/** * External dependencies */ import { createNewPost, visitAdminPage, insertBlock, getEditedPostContent, } from '@wordpress/e2e-test-utils'; import { outputFile } from 'fs-extra'; import { dirname } from 'path'; import kebabCase from 'lodash/kebabCase'; /** * * @param {string} link the page or post you want to visit. * * This will visit a GB page or post, and will hide the welcome guide. */ async function visitPage( link ) { await page.goto( link ); const isWelcomeGuideActive = await page.evaluate( () => wp.data.select( 'core/edit-post' ).isFeatureActive( 'welcomeGuide' ) ); if ( isWelcomeGuideActive ) { await page.evaluate( () => wp.data.dispatch( 'core/edit-post' ).toggleFeature( 'welcomeGuide' ) ); } } /** * * @param {string} title the page title, written as `BLOCK_NAME block` * * This function will attempt to search for a page with the `title` * if that block is found, it will open it, if it's not found, it will open * a new page, insert the block, save the page content and title as a fixture file. * In both cases, this page will end up with a page open with the block inserted. */ export async function visitBlockPage( title ) { let link = ''; // Visit Import Products page. await visitAdminPage( 'edit.php', 'post_type=page' ); // If the website has no pages, `#post-search-input` will not render. if ( await page.$( '#post-search-input' ) ) { // search for the page. await page.type( '#post-search-input', title ); await page.click( '#search-submit' ); await page.waitForNavigation( { waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded' } ); const pageLink = await page.$x( `//a[contains(text(), '${ title }')]` ); if ( pageLink.length > 0 ) { // clicking the link directly caused racing issues, so I used goto. link = await page.evaluate( ( a ) => a.getAttribute( 'href' ), pageLink[ 0 ] ); } } if ( link ) { await visitPage( link ); } else { await createNewPost( { postType: 'page', title } ); await insertBlock( title.replace( /block/i, '' ).trim() ); const pageContent = await getEditedPostContent(); await outputFile( `${ dirname( // we want to fetch the path of the test file who triggered this function // this could be two levels up, or one level up, depending on how you launch the test. module.parent.parent.filename || module.parent.filename || module.filename ) }/__fixtures__/${ kebabCase( title.replace( /block/i, '' ).trim() ) }.fixture.json`, JSON.stringify( { title, pageContent, } ) ); } } export default visitBlockPage;