/** * External dependencies */ import { ExpressPaymentMethodConfigInstance, PaymentMethodConfigInstance, } from '@woocommerce/types'; import { CURRENT_USER_IS_ADMIN, getSetting } from '@woocommerce/settings'; import { dispatch, select } from '@wordpress/data'; import { deriveSelectedShippingRates, emptyHiddenAddressFields, } from '@woocommerce/base-utils'; import { __, sprintf } from '@wordpress/i18n'; import { store as noticesStore } from '@wordpress/notices'; import { getExpressPaymentMethods, getPaymentMethods, } from '@woocommerce/blocks-registry'; import { previewCart } from '@woocommerce/resource-previews'; /** * Internal dependencies */ import { STORE_KEY as CART_STORE_KEY } from '../../cart/constants'; import { STORE_KEY as PAYMENT_STORE_KEY } from '../constants'; import { noticeContexts } from '../../../base/context/event-emit'; import { EMPTY_CART_ERRORS, EMPTY_CART_ITEM_ERRORS, EMPTY_EXTENSIONS, } from '../../../data/constants'; import { defaultCartState } from '../../../data/cart/default-state'; export const checkPaymentMethodsCanPay = async ( express = false ) => { const isEditor = !! select( 'core/editor' ); let availablePaymentMethods = {}; const paymentMethods = express ? getExpressPaymentMethods() : getPaymentMethods(); const addAvailablePaymentMethod = ( paymentMethod: | PaymentMethodConfigInstance | ExpressPaymentMethodConfigInstance ) => { const { name } = paymentMethod; availablePaymentMethods = { ...availablePaymentMethods, [ paymentMethod.name ]: { name }, }; }; const noticeContext = express ? noticeContexts.EXPRESS_PAYMENTS : noticeContexts.PAYMENTS; let cartForCanPayArgument: Record< string, unknown > = {}; let canPayArgument: Record< string, unknown > = {}; if ( ! isEditor ) { const store = select( CART_STORE_KEY ); const cart = store.getCartData(); const cartErrors = store.getCartErrors(); const cartTotals = store.getCartTotals(); const cartIsLoading = ! store.hasFinishedResolution( 'getCartData' ); const isLoadingRates = store.isCustomerDataUpdating(); const selectedShippingMethods = deriveSelectedShippingRates( cart.shippingRates ); cartForCanPayArgument = { cartCoupons: cart.coupons, cartItems: cart.items, crossSellsProducts: cart.crossSells, cartFees: cart.fees, cartItemsCount: cart.itemsCount, cartItemsWeight: cart.itemsWeight, cartNeedsPayment: cart.needsPayment, cartNeedsShipping: cart.needsShipping, cartItemErrors: cart.errors, cartTotals, cartIsLoading, cartErrors, billingData: emptyHiddenAddressFields( cart.billingAddress ), billingAddress: emptyHiddenAddressFields( cart.billingAddress ), shippingAddress: emptyHiddenAddressFields( cart.shippingAddress ), extensions: cart.extensions, shippingRates: cart.shippingRates, isLoadingRates, cartHasCalculatedShipping: cart.hasCalculatedShipping, paymentRequirements: cart.paymentRequirements, receiveCart: dispatch( CART_STORE_KEY ).receiveCart, }; canPayArgument = { cart: cartForCanPayArgument, cartTotals: cart.totals, cartNeedsShipping: cart.needsShipping, billingData: cart.billingAddress, billingAddress: cart.billingAddress, shippingAddress: cart.shippingAddress, selectedShippingMethods, paymentRequirements: cart.paymentRequirements, }; } else { cartForCanPayArgument = { cartCoupons: previewCart.coupons, cartItems: previewCart.items, crossSellsProducts: previewCart.cross_sells, cartFees: previewCart.fees, cartItemsCount: previewCart.items_count, cartItemsWeight: previewCart.items_weight, cartNeedsPayment: previewCart.needs_payment, cartNeedsShipping: previewCart.needs_shipping, cartItemErrors: EMPTY_CART_ITEM_ERRORS, cartTotals: previewCart.totals, cartIsLoading: false, cartErrors: EMPTY_CART_ERRORS, billingData: defaultCartState.cartData.billingAddress, billingAddress: defaultCartState.cartData.billingAddress, shippingAddress: defaultCartState.cartData.shippingAddress, extensions: EMPTY_EXTENSIONS, shippingRates: previewCart.shipping_rates, isLoadingRates: false, cartHasCalculatedShipping: previewCart.has_calculated_shipping, paymentRequirements: previewCart.payment_requirements, receiveCart: () => undefined, }; canPayArgument = { cart: cartForCanPayArgument, cartTotals: cartForCanPayArgument.totals, cartNeedsShipping: cartForCanPayArgument.needsShipping, billingData: cartForCanPayArgument.billingAddress, billingAddress: cartForCanPayArgument.billingAddress, shippingAddress: cartForCanPayArgument.shippingAddress, selectedShippingMethods: deriveSelectedShippingRates( cartForCanPayArgument.shippingRates ), paymentRequirements: cartForCanPayArgument.paymentRequirements, }; } // Order payment methods let paymentMethodsOrder; if ( express ) { paymentMethodsOrder = Object.keys( paymentMethods ); } else { paymentMethodsOrder = Array.from( new Set( [ ...( getSetting( 'paymentGatewaySortOrder', [] ) as [] ), ...Object.keys( paymentMethods ), ] ) ); } for ( let i = 0; i < paymentMethodsOrder.length; i++ ) { const paymentMethodName = paymentMethodsOrder[ i ]; const paymentMethod = paymentMethods[ paymentMethodName ]; if ( ! paymentMethod ) { continue; } // See if payment method should be available. This always evaluates to true in the editor context. try { const canPay = isEditor ? true : await Promise.resolve( paymentMethod.canMakePayment( canPayArgument ) ); if ( canPay ) { if ( typeof canPay === 'object' && canPay.error ) { throw new Error( canPay.error.message ); } addAvailablePaymentMethod( paymentMethod ); } } catch ( e ) { if ( CURRENT_USER_IS_ADMIN || isEditor ) { const { createErrorNotice } = dispatch( noticesStore ); const errorText = sprintf( /* translators: %s the id of the payment method being registered (bank transfer, cheque...) */ __( `There was an error registering the payment method with id '%s': `, 'woo-gutenberg-products-block' ), paymentMethod.paymentMethodId ); createErrorNotice( `${ errorText } ${ e }`, { context: noticeContext, id: `wc-${ paymentMethod.paymentMethodId }-registration-error`, } ); } } } const currentlyAvailablePaymentMethods = express ? select( PAYMENT_STORE_KEY ).getAvailableExpressPaymentMethods() : select( PAYMENT_STORE_KEY ).getAvailablePaymentMethods(); const availablePaymentMethodNames = Object.keys( availablePaymentMethods ); if ( Object.keys( currentlyAvailablePaymentMethods ).length === availablePaymentMethodNames.length && Object.keys( currentlyAvailablePaymentMethods ).every( ( current ) => availablePaymentMethodNames.includes( current ) ) ) { // All the names are the same, no need to dispatch more actions. return true; } const { __internalSetAvailablePaymentMethods, __internalSetAvailableExpressPaymentMethods, } = dispatch( PAYMENT_STORE_KEY ); if ( express ) { __internalSetAvailableExpressPaymentMethods( availablePaymentMethods ); return true; } __internalSetAvailablePaymentMethods( availablePaymentMethods ); return true; };