/** * External dependencies */ const fs = require( 'fs' ); const path = require( 'path' ); const { sync: glob } = require( 'fast-glob' ); const srcDir = path.resolve( process.cwd(), 'src' ); const blocksBuildDir = '/build/blocks'; /** * Get all the block meta data files in the src directory. * * @return {string[]} Block file paths. */ const getBlockMetaDataFiles = () => { return glob( `${ srcDir.replace( /\\/g, '/' ) }/**/block.json`, { absolute: true, } ); }; /** * Get the block meta data from a block.json file. * * @param {string} filePath File path to block.json file. * @return {Object} Block meta data. */ const getBlockMetaData = ( filePath ) => { return JSON.parse( fs.readFileSync( filePath ) ); }; /** * Get the block file assets with raw file paths. * * @param {Object} blockMetaData * @return {string[]} Asset file paths. */ const getBlockFileAssets = ( blockMetaData ) => { const { editorScript, script, viewScript, style, editorStyle } = blockMetaData; return [ editorScript, script, viewScript, style, editorStyle ] .flat() .filter( ( rawFilepath ) => rawFilepath && rawFilepath.startsWith( 'file:' ) ); }; /** * Get the block name from the meta data, removing the `woocommerce/` namespace. * * @param {Object} blockMetaData * @return {string} Block name. */ const getBlockName = ( blockMetaData ) => { return blockMetaData.name.split( '/' ).at( 1 ); }; /** * Get the entry point name. * * @param {string} entryFilePath * @param {Object} blockMetaData * @return {string} The entry point name. */ const getEntryPointName = ( entryFilePath, blockMetaData ) => { const filePathParts = entryFilePath.split( '/' ); filePathParts[ filePathParts.length - 2 ] = getBlockName( blockMetaData ); return filePathParts .join( '/' ) .replace( srcDir, blocksBuildDir ) .replace( '/components', '' ); }; /** * Get the entry file path. * * @param {string} rawFilepath Raw file path from the block.json file. * @param {*} dir The directory the block exists in. * @return {string} Entry file path. */ const getEntryFilePath = ( rawFilepath, dir ) => { const filepath = path.join( dir, rawFilepath.replace( 'file:', '' ) ); return filepath .replace( path.extname( filepath ), '' ) .replace( /\\/g, '/' ); }; /** * Gets the absolute file path based on the entry file path, including the extension. * * @param {string} entryFilePath Entry file path. * @return {string} Absolute file path. */ const getAbsoluteEntryFilePath = ( entryFilePath ) => { const [ absoluteEntryFilepath ] = glob( `${ entryFilePath }.([jt]s?(x)|?(s)css)`, { absolute: true, } ); return absoluteEntryFilepath; }; /** * Find all directories with block.json files and get entry points for block related assets. */ const blockEntryPoints = getBlockMetaDataFiles().reduce( ( accumulator, blockMetadataFile ) => { const blockMetaData = getBlockMetaData( blockMetadataFile ); getBlockFileAssets( blockMetaData ).forEach( ( rawFilePath ) => { const entryFilePath = getEntryFilePath( rawFilePath, path.dirname( blockMetadataFile ) ); const absoluteEntryFilepath = getAbsoluteEntryFilePath( entryFilePath ); if ( ! absoluteEntryFilepath ) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console.warn( 'Block asset file not found.', entryFilePath ); return; } const entryPointName = getEntryPointName( entryFilePath, blockMetaData ); accumulator[ entryPointName ] = absoluteEntryFilepath; } ); return accumulator; }, {} ); module.exports = { blocksBuildDir, blockEntryPoints, getBlockMetaData, getEntryPointName, };