/** * External dependencies */ import { useRef } from '@wordpress/element'; import { getSetting } from '@woocommerce/settings'; import { CART_STORE_KEY } from '@woocommerce/block-data'; import { useSelect, useDispatch } from '@wordpress/data'; /** * Internal dependencies */ import { LAST_CART_UPDATE_TIMESTAMP_KEY } from '../data/cart/constants'; /** * Hydrate Cart API data. * * Makes cart data available without an API request to wc/store/cart/. */ const useStoreCartApiHydration = () => { const preloadedApiRequests = useRef( getSetting( 'preloadedApiRequests', {} ) ); const { setIsCartDataStale } = useDispatch( CART_STORE_KEY ); useSelect( ( select, registry ) => { const cartData = preloadedApiRequests.current[ '/wc/store/cart' ]?.body; if ( ! cartData ) { return; } const { isResolving, hasFinishedResolution, isCartDataStale } = select( CART_STORE_KEY ); /** * This should only execute once. When the code further down the file executes * then the condition directly below this comment should never evaluate to true * on subsequent executions. Because of this localStorage.getItem won't be * called multiple times. */ if ( ! isCartDataStale() && ! isResolving( 'getCartData' ) && ! hasFinishedResolution( 'getCartData', [] ) ) { const lastCartUpdateRaw = window.localStorage.getItem( LAST_CART_UPDATE_TIMESTAMP_KEY ); if ( lastCartUpdateRaw ) { const lastCartUpdate = parseFloat( lastCartUpdateRaw ); const cartGeneratedTimestamp = parseFloat( cartData.generated_timestamp ); const needsUpdateFromAPI = ! isNaN( cartGeneratedTimestamp ) && ! isNaN( lastCartUpdate ) && lastCartUpdate > cartGeneratedTimestamp; if ( needsUpdateFromAPI ) { setIsCartDataStale(); } } } const { receiveCart, receiveError, startResolution, finishResolution, } = registry.dispatch( CART_STORE_KEY ); if ( ! isCartDataStale() && ! isResolving( 'getCartData', [] ) && ! hasFinishedResolution( 'getCartData', [] ) ) { startResolution( 'getCartData', [] ); if ( cartData?.code?.includes( 'error' ) ) { receiveError( cartData ); } else { receiveCart( cartData ); } finishResolution( 'getCartData', [] ); } }, [] ); }; /** * HOC that calls the useStoreCartApiHydration hook. * * @param {Function} OriginalComponent Component being wrapped. */ const withStoreCartApiHydration = ( OriginalComponent ) => { return ( props ) => { useStoreCartApiHydration(); return ; }; }; export default withStoreCartApiHydration;