/** * Internal dependencies */ import { getCollection, getCollectionHeader } from '../selectors'; const getHeaderMock = ( total ) => { const headers = { total }; return { get: ( key ) => headers[ key ] || null, has: ( key ) => !! headers[ key ], }; }; const state = { 'wc/blocks': { products: { '[]': { '?someQuery=2': { items: [ 'foo' ], headers: getHeaderMock( 22 ), }, }, }, 'products/attributes': { '[10]': { '?someQuery=2': { items: [ 'bar' ], headers: getHeaderMock( 42 ), }, }, }, 'products/attributes/terms': { '[10,20]': { '?someQuery=10': { items: [ 42 ], headers: getHeaderMock( 12 ), }, }, }, }, }; describe( 'getCollection', () => { it( 'returns empty array when namespace does not exist in state', () => { expect( getCollection( state, 'invalid', 'products' ) ).toEqual( [] ); } ); it( 'returns empty array when resourceName does not exist in state', () => { expect( getCollection( state, 'wc/blocks', 'invalid' ) ).toEqual( [] ); } ); it( 'returns empty array when query does not exist in state', () => { expect( getCollection( state, 'wc/blocks', 'products' ) ).toEqual( [] ); } ); it( 'returns empty array when ids do not exist in state', () => { expect( getCollection( state, 'wc/blocks', 'products/attributes', '?someQuery=2', [ 20 ] ) ).toEqual( [] ); } ); describe( 'returns expected values for items existing in state', () => { test.each` resourceName | ids | query | expected ${ 'products' } | ${ [] } | ${ { someQuery: 2 } } | ${ [ 'foo' ] } ${ 'products/attributes' } | ${ [ 10 ] } | ${ { someQuery: 2 } } | ${ [ 'bar' ] } ${ 'products/attributes/terms' } | ${ [ 10, 20 ] } | ${ { someQuery: 10 } } | ${ [ 42 ] } `( 'for "$resourceName", "$ids", and "$query"', ( { resourceName, ids, query, expected } ) => { expect( getCollection( state, 'wc/blocks', resourceName, query, ids ) ).toEqual( expected ); } ); } ); } ); describe( 'getCollectionHeader', () => { it( 'returns undefined when there are headers but the specific header ' + 'does not exist', () => { expect( getCollectionHeader( state, 'invalid', 'wc/blocks', 'products', { someQuery: 2, } ) ).toBeUndefined(); } ); it( 'returns null when there are no headers for the given arguments', () => { expect( getCollectionHeader( state, 'wc/blocks', 'invalid' ) ).toBe( null ); } ); it( 'returns expected header when it exists', () => { expect( getCollectionHeader( state, 'total', 'wc/blocks', 'products', { someQuery: 2, } ) ).toBe( 22 ); } ); } );