" msgstr "Missouri" #: classes/countries.class.php:477 #@ woothemes msgid "Montana" msgstr "Montana" #: classes/countries.class.php:478 #@ woothemes msgid "Nebraska" msgstr "Nebraska" #: classes/countries.class.php:479 #@ woothemes msgid "Nevada" msgstr "Nevada" #: classes/countries.class.php:480 #@ woothemes msgid "New Hampshire" msgstr "New Hampshire" #: classes/countries.class.php:481 #@ woothemes msgid "New Jersey" msgstr "New Jersey" #: classes/countries.class.php:482 #@ woothemes msgid "New Mexico" msgstr "New Mexico" #: classes/countries.class.php:483 #@ woothemes msgid "New York" msgstr "New York" #: classes/countries.class.php:484 #@ woothemes msgid "North Carolina" msgstr "North Carolina" #: classes/countries.class.php:485 #@ woothemes msgid "North Dakota" msgstr "North Dakota" #: classes/countries.class.php:486 #@ woothemes msgid "Ohio" msgstr "Ohio" #: classes/countries.class.php:487 #@ woothemes msgid "Oklahoma" msgstr "Oklahoma" #: classes/countries.class.php:488 #@ woothemes msgid "Oregon" msgstr "Oregon" #: classes/countries.class.php:489 #@ woothemes msgid "Pennsylvania" msgstr "Pennsylvania" #: classes/countries.class.php:490 #@ woothemes msgid "Rhode Island" msgstr "Rhode Island" #: classes/countries.class.php:491 #@ woothemes msgid "South Carolina" msgstr "South Carolina" #: classes/countries.class.php:492 #@ woothemes msgid "South Dakota" msgstr "South Dakota" #: classes/countries.class.php:493 #@ woothemes msgid "Tennessee" msgstr "Tennessee" #: classes/countries.class.php:494 #@ woothemes msgid "Texas" msgstr "Texas" #: classes/countries.class.php:495 #@ woothemes msgid "Utah" msgstr "Utah" #: classes/countries.class.php:496 #@ woothemes msgid "Vermont" msgstr "Vermont" #: classes/countries.class.php:497 #@ woothemes msgid "Virginia" msgstr "Virginia" #: classes/countries.class.php:498 #@ woothemes msgid "Washington" msgstr "Washington" #: classes/countries.class.php:499 #@ woothemes msgid "West Virginia" msgstr "West Virginia" #: classes/countries.class.php:500 #@ woothemes msgid "Wisconsin" msgstr "Wisconsin" #: classes/countries.class.php:501 #@ woothemes msgid "Wyoming" msgstr "Wyoming" #: classes/countries.class.php:504 #@ woothemes msgid "Americas" msgstr "Amerika" #: classes/countries.class.php:505 #@ woothemes msgid "Europe" msgstr "Europa" #: classes/countries.class.php:506 #@ woothemes msgid "Pacific" msgstr "Pazifik" #: shortcodes/shortcode-cart.php:38 #: shortcodes/shortcode-my_account.php:211 #@ woothemes msgid "Please enter a valid postcode/ZIP." msgstr "Bitte geben Sie eine gültige Postleitzahl/PLZ ein." #: shortcodes/shortcode-cart.php:53 #: shortcodes/shortcode-cart.php:59 #@ woothemes msgid "Shipping costs updated." msgstr "Versandkosten aktualisiert." #: shortcodes/shortcode-cart.php:70 #@ woothemes msgid "Your cart is currently empty." msgstr "Ihr Warenkorb ist gegenwärtig leer." #: shortcodes/shortcode-cart.php:72 #@ woothemes msgid "← Return To Shop" msgstr "← Zurück zum Shop" #: shortcodes/shortcode-cart.php:83 #@ woothemes msgid "Product Name" msgstr "Produktbezeichnung" #: shortcodes/shortcode-cart.php:84 #@ woothemes msgid "Unit Price" msgstr "Einzelpreis" #: shortcodes/shortcode-cart.php:98 #@ woothemes msgid "Remove this item" msgstr "Dieses Produkt entfernen" #: shortcodes/shortcode-cart.php:113 #@ woothemes msgid "Available on backorder." msgstr "Verfügbar bei Auftrag im Rückstand." #: shortcodes/shortcode-cart.php:130 #: woocommerce_taxonomy.php:257 #@ woothemes msgid "Coupon" msgstr "Gutschein" #: shortcodes/shortcode-cart.php:130 #@ woothemes msgid "Apply Coupon" msgstr "Gutschein anwenden" #: shortcodes/shortcode-cart.php:133 #@ woothemes msgid "Update Shopping Cart" msgstr "Warenkorb aktualisieren" #: shortcodes/shortcode-cart.php:133 #@ woothemes msgid "Proceed to Checkout →" msgstr "Weiter zur Kasse →" #: shortcodes/shortcode-checkout.php:35 #@ woothemes msgid "The order totals have been updated. Please confirm your order by pressing the Place Order button at the bottom of the page." msgstr "Der Gesamtbetrag der Bestellung wurde aktualisiert. Bitte bestätigen Sie Ihre Bestellung, indem Sie den Bestellung ausführen-Button am Ende der Seite klicken." #: shortcodes/shortcode-my_account.php:33 #, php-format #@ woothemes msgid "Hello, %s. From your account dashboard you can view your recent orders, manage your shipping and billing addresses and change your password." msgstr "Hallo, %s. Mit Ihrem Konto haben Sie die Möglichkeit Ihre vergangenen Bestellungen abzurufen, Ihre Liefer- und Rechnungsadresse zu verwalten und Ihr Passwort zu ändern." #: shortcodes/shortcode-my_account.php:38 #@ woothemes msgid "Available downloads" msgstr "Verfügbare Downloads" #: shortcodes/shortcode-my_account.php:41 #@ woothemes msgid " download Remaining" msgid_plural " downloads Remaining" msgstr[0] "Download verbleibend" msgstr[1] "Downloads verbleibend" #: shortcodes/shortcode-my_account.php:47 #@ woothemes msgid "Recent Orders" msgstr "Zurückliegende Bestellungen" #: shortcodes/shortcode-my_account.php:57 #@ woothemes msgid "#" msgstr "#" #: shortcodes/shortcode-my_account.php:59 #@ woothemes msgid "Ship to" msgstr "Lieferung an" #: shortcodes/shortcode-my_account.php:60 #: widgets/widget-cart.php:70 #: woocommerce_template_functions.php:779 #@ woothemes msgid "Total" msgstr "Summe" #: shortcodes/shortcode-my_account.php:78 #: shortcodes/shortcode-thankyou.php:50 #@ woothemes msgid "Pay" msgstr "Bezahlen" #: shortcodes/shortcode-my_account.php:79 #@ woothemes msgid "Cancel" msgstr "Abbrechen" #: admin/admin-post-types.php:530 #: shortcodes/shortcode-my_account.php:81 #@ woothemes msgid "View" msgstr "Anzeigen" #: shortcodes/shortcode-my_account.php:94 #@ woothemes msgid "My Addresses" msgstr "Meine Adressen" #: shortcodes/shortcode-my_account.php:95 #@ woothemes msgid "The following addresses will be used on the checkout page by default." msgstr "Die folgenden Adressen werden in der Bestellabwicklung als Voreinstellung genutzt." #: shortcodes/shortcode-my_account.php:121 #@ woothemes msgid "You have not set up a billing address yet." msgstr "Sie haben bisher keine Rechnungsadresse hinterlegt." #: shortcodes/shortcode-my_account.php:150 #@ woothemes msgid "You have not set up a shipping address yet." msgstr "Sie haben bisher keine Lieferadresse angegeben." #: shortcodes/shortcode-my_account.php:190 #@ woothemes msgid "First name is a required field." msgstr "Vorname ist ein Pflichtfeld." #: shortcodes/shortcode-my_account.php:191 #@ woothemes msgid "Last name is a required field." msgstr "Nachname ist ein Pflichtfeld." #: shortcodes/shortcode-my_account.php:192 #@ woothemes msgid "Address is a required field." msgstr "Adresse ist ein Pflichtfeld." #: shortcodes/shortcode-my_account.php:193 #@ woothemes msgid "City is a required field." msgstr "Ort ist ein Pflichtfeld." #: shortcodes/shortcode-my_account.php:194 #@ woothemes msgid "Postcode is a required field." msgstr "Postleitzahl ist ein Pflichtfeld." #: shortcodes/shortcode-my_account.php:195 #@ woothemes msgid "Country is a required field." msgstr "Land ist ein Pflichtfeld." #: shortcodes/shortcode-my_account.php:196 #@ woothemes msgid "State is a required field." msgstr "Bundesland ist ein Pflichtfeld." #: shortcodes/shortcode-my_account.php:200 #@ woothemes msgid "Email is a required field." msgstr "E-Mail ist ein Pflichtfeld." #: shortcodes/shortcode-my_account.php:201 #@ woothemes msgid "Phone number is a required field." msgstr "Telefonnummer ist ein Pflichtfeld." #: shortcodes/shortcode-my_account.php:204 #@ woothemes msgid "Please enter a valid email address." msgstr "Bitte geben Sie eine gültige E-Mailadresse ein." #: shortcodes/shortcode-my_account.php:207 #@ woothemes msgid "Please enter a valid phone number." msgstr "Bitte geben Sie eine gültige Telefonnummer ein." #: shortcodes/shortcode-my_account.php:297 #@ woothemes msgid "Address line 1" msgstr "Adresszeile 1" #: shortcodes/shortcode-my_account.php:301 #@ woothemes msgid "Address line 2" msgstr "Adresszeile 2" #: shortcodes/shortcode-my_account.php:330 #@ woothemes msgid "State" msgstr "Bundesland" #: shortcodes/shortcode-my_account.php:353 #: woocommerce.php:243 #: woocommerce_template_functions.php:682 #@ woothemes msgid "state" msgstr "Bundesland" #: shortcodes/shortcode-my_account.php:370 #@ woothemes msgid "Fax" msgstr "Fax" #: shortcodes/shortcode-my_account.php:376 #@ woothemes msgid "Save Address" msgstr "Adresse speichern" #: shortcodes/shortcode-my_account.php:421 #@ woothemes msgid "Please enter your password." msgstr "Bitte geben Sie Ihr Passwort ein." #: shortcodes/shortcode-my_account.php:435 #@ woothemes msgid "New password" msgstr "Neues Passwort" #: shortcodes/shortcode-my_account.php:439 #@ woothemes msgid "Re-enter new password" msgstr "Neues Passwort bestätigen" #: shortcodes/shortcode-my_account.php:444 #@ woothemes msgid "Save" msgstr "Speichern" #: shortcodes/shortcode-my_account.php:476 #, php-format #@ woothemes msgid "Order #%s made on %s" msgstr "Bestellung #%s vom %s" #: shortcodes/shortcode-my_account.php:480 #, php-format #@ woothemes msgid ". Order status: %s" msgstr ". Status der Bestellung: %s" #: shortcodes/shortcode-my_account.php:487 #: shortcodes/shortcode-order_tracking.php:54 #@ woothemes msgid "Order Updates" msgstr "Aktualisierungen