/** * Tool to automate steps to cherry pick fixes into release branch. * * @package */ import fetch from 'node-fetch'; import os from 'os'; import fs from 'node:fs'; import path from 'node:path'; import { spawnSync, spawn } from 'node:child_process'; import ora from 'ora'; const args = process.argv.slice( 2 ); const usage = 'Usage: pnpm cherry-pick . Separate pull request numbers with a comma (no space) if more than one.'; const releaseBranch = args[ 0 ]; const prs = args[ 1 ]; let githubToken = ''; let tempWooDir = ''; let changelogsToBeDeleted = []; let prCommits = {}; let githubRemoteURL = 'https'; if ( typeof process.env.GITHUB_CHERRY_PICK_TOKEN === 'undefined' ) { console.error( 'A GitHub token needs to be assigned to the "GITHUB_CHERRY_PICK_TOKEN" environment variable' ); process.exit( 1 ); } if ( typeof process.env.GITHUB_REMOTE_URL !== 'undefined' ) { githubRemoteURL = process.env.GITHUB_REMOTE_URL; } // If no arguments are passed. if ( ! args.length ) { console.error( usage ); process.exit( 1 ); } // If missing one of the arguments. if ( typeof releaseBranch === 'undefined' || typeof prs === 'undefined' ) { console.error( usage ); process.exit( 1 ); } // Accounts for multiple PRs. const prsArr = prs.split( ',' ); const version = releaseBranch.replace( 'release/', '' ); const cherryPickBranch = 'cherry-pick-' + version + '/' + prsArr.toString().replace( ',', '-' ); githubToken = process.env.GITHUB_CHERRY_PICK_TOKEN; async function getCommitFromPrs( prsArr ) { let properties = { method: 'GET', headers: { 'Accept': 'application/vnd.github.v3+json', 'Authorization': `token ${githubToken}` } }; for ( const pr of prsArr ) { const response = await fetch( 'https://api.github.com/repos/woocommerce/woocommerce/pulls/' + pr, properties ); if ( response.status !== 200 ) { throw 'One or more of the PR reference was not found.'; } await response.json().then( data => { prCommits[ pr ] = data.merge_commit_sha; } ); } } /** * Checks out a branch. * * @param string branch The branch to checkout. * @param boolean newBranch A flag to create a new branch. */ function checkoutBranch( branch, newBranch = false ) { const spinner = ora( { spinner: 'bouncingBar', color: 'green' } ); let output = []; return new Promise( ( resolve, reject ) => { const response = newBranch ? spawn( 'git', [ 'checkout', '-b', branch ] ) : spawn( 'git', [ 'checkout', branch ] ); response.stdout.on( 'data', ( data ) => { output.push( `${data}` ); } ); response.stderr.on( 'data', ( data ) => { output.push( `${data}` ); } ); response.on( 'close', ( code ) => { if ( `${code}` == 0 ) { spinner.succeed( `Switched to '${branch}'` ); resolve(); } reject( `error: ${output.toString().replace( ',', "\n" )}` ); } ); } ).catch( err => { spinner.fail( 'Failed to switch branch' ); throw err; } ); } /** * Create the temp directory in system temp. * * @param string path The path to create. */ function createDir( path ) { return new Promise( ( resolve, reject ) => { fs.mkdtemp( path, ( err, directory ) => { if ( err ) { reject( err ); } tempWooDir = directory; resolve(); } ); } ).catch( err => { throw err; } ); } /** * Clones the WooCommerce repo into temp dir. * * @param string woodir The temporary system directory. */ function cloneWoo() { const spinner = ora( { text: `Cloning WooCommerce into ${tempWooDir}/woocommerce`, spinner: 'bouncingBar', color: 'green' } ); spinner.start(); let output = []; return new Promise( ( resolve, reject ) => { let url = 'https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce.git'; if ( githubRemoteURL === 'ssh' ) { url = 'git@github.com:woocommerce/woocommerce.git'; } const response = spawn( 'git', [ 'clone', url ] ); response.stdout.on( 'data', ( data ) => { output.push( `${data}` ); } ); response.stderr.on( 'data', ( data ) => { output.push( `${data}` ); } ); response.on( 'close', ( code ) => { if ( `${code}` == 0 ) { spinner.succeed(); resolve(); } reject( `error: ${output.toString().replace( ',', "\n" )}` ); } ); } ).catch( err => { spinner.fail( 'Fail to clone WooCommerce!' ); throw err; } ); } /** * Cherry picks. * * @param string commit The commit hash to cherry pick. */ function cherryPick( commit ) { const spinner = ora( { text: `Cherry picking ${commit}`, spinner: 'bouncingBar', color: 'green' } ); spinner.start(); const