/*global wc_add_to_cart_variation_params */ /*global wc_cart_fragments_params */ /*! * Variations Plugin */ ;(function ( $, window, document, undefined ) { $.fn.wc_variation_form = function() { var $form = this; var $product = $form.closest('.product'); var $product_id = parseInt( $form.data( 'product_id' ), 10 ); var $product_variations = $form.data( 'product_variations' ); var $use_ajax = $product_variations === false; var $xhr = false; var $reset_variations = $form.find( '.reset_variations' ); // Unbind any existing events $form.unbind( 'check_variations update_variation_values found_variation' ); $form.find( '.reset_variations' ).unbind( 'click' ); $form.find( '.variations select' ).unbind( 'change focusin' ); // Bind new events to form $form // On clicking the reset variation button .on( 'click', '.reset_variations', function() { $form.find( '.variations select' ).val( '' ).change(); $form.trigger( 'reset_data' ); return false; } ) // Reload product variations data .on( 'reload_product_variations', function() { $product_variations = $form.data( 'product_variations' ); $use_ajax = $product_variations === false; } ) // Reset product data .on( 'reset_data', function() { var to_reset = { '.sku': 'o_sku', '.product_weight': 'o_weight', '.product_dimensions': 'o_dimensions' }; $.each( to_reset, function( selector, data_attribute ) { var $el = $product.find( selector ); if ( $el.attr( 'data-' + data_attribute ) ) { $el.text( $el.attr( 'data-' + data_attribute ) ); } }); $form.wc_variations_description_update( '' ); $form.trigger( 'reset_image' ); $form.find( '.single_variation_wrap' ).slideUp( 200 ).trigger( 'hide_variation' ); } ) // Reset product image .on( 'reset_image', function() { var $product_img = $product.find( 'div.images img:eq(0)' ), $product_link = $product.find( 'div.images a.zoom:eq(0)' ), o_src = $product_img.attr( 'data-o_src' ), o_title = $product_img.attr( 'data-o_title' ), o_alt = $product_img.attr( 'data-o_title' ), o_href = $product_link.attr( 'data-o_href' ); if ( o_src !== undefined ) { $product_img.attr( 'src', o_src ); } if ( o_href !== undefined ) { $product_link.attr( 'href', o_href ); } if ( o_title !== undefined ) { $product_img.attr( 'title', o_title ); $product_link.attr( 'title', o_title ); } if ( o_alt !== undefined ) { $product_img.attr( 'alt', o_alt ); } } ) // On changing an attribute .on( 'change', '.variations select', function() { $form.find( 'input[name="variation_id"], input.variation_id' ).val( '' ).change(); $form.find( '.wc-no-matching-variations' ).remove(); if ( $use_ajax ) { if ( $xhr ) { $xhr.abort(); } var all_attributes_chosen = true; var some_attributes_chosen = false; var data = {}; $form.find( '.variations select' ).each( function() { var attribute_name = $( this ).data( 'attribute_name' ) || $( this ).attr( 'name' ); if ( $( this ).val().length === 0 ) { all_attributes_chosen = false; } else { some_attributes_chosen = true; } data[ attribute_name ] = $( this ).val(); }); if ( all_attributes_chosen ) { // Get a matchihng variation via ajax data.product_id = $product_id; $xhr = $.ajax( { url: wc_cart_fragments_params.wc_ajax_url.toString().replace( '%%endpoint%%', 'get_variation' ), type: 'POST', data: data, success: function( variation ) { if ( variation ) { $form.find( 'input[name="variation_id"], input.variation_id' ) .val( variation.variation_id ) .change(); $form.trigger( 'found_variation', [ variation ] ); } else { $form.trigger( 'reset_data' ); $form.find( '.single_variation_wrap' ).after( '

' + wc_add_to_cart_variation_params.i18n_no_matching_variations_text + '

