/** * External dependencies */ import { render } from 'react-dom'; import BlockErrorBoundary from '@woocommerce/base-components/block-error-boundary'; /** * Renders a block component in the place of a specified set of selectors. * * @param {string} selector CSS selector to match the elements * to replace. * @param {Function} Block React block to use as a replacement. * @param {Function} [getProps] Function to generate the props * object for the block. * @param {Function} [getErrorBoundaryProps] Function to generate the props * object for the error boundary. */ export default ( selector, Block, getProps = () => {}, getErrorBoundaryProps = () => {} ) => { const containers = document.querySelectorAll( selector ); if ( containers.length ) { // Use Array.forEach for IE11 compatibility. Array.prototype.forEach.call( containers, ( el, i ) => { const props = getProps( el, i ); const errorBoundaryProps = getErrorBoundaryProps( el, i ); const attributes = { ...el.dataset, ...props.attributes, }; el.classList.remove( 'is-loading' ); render( , el ); } ); } };