instance_id = absint( $instance_id ); } /** * Check if a shipping method supports a given feature. * * Methods should override this to declare support (or lack of support) for a feature. * * @param $feature string The name of a feature to test support for. * @return bool True if the shipping method supports the feature, false otherwise. */ public function supports( $feature ) { return apply_filters( 'woocommerce_shipping_method_supports', in_array( $feature, $this->supports ), $feature, $this ); } /** * Does this method have a global settings page? * @return bool */ public function has_settings() { return $this->supports( 'global-settings' ); } /** * Called to calculate shipping rates for this method. Rates can be added using the add_rate() method. */ public function calculate_shipping() {} /** * Whether or not we need to calculate tax on top of the shipping rate. * * @return boolean */ public function is_taxable() { return wc_tax_enabled() && 'taxable' === $this->tax_status && ! WC()->customer->is_vat_exempt(); } /** * Return the shipping method title. * @since 2.6.0 * @return string */ public function get_method_title() { return apply_filters( 'woocommerce_shipping_method_title', $this->method_title, $this ); } /** * Return the shipping method description. * @since 2.6.0 * @return string */ public function get_method_description() { return apply_filters( 'woocommerce_shipping_method_description', $this->method_description, $this ); } /** * Return the name of the option in the WP DB. * @return string */ public function get_option_key() { if ( $this->instance_id ) { return $this->plugin_id . $this->id . $this->instance_id . '_settings'; } else { return $this->plugin_id . $this->id . '_settings'; } } /** * Output the shipping settings screen. */ public function admin_options() { echo '

' . esc_html( $this->get_method_title() ) . '

'; echo wp_kses_post( wpautop( $this->get_method_description() ) ); parent::admin_options(); } /** * Return the shipping title which is user set. * * @return string */ public function get_title() { return apply_filters( 'woocommerce_shipping_method_title', $this->title, $this->id ); } /** * Add a rate. * * Add a shipping rate. If taxes are not set they will be calculated based on cost. * * @param array $args (default: array()) */ public function add_rate( $args = array() ) { $args = wp_parse_args( $args, array( 'id' => '', // ID for the rate 'label' => '', // Label for the rate 'cost' => '0', // Amount or array of costs (per item shipping) 'taxes' => '', // Pass taxes, nothing to have it calculated for you, or 'false' to calc no tax 'calc_tax' => 'per_order' // Calc tax per_order or per_item. Per item needs an array of costs ) ); // Id and label are required if ( ! $args['id'] || ! $args['label'] ) { return; } // Handle cost $total_cost = is_array( $args['cost'] ) ? array_sum( $args['cost'] ) : $args['cost']; $taxes = $args['taxes']; // Taxes - if not an array and not set to false, calc tax based on cost and passed calc_tax variable // This saves shipping methods having to do complex tax calculations if ( ! is_array( $taxes ) && $taxes !== false && $total_cost > 0 && $this->is_taxable() ) { $taxes = array(); switch ( $args['calc_tax'] ) { case "per_item" : // If we have an array of costs we can look up each items tax class and add tax accordingly if ( is_array( $args['cost'] ) ) { $cart = WC()->cart->get_cart(); foreach ( $args['cost'] as $cost_key => $amount ) { if ( ! isset( $cart[ $cost_key ] ) ) { continue; } $item_taxes = WC_Tax::calc_shipping_tax( $amount, WC_Tax::get_shipping_tax_rates( $cart[ $cost_key ]['data']->get_tax_class() ) ); // Sum the item taxes foreach ( array_keys( $taxes + $item_taxes ) as $key ) { $taxes[ $key ] = ( isset( $item_taxes[ $key ] ) ? $item_taxes[ $key ] : 0 ) + ( isset( $taxes[ $key ] ) ? $taxes[ $key ] : 0 ); } } // Add any cost for the order - order costs are in the key 'order' if ( isset( $args['cost']['order'] ) ) { $item_taxes = WC_Tax::calc_shipping_tax( $args['cost']['order'], WC_Tax::get_shipping_tax_rates() ); // Sum the item taxes foreach ( array_keys( $taxes + $item_taxes ) as $key ) { $taxes[ $key ] = ( isset( $item_taxes[ $key ] ) ? $item_taxes[ $key ] : 0 ) + ( isset( $taxes[ $key ] ) ? $taxes[ $key ] : 0 ); } } } break; default : $taxes = WC_Tax::calc_shipping_tax( $total_cost, WC_Tax::get_shipping_tax_rates() ); break; } } $this->rates[] = new WC_Shipping_Rate( $args['id'], $args['label'], $total_cost, $taxes, $this->id ); } /** * is_available function. * * @param array $package * @return bool */ public function is_available( $package ) { if ( 'no' == $this->enabled ) { return false; } // Country availability $countries = is_array( $this->countries ) ? $this->countries : array(); switch ( $this->availability ) { case 'specific' : case 'including' : $ship_to_countries = array_intersect( $countries, array_keys( WC()->countries->get_shipping_countries() ) ); break; case 'excluding' : $ship_to_countries = array_diff( array_keys( WC()->countries->get_shipping_countries() ), $countries ); break; default : $ship_to_countries = array_keys( WC()->countries->get_shipping_countries() ); break; } if ( ! in_array( $package['destination']['country'], $ship_to_countries ) ) { return false; } return apply_filters( 'woocommerce_shipping_' . $this->id . '_is_available', true, $package ); } /** * get_fee function. * * @param mixed $fee * @param mixed $total * @return float */ public function get_fee( $fee, $total ) { if ( strstr( $fee, '%' ) ) { $fee = ( $total / 100 ) * str_replace( '%', '', $fee ); } if ( ! empty( $this->minimum_fee ) && $this->minimum_fee > $fee ) { $fee = $this->minimum_fee; } return $fee; } /** * Get setting form fields for instances of this shipping method within zones. * @return array */ public function get_instance_form_fields() { return array(); } /** * Output settings for this instance. * @uses self::get_instance_form_fields() * @since 2.6.0 */ public function instance_options() { echo wp_kses_post( wpautop( $this->get_method_description() ) ); ?> generate_settings_html( $this->get_instance_form_fields() ); ?>
validate_settings_fields( $this->get_instance_form_fields() ); if ( count( $this->errors ) > 0 ) { $this->display_errors(); } else { return update_option( $this->plugin_id . $this->id . $this->instance_id . '_settings', $this->sanitized_fields ); } return false; } }