/** * External dependencies */ import { switchUserToAdmin } from '@wordpress/e2e-test-utils'; import { visitBlockPage } from '@woocommerce/blocks-test-utils'; /** * Internal dependencies */ import { GUTENBERG_EDITOR_CONTEXT, describeOrSkip } from '../../utils'; describeOrSkip( GUTENBERG_EDITOR_CONTEXT === 'gutenberg' )( 'Product Search Legacy Block', () => { beforeAll( async () => { await switchUserToAdmin(); await visitBlockPage( 'Product Search Legacy Block' ); } ); it( 'render the upgrade prompt', async () => { await expect( page ).toMatch( 'This version of the Product Search block is outdated. Upgrade to continue using.' ); await expect( page ).toMatch( 'Upgrade Block' ); } ); it( 'clicking the upgrade button convert the legacy block to core/search variation', async () => { await page.click( '.block-editor-warning__action button' ); await expect( page ).toMatchElement( '.wp-block-search' ); await expect( page ).toMatchElement( '.wp-block-search__label', { text: 'Search', } ); await expect( page ).toMatchElement( '.wp-block-search__input[value="Search products…"]' ); } ); } );