Feature: Manage WooCommerce Coupons Background: Given a WP install Scenario: Help for all available commands When I run `wp wc shop_coupon --help` Then STDOUT should contain: """ wp wc shop_coupon """ And STDOUT should contain: """ create """ And STDOUT should contain: """ delete """ And STDOUT should contain: """ get """ And STDOUT should contain: """ list """ And STDOUT should contain: """ update """ Scenario: CRUD a coupon When I run `wp wc shop_coupon create --user=admin --code='coupon code' --discount_type='fixed_product' --amount='5.00' --porcelain` Then save STDOUT as {COUPON_ID} When I run `wp wc shop_coupon update {COUPON_ID} --user=admin --discount_type="percent" --amount='2' --porcelain` Then STDOUT should be a number When I run `wp wc shop_coupon get {COUPON_ID} --user=admin` Then STDOUT should contain: """ coupon code """ And STDOUT should contain: """ percent """ When I run `wp wc shop_coupon get {COUPON_ID} --user=admin --field=amount` Then STDOUT should contain: """ 2.00 """ When I run `wp wc shop_coupon list --user=admin` Then STDOUT should contain: """ id """ And STDOUT should contain: """ code """ And STDOUT should contain: """ date_created """ And STDOUT should contain: """ coupon code """ When I run `wp wc shop_coupon delete {COUPON_ID} --force=true --user=admin` Then STDOUT should contain: """ Success """