/** * External dependencies */ import { apiFetch } from '@wordpress/data-controls'; /** * Internal dependencies */ import { receiveRegisteredChannelsSuccess, receiveRegisteredChannelsError, receiveRecommendedChannelsSuccess, receiveRecommendedChannelsError, receiveCampaignsSuccess, receiveCampaignsError, } from './actions'; import { awaitResponseJson } from './controls'; import { RegisteredChannel, RecommendedChannel, Campaign, ApiFetchError, } from './types'; import { API_NAMESPACE } from './constants'; import { isApiFetchError } from './guards'; export function* getRegisteredChannels() { try { const data: RegisteredChannel[] = yield apiFetch( { path: `${ API_NAMESPACE }/channels`, } ); yield receiveRegisteredChannelsSuccess( data ); } catch ( error ) { if ( isApiFetchError( error ) ) { yield receiveRegisteredChannelsError( error ); } throw error; } } export function* getRecommendedChannels() { try { const data: RecommendedChannel[] = yield apiFetch( { path: `${ API_NAMESPACE }/recommendations?category=channels`, } ); yield receiveRecommendedChannelsSuccess( data ); } catch ( error ) { if ( isApiFetchError( error ) ) { yield receiveRecommendedChannelsError( error ); } throw error; } } /** * Get total number of records from the HTTP response header "x-wp-total". * * If the header is not present, then the function will return `undefined`. */ const getTotalFromResponse = ( response: Response ) => { const total = response.headers.get( 'x-wp-total' ); if ( total === null ) { return undefined; } return parseInt( total, 10 ); }; export function* getCampaigns( page: number, perPage: number ) { try { const response: Response = yield apiFetch( { path: `${ API_NAMESPACE }/campaigns?page=${ page }&per_page=${ perPage }`, parse: false, } ); const total = getTotalFromResponse( response ); const payload: Campaign[] = yield awaitResponseJson( response ); yield receiveCampaignsSuccess( { payload, error: false, meta: { page, perPage, total, }, } ); } catch ( error ) { if ( error instanceof Response ) { const total = getTotalFromResponse( error ); const payload: ApiFetchError = yield awaitResponseJson( error ); yield receiveCampaignsError( { payload, error: true, meta: { page, perPage, total, }, } ); } throw error; } }