expectException( RouteException::class ); $this->expectExceptionMessage( 'This is an error message with Some HTML in it.' ); wc_add_notice( 'This is an error message with Some HTML in it.', 'error' ); $errors = NoticeHandler::convert_notices_to_exceptions( 'test_error' ); } /** * Test convert_notices_to_wp_errors. */ public function test_convert_notices_to_wp_errors() { wc_add_notice( 'This is an error message with Some HTML in it.', 'error' ); $errors = NoticeHandler::convert_notices_to_wp_errors( 'test_error' ); $this->assertTrue( is_wp_error( $errors ) ); $this->assertEquals( 1, count( $errors->get_error_codes() ) ); $this->assertEquals( 'This is an error message with Some HTML in it.', $errors->get_error_message() ); $this->assertEquals( 'test_error', $errors->get_error_code() ); } }