zur Bestellung" #: shortcodes/shortcode-order_tracking.php:75 #: woocommerce_template_functions.php:1233 #@ woothemes msgid "Order Details" msgstr "Details der Bestellung" #: templates/checkout/pay_for_order.php:8 #: templates/checkout/review_order.php:8 #: woocommerce_template_functions.php:1238 #@ woothemes msgid "Qty" msgstr "Menge" #: templates/checkout/pay_for_order.php:9 #: templates/checkout/review_order.php:9 #: woocommerce_template_functions.php:1239 #@ woothemes msgid "Totals" msgstr "Summe" #: shortcodes/shortcode-order_tracking.php:87 #: templates/checkout/pay_for_order.php:14 #: templates/checkout/review_order.php:14 #: widgets/widget-cart.php:72 #: woocommerce_template_functions.php:720 #: woocommerce_template_functions.php:1244 #@ woothemes msgid "Subtotal" msgstr "Zwischensumme" #: shortcodes/shortcode-order_tracking.php:99 #: templates/checkout/pay_for_order.php:26 #: templates/checkout/review_order.php:70 #: woocommerce_template_functions.php:775 #: woocommerce_template_functions.php:1256 #@ woothemes msgid "Discount" msgstr "Rabatt" #: shortcodes/shortcode-order_tracking.php:103 #: templates/checkout/pay_for_order.php:30 #: templates/checkout/review_order.php:74 #: woocommerce_template_functions.php:1260 #@ woothemes msgid "Grand Total" msgstr "Gesamtsumme" #: woocommerce_emails.php:325 #: woocommerce_template_functions.php:1265 #@ woothemes msgid "Note:" msgstr "Hinweis:" #: templates/emails/customer_completed_order.php:50 #: templates/emails/customer_note_notification.php:54 #: templates/emails/customer_processing_order.php:50 #: templates/emails/new_order.php:50 #: woocommerce_template_functions.php:1300 #@ woothemes msgid "Customer details" msgstr "Angaben zum Kunden" #: woocommerce_template_functions.php:1305 #@ woothemes msgid "Telephone:" msgstr "Telefon:" #: shortcodes/shortcode-order_tracking.php:33 #@ woothemes msgid "You have taken too long. Please refresh the page and retry." msgstr "Sie haben zu lange benötigt. Bitte aktualisieren Sie die Seite und versuchen Sie es erneut." #: shortcodes/shortcode-order_tracking.php:41 #, php-format #@ woothemes msgid "Order #%s which was made %s has the status “%s”" msgstr "Bestellung #%s vom %s hat den Status “%s”" #: shortcodes/shortcode-order_tracking.php:41 #: shortcodes/shortcode-order_tracking.php:43 #@ woothemes msgid " ago" msgstr "vorher" #: shortcodes/shortcode-order_tracking.php:43 #@ woothemes msgid "and was completed" msgstr "und wurde abgeschlossen" #: shortcodes/shortcode-order_tracking.php:80 #@ woothemes msgid "sku" msgstr "artnr" #: shortcodes/shortcode-order_tracking.php:169 #@ woothemes msgid "To track your order please enter your Order ID in the box below and press return. This was given to you on your receipt and in the confirmation email you should have received." msgstr "Um den Stand Ihrer Bestellung zu verfolgen, geben Sie bitte Ihre Bestell-ID in das Feld unten ein und bestätigen mit Enter. Die Bestell-ID finden Sie in der Auftragsbestätigung bzw. Bestätigungsmail, welche Sie dazu erhalten haben." #: shortcodes/shortcode-order_tracking.php:171 #@ woothemes msgid "Order ID" msgstr "Bestell-ID" #: shortcodes/shortcode-order_tracking.php:171 #@ woothemes msgid "Found in your order confirmation email." msgstr "Gefunden in Ihrer Bestellbestätigungsmail." #: shortcodes/shortcode-order_tracking.php:172 #@ woothemes msgid "Billing Email" msgstr "E-Mail-Rechnung" #: shortcodes/shortcode-order_tracking.php:172 #@ woothemes msgid "Email you used during checkout." msgstr "Die E-Mail welche Sie bei der Bestellabwicklung verwendet haben." #: shortcodes/shortcode-order_tracking.php:174 #@ woothemes msgid "Track\"" msgstr "Verfolgen\"" #: shortcodes/shortcode-pay.php:73 #@ woothemes msgid "Your order has already been paid for. Please contact us if you need assistance." msgstr "Ihre Bestellung wurde bereits bezahlt. Bitte nehmen Sie mit uns Kontakt auf, wenn Sie Hilfe benötigen." #: shortcodes/shortcode-pay.php:79 #: woocommerce_actions.php:795 #@ woothemes msgid "Invalid order." msgstr "Ungültige Bestellung." #: shortcodes/shortcode-pay.php:100 #: shortcodes/shortcode-thankyou.php:63 #@ woothemes msgid "Order:" msgstr "Bestellung:" #: shortcodes/shortcode-pay.php:104 #: shortcodes/shortcode-thankyou.php:67 #@ woothemes msgid "Date:" msgstr "Datum:" #: shortcodes/shortcode-pay.php:112 #: shortcodes/shortcode-thankyou.php:75 #@ woothemes msgid "Payment method:" msgstr "Zahlungsart:" #: shortcodes/shortcode-thankyou.php:38 #@ woothemes msgid "Unfortunately your order cannot be processed as the originating bank/merchant has declined your transaction." msgstr "Unglücklicherweise kann Ihre Bestellung nicht weiter verarbeitet werden, da Ihre ausführende Bank/Händler die Transaktion abgelehnt hat." #: shortcodes/shortcode-thankyou.php:43 #@ woothemes msgid "Please attempt your purchase again or go to your account page." msgstr "Bitte versuchen Sie den Kauf nocheinmal oder gehen Sie zurück zu Ihrem Kundenkonto." #: shortcodes/shortcode-thankyou.php:45 #@ woothemes msgid "Please attempt your purchase again." msgstr "Bitte versuchen Sie Ihren Kauf erneut auszuführen." #: shortcodes/shortcode-thankyou.php:58 #: shortcodes/shortcode-thankyou.php:95 #@ woothemes msgid "Thank you. Your order has been received." msgstr "Vielen Dank. Ihre Bestellung wurde empfangen." #: templates/archive-product.php:12 #@ woothemes msgid "Search Results:" msgstr "Suchergebnisse:" #: templates/checkout/form.php:29 #@ woothemes msgid "Your order" msgstr "Ihre Bestellung" #: templates/checkout/pay_for_order.php:75 #@ woothemes msgid "Sorry, it seems that there are no available payment methods for your location. Please contact us if you require assistance or wish to make alternate arrangements." msgstr "Entschuldigung, aber es sind keine Zahlungsarten für Ihr Land verfügbar. Bitte kontaktieren Sie uns für weitere Hilfe oder wenn Sie alternative Absprachen treffen möchten." #: templates/checkout/pay_for_order.php:84 #@ woothemes msgid "Pay for order" msgstr "Für Bestellung bezahlen" #: templates/checkout/review_order.php:41 #: woocommerce_template_functions.php:754 #@ woothemes msgid "Free" msgstr "Kostenlos" #: templates/checkout/review_order.php:53 #@ woothemes msgid "Please fill in your details above to see available shipping methods." msgstr "Bitte füllen Sie die Angaben oben aus, um die verfügbaren Versandarten anzuzeigen." #: templates/checkout/review_order.php:55 #@ woothemes msgid "Sorry, it seems that there are no available shipping methods for your state. Please contact us if you require assistance or wish to make alternate arrangements." msgstr "Entschuldigung, aber es sind keine Zahlungsarten für Ihr Bundesland/Region verfügbar. Bitte kontaktieren Sie uns für weitere Hilfe oder wenn Sie alternative Absprachen treffen möchten." #: templates/checkout/review_order.php:123 #@ woothemes msgid "Please fill in your details above to see available payment methods." msgstr "Bitte füllen Sie die Angaben oben aus, um die verfügbaren Zahlungsarten abzurufen." #: templates/checkout/review_order.php:125 #@ woothemes msgid "Sorry, it seems that there are no available payment methods for your state. Please contact us if you require assistance or wish to make alternate arrangements." msgstr "Entschuldigung, aber es sind keine Zahlungsarten für Ihr Bundesland/Region verfügbar. Bitte kontaktieren Sie uns für weitere Hilfe oder wenn Sie alternative Absprachen treffen möchten." #: templates/checkout/review_order.php:135 #@ woothemes msgid "Since your browser does not support JavaScript, or it is disabled, please ensure you click the Update Totals button before placing your order. You may be charged more than the amount stated above if you fail to do so." msgstr "Sollte Ihr Browser kein JavaScript unterstützen, oder wenn dieses deaktiviert wurde, stellen Sie bitte sicher, das Sie den Button Gesamtbetrag aktualisieren klicken, bevor Sie Ihre Bestellung abschicken. Wenn Sie das nicht tun, könnte es möglich sein, das Sie mehr bezahlen müssen, als oben angegeben ist." #: templates/checkout/review_order.php:135 #@ woothemes msgid "Update totals" msgstr "Gesamtbetrag aktualisieren" #: templates/checkout/review_order.php:141 #@ woothemes msgid "Place order" msgstr "Bestellung abschicken" #: templates/checkout/review_order.php:145 #@ woothemes msgid "I accept the" msgstr "Ich akzeptiere die" #: templates/checkout/review_order.php:145 #@ woothemes msgid "terms & conditions" msgstr "Liefer- und Zahlungsbedingungen (AGB)" #: templates/emails/customer_completed_order.php:7 #@ woothemes msgid "Your order is complete. Your order's details are below:" msgstr "Ihre Bestellung ist vollständig. Die Bestelldetails entnehmen Sie bitte den Angaben unten:" #: templates/emails/customer_completed_order.php:11 #: templates/emails/customer_note_notification.php:15 #: templates/emails/customer_pay_for_order.php:15 #: templates/emails/customer_processing_order.php:11 #: templates/emails/new_order.php:11 #@ woothemes msgid "Order #:" msgstr "Bestellung #:" #: templates/emails/customer_completed_order.php:27 #: templates/emails/customer_note_notification.php:31 #: templates/emails/customer_pay_for_order.php:31 #: templates/emails/customer_processing_order.php:27 #: templates/emails/new_order.php:27 #@ woothemes msgid "Shipping:" msgstr "Lieferung:" #: templates/emails/customer_completed_order.php:40 #: templates/emails/customer_note_notification.php:44 #: templates/emails/customer_pay_for_order.php:44 #: templates/emails/customer_processing_order.php:40 #: templates/emails/new_order.php:40 #@ woothemes msgid "- via" msgstr "- über" #: templates/emails/customer_completed_order.php:61 #: templates/emails/customer_note_notification.php:65 #: templates/emails/customer_processing_order.php:61 #: templates/emails/new_order.php:61 #@ woothemes msgid "Billing address" msgstr "Rechnungsadresse" #: templates/emails/customer_completed_order.php:73 #: templates/emails/customer_note_notification.php:77 #: templates/emails/customer_processing_order.php:73 #: templates/emails/new_order.php:73 #@ woothemes msgid "Shipping address" msgstr "Lieferadresse" #: templates/emails/customer_pay_for_order.php:9 #, php-format #@ woothemes msgid "An order has been created for you on “%s”. To pay for this order please use the following link: %s" msgstr "Es wurde eine Bestellung für Sie angelegt auf “%s”. Um diese zu bezahlen, nutzen Sie bitte den folgenden Link: %s" #: templates/emails/new_order.php:7 #@ woothemes msgid "You have received an order from" msgstr "Sie haben eine Bestellung erhalten von" #: templates/emails/new_order.php:7 #@ woothemes msgid ". Their order is as follows:" msgstr ". Ihre Bestellung ist wie folgt:" #: templates/loop-shop.php:49 #@ woothemes msgid "No products found which match your selection." msgstr "Es wurden keine Produkte gefunden, die Ihrer Auswahl entsprechen." #: templates/single-product-reviews.php:31 #, php-format #@ woothemes msgid "%s review for %s" msgid_plural "%s reviews for %s" msgstr[0] "%s Bewertung für %s" msgstr[1] "%s Bewertungen für %s" #: templates/single-product-reviews.php:36 #: woocommerce_template_functions.php:547 #@ woothemes msgid "Reviews" msgstr "Bewertungen" #: templates/single-product-reviews.php:51 #: woocommerce_template_functions.php:496 #@ woothemes msgid " Previous" msgstr " Vorherige Seite" #: templates/single-product-reviews.php:52 #: woocommerce_template_functions.php:495 #@ woothemes msgid "Next " msgstr "Nächste Seite " #: templates/single-product-reviews.php:56 #@ woothemes msgid "Add Review" msgstr "Bewertung abgeben" #: templates/single-product-reviews.php:58 #@ woothemes msgid "Add a review" msgstr "Fügen Sie Ihre Bewertung hinzu" #: templates/single-product-reviews.php:62 #@ woothemes msgid "Be the first to review" msgstr "Seien Sie der erste Rezensent von" #: templates/single-product-reviews.php:64 #@ woothemes msgid "There are no reviews yet, would you like to submit yours?" msgstr "Es gibt bisher noch keine Bewertungen. Wollen Sie Ihre jetzt übermitteln?" #: templates/myaccount/login.php:46 #: templates/single-product-reviews.php:79 #@ woothemes #@ default msgid "Email" msgstr "E-Mail" #: templates/single-product-reviews.php:82 #@ woothemes msgid "Submit Review" msgstr "Bewertung senden" #: templates/single-product-reviews.php:85 #@ woothemes msgid "Rating" msgstr "Einstufung" #: templates/single-product-reviews.php:86 #@ woothemes msgid "Rate..." msgstr "Bewerte..." #: templates/single-product-reviews.php:87 #@ woothemes msgid "Perfect" msgstr "Ausgezeichnet" #: templates/single-product-reviews.php:88 #@ woothemes msgid "Good" msgstr "Gut" #: templates/single-product-reviews.php:89 #@ woothemes msgid "Average" msgstr "Durchschnittlich" #: templates/single-product-reviews.php:90 #@ woothemes msgid "Not that bad" msgstr "Nicht ganz schlecht" #: templates/single-product-reviews.php:91 #@ woothemes msgid "Very Poor" msgstr "Sehr schlecht" #: templates/single-product-reviews.php:93 #@ default msgctxt "noun" msgid "Your Review" msgstr "Ihre Bewertung" #: widgets/widget-cart.php:24 #@ woothemes msgid "Display the users Shopping Cart in the sidebar." msgstr "Den Warenkorb des Benutzers in der Sidebar anzeigen." #: widgets/widget-cart.php:26 #@ woothemes msgid "WooCommerce Shopping Cart" msgstr "WooCommerce Warenkorb" #: widgets/widget-cart.php:63 #@ woothemes msgid "No products in the cart." msgstr "Es befinden sich keine Produkte im Warenkorb." #: widgets/widget-cart.php:81 #@ woothemes msgid "View Cart →" msgstr "Warenkorb anzeigen →" #: widgets/widget-cart.php:81 #@ woothemes msgid "Checkout →" msgstr "Kasse →" #: widgets/widget-best_sellers.php:117 #: widgets/widget-cart.php:95 #: widgets/widget-featured_products.php:110 #: widgets/widget-layered_nav.php:320 #: widgets/widget-onsale.php:144 #: widgets/widget-price_filter.php:184 #: widgets/widget-product_categories.php:102 #: widgets/widget-product_search.php:69 #: widgets/widget-product_tag_cloud.php:70 #: widgets/widget-recent_products.php:129 #: widgets/widget-recent_reviews.php:120 #: widgets/widget-recently_viewed.php:116 #: widgets/widget-top_rated_products.php:135 #@ woothemes msgid "Title:" msgstr "Bezeichnung:" #: widgets/widget-featured_products.php:24 #@ woothemes msgid "Display a list of featured products on your site." msgstr "Gibt eine Übersicht empfohlener Produkte auf Ihrer Seite aus." #: widgets/widget-featured_products.php:26 #@ woothemes msgid "WooCommerce Featured Products" msgstr "WooCommerce Empfohlene Produkte" #: widgets/widget-featured_products.php:55 #@ woothemes msgid "Featured Products" msgstr "Empfohlene Produkte" #: widgets/widget-best_sellers.php:120 #: widgets/widget-featured_products.php:113 #: widgets/widget-onsale.php:147 #: widgets/widget-recent_products.php:132 #: widgets/widget-recent_reviews.php:123 #: widgets/widget-recently_viewed.php:119 #: widgets/widget-top_rated_products.php:138 #@ woothemes msgid "Number of products to show:" msgstr "Anzahl der Produkte, die angezeigt werden sollen:" #: widgets/widget-layered_nav.php:138 #@ woothemes msgid "Shows a custom attribute in a widget which lets you narrow down the list of products when viewing product categories." msgstr "Zeigt ein benutzerdefiniertes Attribut in einem Widget an, welches die angezeigte Produktübersicht eingrenzt, wenn man Produktkategorien betrachtet." #: widgets/widget-layered_nav.php:140 #@ woothemes msgid "WooCommerce Layered Nav" msgstr "WooCommerce Layer-Navigation" #: widgets/widget-layered_nav.php:323 #@ woothemes msgid "Attribute:" msgstr "Attribut:" #: widgets/widget-price_filter.php:97 #@ woothemes msgid "Shows a price filter slider in a widget which lets you narrow down the list of shown products when viewing product categories." msgstr "Zeigt einen Preisfilter-Schieberegler in einem Widget an, mit welchem Sie die angezeigten Produkte eingrenzen können, wenn Sie bestimmte Produktkategorien betrachten." #: widgets/widget-price_filter.php:99 #@ woothemes msgid "WooCommerce Price Filter" msgstr "WooCommerce Preisfilter" #: widgets/widget-price_filter.php:162 #@ woothemes msgid "Filter" msgstr "Eingrenzen" #: widgets/widget-price_filter.php:175 #@ woothemes msgid "Filter by price" msgstr "Preisfilter" #: widgets/widget-product_categories.php:23 #@ woothemes msgid "A list or dropdown of product categories." msgstr "Eine Liste oder Drop-down-Menü der Produktkategorien" #: widgets/widget-product_categories.php:25 #@ woothemes msgid "WooCommerce Product Categories" msgstr "WooCommerce Produkt-Kategorien" #: widgets/widget-product_categories.php:106 #@ woothemes msgid "Show as dropdown" msgstr "Als Drop-down-Menü anzeigen" #: widgets/widget-product_categories.php:109 #@ woothemes msgid "Show post counts" msgstr "Produktmenge anzeigen" #: widgets/widget-product_categories.php:112 #@ woothemes msgid "Show hierarchy" msgstr "Hierarchie anzeigen" #: widgets/widget-product_search.php:23 #@ woothemes msgid "A Search box for products only." msgstr "Ein Suchfeld nur für Produkte." #: widgets/widget-product_search.php:25 #@ woothemes msgid "WooCommerce Product Search" msgstr "WooCommerce Produkt-Suche" #: widgets/widget-product_search.php:48 #@ woothemes msgid "Search for:" msgstr "Suche nach:" #: widgets/widget-product_search.php:49 #@ woothemes msgid "Search for products" msgstr "Suche nach Produkten" #: widgets/widget-product_tag_cloud.php:23 #@ woothemes msgid "Your most used product tags in cloud format." msgstr "Ihre am häufigsten verwendeten Produktschlagwörter als Wolke dargestellt." #: widgets/widget-product_tag_cloud.php:25 #@ woothemes msgid "WooCommerce Product Tags" msgstr "WooCommerce Produkt-Schlagwörter" #: widgets/widget-recent_products.php:23 #@ woothemes msgid "Display a list of your most recent products on your site." msgstr "Zeigt eine Liste der erst kürzlich erschienenen Produkte auf Ihrer Seite an." #: widgets/widget-recent_products.php:25 #@ woothemes msgid "WooCommerce Recent Products" msgstr "WooCommerce Neueste Produkte" #: widgets/widget-recent_products.php:54 #@ woothemes msgid "New Products" msgstr "Neue Produkte" #: widgets/widget-recent_products.php:136 #@ woothemes msgid "Show hidden product variations" msgstr "Zeige versteckte Produktvarianten" #: widgets/widget-recent_reviews.php:23 #@ woothemes msgid "Display a list of your most recent reviews on your site." msgstr "Stellt eine Übersicht der kürzlich abgegebenen Rezensionen auf Ihrer Seite bereit." #: widgets/widget-recent_reviews.php:25 #@ woothemes msgid "WooCommerce Recent Reviews" msgstr "WooCommerce Neueste Bewertungen" #: widgets/widget-recent_reviews.php:55 #@ woothemes msgid "Recent Reviews" msgstr "Neue Bewertungen" #: widgets/widget-recent_reviews.php:85 #, php-format #@ default msgctxt "woothemes" msgid "by %1$s" msgstr "von %1$s" #: widgets/widget-recently_viewed.php:23 #@ woothemes msgid "Display a list of recently viewed products." msgstr "Gib eine Liste der kürzlich angesehenen Produkte aus." #: widgets/widget-recently_viewed.php:25 #@ woothemes msgid "WooCommerce Recently Viewed Products" msgstr "WooCommerce Produktverlauf" #: widgets/widget-recently_viewed.php:56 #@ woothemes msgid "Recently viewed" msgstr "Zuletzt angesehen" #: widgets/widget-top_rated_products.php:24 #@ woothemes msgid "Display a list of top rated products on your site." msgstr "Zeige eine Liste der als am besten bewerteten Produkte an." #: widgets/widget-top_rated_products.php:26 #@ woothemes msgid "WooCommerce Top Rated Products" msgstr "WooCommerce Bestbewertete Produkte" #: widgets/widget-top_rated_products.php:55 #@ woothemes msgid "Top Rated Products" msgstr "Bestbewertete Produkte" #: woocommerce.php:175 #@ woothemes msgid "Customer" msgstr "Kunde" #: woocommerce.php:182 #@ woothemes msgid "Shop Manager" msgstr "Shop-Manager" #: woocommerce.php:504 #@ woothemes msgid "You have taken too long. Please go back and refresh the page." msgstr "Sie haben zu lange gebraucht. Bitte gehen Sie zurück und aktualisieren Sie die Seite." #: woocommerce.php:507 #@ woothemes msgid "Please rate the product." msgstr "Bitte bewerten Sie das Produkt." #: woocommerce.php:530 #@ woothemes msgid "Your comment is awaiting approval" msgstr "Ihr Kommentar wartet auf Freischaltung" #: woocommerce.php:533 #@ woothemes msgid "Rating by" msgstr "Bewertet von" #: woocommerce.php:533 #@ woothemes msgid "on" msgstr "am" #: woocommerce_actions.php:90 #@ woothemes msgid "Sorry, your session has expired." msgstr "Entschuldigung, aber Ihre Sitzung ist abgelaufen." #: woocommerce_actions.php:90 #@ woothemes msgid "Return to homepage →" msgstr "Zurück zur Startseite →" #: woocommerce_actions.php:348 #@ woothemes msgid "No products found" msgstr "Keine Produkte gefunden" #: woocommerce_actions.php:384 #: woocommerce_actions.php:404 #@ woothemes msgid "Cart updated." msgstr "Warenkorb aktualisiert." #: woocommerce_actions.php:431 #: woocommerce_actions.php:479 #: woocommerce_actions.php:507 #@ woothemes msgid "Product successfully added to your cart." msgstr "Das Produkt wurde Ihrem Warenkorb erfolgreich hinzugefügt." #: woocommerce_actions.php:433 #: woocommerce_actions.php:481 #: woocommerce_actions.php:509 #, php-format #@ woothemes msgid "View Cart → Product successfully added to your cart." msgstr "Warenkorb anzeigen → Produkt wurde Ihrem Warenkorb erfolgreich hinzugefügt." #: woocommerce_actions.php:443 #: woocommerce_actions.php:487 #@ woothemes msgid "Please choose product options…" msgstr "Bitte wählen Sie die Produktoptionen…" #: woocommerce_actions.php:519 #@ woothemes msgid "Please choose a quantity…" msgstr "Bitte wählen Sie die Menge…" #: woocommerce_actions.php:525 #@ woothemes msgid "Please choose a product…" msgstr "Bitte wählen Sie ein Produkt…" #: woocommerce_actions.php:625 #@ woothemes msgid "Username is required." msgstr "Benutzername wird benötigt." #: woocommerce_actions.php:626 #: woocommerce_actions.php:695 #@ woothemes msgid "Password is required." msgstr "Passwort wird benötigt." #: woocommerce_actions.php:784 #@ woothemes msgid "Order cancelled by customer." msgstr "Bestellung wurde durch den Kunden abgebrochen." #: woocommerce_actions.php:787 #@ woothemes msgid "Your order was cancelled." msgstr "Ihre Bestellung wurde abgebrochen." #: woocommerce_actions.php:791 #@ woothemes msgid "Your order is no longer pending and could not be cancelled. Please contact us if you need assistance." msgstr "Ihre Bestellung hat die Warteschleife bereits verlassen und konnte daher nicht mehr abgebrochen werden. Bitte kontaktieren Sie uns, wenn Sie weitere Hilfestellung benötigen." #: woocommerce_actions.php:850 #, php-format #@ woothemes msgid "Sorry, you have reached your download limit for this file. Go to homepage →" msgstr "Entschuldigung, aber Sie haben das Download-Limit für diese Datei überschritten. Zur Startseite →" #: woocommerce_actions.php:930 #, php-format #@ woothemes msgid "File not found. Go to homepage →" msgstr "Datei nicht gefunden. Zur Startseite →" #: woocommerce_emails.php:100 #@ woothemes msgid "New Customer Order" msgstr "Neue Kundenbestellung" #: woocommerce_emails.php:102 #, php-format #@ woothemes msgid "[%s] New Customer Order (# %s)" msgstr "[%s] Neue Kundenbestellung (# %s)" #: woocommerce_emails.php:134 #, php-format #@ woothemes msgid "[%s] Order Received" msgstr "[%s] Bestellung erhalten" #: woocommerce_emails.php:164 #, php-format #@ woothemes msgid "[%s] Order Complete/Download Links" msgstr "[%s] Bestellung abgeschlossen/Download-Links" #: woocommerce_emails.php:167 #, php-format #@ woothemes msgid "[%s] Order Complete" msgstr "[%s] Bestellung abgeschlossen" #: woocommerce_emails.php:201 #, php-format #@ woothemes msgid "[%s] Pay for Order" msgstr "[%s] Bezahlen für Bestellung" #: woocommerce_emails.php:255 #@ woothemes msgid "Product low in stock" msgstr "Produkt bald nicht mehr vorrätig" #: woocommerce_emails.php:256 #@ woothemes msgid "is low in stock." msgstr "hat einen niedrigen Lagerbestand." #: woocommerce_emails.php:267 #@ woothemes msgid "Product out of stock" msgstr "Produkt ist nicht vorrätig." #: woocommerce_emails.php:268 #@ woothemes msgid "is out of stock." msgstr "ist nicht vorrätig." #: woocommerce_emails.php:279 #@ woothemes msgid "Product Backorder" msgstr "Produkt Lieferrückstand" #: woocommerce_emails.php:280 #@ woothemes msgid " units of #" msgstr " Einheiten von #" #: woocommerce_emails.php:280 #@ woothemes msgid "have been backordered." msgstr "wurden nachgeliefert." #: woocommerce_taxonomy.php:23 #: woocommerce_taxonomy.php:307 #@ woothemes msgid "product" msgstr "Produkt" #: woocommerce_taxonomy.php:52 #@ woothemes msgid "Product Category" msgstr "Produktkategorie" #: woocommerce_taxonomy.php:53 #@ woothemes msgid "Search Product Categories" msgstr "Produktkategorien durchsuchen" #: woocommerce_taxonomy.php:54 #@ woothemes msgid "All Product Categories" msgstr "Alle Produktkategorien" #: woocommerce_taxonomy.php:55 #@ woothemes msgid "Parent Product Category" msgstr "Übergeordnete Produktkategorie" #: woocommerce_taxonomy.php:56 #@ woothemes msgid "Parent Product Category:" msgstr "Übergeordnete Produktkategorie:" #: woocommerce_taxonomy.php:57 #@ woothemes msgid "Edit Product Category" msgstr "Produktkategorie bearbeiten" #: woocommerce_taxonomy.php:58 #@ woothemes msgid "Update Product Category" msgstr "Produktkategorie aktualisieren" #: woocommerce_taxonomy.php:59 #@ woothemes msgid "Add New Product Category" msgstr "Produktkategorie hinzufügen" #: woocommerce_taxonomy.php:60 #@ woothemes msgid "New Product Category Name" msgstr "Neuer Produktkategoriename" #: woocommerce_taxonomy.php:64 #@ woothemes msgctxt "slug" msgid "product-category" msgstr "produkt-kategorie" #: woocommerce_taxonomy.php:75 #@ woothemes msgid "Product Tag" msgstr "Produktschlagwort" #: woocommerce_taxonomy.php:76 #@ woothemes msgid "Search Product Tags" msgstr "Produktschlagwörter durchsuchen" #: woocommerce_taxonomy.php:77 #@ woothemes msgid "All Product Tags" msgstr "Alle Produktschlagwörter" #: woocommerce_taxonomy.php:78 #@ woothemes msgid "Parent Product Tag" msgstr "Übergeordnetes Produktschlagwort" #: woocommerce_taxonomy.php:79 #@ woothemes msgid "Parent Product Tag:" msgstr "Übergeordnetes Produktschlagwort:" #: woocommerce_taxonomy.php:80 #@ woothemes msgid "Edit Product Tag" msgstr "Produktschlagwort bearbeiten" #: woocommerce_taxonomy.php:81 #@ woothemes msgid "Update Product Tag" msgstr "Produktschlagwort aktualisieren" #: woocommerce_taxonomy.php:82 #@ woothemes msgid "Add New Product Tag" msgstr "Neues Produktschlagwort hinzufügen" #: woocommerce_taxonomy.php:83 #@ woothemes msgid "New Product Tag Name" msgstr "Neuer Produktschlagwortname" #: woocommerce_taxonomy.php:87 #@ woothemes msgctxt "slug" msgid "product-tag" msgstr "produkt-schlagwort" #: woocommerce_taxonomy.php:162 #@ woothemes msgid "Add Product" msgstr "Produkt hinzufügen" #: woocommerce_taxonomy.php:163 #@ woothemes msgid "Add New Product" msgstr "Neues Produkt hinzufügen" #: woocommerce_taxonomy.php:165 #@ woothemes msgid "Edit Product" msgstr "Produkt bearbeiten" #: woocommerce_taxonomy.php:166 #@ woothemes msgid "New Product" msgstr "Neues Produkt" #: woocommerce_taxonomy.php:167 #: woocommerce_taxonomy.php:168 #@ woothemes msgid "View Product" msgstr "Produkt anzeigen" #: woocommerce_taxonomy.php:169 #@ woothemes msgid "Search Products" msgstr "Produkte suchen" #: woocommerce_taxonomy.php:170 #@ woothemes msgid "No Products found" msgstr "Keine Produkte gefunden" #: woocommerce_taxonomy.php:171 #@ woothemes msgid "No Products found in trash" msgstr "Keine Produkte im Papierkorb gefunden" #: woocommerce_taxonomy.php:174 #@ woothemes msgid "This is where you can add new products to your store." msgstr "Hier können Sie neue Produkte zu Ihrem Shop hinzufügen." #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:19 #: woocommerce_taxonomy.php:193 #@ woothemes msgid "Variations" msgstr "Varianten" #: woocommerce_taxonomy.php:194 #@ woothemes msgid "Variation" msgstr "Variante" #: woocommerce_taxonomy.php:196 #@ woothemes msgid "Add New Variation" msgstr "Neue Variante hinzufügen" #: woocommerce_taxonomy.php:198 #@ woothemes msgid "Edit Variation" msgstr "Variante bearbeiten" #: woocommerce_taxonomy.php:199 #@ woothemes msgid "New Variation" msgstr "Neue Variante" #: woocommerce_taxonomy.php:200 #: woocommerce_taxonomy.php:201 #@ woothemes msgid "View Variation" msgstr "Variante anzeigen" #: woocommerce_taxonomy.php:202 #@ woothemes msgid "Search Variations" msgstr "Varianten durchsuchen" #: woocommerce_taxonomy.php:203 #@ woothemes msgid "No Variations found" msgstr "Keine Varianten gefunden" #: woocommerce_taxonomy.php:204 #@ woothemes msgid "No Variations found in trash" msgstr "Keine Varianten im Papierkorb gefunden" #: woocommerce_taxonomy.php:205 #@ woothemes msgid "Parent Variation" msgstr "Übergeordnete Variante" #: woocommerce_taxonomy.php:225 #@ woothemes msgid "Add Order" msgstr "Bestellung hinzufügen" #: woocommerce_taxonomy.php:226 #@ woothemes msgid "Add New Order" msgstr "Neue Bestellung hinzufügen" #: woocommerce_taxonomy.php:228 #@ woothemes msgid "Edit Order" msgstr "Bestellung bearbeiten" #: woocommerce_taxonomy.php:229 #@ woothemes msgid "New Order" msgstr "Neue Bestellung" #: woocommerce_taxonomy.php:232 #@ woothemes msgid "Search Orders" msgstr "Bestellungen suchen" #: woocommerce_taxonomy.php:233 #@ woothemes msgid "No Orders found" msgstr "Keine Bestellungen gefunden" #: woocommerce_taxonomy.php:234 #@ woothemes msgid "No Orders found in trash" msgstr "Keine Bestellungen im Papierkorb gefunden" #: woocommerce_taxonomy.php:235 #@ woothemes msgid "Parent Orders" msgstr "Übergeordnete Bestellungen" #: woocommerce_taxonomy.php:237 #@ woothemes msgid "This is where store orders are stored." msgstr "Hier werden die Bestellungen des Shops gespeichert." #: woocommerce_taxonomy.php:97 #@ woothemes msgid "Order statuses" msgstr "Bestellung Status (alle)" #: woocommerce_taxonomy.php:98 #@ woothemes msgid "Order status" msgstr "Bestellung Status" #: woocommerce_taxonomy.php:99 #@ woothemes msgid "Search Order statuses" msgstr "Die Bestellstatus durchsuchen" #: woocommerce_taxonomy.php:100 #@ woothemes msgid "All Order statuses" msgstr "Alle Bestellstatus" #: woocommerce_taxonomy.php:101 #@ woothemes msgid "Parent Order status" msgstr "Übergeordneter Bestellstatus" #: woocommerce_taxonomy.php:102 #@ woothemes msgid "Parent Order status:" msgstr "Übergeordneter Bestellstatus:" #: woocommerce_taxonomy.php:103 #@ woothemes msgid "Edit Order status" msgstr "Bestellstatus bearbeiten" #: woocommerce_taxonomy.php:104 #@ woothemes msgid "Update Order status" msgstr "Bestellstatus aktualisieren" #: woocommerce_taxonomy.php:105 #@ woothemes msgid "Add New Order status" msgstr "Neuen Bestellstatus hinzufügen" #: woocommerce_taxonomy.php:106 #@ woothemes msgid "New Order status Name" msgstr "Neuer Name für Bestellstatus" #: woocommerce_taxonomy.php:256 #@ woothemes msgid "Coupons" msgstr "Gutscheine" #: woocommerce_taxonomy.php:258 #@ woothemes msgid "Add Coupon" msgstr "Gutschein hinzufügen" #: woocommerce_taxonomy.php:259 #@ woothemes msgid "Add New Coupon" msgstr "Neuen Gutschein hinzufügen" #: woocommerce_taxonomy.php:261 #@ woothemes msgid "Edit Coupon" msgstr "Gutschein bearbeiten" #: woocommerce_taxonomy.php:262 #@ woothemes msgid "New Coupon" msgstr "Neuer Gutschein" #: woocommerce_taxonomy.php:263 #@ woothemes msgid "View Coupons" msgstr "Gutscheine anzeigen" #: woocommerce_taxonomy.php:264 #@ woothemes msgid "View Coupon" msgstr "Gutschein anzeigen" #: woocommerce_taxonomy.php:265 #@ woothemes msgid "Search Coupons" msgstr "Gutschein suchen" #: woocommerce_taxonomy.php:266 #@ woothemes msgid "No Coupons found" msgstr "Keine Gutscheine gefunden" #: woocommerce_taxonomy.php:267 #@ woothemes msgid "No Coupons found in trash" msgstr "Keine Gutscheine im Papierkorb gefunden" #: woocommerce_taxonomy.php:268 #@ woothemes msgid "Parent Coupon" msgstr "Übergeordneter Gutschein" #: woocommerce_taxonomy.php:270 #@ woothemes msgid "This is where you can add new coupons that customers can use in your store." msgstr "Hier können Sie neue Gutscheine hinzufügen, die Ihre Kunden in Ihrem Onlineshop verwenden können." #: woocommerce_template_functions.php:39 #@ woothemes msgid "Sale!" msgstr "Angebot!" #: woocommerce_template_functions.php:62 #: woocommerce_template_functions.php:77 #@ woothemes msgid "Read More" msgstr "Weiterlesen" #: woocommerce_template_functions.php:69 #@ woothemes msgid "Select options" msgstr "Ausführung auswählen" #: woocommerce_template_functions.php:73 #@ woothemes msgid "View options" msgstr "Optionen anzeigen" #: woocommerce_template_functions.php:81 #: woocommerce_template_functions.php:302 #: woocommerce_template_functions.php:339 #: woocommerce_template_functions.php:440 #@ woothemes msgid "Add to cart" msgstr "In den Warenkorb" #: woocommerce_template_functions.php:227 #@ woothemes msgid "Posted in" msgstr "Veröffentlicht in" #: woocommerce_template_functions.php:227 #@ woothemes msgid "Tagged as" msgstr "Verschlagwortung als" #: woocommerce_template_functions.php:407 #@ woothemes msgid "Choose an option" msgstr "Wählen Sie eine Ausführung" #: woocommerce_template_functions.php:515 #@ woothemes msgid "Alphabetically" msgstr "Alphabetisch" #: woocommerce_template_functions.php:516 #@ woothemes msgid "Most Recent" msgstr "vor kurzem" #: classes/checkout.class.php:247 #: woocommerce_template_functions.php:541 #: woocommerce_template_functions.php:567 #@ woothemes msgid "Additional Information" msgstr "Zusätzliche Informationen" #: woocommerce_template_functions.php:558 #@ woothemes msgid "Product Description" msgstr "Produktbeschreibung" #: woocommerce_template_functions.php:618 #@ woothemes msgid "Related Products" msgstr "Ähnliche Produkte" #: woocommerce_template_functions.php:645 #@ woothemes msgid "Calculate Shipping" msgstr "Lieferkosten berechnen" #: woocommerce_template_functions.php:688 #@ woothemes msgid "Postcode/Zip" msgstr "Postleitzahl/PLZ" #: woocommerce_template_functions.php:691 #@ woothemes msgid "Update Totals" msgstr "Betrag aktualisieren" #: woocommerce_template_functions.php:716 #@ woothemes msgid "Cart Totals" msgstr "Warenkorb Summe" #: woocommerce_template_functions.php:768 #, php-format #@ woothemes msgid "estimated for %s" msgstr "geschätzt für %s" #: woocommerce_template_functions.php:784 #@ woothemes msgid "Note: Tax and shipping totals are estimated and will be updated during checkout based on your billing information." msgstr "Hinweis: Der Gesamtbetrag für Mehrwertsteuer und Versand ist geschätzt und wird bei der Bestellabwicklung gemäß Ihrer Rechnungsadresse aktualisiert." #: templates/myaccount/login.php:13 #: templates/myaccount/login.php:27 #: woocommerce_template_functions.php:824 #@ woothemes msgid "Login" msgstr "Login" #: templates/myaccount/login.php:28 #: woocommerce_template_functions.php:825 #@ woothemes msgid "Lost Password?" msgstr "Passwort vergessen?" #: woocommerce_template_functions.php:842 #@ woothemes msgid "Already registered?" msgstr "Haben Sie sich schon angemeldet?" #: woocommerce_template_functions.php:844 #@ woothemes msgid "Click here to login" msgstr "Klicken Sie hier, um sich einzuloggen" #: woocommerce_template_functions.php:846 #@ woothemes msgid "If you have shopped with us before, please enter your username and password in the boxes below. If you are a new customer please proceed to the Billing & Shipping section." msgstr "Wenn Sie bereits bei uns eingekauft haben, geben Sie bitte in die Felder oben Ihren Benutzernamen und Ihr Passwort ein. Wenn Sie ein neuer Kunde sind, fahren Sie bitte fort mit dem Abschnitt Rechnung & Lieferung." #: woocommerce_template_functions.php:858 #@ woothemes msgctxt "breadcrumb" msgid "Home" msgstr "Startseite" #: woocommerce_template_functions.php:912 #@ woothemes msgid "Products tagged “" msgstr "Produkte verschlagwortet “" #: woocommerce_template_functions.php:935 #: woocommerce_template_functions.php:1020 #@ woothemes msgid "Search results for “" msgstr "Suchergebnisse für “" #: woocommerce_template_functions.php:984 #@ woothemes msgid "Error 404" msgstr "Fehler 404" #: woocommerce_template_functions.php:1024 #@ woothemes msgid "Posts tagged “" msgstr "Produkt verschlagwortet “" #: woocommerce_template_functions.php:1029 #@ woothemes msgid "Author:" msgstr "Autor:" #: woocommerce_template_functions.php:1035 #@ woothemes msgid "Page" msgstr "Seite" #: woocommerce_template_functions.php:1066 #@ woothemes msgid "You may also like…" msgstr "Das könnte Ihnen auch gefallen…" #: woocommerce_template_functions.php:1090 #@ woothemes msgid "You may be interested in…" msgstr "Sind Sie vielleicht interessiert an…" #: woocommerce_template_functions.php:1119 #@ woothemes msgid "This is a demo store for testing purposes — no orders shall be fulfilled." msgstr "Dies ist ein für Testzwecke aufgesetzter Demo-Shop — Bestellungen werden nicht ausgeführt." #: admin/admin-post-types.php:426 #@ woothemes msgid "Actions" msgstr "Aktionen" #: admin/admin-post-types.php:529 #@ woothemes msgid "Complete" msgstr "Abschließen" #: admin/admin-settings-forms.php:233 #@ woothemes msgid "Select a page..." msgstr "Seite auswählen" #: admin/admin-settings.php:277 #@ woothemes msgid "Logout link" msgstr "Logout-Link" #: admin/admin-settings.php:278 #@ woothemes msgid "Append a logout link to menus containing \"My Account\"" msgstr "Fügt einen Logout-Link zu Menüs die \"Mein Konto\" erhalten" #: admin/admin-settings.php:734 #@ woothemes msgid "Email Recipient Options" msgstr "E-Mail-Empfänger Optionen" #: admin/admin-settings.php:737 #@ woothemes msgid "New order notifications" msgstr "Neue Bestellung Benachrichtigung" #: admin/admin-settings.php:738 #@ woothemes msgid "The recipient of new order emails. Defaults to the admin email." msgstr "Empfänger von Benachrichtungen über Bestelleingänge. Gundeinstellung E-Mail-Adresse des Admin" #: admin/admin-settings.php:745 #@ woothemes msgid "Inventory notifications" msgstr "Inventar-Benachrichtigungen" #: admin/admin-settings.php:746 #@ woothemes msgid "The recipient of stock emails. Defaults to the admin email." msgstr "Empfänger von Nachrichten über den Bestand. Gundeinstellung E-Mail-Adresse des Admin" #: admin/admin-settings.php:754 #@ woothemes msgid "Email Sender Options" msgstr "E-Mail-Absender Optionen" #: admin/admin-settings.php:774 #, php-format #@ woothemes msgid "This section lets you customise the WooCommerce emails. Click here to preview your email template. For more advanced control copy woocommerce/templates/emails/ to yourtheme/woocommmerce/emails/." msgstr "Hier können Sie die WooCommerce Mails anpassen. Für Vorschau der E-Mailvorlage hier klicken. Wenn Sie weitergehende Änderungen wünschen, kopieren Sie woocommerce/templates/emails/ nach ihrtheme/woocommmerce/emails/." #: admin/admin-settings.php:904 #@ woothemes msgid "Welcome to WooCommerce!" msgstr "Willkommen bei WooCommerce!" #: admin/admin-settings.php:905 #@ woothemes msgid "WooCommerce requires several WordPress pages containing shortcodes in order to work correctly; these include Shop, Cart, Checkout and My Account. To add these pages automatically please click the 'Automatically add pages' button below, otherwise you can set them up manually. See the 'Pages' tab in settings for more information." msgstr "WooCommerce benötigt mehrere Wordpress-Seiten mit entsprechendem Shortcode, um korrekt zu funktionieren; dies beinhaltet Shop, Warenkorb, Kasse und Mein Konto. Um diese Seiten automatisch hinzuzufügen, klicken Sie bitte auf den Button \\\"Seiten automatisch hinzufügen\\\" unten oder stellen Sie die Seiten manuell ein. Gehen Sie auf den Tab \\\"Seiten\\\" um weitere Informationen zu erhalten." #: admin/admin-settings.php:906 #@ woothemes msgid "Automatically add pages" msgstr "Automatisch Seiten hinzufügen" #: admin/admin-settings.php:906 #@ woothemes msgid "Skip setup" msgstr "Setup überspringen" #: admin/admin-settings.php:913 #@ woothemes msgid "WooCommerce has been installed and setup. Enjoy :)" msgstr "WooCommerce wurde installiert und eingerichtet. Viel Spaß!" #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-coupon_data.php:39 #@ woothemes msgid "(optional) Comma separate IDs which need to be in the cart to use this coupon or, for \"Product Discounts\", which products are discounted." msgstr "(optional) Trennen Sie die IDs mit Komma, welche im Warenkorb sein müssen, um diesen Gutschein verwenden zu können. Oder für \"Produkt Rabatte\", um die Produkte zu kennzeichnen, auf die ein Nachlass entfällt." #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-coupon_data.php:42 #@ woothemes msgid "Exclude Product IDs" msgstr "Produkt-IDs ausschließen" #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-coupon_data.php:42 #@ woothemes msgid "(optional) Comma separate IDs which must not be in the cart to use this coupon or, for \"Product Discounts\", which products are not discounted." msgstr "(optional) Trennen Sie die IDs mit Komma, welche nicht im Warenkorb sein dürfen, um diesen Gutschein verwenden zu können. Oder für \"Produkt Rabatte\", um die Produkte zu kennzeichnen, auf die kein Nachlass entfällt." #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:154 #@ woothemes msgid "Default variation selections:" msgstr "Standardeinstellungen auswählen:" #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:166 #@ woothemes msgid "No default" msgstr "Kein Standard" #: classes/countries.class.php:590 #@ woothemes msgid "VAT" msgstr "MwSt." #: classes/countries.class.php:590 #@ woothemes msgid "tax" msgstr "Steuer" #: classes/countries.class.php:598 #@ woothemes msgid "(inc. VAT)" msgstr "(inkl. MwSt.)" #: classes/countries.class.php:598 #@ woothemes msgid "(inc. tax)" msgstr "(inkl. Steuer)" #: classes/countries.class.php:606 #@ woothemes msgid "(ex. VAT)" msgstr "(exkl. MwSt.)" #: templates/emails/customer_processing_order.php:7 #@ woothemes msgid "Thank you, we are now processing your order. Your order's details are below." msgstr "Danke, wir bearbeiten nun Ihre Bestellung. Die Details zu Ihrer Bestellung finden Sie untenstehend." #: widgets/widget-best_sellers.php:23 #@ woothemes msgid "Display a list of your best selling products on your site." msgstr "Zeigt die Liste Ihrer Verkaufsschlager auf Ihrer Seite." #: widgets/widget-best_sellers.php:25 #@ woothemes msgid "WooCommerce Best Sellers" msgstr "WooCommerce Verkaufsschlager" #: widgets/widget-best_sellers.php:54 #@ woothemes msgid "Best Sellers" msgstr "Verkaufsschlager" #: woocommerce_actions.php:1139 #@ woothemes msgid "New products" msgstr "Neue Produkte" #: woocommerce_actions.php:1147 #, php-format #@ woothemes msgid "New products added to %s" msgstr "Neue Produkte hinzugefügt zu %s" #: woocommerce_actions.php:1155 #, php-format #@ woothemes msgid "New products tagged %s" msgstr "Neue Produkte verschlagwortet %s" #: woocommerce_emails.php:165 #@ woothemes msgid "Order Complete/Download Links" msgstr "Bestellung vollständig/ Download Links" #: woocommerce_emails.php:168 #@ woothemes msgid "Order Complete" msgstr "Bestellung vollständig" #: woocommerce_emails.php:297 #@ woothemes msgid "Email preview" msgstr "E-Mail-Vorschau" #: woocommerce_emails.php:336 #@ woothemes msgid "Order information" msgstr "Bestellinformationen" #: woocommerce_template_functions.php:789 #@ woothemes msgid "No shipping methods were found; please recalculate your shipping and enter your state/county and zip/postcode to ensure their are no other available methods for your location." msgstr "Es wurden keine Versandarten gefunden; bitte berechnen Sie Ihre Versandkosten erneut und geben Sie dazu Ihr Bundesland und Ihre PLZ ein, um sicherzustellen, dass keine anderen Versandarten für Ihren Standort verfügbar sind." #: woocommerce_template_functions.php:789 #, php-format #@ woothemes msgid "Sorry, it seems that there are no available shipping methods for your location (%s)." msgstr "Entschuldigen Sie, aber für Ihren Standort ist kein Versand möglich (%s)." #: woocommerce_template_functions.php:790 #@ woothemes msgid "If you require assistance or wish to make alternate arrangements please contact us." msgstr "Wenn Sie Hilfe benötigen oder weitergehende Absprachen treffen möchten, nehmen Sie bitte Kontakt mit uns auf." #: widgets/widget-login.php:55 #: woocommerce_templates.php:258 #@ woothemes msgid "Logout" msgstr "Logout" #: admin/admin-init.php:38 #@ woothemes msgid "WooCommerce Settings" msgstr "WooCommerce Einstellungen" #: admin/admin-post-types.php:321 #@ woothemes msgid "Show all product types" msgstr "Alle Produktausführungen anzeigen" #: admin/admin-post-types.php:331 #@ woothemes msgid "Show all sub-types" msgstr "Alle Unterausführungen anzeigen" #: admin/admin-settings.php:33 #@ woothemes msgid "This controls what currency prices are listed at in the catalog and which currency gateways will take payments in." msgstr "Hiermit steuern Sie, in welcher Währung die Preise angezeigt werden im Shop und welche Bezahlschnittstellen Sie verwenden möchten." #: admin/admin-settings.php:92 #@ woothemes msgid "Allow users to checkout without signing up for an account" msgstr "Kunden gestatten, eine Bestellung aufzugeben, ohne ein Konto anzumelden." #: admin/admin-settings.php:100 #@ woothemes msgid "Allow users to create an account and login from the checkout page" msgstr "Kunden ermöglichen, ein Konto anzulegen, um sich auf der Kasse-Seite einzuloggen." #: admin/admin-settings.php:108 #@ woothemes msgid "Show order comments section" msgstr "Bestellhinweise anzeigen" #: admin/admin-settings.php:116 #@ woothemes msgid "Force SSL/HTTPS (an SSL Certificate is required)" msgstr "Erzwinge SSL/HTTPS (ein SSL-Zertifikat wird benötigt)" #: admin/admin-settings.php:124 #@ woothemes msgid "Un-force SSL/HTTPS when leaving the checkout" msgstr "Erzwungenes SSL/HTTPS wieder rückgängig machen, wenn die Kasse verlassen wurde." #: admin/admin-settings.php:133 #@ woothemes msgid "Allow unregistered users to register from the My Account page" msgstr "Ermöglichen Sie nicht registrierten Kunden, sich über die Mein Konto-Seite anzumelden" #: admin/admin-settings.php:140 #@ woothemes msgid "Admin access" msgstr "Admin Zugriff" #: admin/admin-settings.php:141 #@ woothemes msgid "Prevent customers from accessing WordPress admin" msgstr "Zugriff auf das Wordpress-Backend für Kunden unterbinden" #: admin/admin-settings.php:148 #@ woothemes msgid "Shop Styling" msgstr "Shop Gestaltung" #: admin/admin-settings.php:149 #@ woothemes msgid "Enable