Feature: Manage WooCommerce customers Background: Given a WP install Scenario: Help for all available commands When I run `wp wc customer --help` Then STDOUT should contain: """ wp wc customer """ And STDOUT should contain: """ create """ And STDOUT should contain: """ delete """ And STDOUT should contain: """ get """ And STDOUT should contain: """ list """ And STDOUT should contain: """ update """ Scenario: Get the value of an individual post field When I run `wp wc customer get 1 --field=username --user=1` Then STDOUT should contain: """ admin """ Scenario: CRUD a post When I run `wp wc customer create --user=admin --username="testuser" --password="hunter2" --email="woo@woo.local" --porcelain` Then STDOUT should be a number And save STDOUT as {CUSTOMER_ID} When I run `wp wc customer update {CUSTOMER_ID} --user=admin --first_name="Test" --billing='{"city":"Portland","state":"OR"}' --porcelain` Then STDOUT should be a number When I run `wp wc customer get {CUSTOMER_ID} --user=admin` Then STDOUT should contain: """ Portland """ And STDOUT should contain: """ woo@woo.local """ When I run `wp wc customer delete {CUSTOMER_ID} --force=true --user=admin --porcelain` Then STDOUT should be a number