# Taxes Report The Taxes Report provides insight into taxes collected on your store. ### All Taxes View By default, the Taxes Report displays the All Taxes view. All taxes that have been collected in the specified date range will be shown. ![Taxes Report All Taxes View](images/analytics-taxes-report.png) ### Comparison Mode By selecting "Comparison", you can search for a multiple tax codes to display report data for. ![Taxes Report Comparison Mode Search](images/analytics-taxes-report-comparison.png) You can also use the checkboxes in the report table to select tax codes for comparison. Click "Compare" in the table header to compare the selected tax codes. ### Report Search The search control at the top of the report table provides a quick interface to filter the report to one or more specific tax codes. ![Taxes Report Search](images/analytics-taxes-report-search.png) It also allows partial string matching on tax codes. ![Taxes Report Search Partial](images/analytics-taxes-report-search-results.png) ### Report Sorting The report table allows sorting by the following columns: - Tax Code - Rate - Total Tax (Order Tax + Shipping Tax) - Order Tax - Shipping Tax - Orders (count) By default, the report is sorted by the creation date of the tax codes. ### Report Links The `Tax Code` column links to the Orders Report, filtered by the selected tax code.