rates = $this->get_tax_rates(); } /** * Get an array of tax classes * * @return array */ function get_tax_classes() { $classes = get_option('woocommerce_tax_classes'); $classes = explode("\n", $classes); $classes = array_map('trim', $classes); $classes_array = array(); if (sizeof($classes)>0) foreach ($classes as $class) : if ($class) $classes_array[] = $class; endforeach; return $classes_array; } /** * Get the tax rates as an array * * @return array */ function get_tax_rates() { $tax_rates = get_option('woocommerce_tax_rates'); $tax_rates_array = array(); if ($tax_rates && is_array($tax_rates) && sizeof($tax_rates)>0) foreach( $tax_rates as $rate ) : // Standard Rate? if (!$rate['class']) $rate['class'] = '*'; // Add entry for each country if ($rate['countries']) foreach ($rate['countries'] as $country => $states) : if ($states) : foreach ($states as $state) : $tax_rates_array[$country][$state][$rate['class']] = array( 'rate' => $rate['rate'], 'shipping' => $rate['shipping'] ); endforeach; endif; endforeach; endforeach; return $tax_rates_array; } /** * Searches for a country / state tax rate * * @param string country * @param string state * @param object Tax Class * @return int */ function find_rate( $country, $state = '*', $tax_class = '' ) { $rate['rate'] = 0; if (isset($this->rates[ $country ][ $state ])) : if ($tax_class) : if (isset($this->rates[ $country ][ $state ][$tax_class])) : $rate = $this->rates[ $country ][ $state ][$tax_class]; endif; else : $rate = $this->rates[ $country ][ $state ][ '*' ]; endif; elseif (isset($this->rates[ $country ][ '*' ])) : if ($tax_class) : if (isset($this->rates[ $country ][ '*' ][$tax_class])) : $rate = $this->rates[ $country ][ '*' ][$tax_class]; endif; else : $rate = $this->rates[ $country ][ '*' ][ '*' ]; endif; endif; return $rate; } /** * Get the current taxation rate using find_rate() * * @param object Tax Class * @return int */ function get_rate( $tax_class = '' ) { global $woocommerce; $tax_class = sanitize_title($tax_class); /* Checkout uses customer location, otherwise use store base rate */ if ( defined('WOOCOMMERCE_CHECKOUT') && WOOCOMMERCE_CHECKOUT ) : $country = $woocommerce->customer->get_country(); $state = $woocommerce->customer->get_state(); $rate = $this->find_rate( $country, $state, $tax_class ); return $rate['rate']; else : return $this->get_shop_base_rate( $tax_class ); endif; } /** * Get the shop's taxation rate using find_rate() * * @param object Tax Class * @return int */ function get_shop_base_rate( $tax_class = '' ) { global $woocommerce; $country = $woocommerce->countries->get_base_country(); $state = $woocommerce->countries->get_base_state(); $rate = $this->find_rate( $country, $state, $tax_class ); return $rate['rate']; } /** * Get the tax rate based on the country and state * * @param object Tax Class * @return mixed */ function get_shipping_tax_rate( $tax_class = '' ) { global $woocommerce; if (defined('WOOCOMMERCE_CHECKOUT') && WOOCOMMERCE_CHECKOUT) : $country = $woocommerce->customer->get_country(); $state = $woocommerce->customer->get_state(); else : $country = $woocommerce->countries->get_base_country(); $state = $woocommerce->countries->get_base_state(); endif; // If we are here then shipping is taxable - work it out if ($tax_class) : // This will be per item shipping $rate = $this->find_rate( $country, $state, $tax_class ); if (isset($rate['shipping']) && $rate['shipping']=='yes') : return $rate['rate']; else : // Get standard rate $rate = $this->find_rate( $country, $state ); if (isset($rate['shipping']) && $rate['shipping']=='yes') return $rate['rate']; endif; else : // This will be per order shipping - loop through the order and find the highest tax class rate $found_rates = array(); $found_shipping_rates = array(); // Loop cart and find the highest tax band if (sizeof($woocommerce->cart->get_cart())>0) : foreach ($woocommerce->cart->get_cart() as $item) : if ($item['data']->tax_class) : $found_rate = $this->find_rate( $country, $state, $item['data']->tax_class ); $found_rates[] = $found_rate['rate']; if (isset($found_rate['shipping']) && $found_rate['shipping']=='yes') $found_shipping_rates[] = $found_rate['rate']; endif; endforeach; endif; if (sizeof($found_rates) > 0 && sizeof($found_shipping_rates) > 0) : rsort($found_rates); rsort($found_shipping_rates); if ($found_rates[0] == $found_shipping_rates[0]) : return $found_shipping_rates[0]; else : // Use standard rate $rate = $this->find_rate( $country, $state ); if (isset($rate['shipping']) && $rate['shipping']=='yes') return $rate['rate']; endif; else : // Use standard rate $rate = $this->find_rate( $country, $state ); if (isset($rate['shipping']) && $rate['shipping']=='yes') return $rate['rate']; endif; endif; return 0; // return false } /** * Calculate the tax using the final value * * @param int Price * @param int Taxation Rate * @return int */ function calc_tax( $price, $rate, $price_includes_tax = true ) { $price = $price * 100; // To avoid float rounding errors, work with integers (pence) if ($price_includes_tax) : $rate = ($rate / 100) + 1; $tax_amount = $price - ( $price / $rate); else : $tax_amount = $price * ($rate/100); endif; $tax_amount = $tax_amount / 100; // Back to pounds return $tax_amount; // Return unrounded //return number_format($tax_amount, 2, '.', ''); } /** * Calculate the shipping tax using the final value * * @param int Price * @param int Taxation Rate * @return int */ function calc_shipping_tax( $price, $rate ) { $rate = round($rate, 4); $tax_amount = $price * ($rate/100); return round($tax_amount, 2); } }