/** * External dependencies */ import { Suspense, lazy, useCallback, useLayoutEffect, useRef, useState, } from '@wordpress/element'; import { compose } from '@wordpress/compose'; import { withDispatch, withSelect } from '@wordpress/data'; import classnames from 'classnames'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import { useUserPreferences, NOTES_STORE_NAME, OPTIONS_STORE_NAME, } from '@woocommerce/data'; import { __ } from '@wordpress/i18n'; import moment from 'moment'; import { useExperiment } from '@woocommerce/explat'; /** * Internal dependencies */ import ActivityHeader from '../header/activity-panel/activity-header'; import { ActivityPanel } from './activity-panel'; import { Column } from './column'; import InboxPanel from '../inbox-panel'; import { IntroModal as NavigationIntroModal } from '../navigation/components/intro-modal'; import StatsOverview from './stats-overview'; import { StoreManagementLinks } from '../store-management-links'; import { TasksPlaceholder } from '../tasks'; import { WELCOME_MODAL_DISMISSED_OPTION_NAME, WELCOME_FROM_CALYPSO_MODAL_DISMISSED_OPTION_NAME, } from './constants'; import { WelcomeFromCalypsoModal } from './welcome-from-calypso-modal'; import { WelcomeModal } from './welcome-modal'; import './style.scss'; import '../dashboard/style.scss'; const Tasks = lazy( () => import( /* webpackChunkName: "tasks" */ '../tasks' ) ); const TwoColumnTasks = lazy( () => import( /* webpackChunkName: "two-column-tasks" */ '../two-column-tasks' ) ); const TwoColumnTasksExtended = lazy( () => import( /* webpackChunkName: "two-column-tasks-extended" */ '../two-column-tasks/extended-task' ) ); export const Layout = ( { defaultHomescreenLayout, isBatchUpdating, query, taskListComplete, bothTaskListsHidden, shouldShowWelcomeModal, shouldShowWelcomeFromCalypsoModal, isTaskListHidden, updateOptions, } ) => { const userPrefs = useUserPreferences(); const shouldShowStoreLinks = taskListComplete || isTaskListHidden; const hasTwoColumnContent = shouldShowStoreLinks || window.wcAdminFeatures.analytics; const twoColumns = ( userPrefs.homepage_layout || defaultHomescreenLayout ) === 'two_columns' && hasTwoColumnContent; const [ showInbox, setShowInbox ] = useState( true ); const isTaskListEnabled = bothTaskListsHidden === false; const isDashboardShown = ! query.task; const momentDate = moment().utc(); const [ isLoadingExperimentAssignment, experimentAssignment, ] = useExperiment( 'woocommerce_tasklist_progression_headercard_' + momentDate.format( 'YYYY' ) + '_' + momentDate.format( 'MM' ) ); const isRunningTwoColumnExperiment = experimentAssignment?.variationName === 'treatment'; if ( isBatchUpdating && ! showInbox ) { setShowInbox( true ); } const isWideViewport = useRef( true ); const maybeToggleColumns = useCallback( () => { isWideViewport.current = window.innerWidth >= 782; }, [] ); useLayoutEffect( () => { maybeToggleColumns(); window.addEventListener( 'resize', maybeToggleColumns ); return () => { window.removeEventListener( 'resize', maybeToggleColumns ); }; }, [ maybeToggleColumns ] ); const shouldStickColumns = isWideViewport.current && twoColumns; const renderColumns = () => { return ( <> { ! isRunningTwoColumnExperiment && ( ) } { ! isRunningTwoColumnExperiment && } { isTaskListEnabled && renderTaskList() } { window.wcAdminFeatures.analytics && } { shouldShowStoreLinks && } ); }; const renderTaskList = () => { if ( twoColumns && isRunningTwoColumnExperiment ) { return ( // When running the two-column experiment, we still need to render // the component in the left column for the extended task list. ); } else if ( ! twoColumns && isRunningTwoColumnExperiment && ! isLoadingExperimentAssignment ) { return ( <> ); } return ( }> ); }; return ( <> { twoColumns && isRunningTwoColumnExperiment && ( ) }
{ isDashboardShown ? renderColumns() : renderTaskList() } { shouldShowWelcomeModal && ( { updateOptions( { [ WELCOME_MODAL_DISMISSED_OPTION_NAME ]: 'yes', } ); } } /> ) } { shouldShowWelcomeFromCalypsoModal && ( { updateOptions( { [ WELCOME_FROM_CALYPSO_MODAL_DISMISSED_OPTION_NAME ]: 'yes', } ); } } /> ) } { window.wcAdminFeatures.navigation && ( ) }
); }; Layout.propTypes = { /** * If the task list has been completed. */ taskListComplete: PropTypes.bool, /** * If the task list is hidden. */ bothTaskListsHidden: PropTypes.bool, /** * Page query, used to determine the current task if any. */ query: PropTypes.object.isRequired, /** * If the welcome modal should display */ shouldShowWelcomeModal: PropTypes.bool, /** * If the welcome from Calypso modal should display. */ shouldShowWelcomeFromCalypsoModal: PropTypes.bool, /** * Dispatch an action to update an option */ updateOptions: PropTypes.func.isRequired, }; export default compose( withSelect( ( select ) => { const { isNotesRequesting } = select( NOTES_STORE_NAME ); const { getOption, hasFinishedResolution } = select( OPTIONS_STORE_NAME ); const welcomeFromCalypsoModalDismissed = getOption( WELCOME_FROM_CALYPSO_MODAL_DISMISSED_OPTION_NAME ) === 'yes'; const welcomeFromCalypsoModalDismissedResolved = hasFinishedResolution( 'getOption', [ WELCOME_FROM_CALYPSO_MODAL_DISMISSED_OPTION_NAME ] ); const fromCalypsoUrlArgIsPresent = !! window.location.search.match( 'from-calypso' ); const shouldShowWelcomeFromCalypsoModal = welcomeFromCalypsoModalDismissedResolved && ! welcomeFromCalypsoModalDismissed && fromCalypsoUrlArgIsPresent; const welcomeModalDismissed = getOption( WELCOME_MODAL_DISMISSED_OPTION_NAME ) === 'yes'; const welcomeModalDismissedHasResolved = hasFinishedResolution( 'getOption', [ WELCOME_MODAL_DISMISSED_OPTION_NAME ] ); const shouldShowWelcomeModal = welcomeModalDismissedHasResolved && ! welcomeModalDismissed && welcomeFromCalypsoModalDismissedResolved && ! welcomeFromCalypsoModalDismissed; const defaultHomescreenLayout = getOption( 'woocommerce_default_homepage_layout' ) || 'single_column'; const isTaskListHidden = getOption( 'woocommerce_task_list_hidden' ) === 'yes'; return { defaultHomescreenLayout, isBatchUpdating: isNotesRequesting( 'batchUpdateNotes' ), shouldShowWelcomeModal, shouldShowWelcomeFromCalypsoModal, isTaskListHidden, bothTaskListsHidden: isTaskListHidden && getOption( 'woocommerce_extended_task_list_hidden' ) === 'yes', taskListComplete: getOption( 'woocommerce_task_list_complete' ) === 'yes', }; } ), withDispatch( ( dispatch ) => ( { updateOptions: dispatch( OPTIONS_STORE_NAME ).updateOptions, } ) ) )( Layout );