' ); $form.find( '.wc-no-matching-variations' ).slideDown( 200 ); } } } ); } else { $form.trigger( 'reset_data' ); } if ( some_attributes_chosen ) { if ( $reset_variations.css( 'visibility' ) === 'hidden' ) { $reset_variations.css( 'visibility', 'visible' ).hide().fadeIn(); } } else { $reset_variations.css( 'visibility', 'hidden' ); } } else { $form.trigger( 'woocommerce_variation_select_change' ); $form.trigger( 'check_variations', [ '', false ] ); $( this ).blur(); } // Custom event for when variation selection has been changed $form.trigger( 'woocommerce_variation_has_changed' ); } ) // Upon gaining focus .on( 'focusin touchstart', '.variations select', function() { if ( ! $use_ajax ) { $form.trigger( 'woocommerce_variation_select_focusin' ); $form.trigger( 'check_variations', [ $( this ).data( 'attribute_name' ) || $( this ).attr( 'name' ), true ] ); } } ) // Show single variation details (price, stock, image) .on( 'found_variation', function( event, variation ) { var $product_img = $product.find( 'div.images img:eq(0)' ), $product_link = $product.find( 'div.images a.zoom:eq(0)' ), o_src = $product_img.attr( 'data-o_src' ), o_title = $product_img.attr( 'data-o_title' ), o_alt = $product_img.attr( 'data-o_alt' ), o_href = $product_link.attr( 'data-o_href' ), variation_image = variation.image_src, variation_link = variation.image_link, variation_caption = variation.image_caption, variation_title = variation.image_title; $form.find( '.single_variation' ).html( variation.price_html + variation.availability_html ); if ( o_src === undefined ) { o_src = ( ! $product_img.attr( 'src' ) ) ? '' : $product_img.attr( 'src' ); $product_img.attr( 'data-o_src', o_src ); } if ( o_href === undefined ) { o_href = ( ! $product_link.attr( 'href' ) ) ? '' : $product_link.attr( 'href' ); $product_link.attr( 'data-o_href', o_href ); } if ( o_title === undefined ) { o_title = ( ! $product_img.attr( 'title' ) ) ? '' : $product_img.attr( 'title' ); $product_img.attr( 'data-o_title', o_title ); } if ( o_alt === undefined ) { o_alt = ( ! $product_img.attr( 'alt' ) ) ? '' : $product_img.attr( 'alt' ); $product_img.attr( 'data-o_alt', o_alt ); } if ( variation_image && variation_image.length > 1 ) { $product_img .attr( 'src', variation_image ) .attr( 'alt', variation_title ) .attr( 'title', variation_title ); $product_link .attr( 'href', variation_link ) .attr( 'title', variation_caption ); } else { $product_img .attr( 'src', o_src ) .attr( 'alt', o_alt ) .attr( 'title', o_title ); $product_link .attr( 'href', o_href ) .attr( 'title', o_title ); } var $single_variation_wrap = $form.find( '.single_variation_wrap' ), $sku = $product.find( '.product_meta' ).find( '.sku' ), $weight = $product.find( '.product_weight' ), $dimensions = $product.find( '.product_dimensions' ); if ( ! $sku.attr( 'data-o_sku' ) ) { $sku.attr( 'data-o_sku', $sku.text() ); } if ( ! $weight.attr( 'data-o_weight' ) ) { $weight.attr( 'data-o_weight', $weight.text() ); } if ( ! $dimensions.attr( 'data-o_dimensions' ) ) { $dimensions.attr( 'data-o_dimensions', $dimensions.text() ); } if ( variation.sku ) { $sku.text( variation.sku ); } else { $sku.text( $sku.attr( 'data-o_sku' ) ); } if ( variation.weight ) { $weight.text( variation.weight ); } else { $weight.text( $weight.attr( 'data-o_weight' ) ); } if ( variation.dimensions ) { $dimensions.text( variation.dimensions ); } else { $dimensions.text( $dimensions.attr( 'data-o_dimensions' ) ); } var hide_qty = false; var hide_qty_button = false; if ( ! variation.is_purchasable || ! variation.is_in_stock || ! variation.variation_is_visible ) { hide_qty_button = true; } if ( ! variation.variation_is_visible ) { $form.find( '.single_variation' ).html( '

' + wc_add_to_cart_variation_params.i18n_unavailable_text + '

