set_name( 'Test Product' ); $product->set_regular_price( 25 ); $product->save(); $order = WC_Helper_Order::create_order( 1, $product ); $order->set_status( 'completed' ); $order->set_shipping_total( 10 ); $order->set_discount_total( 20 ); $order->set_discount_tax( 0 ); $order->set_cart_tax( 5 ); $order->set_shipping_tax( 2 ); $order->set_total( 97 ); // $25x4 products + $10 shipping - $20 discount + $7 tax. $order->save(); $refund = wc_create_refund( array( 'amount' => 12, 'order_id' => $order->get_id(), ) ); WC_Helper_Queue::run_all_pending(); $data_store = new WC_Admin_Reports_Orders_Stats_Data_Store(); $start_time = date( 'Y-m-d H:00:00', $order->get_date_created()->getOffsetTimestamp() ); $end_time = date( 'Y-m-d H:59:59', $order->get_date_created()->getOffsetTimestamp() ); $args = array( 'interval' => 'hour', 'after' => $start_time, 'before' => $end_time, ); $expected_stats = array( 'totals' => array( 'orders_count' => 1, 'num_items_sold' => 4, 'avg_items_per_order' => 4, 'avg_order_value' => 68, 'gross_revenue' => 97, 'coupons' => 20, 'refunds' => 12, 'taxes' => 7, 'shipping' => 10, 'net_revenue' => 68, 'num_returning_customers' => 0, 'num_new_customers' => 1, 'products' => 1, 'segments' => array(), ), 'intervals' => array( array( 'interval' => date( 'Y-m-d H', $order->get_date_created()->getOffsetTimestamp() ), 'date_start' => $start_time, 'date_start_gmt' => $start_time, 'date_end' => $end_time, 'date_end_gmt' => $end_time, 'subtotals' => array( 'gross_revenue' => 97, 'net_revenue' => 68, 'coupons' => 20, 'shipping' => 10, 'taxes' => 7, 'refunds' => 12, 'orders_count' => 1, 'num_items_sold' => 4, 'avg_items_per_order' => 4, 'avg_order_value' => 68, 'num_returning_customers' => 0, 'num_new_customers' => 1, 'segments' => array(), ), ), ), 'total' => 1, 'pages' => 1, 'page_no' => 1, ); // Test retrieving the stats from the data store. $this->assertEquals( $expected_stats, json_decode( json_encode( $data_store->get_data( $args ) ), true ) ); // Test retrieving the stats through the query class. $query = new WC_Admin_Reports_Orders_Stats_Query( $args ); $expected_stats = array( 'totals' => array( 'net_revenue' => 68, 'avg_order_value' => 68, 'orders_count' => 1, 'avg_items_per_order' => 4, 'num_items_sold' => 4, 'coupons' => 20, 'num_returning_customers' => 0, 'num_new_customers' => 1, 'products' => '1', 'segments' => array(), ), 'intervals' => array( array( 'interval' => date( 'Y-m-d H', $order->get_date_created()->getOffsetTimestamp() ), 'date_start' => $start_time, 'date_start_gmt' => $start_time, 'date_end' => $end_time, 'date_end_gmt' => $end_time, 'subtotals' => array( 'net_revenue' => 68, 'avg_order_value' => 68, 'orders_count' => 1, 'avg_items_per_order' => 4, 'num_items_sold' => 4, 'coupons' => 20, 'num_returning_customers' => 0, 'num_new_customers' => 1, 'segments' => array(), ), ), ), 'total' => 1, 'pages' => 1, 'page_no' => 1, ); $this->assertEquals( $expected_stats, json_decode( json_encode( $query->get_data() ), true ) ); } /** * Test that querying statuses includes the default or query-specific statuses. */ public function test_populate_and_query_statuses() { WC_Helper_Reports::reset_stats_dbs(); // Populate all of the data. $product = new WC_Product_Simple(); $product->set_name( 'Test Product' ); $product->set_regular_price( 25 ); $product->save(); $order_types = array( array( 'status' => 'refunded', 'total' => 50, ), array( 'status' => 'completed', 'total' => 100, ), array( 'status' => 'failed', 'total' => 75, ), ); foreach ( $order_types as $order_type ) { $order = WC_Helper_Order::create_order( 1, $product ); $order->set_status( $order_type['status'] ); $order->set_total( $order_type['total'] ); $order->set_shipping_total( 