// Reference: https://github.com/WordPress/gutenberg/blob/v16.4.0/packages/edit-site/src/components/sidebar/index.js /* eslint-disable @woocommerce/dependency-group */ /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment */ /** * External dependencies */ import { memo, useRef, useEffect } from '@wordpress/element'; import { // @ts-ignore No types for this exist yet. __experimentalNavigatorProvider as NavigatorProvider, // @ts-ignore No types for this exist yet. __experimentalNavigatorScreen as NavigatorScreen, // @ts-ignore No types for this exist yet. __experimentalUseNavigator as useNavigator, } from '@wordpress/components'; /** * Internal dependencies */ import { SidebarNavigationScreenMain } from './sidebar-navigation-screen-main'; import { SidebarNavigationScreenColorPalette } from './sidebar-navigation-screen-color-palette'; import { SidebarNavigationScreenTypography } from './sidebar-navigation-screen-typography'; import { SidebarNavigationScreenHeader } from './sidebar-navigation-screen-header'; import { SidebarNavigationScreenHomepage } from './sidebar-navigation-screen-homepage'; import { SidebarNavigationScreenFooter } from './sidebar-navigation-screen-footer'; // import { SidebarNavigationScreenPages } from './sidebar-navigation-screen-pages'; import { SidebarNavigationScreenLogo } from './sidebar-navigation-screen-logo'; import { SaveHub } from './save-hub'; import { addHistoryListener, getQuery, updateQueryString, useQuery, } from '@woocommerce/navigation'; // In some cases, the assembler is loaded in an iframe, so we have to re-apply the filter. import '~/customize-store/design-with-ai/entrepreneur-flow'; function isSubset( subset: { [ key: string ]: string | undefined; }, superset: { [ key: string ]: string | undefined; } ) { return Object.entries( subset ).every( ( [ key, value ] ) => { return superset[ key ] === value; } ); } function useSyncPathWithURL() { const urlParams = useQuery(); const { location: navigatorLocation, params: navigatorParams, goTo, } = useNavigator(); const isMounting = useRef( true ); useEffect( () => { // The navigatorParams are only initially filled properly after the // navigator screens mounts. so we don't do the query string update initially. // however we also do want to add an event listener for popstate so that we can // update the navigator when the user navigates using the browser back button if ( isMounting.current ) { isMounting.current = false; addHistoryListener( ( event: PopStateEvent ) => { if ( event.type === 'popstate' ) { goTo( ( getQuery() as Record< string, string > ).path ); } } ); return; } function updateUrlParams( newUrlParams: { [ key: string ]: string | undefined; } ) { if ( isSubset( newUrlParams, urlParams ) ) { return; } const updatedParams = { ...urlParams, ...newUrlParams, }; updateQueryString( {}, updatedParams.path ); } updateUrlParams( { postType: undefined, postId: undefined, categoryType: undefined, categoryId: undefined, path: navigatorLocation.path === '/' ? undefined : navigatorLocation.path, } ); }, // Trigger only when navigator changes to prevent infinite loops. // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps [ navigatorLocation?.path, navigatorParams ] ); } function SidebarScreens() { useSyncPathWithURL(); return ( <> { /* TODO: Implement pages sidebar in Phrase 2 */ } { /* */ } ); } function Sidebar() { const urlParams = getQuery() as Record< string, string >; const initialPath = useRef( urlParams.path ?? '/customize-store/assembler-hub' ); return ( <> ); } export default memo( Sidebar );