' ); } if ( variation.min_qty !== '' ) { $single_variation_wrap.find( '.quantity input.qty' ).attr( 'min', variation.min_qty ).val( variation.min_qty ); } else { $single_variation_wrap.find( '.quantity input.qty' ).removeAttr( 'min' ); } if ( variation.max_qty !== '' ) { $single_variation_wrap.find( '.quantity input.qty' ).attr( 'max', variation.max_qty ); } else { $single_variation_wrap.find( '.quantity input.qty' ).removeAttr( 'max' ); } if ( variation.is_sold_individually === 'yes' ) { $single_variation_wrap.find( '.quantity input.qty' ).val( '1' ); hide_qty = true; } // Show/hide qty container if ( hide_qty ) { $single_variation_wrap.find( '.quantity' ).hide(); } else { // No need to hide it when hiding its container if ( ! hide_qty_button ) { $single_variation_wrap.find( '.quantity' ).show(); } } // Show/hide qty & button container if ( hide_qty_button ) { if ( $single_variation_wrap.is( ':visible' ) ) { $form.find( '.variations_button' ).slideUp( 200 ); } else { $form.find( '.variations_button' ).hide(); } } else { if ( $single_variation_wrap.is( ':visible' ) ) { $form.find( '.variations_button' ).slideDown( 200 ); } else { $form.find( '.variations_button' ).show(); } } // Refresh variation description $form.wc_variations_description_update( variation.variation_description ); $single_variation_wrap.slideDown( 200 ).trigger( 'show_variation', [ variation ] ); }) // Check variations .on( 'check_variations', function( event, exclude, focus ) { if ( $use_ajax ) { return; } var all_attributes_chosen = true, some_attributes_chosen = false, current_settings = {}, $form = $( this ), $reset_variations = $form.find( '.reset_variations' ); $form.find( '.variations select' ).each( function() { var attribute_name = $( this ).data( 'attribute_name' ) || $( this ).attr( 'name' ); if ( $( this ).val().length === 0 ) { all_attributes_chosen = false; } else { some_attributes_chosen = true; } if ( exclude && attribute_name === exclude ) { all_attributes_chosen = false; current_settings[ attribute_name ] = ''; } else { // Add to settings array current_settings[ attribute_name ] = $( this ).val(); } }); var matching_variations = wc_variation_form_matcher.find_matching_variations( $product_variations, current_settings ); if ( all_attributes_chosen ) { var variation = matching_variations.shift(); if ( variation ) { $form.find( 'input[name="variation_id"], input.variation_id' ) .val( variation.variation_id ) .change(); $form.trigger( 'found_variation', [ variation ] ); } else { // Nothing found - reset fields $form.find( '.variations select' ).val( '' ); if ( ! focus ) { $form.trigger( 'reset_data' ); } window.alert( wc_add_to_cart_variation_params.i18n_no_matching_variations_text ); } } else { $form.trigger( 'update_variation_values', [ matching_variations ] ); if ( ! focus ) { $form.trigger( 'reset_data' ); } if ( ! exclude ) { $form.find( '.single_variation_wrap' ).slideUp( 200 ).trigger( 'hide_variation' ); } } if ( some_attributes_chosen ) { if ( $reset_variations.css( 'visibility' ) === 'hidden' ) { $reset_variations.css( 'visibility', 'visible' ).hide().fadeIn(); } } else { $reset_variations.css( 'visibility', 'hidden' ); } } ) // Disable option fields that are unavaiable for current set of attributes .on( 'update_variation_values', function( event, variations ) { if ( $use_ajax ) { return; } // Loop through selects and disable/enable options based on selections $form.find( '.variations select' ).each( function( index, el ) { var current_attr_name, current_attr_select = $( el ); // Reset options if ( ! current_attr_select.data( 'attribute_options' ) ) { current_attr_select.data( 'attribute_options', current_attr_select.find( 'option:gt(0)' ).get() ); } current_attr_select.find( 'option:gt(0)' ).remove(); current_attr_select.append( current_attr_select.data( 'attribute_options' ) ); current_attr_select.find( 'option:gt(0)' ).removeClass( 'attached' ); current_attr_select.find( 'option:gt(0)' ).removeClass( 'enabled' ); current_attr_select.find( 'option:gt(0)' ).removeAttr( 'disabled' ); // Get name from data-attribute_name, or from input name if it doesn't exist if ( typeof( current_attr_select.data( 'attribute_name' ) ) !