/** * @format * @jest-environment jsdom */ /** * External dependencies */ import dompurify from 'dompurify'; /** * Internal dependencies */ import sanitizeHtml, { ALLOWED_TAGS, ALLOWED_ATTR } from '../../sanitize-html'; describe( 'sanitizeHtml', () => { /* eslint-disable quotes */ const html = `Link`; /* eslint-enable quotes */ test( 'should remove any html tags and attributes which are not allowed', () => { expect( sanitizeHtml( html ) ).toEqual( { __html: 'Link', } ); } ); test( 'should call dompurify.sanitize with list of allowed tags and attributes', () => { const sanitizeMock = jest.spyOn( dompurify, 'sanitize' ); sanitizeHtml( html ); expect( sanitizeMock ).toHaveBeenCalledWith( html, { ALLOWED_ATTR, ALLOWED_TAGS } ); } ); } );