response = spawnSync( 'git', [ 'cherry-pick', commit ] ); if ( response.status == 0 ) { spinner.succeed(); return; } if ( response.stderr ) { if ( response.stderr.match( 'fatal: bad revision' ) || response.stderr.match( 'error: could not apply' ) ) { spinner.fail( `Fail cherry picking ${commit}` ); throw `stderr: ${response.stderr}`; } }; } /** * Function to change directories. * * @param string dir The directory to change to. */ function chdir( dir ) { try { process.chdir( dir ); } catch ( e ) { throw e; } } /** * Generates the changelog for readme.txt. * * @param string pr The PR to use. * @param string commit The commit to use. */ async function generateChangelog( pr, commit ) { let properties = { method: 'GET', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/vnd.github.v3+json' } }; if ( githubToken ) { properties.headers.Authorization = 'token ' + githubToken; } const response = await fetch( 'https://api.github.com/repos/woocommerce/woocommerce/commits/' + commit, properties ); if ( response.status !== 200 ) { throw 'Commit was not found.'; } let changelogTxt = ''; await response.json().then( data => { for ( const file of data.files ) { if ( file.filename.match( 'plugins/woocommerce/changelog/' ) ) { if ( changelogsToBeDeleted.indexOf( file.filename ) === -1 ) { changelogsToBeDeleted.push( file.filename ); } let changelogEntry = ''; let changelogEntryType = ''; fs.readFile( './' + file.filename, 'utf-8', function( err, data ) { if ( err ) { throw err; } const changelogEntryArr = data.split( "\n" ); changelogEntryType = data.match( /Type: (.+)/i ); changelogEntryType = changelogEntryType[ 1 ].charAt( 0 ).toUpperCase() + changelogEntryType[ 1 ].slice( 1 ); changelogEntry = changelogEntryArr.filter( el => { return el !== null && typeof el !== 'undefined' && el !== ''; } ); changelogEntry = changelogEntry[ changelogEntry.length - 1 ]; // Check if changelogEntry is what we want. if ( changelogEntry.length < 1 ) { changelogEntry = false; } if ( changelogEntry.match( /significance:/i ) ) { changelogEntry = false; } if ( changelogEntry.match( /type:/i ) ) { changelogEntry = false; } if ( changelogEntry.match( /comment:/i ) ) { changelogEntry = false; } } ); if ( changelogEntry === false ) { continue; } fs.readFile( './plugins/woocommerce/readme.txt', 'utf-8', function( err, data ) { if ( err ) { throw err; } const spinner = ora( { text: `Generating changelog entry for PR ${pr}`, spinner: 'bouncingBar', color: 'green' } ); spinner.start(); changelogTxt = data.split( "\n" ); let isInRange = false; let newChangelogTxt = []; for ( const line of changelogTxt ) { if ( isInRange === false && line === '== Changelog ==' ) { isInRange = true; } if ( isInRange === true && line.match( /\*\*WooCommerce Blocks/ ) ) { isInRange = false; } // Find the first match of the entry "Type". if ( isInRange && line.match( `\\* ${changelogEntryType} -` ) ) { newChangelogTxt.push( '* ' + changelogEntryType + ' - ' + changelogEntry + ` [#${pr}](https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce/pull/${pr})` ); newChangelogTxt.push( line ); isInRange = false; continue; } newChangelogTxt.push( line ); } fs.writeFile( './plugins/woocommerce/readme.txt', newChangelogTxt.join( "\n" ), err => { if ( err ) { spinner.fail( `Unable to generate the changelog entry for PR ${pr}` ); throw err; } spinner.succeed(); } ); } ); } } } ); } /** * Git remove changelog files. * */ function deleteChangelogFiles() { const spinner = ora( { spinner: 'bouncingBar', color: 'green' } ); const files = changelogsToBeDeleted.join( ' ' ); const filesFormatted = "\n" + files.replace( ' ', "\n" ); let output = []; return new Promise( ( resolve, reject ) => { const response = spawn( 'git', [ 'rm', files ], { shell: true } ); response.stdout.on( 'data', ( data ) => { output.push( `${data}` ); } ); response.stderr.on( 'data', ( data ) => { output.push( `${data}` ); } ); response.on( 'close', ( code ) => { if ( `${code}` == 0 ) { spinner.succeed( `Removed changelog files:${filesFormatted}` ); resolve(); } reject( `error: ${output.toString().replace( ',', "\n" )}` ); } ); } ).catch( err => { spinner.fail( 'Fail to delete changelog files' ); throw err; } ); } /** * Commit changes. * * @param string msg The message for the commit. */ function commitChanges( msg ) { const spinner = ora( { spinner: 'bouncingBar', color: 'green' } ); let output = []; return new Promise( ( resolve, reject ) => { const response = spawn( 'git', [ 'commit', '--no-verify', '-am', msg ] ); response.stdout.on( 'data', ( data ) => { output.push( `${data}` ); } ); response.stderr.on( 'data', ( data ) => { output.push( `${data}` ); } ); response.on( 'close', ( code ) => { if ( `${code}` == 0 ) { spinner.succeed( `Commited changes.