get_items() as $item ) { WC_Helper_Product::delete_product( $item['product_id'] ); } WC_Helper_Shipping::delete_simple_flat_rate(); // Delete the order post. $order->delete( true ); } /** * Create a order. * * @since 2.4 * @version 3.0 New parameter $product. * * @param int $customer_id The ID of the customer the order is for. * @param WC_Product $product The product to add to the order. * * @return WC_Order */ public static function create_order( $customer_id = 1, $product = null ) { if ( ! is_a( $product, 'WC_Product' ) ) { $product = WC_Helper_Product::create_simple_product(); } WC_Helper_Shipping::create_simple_flat_rate(); $order_data = array( 'status' => 'pending', 'customer_id' => $customer_id, 'customer_note' => '', 'total' => '', ); $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] = ''; // Required, else wc_create_order throws an exception. $order = wc_create_order( $order_data ); // Add order products. $item = new WC_Order_Item_Product(); $item->set_props( array( 'product' => $product, 'quantity' => 4, 'subtotal' => wc_get_price_excluding_tax( $product, array( 'qty' => 4 ) ), 'total' => wc_get_price_excluding_tax( $product, array( 'qty' => 4 ) ), ) ); $item->save(); $order->add_item( $item ); // Set billing address. $order->set_billing_first_name( 'Jeroen' ); $order->set_billing_last_name( 'Sormani' ); $order->set_billing_company( 'WooCompany' ); $order->set_billing_address_1( 'WooAddress' ); $order->set_billing_address_2( '' ); $order->set_billing_city( 'WooCity' ); $order->set_billing_state( 'NY' ); $order->set_billing_postcode( '12345' ); $order->set_billing_country( 'US' ); $order->set_billing_email( '' ); $order->set_billing_phone( '555-32123' ); // Add shipping costs. $shipping_taxes = WC_Tax::calc_shipping_tax( '10', WC_Tax::get_shipping_tax_rates() ); $rate = new WC_Shipping_Rate( 'flat_rate_shipping', 'Flat rate shipping', '10', $shipping_taxes, 'flat_rate' ); $item = new WC_Order_Item_Shipping(); $item->set_props( array( 'method_title' => $rate->label, 'method_id' => $rate->id, 'total' => wc_format_decimal( $rate->cost ), 'taxes' => $rate->taxes, ) ); foreach ( $rate->get_meta_data() as $key => $value ) { $item->add_meta_data( $key, $value, true ); } $order->add_item( $item ); // Set payment gateway. $payment_gateways = WC()->payment_gateways->payment_gateways(); $order->set_payment_method( $payment_gateways['bacs'] ); // Set totals. $order->set_shipping_total( 10 ); $order->set_discount_total( 0 ); $order->set_discount_tax( 0 ); $order->set_cart_tax( 0 ); $order->set_shipping_tax( 0 ); $order->set_total( 50 ); // 4 x $10 simple helper product $order->save(); return $order; } /** * Helper function to create order with fees and shipping objects. * * @param int $customer_id The ID of the customer the order is for. * @param WC_Product $product The product to add to the order. * * @return WC_Order */ public static function create_order_with_fees_and_shipping( $customer_id = 1, $product = null ) { $order = self::create_order( $customer_id, $product ); $fee_item = new WC_Order_Item_Fee(); $fee_item->set_order_id( $order->get_id() ); $fee_item->set_name( 'Testing fees' ); $fee_item->set_total( 100 ); $shipping_item = new WC_Order_Item_Shipping(); $shipping_item->set_order_id( $order->get_id() ); $shipping_item->set_name( 'Flat shipping' ); $shipping_item->set_total( 25 ); $order->add_item( $fee_item ); $order->add_item( $shipping_item ); $order->save(); $order->calculate_totals( true ); return $order; } }