/** @format */ /** * External dependencies */ import { __, sprintf } from '@wordpress/i18n'; import { Component, createRef, Fragment } from '@wordpress/element'; import classnames from 'classnames'; import { IconButton } from '@wordpress/components'; import { find, get, noop } from 'lodash'; import Gridicon from 'gridicons'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import { withInstanceId } from '@wordpress/compose'; const ASC = 'asc'; const DESC = 'desc'; const getDisplay = cell => cell.display || null; /** * A table component, without the Card wrapper. This is a basic table display, sortable, but no default filtering. * * Row data should be passed to the component as a list of arrays, where each array is a row in the table. * Headers are passed in separately as an array of objects with column-related properties. For example, * this data would render the following table. * * ```js * const headers = [ { label: 'Month' }, { label: 'Orders' }, { label: 'Revenue' } ]; * const rows = [ * [ * { display: 'January', value: 1 }, * { display: 10, value: 10 }, * { display: '$530.00', value: 530 }, * ], * [ * { display: 'February', value: 2 }, * { display: 13, value: 13 }, * { display: '$675.00', value: 675 }, * ], * [ * { display: 'March', value: 3 }, * { display: 9, value: 9 }, * { display: '$460.00', value: 460 }, * ], * ] * ``` * * | Month | Orders | Revenue | * | ---------|--------|---------| * | January | 10 | $530.00 | * | February | 13 | $675.00 | * | March | 9 | $460.00 | */ class Table extends Component { constructor( props ) { super( props ); this.state = { tabIndex: null, }; this.container = createRef(); this.sortBy = this.sortBy.bind( this ); } componentDidMount() { const { scrollWidth, clientWidth } = this.container.current; const scrollable = scrollWidth > clientWidth; /* eslint-disable react/no-did-mount-set-state */ this.setState( { tabIndex: scrollable ? '0' : null, } ); /* eslint-enable react/no-did-mount-set-state */ } sortBy( key ) { const { headers, query } = this.props; return () => { const currentKey = query.orderby || get( find( headers, { defaultSort: true } ), 'key', false ); const currentDir = query.order || DESC; let dir = DESC; if ( key === currentKey ) { dir = DESC === currentDir ? ASC : DESC; } this.props.onSort( key, dir ); }; } render() { const { ariaHidden, caption, classNames, headers, instanceId, query, rowHeader, rows, } = this.props; const { tabIndex } = this.state; const classes = classnames( 'woocommerce-table__table', classNames ); const sortedBy = query.orderby || get( find( headers, { defaultSort: true } ), 'key', false ); const sortDir = query.order || DESC; return (
{ headers.map( ( header, i ) => { const { isSortable, isNumeric, key, label } = header; const labelId = `header-${ instanceId } -${ i }`; const thProps = { className: classnames( 'woocommerce-table__header', { 'is-sortable': isSortable, 'is-sorted': sortedBy === key, 'is-numeric': isNumeric, } ), }; if ( isSortable ) { thProps[ 'aria-sort' ] = 'none'; if ( sortedBy === key ) { thProps[ 'aria-sort' ] = sortDir === ASC ? 'ascending' : 'descending'; } } // We only sort by ascending if the col is already sorted descending const iconLabel = sortedBy === key && sortDir !== ASC ? sprintf( __( 'Sort by %s in ascending order', 'wc-admin' ), label ) : sprintf( __( 'Sort by %s in descending order', 'wc-admin' ), label ); return ( ); } ) } { rows.map( ( row, i ) => ( { row.map( ( cell, j ) => { const { isNumeric } = headers[ j ]; const isHeader = rowHeader === j; const Cell = isHeader ? 'th' : 'td'; const cellClasses = classnames( 'woocommerce-table__item', { 'is-numeric': isNumeric, } ); return ( { getDisplay( cell ) } ); } ) } ) ) }
{ caption } { tabIndex === '0' && { __( '(scroll to see more)', 'wc-admin' ) } }
{ isSortable ? ( ) : ( ) } aria-describedby={ labelId } onClick={ this.sortBy( key ) } isDefault > { label } { iconLabel } ) : ( label ) }
); } } Table.propTypes = { /** * Controls whether this component is hidden from screen readers. Used by the loading state, before there is data to read. * Don't use this on real tables unless the table data is loaded elsewhere on the page. */ ariaHidden: PropTypes.bool, /** * A label for the content in this table */ caption: PropTypes.string.isRequired, /** * Additional CSS classes. */ className: PropTypes.string, /** * An array of column headers, as objects. */ headers: PropTypes.arrayOf( PropTypes.shape( { /** * Boolean, true if this column is the default for sorting. Only one column should have this set. */ defaultSort: PropTypes.bool, /** * Boolean, true if this column is a number value. */ isNumeric: PropTypes.bool, /** * Boolean, true if this column is sortable. */ isSortable: PropTypes.bool, /** * The API parameter name for this column, passed to `orderby` when sorting via API. */ key: PropTypes.string, /** * The display label for this column. */ label: PropTypes.node, /** * Boolean, true if this column should always display in the table (not shown in toggle-able list). */ required: PropTypes.bool, } ) ), /** * A function called when sortable table headers are clicked, gets the `header.key` as argument. */ onSort: PropTypes.func, /** * The query string represented in object form */ query: PropTypes.object, /** * An array of arrays of display/value object pairs. */ rows: PropTypes.arrayOf( PropTypes.arrayOf( PropTypes.shape( { /** * Display value, used for rendering- strings or elements are best here. */ display: PropTypes.node, /** * "Real" value used for sorting, and should be a string or number. A column with `false` value will not be sortable. */ value: PropTypes.oneOfType( [ PropTypes.string, PropTypes.number, PropTypes.bool ] ), } ) ) ).isRequired, /** * Which column should be the row header, defaults to the first item (`0`) (but could be set to `1`, if the first col * is checkboxes, for example). Set to false to disable row headers. */ rowHeader: PropTypes.oneOfType( [ PropTypes.number, PropTypes.bool ] ), }; Table.defaultProps = { ariaHidden: false, headers: [], onSort: noop, query: {}, rowHeader: 0, }; export default withInstanceId( Table );