/** * External dependencies */ import { InnerBlocks, InspectorControls, useBlockProps, } from '@wordpress/block-editor'; import { BlockEditProps, InnerBlockTemplate } from '@wordpress/blocks'; import { useEffect } from '@wordpress/element'; /** * Internal dependencies */ import { moveInnerBlocksToPosition, updateGroupBlockType, getInnerBlocksLockAttributes, } from './utils'; import { ProductGalleryThumbnailsBlockSettings } from './inner-blocks/product-gallery-thumbnails/block-settings'; import { ProductGalleryBlockSettings } from './block-settings/index'; import type { ProductGalleryThumbnailsBlockAttributes, ProductGalleryBlockAttributes, } from './types'; const TEMPLATE: InnerBlockTemplate[] = [ [ 'core/group', { layout: { type: 'flex' } }, [ [ 'woocommerce/product-gallery-thumbnails', getInnerBlocksLockAttributes( 'lock' ), ], [ 'woocommerce/product-gallery-large-image', getInnerBlocksLockAttributes( 'lock' ), ], ], ], ]; export const Edit = ( { clientId, attributes, setAttributes, }: BlockEditProps< ProductGalleryThumbnailsBlockAttributes & ProductGalleryBlockAttributes > ) => { const blockProps = useBlockProps(); // Update the Group block type when the thumbnailsPosition attribute changes. updateGroupBlockType( attributes, clientId ); useEffect( () => { setAttributes( { ...attributes, productGalleryClientId: clientId, } ); // Move the Thumbnails block to the correct above or below the Large Image based on the thumbnailsPosition attribute. moveInnerBlocksToPosition( attributes, clientId ); }, [ setAttributes, attributes, clientId ] ); return (
); };