name: Smoke test daily on: schedule: - cron: '25 3 * * *' workflow_dispatch: env: API_ARTIFACT: api-daily--run-${{ github.run_number }} E2E_ARTIFACT: e2e-daily--run-${{ github.run_number }} FORCE_COLOR: 1 BRANCH_NAME: ${{ github.ref_name }} concurrency: group: ${{ github.workflow }}-${{ github.ref }} cancel-in-progress: true jobs: e2e-tests: name: E2E tests on nightly build runs-on: ubuntu-20.04 env: ADMIN_PASSWORD: ${{ secrets.SMOKE_TEST_ADMIN_PASSWORD }} ADMIN_USER: ${{ secrets.SMOKE_TEST_ADMIN_USER }} ADMIN_USER_EMAIL: ${{ secrets.SMOKE_TEST_ADMIN_USER_EMAIL }} ALLURE_REPORT_DIR: ${{ github.workspace }}/plugins/woocommerce/tests/e2e-pw/test-results/allure-report ALLURE_RESULTS_DIR: ${{ github.workspace }}/plugins/woocommerce/tests/e2e-pw/test-results/allure-results BASE_URL: ${{ secrets.SMOKE_TEST_URL }} CUSTOMER_PASSWORD: ${{ secrets.SMOKE_TEST_CUSTOMER_PASSWORD }} CUSTOMER_USER: ${{ secrets.SMOKE_TEST_CUSTOMER_USER }} DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_OVERRIDE: 120000 steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v3 with: ref: ${{ env.BRANCH_NAME }} - name: Setup WooCommerce Monorepo uses: ./.github/actions/setup-woocommerce-monorepo with: install-filters: woocommerce build: false - name: Download and install Chromium browser. working-directory: plugins/woocommerce run: pnpm exec playwright install chromium - name: Run 'Update WooCommerce' test. working-directory: plugins/woocommerce env: UPDATE_WC: true run: pnpm exec playwright test --config=tests/e2e-pw/daily.playwright.config.js update-woocommerce.spec.js - name: Run the rest of E2E tests. timeout-minutes: 60 working-directory: plugins/woocommerce env: E2E_MAX_FAILURES: 25 run: pnpm exec playwright test --config=tests/e2e-pw/daily.playwright.config.js - name: Generate Playwright E2E Test report. if: success() || failure() working-directory: plugins/woocommerce run: pnpm exec allure generate --clean ${{ env.ALLURE_RESULTS_DIR }} --output ${{ env.ALLURE_REPORT_DIR }} - name: Archive E2E test report if: success() || failure() uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3 with: name: ${{ env.E2E_ARTIFACT }} path: | ${{ env.ALLURE_RESULTS_DIR }} ${{ env.ALLURE_REPORT_DIR }} if-no-files-found: ignore retention-days: 5 api-tests: name: API tests on nightly build runs-on: ubuntu-20.04 needs: [e2e-tests] if: success() || failure() env: ALLURE_RESULTS_DIR: ${{ github.workspace }}/plugins/woocommerce/tests/api-core-tests/test-results/allure-results ALLURE_REPORT_DIR: ${{ github.workspace }}/plugins/woocommerce/tests/api-core-tests/test-results/allure-report steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v3 with: ref: ${{ env.BRANCH_NAME }} - name: Setup WooCommerce Monorepo uses: ./.github/actions/setup-woocommerce-monorepo with: install-filters: woocommerce build: false - name: Run API tests. working-directory: plugins/woocommerce env: BASE_URL: ${{ secrets.SMOKE_TEST_URL }} USER_KEY: ${{ secrets.SMOKE_TEST_ADMIN_USER }} USER_SECRET: ${{ secrets.SMOKE_TEST_ADMIN_PASSWORD }} DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_OVERRIDE: 120000 run: pnpm exec playwright test --config=tests/api-core-tests/playwright.config.js hello.test.js - name: Generate API Test report. if: success() || failure() working-directory: plugins/woocommerce run: pnpm exec allure generate --clean ${{ env.ALLURE_RESULTS_DIR }} --output ${{ env.ALLURE_REPORT_DIR }} - name: Archive API test report if: