# Testing notes and ZIP for release 7.4.0 Zip file for testing: [woocommerce-gutenberg-products-block.zip](https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce-gutenberg-products-block/files/8482828/woocommerce-gutenberg-products-block.zip) ## Feature plugin and package inclusion in WooCommerce ### Allow adding the Filter Products by Price block to Product Catalog templates to filter products. ([6146](https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce-gutenberg-products-block/pull/6146)) 1. With a block theme, go to Appearance > Editor > Template > Product Catalog. 2. Add the Filter Products by Price block above the product grid and set _Filter Button_ attribute to true. 3. Change the values of the price slider. 4. Notice the page reloads and the list of products updates accordingly. ![Kooha-03-28-2022-16-01-09b](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/3616980/160415342-25b2e1a1-4c48-4837-9dcc-b4d7a71b2886.gif) ### Mini Cart block: Fix translations loading. ([6158](https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce-gutenberg-products-block/pull/6158)) 1. Go to **Settings -> General** and change the language of the site to any language other than English (my suggestion is to use Deutsch because all the translations are available). 2. Enable a classic theme (for example Storefront) 3. Now go to **Appearance -> Widgets** and add `Mini Cart` widget to any Widget Area. 4. Go to any page containing that Widget Area and check that any error related to `wp.i18n`. 5. Check that the `Mini Cart` is translated (check with an empty cart and with a filled cart). Please, be sure that you are using a language that has translations for the Mini Cart Block. My suggestion is to use the Deutsch language. 6. Enable a block theme (for example TT2). 7. Now go to **Appearance -> Editor** and add the `Mini Cart` block in the header. Save. 8. Check that the `Mini Cart` is translated (check with an empty cart and with a filled cart). Please, be sure that you are using a language that has translations for the Mini Cart Block. My suggestion is to use the Deutsch language. ### Fix Featured Product and Featured Category buttons misalignment in Twenty Twenty Two theme. ([6156](https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce-gutenberg-products-block/pull/6156)) 1. Activate a block theme (ie: Twenty Twenty-Two). 2. Add Featured Product and/or Featured Category blocks to a post or page. 3. Verify the button is centered by default. 4. Verify you can change the alignment of the button using the _Justify items_ dropdown inherited from the _Buttons_ block. ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/3616980/160625173-f9ad42ed-b769-42e3-9ad8-3f3abe60b61c.png) 5. Test again with a classic theme (ie: Storefront). ### Remove the ToggleButtonControl in favor of ToggleGroupControl. ([5967](https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce-gutenberg-products-block/pull/5967)) 1. Activate a **block theme**, like Twenty Twenty Two 2. Create a new page, and add the following blocks: - Active Filters - Attribute Filter - Price Filter - Product Categories - Reviews 3. Open each block settings and ensure that options are using the new component's design (toggle button) and are working correctly: | Before | After | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | ![OLD](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/905781/156161666-57c4baed-9d17-4c65-8fc8-4a8d2316dfde.jpg) | ![new](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/905781/156161720-b962056e-be7f-40ca-9173-52a72443b01a.jpg) | ## Feature Plugin ### The order summary area for the Cart and Checkout Blocks is now powered by Inner Blocks allowing for more customizations and extensibility. ([6065](https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce-gutenberg-products-block/pull/6065)) 1. Go to a page and add the Checkout block. 2. Go to a page and add the Cart block 3. In the editor, inside each block, select the Order summary and notice that you can select the following inner blocks: | Cart | Checkout | | ----------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------- | | Heading, Subtotal, Cart Items, Fees, Coupon Form, Shipping, Taxes | Subtotal, Cart Items, Fees, Coupon Form, Shipping, Taxes | 4. Try to move some of the inner blocks and save. Confirm that in the Cart block only Order Summary Heading and the Coupon form inner blocks can be removed, and for the Checkout block only the Coupon form. 5. Check on the website that your changes are reflected. Note that Taxes, Fees and Coupons will appear on the website only if the shop supports them. 6. For the Cart > Shipping inner block make sure you can enable disable the shipping calculator and that the change is visibile in the website 7. Enable Taxes on your website (`/wp-admin/admin.php?page=wc-settings`) by clicking `Enable tax rates and calculations` 8. Go to the C & C blocks and select the Taxes inner block. 9. In the inner block's setting toggle on / of `Show rate after tax name` and make sure that is reflected in the website 10. Try to place an order and make sure it's successful. ### Increase Cart product quantity limit. ([6202](https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce-gutenberg-products-block/pull/6202)) 1. Go to the shop page and add any product to the cart 2. Go to the Cart block page and increase product quantity to 9999 --- [We're hiring!](https://woocommerce.com/careers/) Come work with us! 🐞 Found a mistake, or have a suggestion? [Leave feedback about this document here.](https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce-gutenberg-products-block/issues/new?assignees=&labels=type%3A+documentation&template=--doc-feedback.md&title=Feedback%20on%20./docs/testing/releases/740.md)