/** @format */ /** * External dependencies */ import { decodeEntities } from '@wordpress/html-entities'; import { without } from 'lodash'; /** * Internal dependencies */ import { getSetting } from '@woocommerce/wc-admin-settings'; /** * Gets the country code from a country:state value string. * * @format * @param {string} countryState Country state string, e.g. US:GA. * @return {string} Country string. */ export function getCountryCode( countryState ) { if ( ! countryState ) { return null; } return countryState.split( ':' )[ 0 ]; } export function getCurrencyRegion( countryState ) { let region = getCountryCode( countryState ); const euCountries = without( getSetting( 'onboarding', { euCountries: [] } ).euCountries, 'GB' ); if ( euCountries.includes( region ) ) { region = 'EU'; } return region; } /** * Gets the product IDs for items based on the product types and theme selected in the onboarding profiler. * * @param {object} profileItems Onboarding profile. * @param {bool} includeInstalledItems Include installed items in returned product IDs. * @return {array} Product Ids. */ export function getProductIdsForCart( profileItems, includeInstalledItems = false ) { const productIds = []; const onboarding = getSetting( 'onboarding', {} ); const productTypes = profileItems.product_types || []; // The population of onboarding.productTypes only happens if the task list should be shown // so bail early if it isn't present. if ( ! onboarding.productTypes ) { return productIds; } productTypes.forEach( productType => { if ( onboarding.productTypes[ productType ] && onboarding.productTypes[ productType ].product && ( includeInstalledItems || ! onboarding.installedPlugins.includes( onboarding.productTypes[ productType ].slug ) ) ) { productIds.push( onboarding.productTypes[ productType ].product ); } } ); const theme = onboarding.themes.find( themeData => themeData.slug === profileItems.theme ); if ( theme && theme.id && getPriceValue( theme.price ) > 0 && ( includeInstalledItems || ! theme.is_installed ) ) { productIds.push( theme.id ); } return productIds; } /** * Get the value of a price from a string, removing any non-numeric characters. * * @param {string} string Price string. * @return {number} Number value. */ export function getPriceValue( string ) { return Number( decodeEntities( string ).replace( /[^0-9.-]+/g, '' ) ); } /** * Returns if the onboarding feature of WooCommerce Admin should be enabled. * * While we preform an a/b test of onboarding, the feature will be enabled within the plugin build, * but only if the user recieved the test/opted in. * * @return {bool} True if the onboarding is enabled. */ export function isOnboardingEnabled() { if ( ! window.wcAdminFeatures.onboarding ) { return false; } return getSetting( 'onboardingEnabled', false ); }