--- post_title: Product Editor Guidelines - Dialogue Extensions (future feature) menu_title: Dialogue Extensions --- Dialog extensions differ from other extensions as they are unrelated to any section or functionality within the product form. They can connect to third-party systems or come with complex interfaces that require a separate, focused experience. Dialogs can have different sizes (small, medium, large, or custom) and trigger locations (text or icon button anywhere in the form or in the form's top bar). ![Dialog example](https://developer.woocommerce.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/product-editor-ext-guidelines-dialog-extensions.png) ## What they are for - Focused experiences that require taking over most of the screen - Advanced configuration and setup flows - Dedicated content embedded from a third-party service ## What they aren't for - Single-field features or simple settings screens - Small functionalities that could fit within the form - Onboarding experiences, product demos, and advertisements ## Example use cases - Third-party fulfillment, warehousing, and accounting service integration - Robust image editing tool with complex interactions - Media-heavy knowledge base with plenty of videos and interactive tutorials