logger_mock = $this->getMockBuilder( \WC_Logger_Interface::class )->getMock(); $this->instance = $this->getMockBuilder( MailchimpScheduler::class ) ->setConstructorArgs( array( $this->logger_mock ) ) ->setMethods( array( 'make_request' ) ) ->getMock(); delete_option( MailchimpScheduler::SUBSCRIBED_OPTION_NAME ); parent::setUp(); } /** * When woocommerce_onboarding_subscribed_to_mailchimp value us 'yes'. * Then it should abort. */ public function test_it_aborts_if_already_subscribed() { // When. update_option( MailchimpScheduler::SUBSCRIBED_OPTION_NAME, 'yes' ); // Then. $this->assertFalse( $this->instance->run() ); } /** * When is_agree_marketing is missing or value is false. * Then it should abort. */ public function test_it_aborts_if_is_agree_marketing_is_false_or_missing() { // When. $profile_data = array( 'store_email' => 'test@test.com' ); update_option( Onboarding::PROFILE_DATA_OPTION, $profile_data ); $this->assertFalse( $this->instance->run() ); $profile_data = array( 'is_agree_marketing' => false, 'store_email' => 'test@test.com', ); update_option( Onboarding::PROFILE_DATA_OPTION, $profile_data ); // Then. $this->assertFalse( $this->instance->run() ); } /** * When store_email is missing. * Then it should abort. */ public function test_it_aborts_if_store_email_is_missing() { // When. $profile_data = array( 'is_agree_marketing' => true ); update_option( Onboarding::PROFILE_DATA_OPTION, $profile_data ); // Then. $this->assertFalse( $this->instance->run() ); } /** * Given is_agree_marketing and store_email values are set. * When the request to the API returns WP_Error. * Then it should log an error message. */ public function test_it_logs_error_when_wp_error_is_returned() { // Given. $profile_data = array( 'is_agree_marketing' => true, 'store_email' => 'test@test.com', ); update_option( Onboarding::PROFILE_DATA_OPTION, $profile_data ); // When. $wp_error = new WP_Error(); $this->instance->method( 'make_request' )->willReturn( $wp_error ); // Then. $this->logger_mock->expects( $this->exactly( 2 ) ) ->method( 'error' ) ->with( 'Error getting a response from Mailchimp API.', array( 'source' => MailchimpScheduler::LOGGER_CONTEXT ) ); $this->instance->run(); // Check for the missing 'body'. $this->instance->method( 'make_request' )->willReturn( array() ); $this->instance->run(); } /** * Given is_agree_marketing and store_email values are set. * When the request to the API returns body without 'success'. * Then it should log an error message. */ public function test_it_logs_error_when_response_data_is_incorrect() { // Given. $profile_data = array( 'is_agree_marketing' => true, 'store_email' => 'test@test.com', ); update_option( Onboarding::PROFILE_DATA_OPTION, $profile_data ); // When. $body = wp_json_encode( array() ); $this->instance->method( 'make_request' )->willReturn( array( 'body' => $body ) ); // Then. $this->logger_mock->expects( $this->once() ) ->method( 'error' ) ->with( // phpcs:ignore 'Incorrect response from Mailchimp API with: ' . print_r( array(), true ), array( 'source' => MailchimpScheduler::LOGGER_CONTEXT ) ); $this->instance->run(); } /** * Given is_agree_marketing and store_email values are set * When the request to the API returns success: true * Then woocommerce_onboarding_subscribed_to_mailchimp should be updated to 'yes' */ public function test_it_updates_option_value_when_everything_went_well() { // Given. $profile_data = array( 'is_agree_marketing' => true, 'store_email' => 'test@test.com', ); update_option( Onboarding::PROFILE_DATA_OPTION, $profile_data ); // When. $body = wp_json_encode( array( 'success' => true ) ); $this->instance->method( 'make_request' )->willReturn( array( 'body' => $body ) ); $this->instance->run(); // Then. $this->assertEquals( 'yes', get_option( 'woocommerce_onboarding_subscribed_to_mailchimp' ) ); } }