0 ); $order->set_cart_tax( 0 ); $order->save(); // Wait one second to avoid potentially ambiguous new/returning customer. sleep( 1 ); } WC_Helper_Queue::run_all_pending(); $data_store = new WC_Admin_Reports_Orders_Stats_Data_Store(); $start_time = date( 'Y-m-d H:00:00', $order->get_date_created()->getOffsetTimestamp() ); $end_time = date( 'Y-m-d H:59:59', $order->get_date_created()->getOffsetTimestamp() ); // Query default statuses that should not include excluded or refunded order statuses. $args = array( 'interval' => 'hour', 'after' => $start_time, 'before' => $end_time, ); $expected_stats = array( 'totals' => array( 'orders_count' => 1, 'num_items_sold' => 4, 'avg_items_per_order' => 4, 'avg_order_value' => 100, 'gross_revenue' => 100, 'coupons' => 0, 'refunds' => 0, 'taxes' => 0, 'shipping' => 0, 'net_revenue' => 100, 'num_returning_customers' => 1, 'num_new_customers' => 0, 'products' => 1, 'segments' => array(), ), 'intervals' => array( array( 'interval' => date( 'Y-m-d H', $order->get_date_created()->getOffsetTimestamp() ), 'date_start' => $start_time, 'date_start_gmt' => $start_time, 'date_end' => $end_time, 'date_end_gmt' => $end_time, 'subtotals' => array( 'gross_revenue' => 100, 'net_revenue' => 100, 'coupons' => 0, 'shipping' => 0, 'taxes' => 0, 'refunds' => 0, 'orders_count' => 1, 'num_items_sold' => 4, 'avg_items_per_order' => 4, 'avg_order_value' => 100, 'num_returning_customers' => 1, 'num_new_customers' => 0, 'segments' => array(), ), ), ), 'total' => 1, 'pages' => 1, 'page_no' => 1, ); $this->assertEquals( $expected_stats, json_decode( json_encode( $data_store->get_data( $args ) ), true ) ); // Query an excluded status which should still return orders with the queried status. $args = array( 'interval' => 'hour', 'after' => $start_time, 'before' => $end_time, 'status_is' => array( 'failed' ), ); $expected_stats = array( 'totals' => array( 'orders_count' => 1, 'num_items_sold' => 4, 'avg_items_per_order' => 4, 'avg_order_value' => 75, 'gross_revenue' => 75, 'coupons' => 0, 'refunds' => 0, 'taxes' => 0, 'shipping' => 0, 'net_revenue' => 75, 'num_returning_customers' => 1, 'num_new_customers' => 0, 'products' => 1, 'segments' => array(), ), 'intervals' => array( array( 'interval' => date( 'Y-m-d H', $order->get_date_created()->getOffsetTimestamp() ), 'date_start' => $start_time, 'date_start_gmt' => $start_time, 'date_end' => $end_time, 'date_end_gmt' => $end_time, 'subtotals' => array( 'gross_revenue' => 75, 'net_revenue' => 75, 'coupons' => 0, 'shipping' => 0, 'taxes' => 0, 'refunds' => 0, 'orders_count' => 1, 'num_items_sold' => 4, 'avg_items_per_order' => 4, 'avg_order_value' => 75, 'num_returning_customers' => 1, 'num_new_customers' => 0, 'segments' => array(), ), ), ), 'total' => 1, 'pages' => 1, 'page_no' => 1, ); $this->assertEquals( $expected_stats, json_decode( json_encode( $data_store->get_data( $args ) ), true ) ); } /** * Test the calculations and querying works correctly for the case of multiple orders. */ public function test_populate_and_query_multiple_intervals() { global $wpdb; WC_Helper_Reports::reset_stats_dbs(); // 2 different products. $product_1_price = 25; $product_1 = new WC_Product_Simple(); $product_1->set_name( 'Test Product' ); $product_1->set_regular_price( $product_1_price ); $product_1->save(); $product_2_price = 10; $product_2 = new WC_Product_Simple(); $product_2->set_name( 'Test Product 2' ); $product_2->set_regular_price( $product_2_price ); $product_2->save(); $product_3_price = 13; $product_3 = new WC_Product_Simple(); $product_3->set_name( 'Test Product 3' ); $product_3->set_regular_price( $product_3_price ); $product_3->save(); $product_4_price = 1; $product_4 = new