#!/bin/sh VERSION=${VERSION:=\$VID\:\$} IS_PRE_RELEASE=${IS_PRE_RELEASE:=false} # replace all instances of $VID:$ with the release version but only when not pre-release. if [ $IS_PRE_RELEASE = false ]; then find ./src woocommerce-gutenberg-products-block.php -name "*.php" -print0 | xargs -0 perl -i -pe 's/\$VID:\$/'${VERSION}'/g' fi # Update version number in readme.txt perl -i -pe 's/Stable tag:*.+/Stable tag: '${VERSION}'/' readme.txt # Update version in main plugin file perl -i -pe 's/Version:*.+/Version: '${VERSION}'/' woocommerce-gutenberg-products-block.php # Update version in package.json perl -i -pe 's/"version":*.+/"version": "'${VERSION}'",/' package.json # Update version in src/Package.php perl -i -pe "s/version \= '*.+';/version = '${VERSION}';/" src/Package.php