/** @format */ /** * External dependencies */ import { __, _n } from '@wordpress/i18n'; import { Component } from '@wordpress/element'; import { format as formatDate } from '@wordpress/date'; import { map } from 'lodash'; /** * WooCommerce dependencies */ import { Link } from '@woocommerce/components'; import { defaultTableDateFormat } from '@woocommerce/date'; import { formatCurrency, getCurrencyFormatDecimal } from '@woocommerce/currency'; /** * Internal dependencies */ import ReportTable from 'analytics/components/report-table'; import { numberFormat } from 'lib/number'; export default class CouponsReportTable extends Component { constructor() { super(); this.getHeadersContent = this.getHeadersContent.bind( this ); this.getRowsContent = this.getRowsContent.bind( this ); this.getSummary = this.getSummary.bind( this ); } getHeadersContent() { return [ { label: __( 'Coupon Code', 'wc-admin' ), key: 'coupon_id', required: true, isLeftAligned: true, }, { label: __( 'Orders', 'wc-admin' ), key: 'orders_count', required: true, defaultSort: true, isSortable: true, isNumeric: true, }, { label: __( 'Amount Discounted', 'wc-admin' ), key: 'amount', isSortable: true, isNumeric: true, }, { label: __( 'Created', 'wc-admin' ), key: 'created', }, { label: __( 'Expires', 'wc-admin' ), key: 'expires', }, { label: __( 'Type', 'wc-admin' ), key: 'type', }, ]; } getRowsContent( coupons ) { return map( coupons, coupon => { const { amount, coupon_id, extended_info, orders_count } = coupon; const { code, date_created, date_expires, discount_type } = extended_info; // @TODO must link to the coupon detail report const couponLink = ( { code } ); const ordersLink = ( { numberFormat( orders_count ) } ); return [ { display: couponLink, value: code, }, { display: ordersLink, value: orders_count, }, { display: formatCurrency( amount ), value: getCurrencyFormatDecimal( amount ), }, { display: formatDate( defaultTableDateFormat, date_created ), value: date_created, }, { display: date_expires ? formatDate( defaultTableDateFormat, date_expires ) : __( 'N/A', 'wc-admin' ), value: date_expires, }, { display: this.getCouponType( discount_type ), value: discount_type, }, ]; } ); } getSummary( totals ) { if ( ! totals ) { return []; } return [ { label: _n( 'coupon', 'coupons', totals.coupons_count, 'wc-admin' ), value: numberFormat( totals.coupons_count ), }, { label: _n( 'order', 'orders', totals.orders_count, 'wc-admin' ), value: numberFormat( totals.orders_count ), }, { label: __( 'amount discounted', 'wc-admin' ), value: formatCurrency( totals.amount ), }, ]; } getCouponType( discount_type ) { const couponTypes = { percent: __( 'Percentage', 'wc-admin' ), fixed_cart: __( 'Fixed cart', 'wc-admin' ), fixed_product: __( 'Fixed product', 'wc-admin' ), }; return couponTypes[ discount_type ]; } render() { const { query } = this.props; return ( ); } }