success() || failure() uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3 with: name: ${{ env.API_ARTIFACT }} path: | ${{ env.ALLURE_RESULTS_DIR }} ${{ env.ALLURE_REPORT_DIR }} if-no-files-found: ignore retention-days: 5 k6-tests: name: k6 tests on nightly build runs-on: ubuntu-20.04 needs: [api-tests] if: success() || failure() steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v3 with: ref: ${{ env.BRANCH_NAME }} - name: Setup WooCommerce Monorepo uses: ./.github/actions/setup-woocommerce-monorepo with: install-filters: woocommerce build: false - name: Download and install Chromium browser. working-directory: plugins/woocommerce run: pnpm exec playwright install chromium - name: Update performance test site with E2E test working-directory: plugins/woocommerce env: BASE_URL: ${{ secrets.SMOKE_TEST_PERF_URL }}/ ADMIN_USER: ${{ secrets.SMOKE_TEST_PERF_ADMIN_USER }} ADMIN_PASSWORD: ${{ secrets.SMOKE_TEST_PERF_ADMIN_PASSWORD }} CUSTOMER_USER: ${{ secrets.SMOKE_TEST_PERF_ADMIN_USER }} CUSTOMER_PASSWORD: ${{ secrets.SMOKE_TEST_PERF_ADMIN_PASSWORD }} UPDATE_WC: true DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_OVERRIDE: 120000 run: | pnpm exec playwright test --config=tests/e2e-pw/playwright.config.js update-woocommerce.spec.js continue-on-error: true - name: Install k6 run: | curl -L | tar xvz --strip-components 1 - name: Run k6 smoke tests env: URL: ${{ secrets.SMOKE_TEST_PERF_URL }} HOST: ${{ secrets.SMOKE_TEST_PERF_HOST }} A_USER: ${{ secrets.SMOKE_TEST_PERF_ADMIN_USER }} A_PW: ${{ secrets.SMOKE_TEST_PERF_ADMIN_PASSWORD }} C_USER: ${{ secrets.SMOKE_TEST_PERF_ADMIN_USER }} C_PW: ${{ secrets.SMOKE_TEST_PERF_ADMIN_PASSWORD }} P_ID: 274 run: | ./k6 run plugins/woocommerce/tests/performance/tests/gh-action-daily-ext-requests.js test-plugins: name: Smoke tests on trunk with ${{ matrix.plugin }} plugin installed runs-on: ubuntu-20.04 env: USE_WP_ENV: 1 ALLURE_RESULTS_DIR: ${{ github.workspace }}/plugins/woocommerce/tests/e2e-pw/allure-results ALLURE_REPORT_DIR: ${{ github.workspace }}/plugins/woocommerce/tests/e2e-pw/allure-report strategy: fail-fast: false matrix: include: - plugin: 'WooCommerce Payments' repo: 'automattic/woocommerce-payments' - plugin: 'WooCommerce PayPal Payments' repo: 'woocommerce/woocommerce-paypal-payments' - plugin: 'WooCommerce Shipping & Tax' repo: 'automattic/woocommerce-services' - plugin: 'WooCommerce Subscriptions' repo: WC_SUBSCRIPTIONS_REPO private: true - plugin: 'WordPress SEO' # Yoast SEO in the UI, but the slug is wordpress-seo repo: 'Yoast/wordpress-seo' - plugin: 'Contact Form 7' repo: 'takayukister/contact-form-7' steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v3 with: ref: ${{ env.BRANCH_NAME }} - name: Setup WooCommerce Monorepo uses: ./.github/actions/setup-woocommerce-monorepo - name: Launch wp-env e2e environment working-directory: plugins/woocommerce run: pnpm env:test --filter=woocommerce - name: Download and install Chromium browser. working-directory: plugins/woocommerce run: pnpm exec playwright install chromium - name: Run 'Upload plugin' test working-directory: plugins/woocommerce env: PLUGIN_REPOSITORY: ${{ matrix.private && secrets[matrix.repo] || matrix.repo }} PLUGIN_NAME: ${{ matrix.plugin }} GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.E2E_GH_TOKEN }} run: pnpm exec playwright test --config=tests/e2e-pw/playwright.config.js upload-plugin.spec.js - name: Run the rest of E2E tests working-directory: plugins/woocommerce env: E2E_MAX_FAILURES: 15 run: pnpm exec