` ); resolve(); } reject( `error: ${output.toString().replace( ',', "\n" )}` ); } ); } ).catch( err => { spinner.fail( 'Fail to commit changes.' ); throw err; } ); } /** * Push the branch up to GitHub. * * @param string branch The branch to push to GitHub. */ function pushBranch( branch ) { const spinner = ora( { spinner: 'bouncingBar', color: 'green' } ); spinner.start( `Pushing ${branch} to GitHub...` ); let output = []; return new Promise( ( resolve, reject ) => { const response = spawn( 'git', [ 'push', 'origin', branch ] ); response.stdout.on( 'data', ( data ) => { output.push( `${data}` ); } ); response.stderr.on( 'data', ( data ) => { output.push( `${data}` ); } ); response.on( 'close', ( code ) => { if ( `${code}` == 0 ) { spinner.succeed(); resolve(); } reject( `error: ${output.toString().replace( ',', "\n" )}` ); } ); } ).catch( err => { spinner.fail( `Fail to push ${branch} up.` ); throw err; } ); } /** * Create pull request on GitHub. * * @param string title The title of the PR. * @param string body The body content of the PR. * @param string head The head of the branch to use. * @param string base The base branch to targe against. */ async function createPR( title, body, head, base ) { const spinner = ora( { spinner: 'bouncingBar', color: 'green' } ); spinner.start( `Creating pull request for ${head} on GitHub...` ); const response = await fetch( 'https://api.github.com/repos/woocommerce/woocommerce/pulls', { method: 'POST', headers: { 'Accept': 'application/vnd.github.v3+json', 'Authorization': `token ${githubToken}`, 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, body: JSON.stringify( { "title": title, "body": body, "head": head, "base": base } ) } ); if ( response.status !== 201 ) { throw 'Fail to create PR on GitHub.'; } return await response.json().then( data => { spinner.succeed(); return { "url": data.url, "number": data.number } } ); } ( async function() { try { // Creates a temp directory to work with. await createDir( path.join( os.tmpdir(), 'woo-cherry-pick-') ); // Gets the commits from GitHub based on the PRs passed in. await getCommitFromPrs( prsArr ); chdir( tempWooDir ); await cloneWoo(); chdir( tempWooDir + '/woocommerce' ); // This checks out the release branch. await checkoutBranch( releaseBranch ); // This checks out a new branch based on the release branch. await checkoutBranch( cherryPickBranch, true ); let cherryPickPRBody = "This PR cherry-picks the following PRs into the release branch:\n"; for ( const pr of Object.keys( prCommits ) ) { cherryPickPRBody = `${cherryPickPRBody}` + `* #${pr}` + "\n"; cherryPick( prCommits[ pr ] ); await generateChangelog( pr, prCommits[ pr ] ); } // Deletes the changelog files from the release branch. await deleteChangelogFiles(); await commitChanges( `Prep for cherry pick ${prsArr.toString()}` ); await pushBranch( cherryPickBranch ); const cherryPickPR = await createPR( `Prep for cherry pick ${prsArr.toString()}`, cherryPickPRBody, cherryPickBranch, releaseBranch ); await checkoutBranch( 'trunk' ); const deleteChangelogBranch = `delete-changelogs/${prsArr.toString().replace( ',', '-' )}`; // This checks out a new branch based on the trunk branch. await checkoutBranch( `${deleteChangelogBranch}`, true ); // Deletes the changelog files from the trunk branch. await deleteChangelogFiles(); await commitChanges( `Delete changelog files for ${prsArr.toString()}` ); await pushBranch( `${deleteChangelogBranch}` ); const deleteChangelogsPR = await createPR( `Delete changelog files based on PR ${cherryPickPR.number}`, `Delete changelog files based on PR #${cherryPickPR.number}`, deleteChangelogBranch, 'trunk' ); console.log( `Two PRs created by this process:` ); console.log( cherryPickPR.url ); console.log( deleteChangelogsPR.url ); } catch ( e ) { console.error( e ); process.exit( 1 ); } } )();