== 'undefined' ) { current_attr_name = current_attr_select.data( 'attribute_name' ); } else { current_attr_name = current_attr_select.attr( 'name' ); } // Loop through variations for ( var num in variations ) { if ( typeof( variations[ num ] ) !== 'undefined' ) { var attributes = variations[ num ].attributes; for ( var attr_name in attributes ) { if ( attributes.hasOwnProperty( attr_name ) ) { var attr_val = attributes[ attr_name ]; if ( attr_name === current_attr_name ) { var variation_active = ''; if ( variations[ num ].variation_is_active ) { variation_active = 'enabled'; } if ( attr_val ) { // Decode entities attr_val = $( '
' ).html( attr_val ).text(); // Add slashes attr_val = attr_val.replace( /'/g, '\\\'' ); attr_val = attr_val.replace( /"/g, '\\\"' ); // Compare the meerkat current_attr_select.find( 'option[value="' + attr_val + '"]' ).addClass( 'attached ' + variation_active ); } else { current_attr_select.find( 'option:gt(0)' ).addClass( 'attached ' + variation_active ); } } } } } } // Detach unattached current_attr_select.find( 'option:gt(0):not(.attached)' ).remove(); // Grey out disabled current_attr_select.find( 'option:gt(0):not(.enabled)' ).attr( 'disabled', 'disabled' ); }); // Custom event for when variations have been updated $form.trigger( 'woocommerce_update_variation_values' ); }); $form.trigger( 'wc_variation_form' ); return $form; }; /** * Matches inline variation objects to chosen attributes * @type {Object} */ var wc_variation_form_matcher = { find_matching_variations: function( product_variations, settings ) { var matching = []; for ( var i = 0; i < product_variations.length; i++ ) { var variation = product_variations[i]; if ( wc_variation_form_matcher.variations_match( variation.attributes, settings ) ) { matching.push( variation ); } } return matching; }, variations_match: function( attrs1, attrs2 ) { var match = true; for ( var attr_name in attrs1 ) { if ( attrs1.hasOwnProperty( attr_name ) ) { var val1 = attrs1[ attr_name ]; var val2 = attrs2[ attr_name ]; if ( val1 !== undefined && val2 !== undefined && val1.length !== 0 && val2.length !== 0 && val1 !== val2 ) { match = false; } } } return match; } }; /** * Performs animated variation description refreshes */ $.fn.wc_variations_description_update = function( variation_description ) { var $form = this; var $variations_description = $form.find( '.woocommerce-variation-description' ); if ( $variations_description.length === 0 ) { if ( variation_description ) { // add transparent border to allow correct height measurement when children have top/bottom margins $form.find( '.single_variation_wrap' ).prepend( $( '
' + variation_description + '
' ).hide() ); $form.find( '.woocommerce-variation-description' ).slideDown( 200 ); } } else { var load_height = $variations_description.outerHeight( true ); var new_height = 0; var animate_height = false; // lock height $variations_description.css( 'height', load_height ); // replace html $variations_description.html( variation_description ); // measure height $variations_description.css( 'height', 'auto' ); new_height = $variations_description.outerHeight( true ); if ( Math.abs( new_height - load_height ) > 1 ) { animate_height = true; // lock height $variations_description.css( 'height', load_height ); } // animate height if ( animate_height ) { $variations_description.animate( { 'height' : new_height }, { duration: 200, queue: false, always: function() { $variations_description.css( { 'height' : 'auto' } ); } } ); } } }; $( function() { if ( typeof wc_add_to_cart_variation_params !== 'undefined' ) { $( '.variations_form' ).each( function() { $( this ).wc_variation_form().find('.variations select:eq(0)').change(); }); } }); })( jQuery, window, document );