WooCommerce CSS styles" msgstr "WooCommerce CSS aktivieren" #: admin/admin-settings.php:157 #@ woothemes msgid "Enable AJAX add to cart buttons on product archives" msgstr "AJAX aktivieren für die Warenkorb-Buttons in der Kategorienansicht" #: admin/admin-settings.php:165 #@ woothemes msgid "Enable WooCommerce lightbox on the product page" msgstr "WooCommerce Lightbox aktivieren auf der Produktseite" #: admin/admin-settings.php:173 #@ woothemes msgid "Demo store notice" msgstr "Demo-Shop Hinweis" #: admin/admin-settings.php:181 #@ woothemes msgid "File downloads" msgstr "Datei Downloads" #: admin/admin-settings.php:182 #@ woothemes msgid "Use X-Accel-Redirect/ X-Sendfile to serve downloads (server requires mod_xsendfile)" msgstr "Verwende X-Accel-Redirect/ X-Sendfile um Downloads bereit zu stellen (Server benötigt mod_xsendfile)" #: admin/admin-settings.php:189 #@ woothemes msgid "Localisation" msgstr "Lokalisierung" #: admin/admin-settings.php:190 #@ woothemes msgid "Use informal localisation file if it exists" msgstr "Verwenden Sie - wenn vorhanden - die Übersetzungsdatei für die informelle Anrede (\"Du\")" #: admin/admin-settings.php:198 #@ woothemes msgid "ShareThis" msgstr "ShareThis" #: admin/admin-settings.php:202 #, php-format #@ woothemes msgid "Enter your %1$sShareThis publisher ID%2$s to show social sharing buttons on product pages." msgstr "Geben Sie Ihre %1$sShareThis publisher ID%2$s ein, um Buttons für soziale Netzwerke auf Produktseiten einzublenden." #: admin/admin-settings.php:211 #@ woothemes msgid "Google Analytics" msgstr "Google Analytics" #: admin/admin-settings.php:222 #: admin/admin-settings.php:230 #@ woothemes msgid "Tracking code" msgstr "Sendungsnummer" #: admin/admin-settings.php:223 #@ woothemes msgid "Add tracking code to your site's footer. You don't need to enable this if using a 3rd party analytics plugin." msgstr "Tracking-Code in den Footer einfügen. Sie müssen dies nicht aktivieren, wenn Sie bereits ein anderes Statistiktool einsetzen." #: admin/admin-settings.php:231 #@ woothemes msgid "Add eCommerce tracking code to the thankyou page" msgstr "eCommerce Tracking-Code auf der Danke-Seite hinzufügen" #: admin/admin-settings.php:450 #@ woothemes msgid "Show weight and dimension fields in product attributes tab" msgstr "Felder für Gewicht und Maße im Tab für Produktattribute anzeigen" #: admin/admin-settings.php:543 #, php-format #@ woothemes msgid "These settings affect the actual dimensions of images in your catalog - the display on the front-end will still be affected by CSS styles. After changing these settings you may need to regenerate your thumbnails." msgstr "Diese Einstellungen betreffen die tatsächlichen Maße Ihrer Bilder in Ihrem Shop - Die Darstellung im Frontend wird per CSS manipuliert. Nachdem Sie diese Einstellung geändert haben, müssen Sie ggf. Ihre Thumbnails neu erstellen." #: admin/admin-settings.php:644 #: admin/admin-settings.php:653 #@ woothemes msgid "Shipping calculations" msgstr "Versandkostenberechnung" #: admin/admin-settings.php:645 #@ woothemes msgid "Enable shipping" msgstr "Versand aktivieren" #: admin/admin-settings.php:662 #@ woothemes msgid "Shipping destination" msgstr "Lieferadresse" #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:275 #@ woothemes msgid "- Emails the customer order details and a payment link (if the order is pending/unpaid)." msgstr "- sendet dem Kunden die Bestelldetails und einen Bezahllink per E-Mail (wenn die Bestellung wartend/unbezahlt ist)." #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:19 #@ woothemes msgid "Variations for variable products are defined here." msgstr "Varianten für Produktausführungen werden hier definiert." #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:45 #@ woothemes msgid "Prices" msgstr "Preise" #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:45 #@ woothemes msgid "Sale prices" msgstr "Sonderpreise" #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:45 #@ woothemes msgid "Stock" msgstr "Lagerbestand" #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:45 #@ woothemes msgid "File paths" msgstr "Dateipfade" #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:45 #@ woothemes msgid "Download limits" msgstr "Download Limits" #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:112 #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:275 #@ woothemes msgid "Enter a SKU for this variation or leave blank to use the parent product SKU." msgstr "Geben Sie eine ArtNr. für diese Variante ein oder lassen Sie das Feld leer, um die übergeordnete ArtNr. zu verwenden." #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:114 #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:277 #@ woothemes msgid "Enter a weight for this variation or leave blank to use the parent product weight." msgstr "Gewicht für diese Ausführung eingeben oder leer lassen, um das Gewicht des übergeordneten Produkts zu verwenden." #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:116 #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:279 #@ woothemes msgid "Enter a quantity to manage stock for this variation, or leave blank to use the variable product stock options." msgstr "Menge eingeben, um den Lagerbestand dieser Ausführung zu verwalten oder leer lassen, um die variablen Produkt-Lagerbestandsoptionen." #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:125 #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:286 #@ woothemes msgid "Enable this option if access is given to a downloadable file upon purchase of a product." msgstr "Diese Einstellung aktivieren, um Zugriff auf ein Download-Produkt zu gewähren für den Kauf eines Produkts." #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:127 #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:288 #@ woothemes msgid "Enable this option if a product is not shipped or there is no shipping cost." msgstr "Diese Einstellung aktivieren, wenn ein Produkt nicht versandt wird oder es keine Versandkosten gibt." #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:133 #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:293 #@ woothemes msgid "File path:" msgstr "Dateipfad:" #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:133 #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:293 #@ woothemes msgid "Enter a File Path to make this variation a downloadable product, or leave blank." msgstr "Geben Sie einen Dateipfad an, um diese Ausführung zu einem Download-Produkt zu machen oder leer lassen." #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:133 #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:293 #@ woothemes msgid "↑" msgstr "↑" #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:133 #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:293 #@ woothemes msgid "Upload" msgstr "Hochladen" #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:139 #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:297 #@ woothemes msgid "Download Limit:" msgstr "Download Limit:" #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:139 #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:297 #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:401 #@ woothemes msgid "Unlimited" msgstr "Unbegrenzt" #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:413 #@ woothemes msgid "Enter a file path/URL" msgstr "Dateipfad/URL eingeben" #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:419 #@ woothemes msgid "Enter a download limit" msgstr "Downloadlimit eingeben" #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:685 #@ woothemes msgid "Variable product" msgstr "Produktausführung" #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:38 #@ woothemes msgid "Up-sells & Cross-sells" msgstr "Up-Sells & Cross-Sells" #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:44 #@ woothemes msgid "Downloads" msgstr "Downloads" #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:66 #@ woothemes msgid "Product URL" msgstr "Produkt-URL" #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:66 #@ woothemes msgid "Enter the external URL to the product." msgstr "Geben Sie die externe URL zu diesem Produkt ein." #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:745 #@ woothemes msgid "Simple product" msgstr "Einfaches Produkt" #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:746 #@ woothemes msgid "Grouped product" msgstr "Gruppiertes Produkt" #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:747 #@ woothemes msgid "External/Affiliate product" msgstr "Externes/Affiliate-Produkt" #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:751 #@ woothemes msgid "Product visibility" msgstr "Produktsichtbarkeit" #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:758 #@ woothemes msgid "Enable this option if a product is not shipped or there is no shipping cost" msgstr "Aktivieren Sie diese Einstellung, falls ein Produkt nicht versandt wird oder wenn es keine Versandkosten gibt." #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:760 #@ woothemes msgid "Enable this option if access is given to a downloadable file upon purchase of a product" msgstr "Diese Einstellung aktivieren, um Zugriff auf ein Download-Produkt zu gewähren für den Kauf eines Produkts" #: admin/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:763 #@ woothemes