.woocommerce-admin-page__add-product, .woocommerce-admin-page__product_product-id { .woocommerce-store-alerts { display: none; } .woocommerce-layout__primary { margin-left: 0; margin-right: 0; margin-bottom: 0; } .woocommerce-layout .woocommerce-layout__main { padding: 0; } .interface-interface-skeleton { background-color: $white; position: static; } .interface-interface-skeleton__sidebar { width: 280px; } .interface-interface-skeleton__header, .interface-interface-skeleton__footer { background-color: $white; position: fixed; width: calc(100% - $admin-menu-width); left: $admin-menu-width; @include breakpoint( '<960px' ) { left: $admin-menu-width-collapsed; width: calc(100% - $admin-menu-width-collapsed); } @include breakpoint( '<782px' ) { left: 0; width: 100%; } // Lower than the sidebar which has a z-index of 90. z-index: 80; } &.folded .interface-interface-skeleton__header, &.folded .interface-interface-skeleton__footer { width: calc(100% - $admin-menu-width-collapsed); left: $admin-menu-width-collapsed; } .interface-interface-skeleton__header { top: $adminbar-height; @include breakpoint( '<782px' ) { top: $adminbar-height-mobile; } } .interface-interface-skeleton__footer { // by default, on mobile the footer is hidden, // so we override that here display: flex; } } html.interface-interface-skeleton__html-container { @include breakpoint( '<782px' ) { position: inherit; } } body { background-color: $white; &.woocommerce-admin-page.woocommerce_page_wc-admin #wpbody-content { min-height: calc(100vh - 96px); } }