WC_Product_Simple(); $product_4->set_name( 'Test Product 4' ); $product_4->set_regular_price( $product_4_price ); $product_4->save(); // 2 different coupons $coupon_1_amount = 1; // by default in create_coupon. $coupon_1 = WC_Helper_Coupon::create_coupon( 'coupon_1' ); $coupon_2_amount = 2; $coupon_2 = WC_Helper_Coupon::create_coupon( 'coupon_2' ); $coupon_2->set_amount( $coupon_2_amount ); $coupon_2->save(); $order_status_1 = 'completed'; $order_status_2 = 'processing'; $customer_1 = WC_Helper_Customer::create_customer( 'cust_1', 'pwd_1', '' ); $customer_2 = WC_Helper_Customer::create_customer( 'cust_2', 'pwd_2', '' ); $order_1_time = time(); // One more order needs to fit into the same hour, but also be one second later than this one, so in case it's very end of the hour, shift order 1 one second towards past. if ( 59 === $order_1_time % MINUTE_IN_SECONDS ) { $order_1_time--; } $order_2_time = $order_1_time; $this_['hour'] = array( 1, 2 ); $this_['day'] = array( 1, 2 ); $this_['week'] = array( 1, 2 ); $this_['month'] = array( 1, 2 ); $this_['year'] = array( 1, 2 ); $order_1_datetime = new DateTime(); $order_1_datetime = $order_1_datetime->setTimestamp( $order_1_time ); $order[1]['year'] = (int) $order_1_datetime->format( 'Y' ); $order[1]['month'] = (int) $order_1_datetime->format( 'm' ); $order[1]['week'] = (int) $order_1_datetime->format( 'W' ); $order[1]['day'] = (int) $order_1_datetime->format( 'd' ); $order[1]['hour'] = (int) $order_1_datetime->format( 'H' ); // same day, different hour. $order_3_datetime = new DateTime(); $order_3_datetime = $order_3_datetime->setTimestamp( $order_1_time - HOUR_IN_SECONDS ); $order_3_time = $order_3_datetime->format( 'U' ); $order[3]['year'] = (int) $order_3_datetime->format( 'Y' ); $order[3]['month'] = (int) $order_3_datetime->format( 'm' ); $order[3]['week'] = (int) $order_3_datetime->format( 'W' ); $order[3]['day'] = (int) $order_3_datetime->format( 'd' ); // Previous day. $order_4_datetime = new DateTime(); $order_4_datetime = $order_4_datetime->setTimestamp( $order_1_time - DAY_IN_SECONDS ); $order_4_time = $order_4_datetime->format( 'U' ); $order[4]['year'] = (int) $order_4_datetime->format( 'Y' ); $order[4]['month'] = (int) $order_4_datetime->format( 'm' ); $order[4]['week'] = (int) $order_4_datetime->format( 'W' ); $order[4]['day'] = (int) $order_4_datetime->format( 'd' ); // Previous week. $order_5_datetime = new DateTime(); $order_5_datetime = $order_5_datetime->setTimestamp( $order_1_time - WEEK_IN_SECONDS ); $order_5_time = $order_5_datetime->format( 'U' ); $order[5]['year'] = (int) $order_5_datetime->format( 'Y' ); $order[5]['month'] = (int) $order_5_datetime->format( 'm' ); $order[5]['week'] = (int) $order_5_datetime->format( 'W' ); $order[5]['day'] = (int) $order_5_datetime->format( 'd' ); // Previous month. $order_6_datetime = new DateTime(); $order_6_datetime = $order_6_datetime->setTimestamp( $order_1_time - MONTH_IN_SECONDS ); $order_6_time = $order_6_datetime->format( 'U' ); $order[6]['year'] = (int) $order_6_datetime->format( 'Y' ); $order[6]['month'] = (int) $order_6_datetime->format( 'm' ); $order[6]['week'] = (int) $order_6_datetime->format( 'W' ); $order[6]['day'] = (int) $order_6_datetime->format( 'd' ); // Previous year. $order_7_datetime = new DateTime(); $order_7_datetime = $order_7_datetime->setTimestamp( $order_1_time - YEAR_IN_SECONDS ); $order_7_time = $order_7_datetime->format( 'U' ); $order[7]['year'] = (int) $order_7_datetime->format( 'Y' ); $order[7]['month'] = (int) $order_7_datetime->format( 'm' ); $order[7]['week'] = (int) $order_7_datetime->format( 'W' ); $order[7]['day'] = (int) $order_7_datetime->format( 'd' ); foreach ( array( 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ) as $order_no ) { if ( $order[ $order_no ]['day'] === $order[1]['day'] && $order[ $order_no ]['month'] === $order[1]['month'] && $order[ $order_no ]['year'] === $order[1]['year'] ) { $this_['day'][] = $order_no; } if ( $order[ $order_no ]['week'] === $order[1]['week'] && $order[ $order_no ]['year'] === $order[1]['year'] ) { $this_['week'][] = $order_no; } if ( $order[ $order_no ]['month'] === $order[1]['month'] && $order[ $order_no ]['year'] === $order[1]['year'] ) { $this_['month'][] = $order_no; } if ( $order[ $order_no ]['year'] === $order[1]['year'] ) { $this_['year'][] = $order_no; } } $orders = array(); // 2 different order statuses, plus new vs returning customer $qty_per_product = 4; // Hardcoded in WC_Helper_Order::create_order. foreach ( array( $product_1, $product_2, $product_3 ) as $product ) { foreach ( array( null, $coupon_1, $coupon_2 ) as $coupon ) { foreach ( array( $order_status_1, $order_status_2 ) as $order_status ) { foreach ( array( $customer_1, $customer_2 ) as $customer ) { foreach ( array( $order_1_time, $order_2_time, ) as $order_time ) { // As there are no tests for different timeframes, ignore these for now: $order_3_time, $order_4_time, $order_5_time, $order_6_time, $order_7_time // One order with only 1 product. $order = WC_Helper_Order::create_order( $customer->get_id(), $product ); $order->set_date_created( $order_time ); $order->set_status( $order_status ); if ( $coupon ) { $order->apply_coupon( $coupon ); } $order->calculate_totals(); $order->save(); $orders[] = $order; // One order with 2 products: product_4 and selected product. $order_2 = WC_Helper_Order::create_order( $customer->get_id(), $product_4 ); $item = new WC_Order_Item_Product(); $item->set_props( array( 'product' => $product, 'quantity' => 4, 'subtotal' => wc_get_price_excluding_tax( $product, array( 'qty' => 4 ) ), 'total' => wc_get_price_excluding_tax( $product, array( 'qty' => 4 ) ), ) ); $item->save(); $order_2->add_item( $item ); $order_2->set_date_created( $order_time ); $order_2->set_status( $order_status ); if ( $coupon ) { $order_2->apply_coupon( $coupon ); } $order_2->calculate_totals(); $order_2->save(); $orders[] = $order_2; } } } } } WC_Helper_Queue::run_all_pending(); $data_store = new WC_Admin_Reports_Orders_Stats_Data_Store(); // Tests for before & after set to current hour. $current_hour_start = new DateTime(); $current_hour_start->setTimestamp( $order_1_time ); $current_hour_minutes = (int) $current_hour_start->format( 'i' ); $current_hour_start->setTimestamp( $order_1_time - $current_hour_minutes * MINUTE_IN_SECONDS ); $current_hour_end = new DateTime(); $current_hour_end->setTimestamp( $order_1_time ); $order_1_seconds = (int) $current_hour_end->format( 'U' ) % HOUR_IN_SECONDS; $current_hour_end->setTimestamp( $order_1_time + ( HOUR_IN_SECONDS - $order_1_seconds ) - 1 ); // All orders, no filters. // 72 orders in one batch (3 products * 3 coupon options * 2 order statuses * 2 customers * 2 orders), 4 items of each product per order // 24 orders without coupons, 48 with coupons: 24 with $1 coupon and 24 with $2 coupon. // shipping is $10 per order. $query_args = array( 'after' => $current_hour_start->format( WC_Admin_Reports_Interval::$sql_datetime_format ), 'before' => $current_hour_end->format( WC_Admin_Reports_Interval::$sql_datetime_format ), 'interval' => 'hour', ); $order_permutations = 72; $order_w_coupon_1_perms = 24; $order_w_coupon_2_perms = 24; $orders_count = count( $this_['hour'] ) * $order_permutations; $num_items_sold = $orders_count / 2 * $qty_per_product + $orders_count / 2 * $qty_per_product * 2; $coupons = count( $this_['hour'] ) * ( $order_w_coupon_1_perms * $coupon_1_amount + $order_w_coupon_2_perms * $coupon_2_amount ); $shipping = $orders_count * 10; $net_revenue = $product_1_price * $qty_per_product * ( $orders_count / 6 ) + $product_2_price * $qty_per_product * ( $orders_count / 6 ) + $product_3_price * $qty_per_product * ( $orders_count / 6 ) + ( $product_1_price + $product_4_price ) * $qty_per_product * ( $orders_count / 6 ) + ( $product_2_price + $product_4_price ) * $qty_per_product * ( $orders_count / 6 ) + ( $product_3_price + $product_4_price ) * $qty_per_product * ( $orders_count / 6 ) - $coupons; $gross_revenue = $net_revenue + $shipping; $new_customers = 2; $expected_stats = array( 'totals' => array( 'orders_count' => $orders_count, 'num_items_sold' => $num_items_sold, 'gross_revenue' => $gross_revenue, 'coupons' => $coupons, 'refunds' => 0, 'taxes' => 0, 'shipping' => $shipping, 'net_revenue' => $net_revenue, 'avg_items_per_order' => $num_items_sold / $orders_count, 'avg_order_value' => $net_revenue / $orders_count, 'num_returning_customers' => 0, 'num_new_customers' => $new_customers, 'products' => 4, 'segments' => array(), ), 'intervals' => array( array( 'interval' => $current_hour_start->format( 'Y-m-d H' ), 'date_start' => $current_hour_start->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'date_start_gmt' => $current_hour_start->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'date_end' => $current_hour_end->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'date_end_gmt' => $current_hour_end->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'subtotals' => array( 'orders_count' => $orders_count, 'num_items_sold' => $num_items_sold, 'gross_revenue' => $gross_revenue, 'coupons' => $coupons, 'refunds' => 0, 'taxes' => 0, 'shipping' => $shipping, 'net_revenue' => $net_revenue, 'avg_items_per_order' => $num_items_sold / $orders_count, 'avg_order_value' => $net_revenue / $orders_count, 'num_returning_customers' => 0, 'num_new_customers' => $new_customers, 'segments' => array(), ), ), ), 'total' => 1, 'pages' => 1, 'page_no' => 1, ); $this->assertEquals( $expected_stats, json_decode( json_encode( $data_store->get_data( $query_args ) ), true ), 'Query args: ' . print_r( $query_args, true ) . "; query: {$wpdb->last_query}" ); // * Order status filter // ** Status is, positive filter for 2 statuses, i.e. all orders. $query_args = array( 'after' => $current_hour_start->format( WC_Admin_Reports_Interval::$sql_datetime_format ), 'before' => $current_hour_end->format( WC_Admin_Reports_Interval::$sql_datetime_format ), 'interval' => 'hour', 'status_is' => array( $order_status_1, $order_status_2, ), ); $this->assertEquals( $expected_stats, json_decode( json_encode( $data_store->get_data( $query_args ) ), true ), 'Query args: ' . print_r( $query_args, true ) . "; query: {$wpdb->last_query}" ); // ** Status is, positive filter for 1 status -> half orders. $query_args = array( 'after' => $current_hour_start->format( WC_Admin_Reports_Interval::$sql_datetime_format ), 'before' => $current_hour_end->format( WC_Admin_Reports_Interval::$sql_datetime_format ), 'interval' => 'hour', 'status_is' => array( $order_status_1, ), ); $order_permutations = 36; $order_w_coupon_1_perms = 12; $order_w_coupon_2_perms = 12; $orders_count = count( $this_['hour'] ) * $order_permutations; $num_items_sold = $orders_count / 2 * $qty_per_product + $orders_count / 2 * $qty_per_product * 2; $coupons = count( $this_['hour'] ) * ( $order_w_coupon_1_perms * $coupon_1_amount + $order_w_coupon_2_perms * $coupon_2_amount ); $shipping = $orders_count * 10; $net_revenue = $product_1_price * $qty_per_product * ( $orders_count / 6 ) + $product_2_price * $qty_per_product * ( $orders_count / 6 ) + $product_3_price * $qty_per_product * ( $orders_count / 6 ) + ( $product_1_price + $product_4_price ) * $qty_per_product * ( $orders_count / 6 ) + ( $product_2_price + $product_4_price ) * $qty_per_product * ( $orders_count / 6 ) + ( $product_3_price + $product_4_price ) * $qty_per_product * ( $orders_count / 6 ) - $coupons; $gross_revenue = $net_revenue + $shipping; $expected_stats = array( 'totals' => array( 'orders_count' => $orders_count, 'num_items_sold' => $num_items_sold, 'gross_revenue' => $gross_revenue, 'coupons' => $coupons, 'refunds' => 0, 'taxes' => 0, 'shipping' => $shipping, 'net_revenue' => $net_revenue, 'avg_items_per_order' => $num_items_sold / $orders_count, 'avg_order_value' => $net_revenue / $orders_count, 'num_returning_customers' => 0, 'num_new_customers' => $new_customers, 'products' => 4, 'segments' => array(), ), 'intervals' => array( array( 'interval' => $current_hour_start->format( 'Y-m-d H' ), 'date_start' => $current_hour_start->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'date_start_gmt' => $current_hour_start->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'date_end' => $current_hour_end->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'date_end_gmt' => $current_hour_end->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'subtotals' => array( 'orders_count' => $orders_count, 'num_items_sold' => $num_items_sold, 'gross_revenue' => $gross_revenue, 'coupons' => $coupons, 'refunds' => 0, 'taxes' => 0, 'shipping' => $shipping, 'net_revenue' => $net_revenue, 'avg_items_per_order' => $num_items_sold / $orders_count, 'avg_order_value' => $net_revenue / $orders_count, 'num_returning_customers' => 0, 'num_new_customers' => $new_customers, 'segments' => array(), ), ), ), 'total' => 1, 'pages' => 1, 'page_no' => 1, ); $this->assertEquals( $expected_stats, json_decode( json_encode( $data_store->get_data( $query_args ) ), true ), 'Query args: ' . print_r( $query_args, true ) . "; query: {$wpdb->last_query}" ); // ** Status is not, negative filter for 1 status -> half orders. $query_args = array( 'after' => $current_hour_start->format( WC_Admin_Reports_Interval::$sql_datetime_format ), 'before' => $current_hour_end->format( WC_Admin_Reports_Interval::$sql_datetime_format ), 'interval' => 'hour', 'status_is_not' => array( $order_status_2, ), ); $order_permutations = 36; $order_w_coupon_1_perms = 12; $order_w_coupon_2_perms = 12; $orders_count = count( $this_['hour'] ) * $order_permutations; $num_items_sold = $orders_count / 2 * $qty_per_product + $orders_count / 2 * $qty_per_product * 2; $coupons = count( $this_['hour'] ) * ( $order_w_coupon_1_perms * $coupon_1_amount + $order_w_coupon_2_perms * $coupon_2_amount ); $shipping = $orders_count * 10; $net_revenue = $product_1_price * $qty_per_product * ( $orders_count / 6 ) + $product_2_price * $qty_per_product * ( $orders_count / 6 ) + $product_3_price * $qty_per_product * ( $orders_count / 6 ) + ( $product_1_price + $product_4_price ) * $qty_per_product * ( $orders_count / 6 ) + ( $product_2_price + $product_4_price ) * $qty_per_product * ( $orders_count / 6 ) + ( $product_3_price + $product_4_price ) * $qty_per_product * ( $orders_count / 6 ) - $coupons; $gross_revenue = $net_revenue + $shipping; $expected_stats = array( 'totals' => array( 'orders_count' => $orders_count, 'num_items_sold' => $num_items_sold, 'gross_revenue' => $gross_revenue, 'coupons' => $coupons, 'refunds' => 0, 'taxes' => 0, 'shipping' => $shipping, 'net_revenue' => $net_revenue, 'avg_items_per_order' => $num_items_sold / $orders_count, 'avg_order_value' => $net_revenue / $orders_count, 'num_returning_customers' => 0, 'num_new_customers' => $new_customers, 'products' => 4, 'segments' => array(), ), 