/** * External dependencies */ import { controls } from '@wordpress/data'; /** * Internal dependencies */ import { getCollection, getCollectionHeader } from '../resolvers'; import { receiveCollection } from '../actions'; import { STORE_KEY as SCHEMA_STORE_KEY } from '../../schema/constants'; import { STORE_KEY } from '../constants'; import { apiFetchWithHeaders } from '../../shared-controls'; jest.mock( '@wordpress/data' ); describe( 'getCollection', () => { describe( 'yields with expected responses', () => { let fulfillment; const testArgs = [ 'wc/blocks', 'products', { foo: 'bar' }, [ 20, 30 ], ]; const rewind = () => ( fulfillment = getCollection( ...testArgs ) ); test( 'with getRoute call invoked to retrieve route', () => { rewind(); fulfillment.next(); expect( controls.resolveSelect ).toHaveBeenCalledWith( SCHEMA_STORE_KEY, 'getRoute', testArgs[ 0 ], testArgs[ 1 ], testArgs[ 3 ] ); } ); test( 'when no route is retrieved, yields receiveCollection and ' + 'returns', () => { const { value } = fulfillment.next(); const expected = receiveCollection( 'wc/blocks', 'products', '?foo=bar', [ 20, 30 ], { items: [], headers: { get: () => undefined, has: () => undefined, }, } ); expect( value.type ).toBe( expected.type ); expect( value.namespace ).toBe( expected.namespace ); expect( value.resourceName ).toBe( expected.resourceName ); expect( value.queryString ).toBe( expected.queryString ); expect( value.ids ).toEqual( expected.ids ); expect( Object.keys( value.response ) ).toEqual( Object.keys( expected.response ) ); const { done } = fulfillment.next(); expect( done ).toBe( true ); } ); test( 'when route is retrieved, yields apiFetchWithHeaders control action with ' + 'expected route', () => { rewind(); fulfillment.next(); const { value } = fulfillment.next( 'https://example.org' ); expect( value ).toEqual( apiFetchWithHeaders( { path: 'https://example.org?foo=bar', } ) ); } ); test( 'when apiFetchWithHeaders does not return a valid response, ' + 'yields expected action', () => { const { value } = fulfillment.next( {} ); expect( value ).toEqual( receiveCollection( 'wc/blocks', 'products', '?foo=bar', [ 20, 30 ], { items: [], headers: undefined } ) ); } ); test( 'when apiFetch returns a valid response, yields expected ' + 'action', () => { rewind(); fulfillment.next(); fulfillment.next( 'https://example.org' ); const { value } = fulfillment.next( { response: [ '42', 'cheeseburgers' ], headers: { foo: 'bar' }, } ); expect( value ).toEqual( receiveCollection( 'wc/blocks', 'products', '?foo=bar', [ 20, 30 ], { items: [ '42', 'cheeseburgers' ], headers: { foo: 'bar' }, } ) ); const { done } = fulfillment.next(); expect( done ).toBe( true ); } ); } ); } ); describe( 'getCollectionHeader', () => { let fulfillment; const rewind = ( ...testArgs ) => ( fulfillment = getCollectionHeader( ...testArgs ) ); it( 'yields expected select control when called with less args', () => { rewind( 'x-wp-total', '/wc/blocks', 'products' ); const { value } = fulfillment.next(); expect( value ).toEqual( controls.resolveSelect( STORE_KEY, 'getCollection', '/wc/blocks', 'products' ) ); } ); it( 'yields expected select control when called with all args', () => { const args = [ 'x-wp-total', '/wc/blocks', 'products/attributes', { sort: 'ASC' }, [ 10 ], ]; rewind( ...args ); const { value } = fulfillment.next(); expect( value ).toEqual( controls.resolveSelect( STORE_KEY, '/wc/blocks', 'products/attributes', { sort: 'ASC' }, [ 10 ] ) ); const { done } = fulfillment.next(); expect( done ).toBe( true ); } ); } );