--- post_title: Understanding WooCommerce Endpoints menu_title: WooCommerce Endpoints --- Endpoints are an extra part in the website URL that is detected to show different content when present. For example: You may have a 'my account' page shown at URL **yoursite.com/my-account**. When the endpoint 'edit-account' is appended to this URL, making it '**yoursite.com/my-account/edit-account**' then the **Edit account page** is shown instead of the **My account page**. This allows us to show different content without the need for multiple pages and shortcodes, and reduces the amount of content that needs to be installed. Endpoints are located at **WooCommerce > Settings > Advanced**. ## Checkout Endpoints The following endpoints are used for checkout-related functionality and are appended to the URL of the /checkout page: - Pay page - `/order-pay/{ORDER_ID}` - Order received (thanks) - `/order-received/` - Add payment method - `/add-payment-method/` - Delete payment method - `/delete-payment-method/` - Set default payment method - `/set-default-payment-method/` ## Account Endpoints The following endpoints are used for account-related functionality and are appended to the URL of the /my-account page: - Orders - `/orders/` - View order - `/view-order/{ORDER_ID}` - Downloads - `/downloads/` - Edit account (and change password) - `/edit-account/` - Addresses - `/edit-address/` - Payment methods - `/payment-methods/` - Lost password - `/lost-password/` - Logout - `/customer-logout/` ## Learn more - [Customizing endpoint URLs](./customizing-endpoint-urls.md) - [Troubleshooting endpoints](./troubleshooting-endpoints.md)