# Testing notes and ZIP for release 3.3.0 [![Create Todo list](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/senadir/todo-my-markdown/master/public/github-button.svg?sanitize=true)](https://git-todo.netlify.app/create) Zip file for testing: [woocommerce-gutenberg-products-block.zip](https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce-gutenberg-products-block/files/5159231/woocommerce-gutenberg-products-block.zip) ## Enhancements ## Cart block: Show express payment methods in the Cart block (for example: Apple Pay, Chrome Pay). - [ ] This feature requires the following: - [WooCommerce Stripe extension](https://woocommerce.com/products/stripe) installed and active. - One or more express payment methods supported and enabled on the store and client system (OS, browser). Note that Chrome Pay and Apple Pay are not supported in all regions. Please refer to documentation for Apple Pay and Chrome Pay for more information. - [ ] Go to `Dashboard > WooCommerce > Settings > Payments` and activate `Stripe – Credit Card`. - [ ] Click `Manage` button for `Stripe – Credit Card`. - [ ] Ensure `Payment Request Buttons` checkbox is enabled, and click `Save changes`. - [ ] Add the Cart block to a page and publish the page (for example, the main store `cart` page). - [ ] In the editor, the Cart block should show a preview of express payment options (for example, Apple Pay button). - [ ] View store front end in a browser with an express payment method enabled and configured. For example Chrome or Safari. - [ ] Add some products to cart. - [ ] View cart. If express payment is supported and available, you should see relevant express payment buttons above the cart `Proceed to checkout` button. - Note: if you don't see any express payment options, confirm that they are working in the Checkout block, product page, or shortcode checkout page. - The cart block should include the same express payment options as other store pages. ## Enhancements (shipped in 3.1.0) The following enhancements shipped in WooCommerce Blocks 3.1.0 but were missed in the changelog. Including testing instructions here. ### All Products block: Can now customize text size, color and alignment in Product Title child block. - [ ] Add an all products block. - [ ] Click the `Edit` (pencil icon) button to edit the layout of products within the grid. - [ ] Select the product title block, or add it if needed. - [ ] In the block toolbar, change the alignment option to center or right. - [ ] In the block toolbar, select a different heading level. - [ ] In the settings inspector, change the text size and colour options. - [ ] Publish the page or update to save changes. - [ ] Verify the product title shows as customized in editor and front end. ## Bug Fixes ## Cart block: Fix alignment of discounted prices. - [ ] Add a product on sale to the Cart and visit the Cart block. - [ ] Verify regular and discounted prices are both aligned to the right. ## Checkout block: Fix an issue with products sold individually (max of 1 per cart); the Checkout block now shows a notice if shopper attempts to add another instance of product via an add-to-cart link. - Configure your store so the Checkout block is used on the checkout page. - [ ] Set a `Sold individually` option on a product: - Edit a product. Note down the product ID. - Scroll down to `Product data` box, select `Inventory` tab. - Enable `Sold individually` option, and click `Update` to save changes to the product. - [ ] As a shopper on front end, add the product to your cart. You should have 1x of the product in your cart. - [ ] Navigate to a url with add-to-cart URL param for the product ID, for example: `https://one.wordpress.test/checkout/?add-to-cart=19`. This will attempt to add a second item to the cart. - Note: Replace `one.wordpress.test` with your test site URL and `19` with the ID of the product you modified. - You can navigate to this URL directly - paste the url. OR you can add a button block linking to the url, simulating a "Buy" button on a landing page for the product. - [ ] Proceed to checkout block and verify there is an error notice informing shopper why there is a single item in the cart. - [ ] Ensure the checkout block works correctly and shopper can complete purchase.