// Reference: https://github.com/WordPress/gutenberg/blob/f91b4fb4a12e41dd39c9594f24ea1a1a4e23dade/packages/block-editor/src/components/iframe/index.js#L1 // We fork the code from the above link to reduce the unnecessary network requests and improve the performance. /** * External dependencies */ import classnames from 'classnames'; import { useState, createPortal, forwardRef, useMemo, useEffect, } from '@wordpress/element'; import { __ } from '@wordpress/i18n'; import { useResizeObserver, useMergeRefs, useRefEffect, useDisabled, } from '@wordpress/compose'; import { __experimentalStyleProvider as StyleProvider } from '@wordpress/components'; import { useSelect } from '@wordpress/data'; import { store as blockEditorStore } from '@wordpress/block-editor'; function Iframe( { contentRef, children, tabIndex = 0, scale = 1, frameSize = 0, expand = false, readonly, forwardedRef: ref, loadStyles = true, loadScripts = false, ...props } ) { const [ iframeDocument, setIframeDocument ] = useState(); const { resolvedAssets } = useSelect( ( select ) => { const settings = select( blockEditorStore ).getSettings(); return { resolvedAssets: settings.__unstableResolvedAssets, }; }, [] ); const { styles = '', scripts = '' } = resolvedAssets; const [ contentResizeListener, { height: contentHeight } ] = useResizeObserver(); const setRef = useRefEffect( ( node ) => { node._load = () => { setIframeDocument( node.contentDocument ); }; }, [] ); const disabledRef = useDisabled( { isDisabled: ! readonly } ); const bodyRef = useMergeRefs( [ contentRef, disabledRef ] ); // Correct doctype is required to enable rendering in standards // mode. Also preload the styles to avoid a flash of unstyled // content. const html = ` ${ loadStyles ? styles : '' } ${ loadScripts ? scripts : '' } `; const [ src, cleanup ] = useMemo( () => { const _src = URL.createObjectURL( new window.Blob( [ html ], { type: 'text/html' } ) ); return [ _src, () => URL.revokeObjectURL( _src ) ]; }, [ html ] ); useEffect( () => cleanup, [ cleanup ] ); // We need to counter the margin created by scaling the iframe. If the scale // is e.g. 0.45, then the top + bottom margin is 0.55 (1 - scale). Just the // top or bottom margin is 0.55 / 2 ((1 - scale) / 2). const marginFromScaling = ( contentHeight * ( 1 - scale ) ) / 2; return ( <> ); } function IframeIfReady( props, ref ) { const isInitialised = useSelect( ( select ) => select( blockEditorStore ).getSettings().__internalIsInitialized, [] ); // We shouldn't render the iframe until the editor settings are initialised. // The initial settings are needed to get the styles for the srcDoc, which // cannot be changed after the iframe is mounted. srcDoc is used to to set // the initial iframe HTML, which is required to avoid a flash of unstyled // content. if ( ! isInitialised ) { return null; } return