playwright test --config=tests/e2e-pw/daily.playwright.config.js - name: Generate E2E Test report. if: success() || failure() working-directory: plugins/woocommerce run: pnpm exec allure generate --clean ${{ env.ALLURE_RESULTS_DIR }} --output ${{ env.ALLURE_REPORT_DIR }} - name: Archive E2E test report if: success() || failure() uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3 with: name: Smoke tests on trunk with ${{ matrix.plugin }} plugin installed (run ${{ github.run_number }}) path: | ${{ env.ALLURE_RESULTS_DIR }} ${{ env.ALLURE_REPORT_DIR }} if-no-files-found: ignore retention-days: 5 trunk-results: name: Publish report on smoke tests on nightly build if: | ( success() || failure() ) && ! github.event.pull_request.head.repo.fork runs-on: ubuntu-20.04 needs: [test-plugins, k6-tests] steps: - name: Create dirs run: | mkdir -p repo mkdir -p artifacts/api mkdir -p artifacts/e2e mkdir -p output - name: Checkout code uses: actions/checkout@v3 with: path: repo ref: ${{ env.BRANCH_NAME }} - name: Download API test report artifact uses: actions/download-artifact@v3 with: name: ${{ env.API_ARTIFACT }} path: artifacts/api - name: Download E2E test report artifact uses: actions/download-artifact@v3 with: name: ${{ env.E2E_ARTIFACT }} path: artifacts/e2e - name: Post test summary uses: actions/github-script@v6 env: API_SUMMARY_PATH: ${{ github.workspace }}/artifacts/api/allure-report/widgets/summary.json E2E_PW_SUMMARY_PATH: ${{ github.workspace }}/artifacts/e2e/allure-report/widgets/summary.json with: result-encoding: string script: | const script = require( './repo/.github/workflows/scripts/prepare-test-summary-daily.js' ) return await script( { core } ) - name: Publish report env: GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.REPORTS_TOKEN }} RUN_ID: ${{ github.run_id }} run: | gh workflow run publish-test-reports-daily.yml \ -f run_id=$RUN_ID \ -f api_artifact="$API_ARTIFACT" \ -f e2e_artifact="$E2E_ARTIFACT" \ -f s3_root=public \ --repo woocommerce/woocommerce-test-reports plugins-results: name: Publish report on Smoke tests on trunk with plugins if: | ( success() || failure() ) && ! github.event.pull_request.head.repo.fork runs-on: ubuntu-20.04 needs: [test-plugins, k6-tests] env: GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.REPORTS_TOKEN }} RUN_ID: ${{ github.run_id }} ARTIFACT: Smoke tests on trunk with ${{ matrix.plugin }} plugin installed (run ${{ github.run_number }}) strategy: fail-fast: false matrix: include: - plugin: 'WooCommerce Payments' repo: 'automattic/woocommerce-payments' - plugin: 'WooCommerce PayPal Payments' repo: 'woocommerce/woocommerce-paypal-payments' - plugin: 'WooCommerce Shipping & Tax' repo: 'automattic/woocommerce-services' - plugin: 'WordPress SEO' # Yoast SEO in the UI, but the slug is wordpress-seo repo: 'Yoast/wordpress-seo' - plugin: 'Contact Form 7' repo: 'takayukister/contact-form-7' steps: - name: Download test report artifact uses: actions/download-artifact@v3 with: name: ${{ env.ARTIFACT }} # TODO: Add step to post job summary - name: Get slug id: get-slug uses: actions/github-script@v6 with: result-encoding: string script: return "${{ matrix.repo }}".split( '/' ).pop() - name: Publish reports run: | gh workflow run publish-test-reports-daily-plugins.yml \ -f run_id=$RUN_ID \ -f artifact="${{ env.ARTIFACT }}" \ -f plugin="${{ matrix.plugin }}" \ -f slug="${{ steps.get-slug.outputs.result }}" \ -f s3_root=public \ --repo woocommerce/woocommerce-test-reports