import { h, options, createContext, cloneElement } from 'preact'; import { useRef, useMemo } from 'preact/hooks'; import { rawStore as store } from './store'; // Main context. const context = createContext( {} ); // WordPress Directives. const directiveMap = {}; const directivePriorities = {}; export const directive = ( name, cb, { priority = 10 } = {} ) => { directiveMap[ name ] = cb; directivePriorities[ name ] = priority; }; // Resolve the path to some property of the store object. const resolve = ( path, ctx ) => { let current = {, context: ctx }; path.split( '.' ).forEach( ( p ) => ( current = current[ p ] ) ); return current; }; // Generate the evaluate function. const getEvaluate = ( { ref } = {} ) => ( path, extraArgs = {} ) => { // If path starts with !, remove it and save a flag. const hasNegationOperator = path[ 0 ] === '!' && !! ( path = path.slice( 1 ) ); const value = resolve( path, extraArgs.context ); const returnValue = typeof value === 'function' ? value( { ref: ref.current,, ...extraArgs, } ) : value; return hasNegationOperator ? ! returnValue : returnValue; }; // Separate directives by priority. The resulting array contains objects // of directives grouped by same priority, and sorted in ascending order. const usePriorityLevels = ( directives ) => useMemo( () => { const byPriority = Object.entries( directives ).reduce( ( acc, [ name, values ] ) => { const priority = directivePriorities[ name ]; if ( ! acc[ priority ] ) acc[ priority ] = {}; acc[ priority ][ name ] = values; return acc; }, {} ); return Object.entries( byPriority ) .sort( ( [ p1 ], [ p2 ] ) => p1 - p2 ) .map( ( [ , obj ] ) => obj ); }, [ directives ] ); // Directive wrapper. const Directive = ( { type, directives, props: originalProps } ) => { const ref = useRef( null ); const element = h( type, { ...originalProps, ref } ); const evaluate = useMemo( () => getEvaluate( { ref } ), [] ); // Add wrappers recursively for each priority level. const byPriorityLevel = usePriorityLevels( directives ); return ( ); }; // Priority level wrapper. const RecursivePriorityLevel = ( { directives: [ directives, ], element, evaluate, originalProps, } ) => { // This element needs to be a fresh copy so we are not modifying an already // rendered element with Preact's internal properties initialized. This // prevents an error with changes in `element.props.children` not being // reflected in `element.__k`. element = cloneElement( element ); // Recursively render the wrapper for the next priority level. // // Note that, even though we're instantiating a vnode with a // `RecursivePriorityLevel` here, its render function will not be executed // just yet. Actually, it will be delayed until the current render function // has finished. That ensures directives in the current priorty level have // run (and thus modified the passed `element`) before the next level. const children = rest.length > 0 ? ( ) : ( element ); const props = { ...originalProps, children }; const directiveArgs = { directives, props, element, context, evaluate }; for ( const d in directives ) { const wrapper = directiveMap[ d ]?.( directiveArgs ); if ( wrapper !== undefined ) props.children = wrapper; } return props.children; }; // Preact Options Hook called each time a vnode is created. const old = options.vnode; options.vnode = ( vnode ) => { if ( vnode.props.__directives ) { const props = vnode.props; const directives = props.__directives; delete props.__directives; vnode.props = { type: vnode.type, directives, props, }; vnode.type = Directive; } if ( old ) old( vnode ); };