const path = require( 'path' ); const fs = require( 'fs' ); const getAppRoot = require( './app-root' ); const appPath = getAppRoot(); /** * Resolve a local E2E file. * * @param {string} filename Filename to append to the path. * @return {string} */ const resolveLocalE2ePath = ( filename = '' ) => { const { WC_E2E_FOLDER } = process.env; const localPath = `${ WC_E2E_FOLDER }/tests/e2e/${ filename }`; const resolvedPath = path.resolve( appPath, localPath.indexOf( '/' ) == 0 ? localPath.slice( 1 ) : localPath ); return resolvedPath; }; /** * Resolve a package name installable by npm install. * * @param {string} packageName Name of the installed package. * @param {boolean} allowRecurse Allow a recursive call. Default true. * @return {Object} */ const resolvePackage = ( packageName, allowRecurse = true ) => { const resolvedPackage = {}; try { const resolvedPath = path.dirname( require.resolve( packageName ) ); const buildPaths = [ 'dist', 'build', 'build-modules' ]; // Remove build paths from the resolved path. let resolvedParts = resolvedPath.split( path.sep ); for ( let rp = resolvedParts.length - 1; rp >= 0; rp-- ) { if ( buildPaths.includes( resolvedParts[ rp ] ) ) { resolvedParts = resolvedParts.slice( 0, -1 ); } else { break; } } resolvedPackage.path = resolvedParts.join( path.sep ); = packageName; } catch ( e ) { // Package name installed is not the package name. resolvedPackage.path = ''; = ''; } // Attempt to find the package through the project package lock file. if ( ! resolvedPackage.path.length && allowRecurse ) { const packageLockPath = path.resolve( appPath, 'package-lock.json' ); const packageLockContent = fs.readFileSync( packageLockPath ); const { dependencies } = JSON.parse( packageLockContent ); for ( const [ key, value ] of Object.entries( dependencies ) ) { if ( value.version.indexOf( packageName ) == 0 ) { resolvedPackage = resolvePackage( key, false ); break; } } } return resolvedPackage; }; /** * Resolve a file in a package. * * @param {string} filename Filename to append to the path. * @param {string} packageName Name of the installed package. Default @woocommerce/e2e-environment. * @return {string} */ const resolvePackagePath = ( filename, packageName = '' ) => { let packagePath; if ( ! packageName.length ) { packagePath = path.resolve( __dirname, '../' ); } else { const pkg = resolvePackage( packageName ); packagePath = pkg.path; } const resolvedPath = path.resolve( packagePath, filename.indexOf( '/' ) == 0 ? filename.slice( 1 ) : filename ); return resolvedPath; }; /** * Resolves the path a single E2E test * * @param {string} filePath Path to a specific test file * @param {Array} exclude An array of directories that won't be removed in the event that duplicates exist. * @return {string} */ const resolveSingleE2EPath = ( filePath, exclude = [ 'woocommerce' ] ) => { const { SMOKE_TEST_URL } = process.env; let prunedPath; // Removes 'plugins/woocommerce/' from path only for tests against a smoke test site. if ( SMOKE_TEST_URL ) { prunedPath = filePath.replace( 'plugins/woocommerce/', '' ); } else { prunedPath = filePath; } const pathArray = resolveLocalE2ePath( prunedPath ).split( '/' ); // removes duplicate directories from the path return pathArray .filter( ( element, index, arr ) => { return ( arr.indexOf( element ) === index || exclude.indexOf( element ) !== -1 ); } ) .join( '/' ); }; // Copy local test configuration file if it exists. const localTestConfigFile = resolveLocalE2ePath( 'config/default.json' ); const defaultConfigFile = resolvePackagePath( 'config/default/default.json' ); const testConfigFile = resolvePackagePath( 'config/default.json' ); if ( fs.existsSync( localTestConfigFile ) ) { fs.copyFileSync( localTestConfigFile, testConfigFile ); } else { fs.copyFileSync( defaultConfigFile, testConfigFile ); } /** * Get test container configuration. * * @return {any} */ const getTestConfig = () => { const rawTestConfig = fs.readFileSync( testConfigFile ); const config = require( 'config' ); const url = config.get( 'url' ); const users = config.get( 'users' ); // Support for environment variable overrides. const testConfig = JSON.parse( rawTestConfig ); if ( url ) { testConfig.url = url; } if ( users ) { if ( users.admin ) { testConfig.users.admin = users.admin; } if ( users.customer ) { testConfig.users.customer = users.customer; } } const testPort = testConfig.url.match( /[0-9]+/ ); testConfig.baseUrl = testConfig.url.substr( 0, testConfig.url.length - 1 ); if ( Array.isArray( testPort ) ) { testConfig.port = testPort[ 0 ] ? testPort[ 0 ] : '8084'; } else { testConfig.port = ''; } return testConfig; }; /** * Get user account settings for Docker configuration. */ const getAdminConfig = () => { const testConfig = getTestConfig(); const adminConfig = { WORDPRESS_LOGIN: testConfig.users.admin.username ? testConfig.users.admin.username : 'admin', WORDPRESS_PASSWORD: testConfig.users.admin.password ? testConfig.users.admin.password : 'password', WORDPRESS_EMAIL: ? : '', }; return adminConfig; }; module.exports = { getTestConfig, getAdminConfig, resolveLocalE2ePath, resolvePackage, resolvePackagePath, resolveSingleE2EPath, };