msgid "Enable this option to feature this product" msgstr "Aktivieren Sie diese Einstellung, um dieses Produkt zu empfehlen" #: classes/cart.class.php:193 #@ woothemes msgid "This product cannot be purchased." msgstr "Dieses Produkt kann nicht erworben werden." #: classes/cart.class.php:199 #@ woothemes msgid "This product cannot be purchased - the price is not yet set." msgstr "Dieses Produkt kann nicht erworben werden - es wurde bisher kein Preis festgesetzt." #: classes/countries.class.php:253 #@ woothemes msgid "US Armed Forces" msgstr "US Armed Forces" #: classes/countries.class.php:284 #@ woothemes msgid "Amazonas" msgstr "Amazonas" #: classes/countries.class.php:285 #@ woothemes msgid "Acre" msgstr "Acre" #: classes/countries.class.php:286 #@ woothemes msgid "Alagoas" msgstr "Alagoas" #: classes/countries.class.php:287 #@ woothemes msgid "Amapá" msgstr "Amapá" #: classes/countries.class.php:288 #@ woothemes msgid "Ceará" msgstr "Ceará" #: classes/countries.class.php:289 #@ woothemes msgid "Distrito federal" msgstr "Distrito federal" #: classes/countries.class.php:290 #@ woothemes msgid "Espirito santo" msgstr "Espirito santo" #: classes/countries.class.php:291 #@ woothemes msgid "Maranhão" msgstr "Maranhão" #: classes/countries.class.php:292 #@ woothemes msgid "Paraná" msgstr "Paraná" #: classes/countries.class.php:293 #@ woothemes msgid "Pernambuco" msgstr "Pernambuco" #: classes/countries.class.php:294 #@ woothemes msgid "Piauí" msgstr "Piauí" #: classes/countries.class.php:295 #@ woothemes msgid "Rio grande do norte" msgstr "Rio grande do norte" #: classes/countries.class.php:296 #: classes/countries.class.php:309 #@ woothemes msgid "Rio grande do sul" msgstr "Rio grande do sul" #: classes/countries.class.php:297 #@ woothemes msgid "Rondônia" msgstr "Rondônia" #: classes/countries.class.php:298 #@ woothemes msgid "Roraima" msgstr "Roraima" #: classes/countries.class.php:299 #@ woothemes msgid "Santa catarina" msgstr "Santa catarina" #: classes/countries.class.php:300 #@ woothemes msgid "Sergipe" msgstr "Sergipe" #: classes/countries.class.php:301 #@ woothemes msgid "Tocantins" msgstr "Tocantins" #: classes/countries.class.php:302 #@ woothemes msgid "Pará" msgstr "Pará" #: classes/countries.class.php:303 #@ woothemes msgid "Bahia" msgstr "Bahia" #: classes/countries.class.php:304 #@ woothemes msgid "Goiás" msgstr "Goiás" #: classes/countries.class.php:305 #@ woothemes msgid "Mato grosso" msgstr "Mato grosso" #: classes/countries.class.php:306 #@ woothemes msgid "Mato grosso do sul" msgstr "Mato grosso do sul" #: classes/countries.class.php:307 #@ woothemes msgid "Rio de janeiro" msgstr "Rio de janeiro" #: classes/countries.class.php:308 #@ woothemes msgid "São paulo" msgstr "São paulo" #: classes/countries.class.php:310 #@ woothemes msgid "Minas gerais" msgstr "Minas gerais" #: classes/countries.class.php:311 #@ woothemes msgid "Paraiba" msgstr "Paraiba" #: classes/gateways/gateway-paypal.php:87 #@ woothemes msgid "Debug" msgstr "Debug" #: classes/gateways/gateway-paypal.php:89 #@ woothemes msgid "Enable logging (woocommerce/logs/paypal.txt)" msgstr "Logfile aktivieren (woocommerce/logs/paypal.txt)" #: shortcodes/shortcode-my_account.php:90 #@ woothemes msgid "You have no recent orders." msgstr "Sie haben keine kürzlichen Bestellungen." #: templates/checkout/form.php:7 #@ woothemes msgid "You must be logged in to checkout." msgstr "Bitte loggen Sie sich ein, um die Bestellung abschließen zu können." #: templates/emails/customer_new_account.php:7 #, php-format #@ woothemes msgid "Thanks for registering on %s. Your login details are below:" msgstr "Danke für Ihre Anmeldung auf %s. Hier noch einmal Ihre Login-Daten:" #: templates/emails/customer_new_account.php:10 #, php-format #@ default msgid "Username: %s" msgstr "Benutzername: %s" #: templates/emails/customer_new_account.php:11 #, php-format #@ default msgid "Password: %s" msgstr "Passwort: %s" #: templates/emails/customer_new_account.php:14 #, php-format #@ woothemes msgid "You can login to your account area here: %s." msgstr "Hier können Sie sich in Ihr Konto einloggen: %s." #: templates/emails/customer_note_notification.php:7 #@ woothemes msgid "Hello, a note has just been added to your order:" msgstr "Hallo, Ihrer Bestellung wurde soeben ein Hinweis hinzugefügt:" #: templates/emails/customer_note_notification.php:11 #@ woothemes msgid "For your reference, your order details are shown below." msgstr "Zu Ihrer Kontrolle, hier noch einmal Ihre Bestelldetails." #: templates/myaccount/login.php:38 #: templates/myaccount/login.php:66 #@ woothemes msgid "Register" msgstr "Anmelden" #: templates/myaccount/login.php:56 #@ woothemes msgid "Re-enter password" msgstr "Passwort bestätigen" #: widgets/widget-layered_nav.php:343 #@ woothemes msgid "Query Type:" msgstr "Abfrage-Typ:" #: widgets/widget-layered_nav.php:345 #@ woothemes msgid "AND" msgstr "UND" #: widgets/widget-layered_nav.php:346 #@ woothemes msgid "OR" msgstr "ODER" #: widgets/widget-login.php:22 #@ woothemes msgid "Display a login area and \"My Account\" links in the sidebar." msgstr "Login und \"Mein Konto\" Links in der Sidebar anzeigen." #: widgets/widget-login.php:24 #@ woothemes msgid "WooCommerce Login" msgstr "WooCommerce Login" #: widgets/widget-login.php:39 #: widgets/widget-login.php:178 #@ woothemes msgid "Customer Login" msgstr "Kunden Login" #: widgets/widget-login.php:40 #: widgets/widget-login.php:181 #, php-format #@ woothemes msgid "Welcome %s" msgstr "Willkommen %s" #: widgets/widget-login.php:53 #@ woothemes msgid "My account" msgstr "Mein Konto" #: widgets/widget-login.php:54 #@ woothemes msgid "Change my password" msgstr "Passwort ändern" #: widgets/widget-login.php:94 #@ woothemse msgid "Login »" msgstr "Login »" #: widgets/widget-login.php:94 #@ woothemes msgid "Lost password?" msgstr "Passwort vergessen?" #: widgets/widget-login.php:177 #@ woothemes msgid "Logged out title:" msgstr "Logout Bezeichnung:" #: widgets/widget-login.php:180 #@ woothemes msgid "Logged in title:" msgstr "Login Bezeichnung:" #: widgets/widget-login.php:283 #: woocommerce_actions.php:676 #@ woothemes #@ default msgid "ERROR: Please enter a username." msgstr "FEHLER: Bitte geben Sie einen Benutzernamen ein." #: widgets/widget-login.php:286 #@ woothemes msgid "ERROR: Please enter your password." msgstr "FEHLER: Bitte geben Sie Ihr Passwort ein." #: widgets/widget-onsale.php:23 #@ woothemes msgid "Display a list of your on-sale products on your site." msgstr "Liste der Produkte im Ausverkauf anzeigen." #: widgets/widget-onsale.php:25 #@ woothemes msgid "WooCommerce On-sale" msgstr "WooCommerce Sonderangebot" #: widgets/widget-onsale.php:54 #@ woothemes msgid "On Sale" msgstr "Sonderangebot" #: woocommerce_actions.php:343 #@ woothemes msgid "Cross-sell" msgstr "Cross-Sell" #: woocommerce_actions.php:343 #@ woothemes msgid "Up-sell" msgstr "Up-Sell" #: woocommerce_actions.php:678 #@ default msgid "ERROR: This username is invalid because it uses illegal characters. Please enter a valid username." msgstr "FEHLER: Dieser Benutzername ist ungültig. Er enthält unzulässige Zeichen. Bitte geben Sie einen gültigen Benutzernamen." #: woocommerce_actions.php:681 #@ default msgid "ERROR: This username is already registered, please choose another one." msgstr "FEHLER: Dieser Benutzername existiert bereits. Bitte wählen Sie einen anderen." #: woocommerce_actions.php:686 #@ default msgid "ERROR: Please type your e-mail address." msgstr "FEHLER: Bitte geben Sie ihre E-Mailadresse ein." #: woocommerce_actions.php:688 #@ default msgid "ERROR: The email address isn’t correct." msgstr "FEHLER: Das ist keine gültige E-Mailadresse." #: woocommerce_actions.php:691 #@ default msgid "ERROR: This email is already registered, please choose another one." msgstr "FEHLER: Ein Konto mit dieser E-Mailadresse existiert bereits, bitte wählen Sie eine andere." #: woocommerce_actions.php:696 #@ woothemes msgid "Re-enter your password." msgstr "Passwort bestätigen." #: woocommerce_actions.php:700 #@ woothemes msgid "Anti-spam field was filled in." msgstr "Antispamfeld wurde ausgefüllt." #: woocommerce_actions.php:822 #, php-format #@ woothemes msgid "Invalid email address. Go to homepage →" msgstr "E-Mailadresse ungültig. Zur Startseite →" #: woocommerce_actions.php:834 #, php-format #@ woothemes msgid "Invalid download. Go to homepage →" msgstr "Download ungültig. Zur Startseite →" #: woocommerce_actions.php:844 #, php-format #@ woothemes msgid "Invalid order. Go to homepage →" msgstr "Bestellung ungültig. Zur Startseite →" #: woocommerce_emails.php:199 #, php-format #@ woothemes msgid "Invoice for Order #%s" msgstr "Rechnung für Bestellung #%s" #: woocommerce_emails.php:232 #@ woothemes msgid "A note has been added to your order" msgstr "Ihrer Bestellung wurde ein Hinweis hinzugefügt" #: woocommerce_emails.php:234 #, php-format #@ woothemes msgid "[%s] A note has been added to your order" msgstr "[%s] Ihrer Bestellung wurde ein Hinweis hinzugefügt" #: woocommerce_emails.php:360 #, php-format #@ woothemes msgid "Your account on %s" msgstr "Ihr Konto auf %s" #: woocommerce_emails.php:361 #@ woothemes msgid "Your account details" msgstr "Ihre Konto-Details" #: woocommerce_template_functions.php:465 #@ woothemes msgid "Buy product" msgstr "Produkt kaufen"