/* Modifided script from the simple-page-ordering plugin */ jQuery(document).ready(function($) { $('table.widefat.wp-list-table tbody th, table.widefat tbody td').css('cursor','move'); $("table.widefat.wp-list-table tbody").sortable({ items: 'tr:not(.inline-edit-row)', cursor: 'move', axis: 'y', containment: 'table.widefat', placeholder: 'product-cat-placeholder', scrollSensitivity: 40, helper: function(e, ui) { ui.children().each(function() { jQuery(this).width(jQuery(this).width()); }); return ui; }, start: function(event, ui) { if ( ! ui.item.hasClass('alternate') ) ui.item.css( 'background-color', '#ffffff' ); ui.item.children('td,th').css('border-bottom-width','0'); ui.item.css( 'outline', '1px solid #aaa' ); }, stop: function(event, ui) { ui.item.removeAttr('style'); ui.item.children('td,th').css('border-bottom-width','1px'); }, update: function(event, ui) { var termid = ui.item.find('.check-column input').val(); // this post id var termparent = ui.item.find('.parent').html(); // post parent var prevtermid = ui.item.prev().find('.check-column input').val(); var nexttermid = ui.item.next().find('.check-column input').val(); // can only sort in same tree var prevtermparent = undefined; if ( prevtermid != undefined ) { var prevtermparent = ui.item.prev().find('.parent').html(); if ( prevtermparent != termparent) prevtermid = undefined; } var nexttermparent = undefined; if ( nexttermid != undefined ) { nexttermparent = ui.item.next().find('.parent').html(); if ( nexttermparent != termparent) nexttermid = undefined; } // if previous and next not at same tree level, or next not at same tree level and the previous is the parent of the next, or just moved item beneath its own children if ( ( prevtermid == undefined && nexttermid == undefined ) || ( nexttermid == undefined && nexttermparent == prevtermid ) || ( nexttermid != undefined && prevtermparent == termid ) ) { $("table.widefat tbody").sortable('cancel'); return; } // show spinner ui.item.find('.check-column input').hide().after('processing'); // go do the sorting stuff via ajax $.post( ajaxurl, { action: 'woocommerce-categories-ordering', id: termid, nextid: nexttermid }, function(response){ if ( response == 'children' ) window.location.reload(); else { ui.item.find('.check-column input').show().siblings('img').remove(); } }); // fix cell colors $( 'table.widefat tbody tr' ).each(function(){ var i = jQuery('table.widefat tbody tr').index(this); if ( i%2 == 0 ) jQuery(this).addClass('alternate'); else jQuery(this).removeClass('alternate'); }); } }); });