'intervals' => array( array( 'interval' => $current_hour_start->format( 'Y-m-d H' ), 'date_start' => $current_hour_start->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'date_start_gmt' => $current_hour_start->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'date_end' => $current_hour_end->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'date_end_gmt' => $current_hour_end->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'subtotals' => array( 'orders_count' => $orders_count, 'num_items_sold' => $num_items_sold, 'gross_revenue' => $gross_revenue, 'coupons' => $coupons, 'refunds' => 0, 'taxes' => 0, 'shipping' => $shipping, 'net_revenue' => $net_revenue, 'avg_items_per_order' => $num_items_sold / $orders_count, 'avg_order_value' => $net_revenue / $orders_count, 'num_returning_customers' => 0, 'num_new_customers' => $new_customers, 'segments' => array(), ), ), ), 'total' => 1, 'pages' => 1, 'page_no' => 1, ); $this->assertEquals( $expected_stats, json_decode( json_encode( $data_store->get_data( $query_args ) ), true ), 'Query args: ' . print_r( $query_args, true ) . "; query: {$wpdb->last_query}" ); // ** Status is not, negative filter for 2 statuses -> no orders. $query_args = array( 'after' => $current_hour_start->format( WC_Admin_Reports_Interval::$sql_datetime_format ), 'before' => $current_hour_end->format( WC_Admin_Reports_Interval::$sql_datetime_format ), 'interval' => 'hour', 'status_is_not' => array( $order_status_1, $order_status_2, ), ); $expected_stats = array( 'totals' => array( 'orders_count' => 0, 'num_items_sold' => 0, 'gross_revenue' => 0, 'coupons' => 0, 'refunds' => 0, 'taxes' => 0, 'shipping' => 0, 'net_revenue' => 0, 'avg_items_per_order' => 0, 'avg_order_value' => 0, 'num_returning_customers' => 0, 'num_new_customers' => 0, 'products' => 0, 'segments' => array(), ), 'intervals' => array( array( 'interval' => $current_hour_start->format( 'Y-m-d H' ), 'date_start' => $current_hour_start->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'date_start_gmt' => $current_hour_start->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'date_end' => $current_hour_end->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'date_end_gmt' => $current_hour_end->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'subtotals' => array( 'orders_count' => 0, 'num_items_sold' => 0, 'gross_revenue' => 0, 'coupons' => 0, 'refunds' => 0, 'taxes' => 0, 'shipping' => 0, 'net_revenue' => 0, 'avg_items_per_order' => 0, 'avg_order_value' => 0, 'num_returning_customers' => 0, 'num_new_customers' => 0, 'segments' => array(), ), ), ), 'total' => 1, 'pages' => 1, 'page_no' => 1, ); $this->assertEquals( $expected_stats, json_decode( json_encode( $data_store->get_data( $query_args ) ), true ), 'Query args: ' . print_r( $query_args, true ) . "; query: {$wpdb->last_query}" ); // ** Status is + Status is not, positive filter for 2 statuses, negative for 1 -> half of orders. $query_args = array( 'after' => $current_hour_start->format( WC_Admin_Reports_Interval::$sql_datetime_format ), 'before' => $current_hour_end->format( WC_Admin_Reports_Interval::$sql_datetime_format ), 'interval' => 'hour', 'status_is' => array( $order_status_1, $order_status_2, ), 'status_is_not' => array( $order_status_2, ), ); $order_permutations = 36; $order_w_coupon_1_perms = 12; $order_w_coupon_2_perms = 12; $orders_count = count( $this_['hour'] ) * $order_permutations; $num_items_sold = $orders_count / 2 * $qty_per_product + $orders_count / 2 * $qty_per_product * 2; $coupons = count( $this_['hour'] ) * ( $order_w_coupon_1_perms * $coupon_1_amount + $order_w_coupon_2_perms * $coupon_2_amount ); $shipping = $orders_count * 10; $net_revenue = $product_1_price * $qty_per_product * ( $orders_count / 6 ) + $product_2_price * $qty_per_product * ( $orders_count / 6 ) + $product_3_price * $qty_per_product * ( $orders_count / 6 ) + ( $product_1_price + $product_4_price ) * $qty_per_product * ( $orders_count / 6 ) + ( $product_2_price + $product_4_price ) * $qty_per_product * ( $orders_count / 6 ) + ( $product_3_price + $product_4_price ) * $qty_per_product * ( $orders_count / 6 ) - $coupons; $gross_revenue = $net_revenue + $shipping; $expected_stats = array( 'totals' => array( 'orders_count' => $orders_count, 'num_items_sold' => $num_items_sold, 'gross_revenue' => $gross_revenue, 'coupons' => $coupons, 'refunds' => 0, 'taxes' => 0, 'shipping' => $shipping, 'net_revenue' => $net_revenue, 'avg_items_per_order' => $num_items_sold / $orders_count, 'avg_order_value' => $net_revenue / $orders_count, 'num_returning_customers' => 0, 'num_new_customers' => $new_customers, 'products' => 4, 'segments' => array(), ), 'intervals' => array( array( 'interval' => $current_hour_start->format( 'Y-m-d H' ), 'date_start' => $current_hour_start->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'date_start_gmt' => $current_hour_start->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'date_end' => $current_hour_end->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'date_end_gmt' => $current_hour_end->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'subtotals' => array( 'orders_count' => $orders_count, 'num_items_sold' => $num_items_sold, 'gross_revenue' => $gross_revenue, 'coupons' => $coupons, 'refunds' => 0, 'taxes' => 0, 'shipping' => $shipping, 'net_revenue' => $net_revenue, 'avg_items_per_order' => $num_items_sold / $orders_count, 'avg_order_value' => $net_revenue / $orders_count, 'num_returning_customers' => 0, 'num_new_customers' => $new_customers, 'segments' => array(), ), ), ), 'total' => 1, 'pages' => 1, 'page_no' => 1, ); $this->assertEquals( $expected_stats, json_decode( json_encode( $data_store->get_data( $query_args ) ), true ), 'Query args: ' . print_r( $query_args, true ) . "; query: {$wpdb->last_query}" ); // * Product filter // ** Product includes, positive filter for 2 products, i.e. 2 orders out of 3. $query_args = array( 'after' => $current_hour_start->format( WC_Admin_Reports_Interval::$sql_datetime_format ), 'before' => $current_hour_end->format( WC_Admin_Reports_Interval::$sql_datetime_format ), 'interval' => 'hour', 'product_includes' => array( $product_1->get_id(), $product_2->get_id(), ), ); $order_permutations = 48; $order_w_coupon_1_perms = 16; $order_w_coupon_2_perms = 16; $orders_count = count( $this_['hour'] ) * $order_permutations; $num_items_sold = $orders_count / 2 * $qty_per_product + $orders_count / 2 * $qty_per_product * 2; $coupons = count( $this_['hour'] ) * ( $order_w_coupon_1_perms * $coupon_1_amount + $order_w_coupon_2_perms * $coupon_2_amount ); $shipping = $orders_count * 10; $net_revenue = $product_1_price * $qty_per_product * ( $orders_count / 4 ) + $product_2_price * $qty_per_product * ( $orders_count / 4 ) + ( $product_1_price + $product_4_price ) * $qty_per_product * ( $orders_count / 4 ) + ( $product_2_price + $product_4_price ) * $qty_per_product * ( $orders_count / 4 ) - $coupons; $gross_revenue = $net_revenue + $shipping; $expected_stats = array( 'totals' => array( 'orders_count' => $orders_count, 'num_items_sold' => $num_items_sold, 'gross_revenue' => $gross_revenue, 'coupons' => $coupons, 'refunds' => 0, 'taxes' => 0, 'shipping' => $shipping, 'net_revenue' => $net_revenue, 'avg_items_per_order' => $num_items_sold / $orders_count, 'avg_order_value' => $net_revenue / $orders_count, 'num_returning_customers' => 0, 'num_new_customers' => $new_customers, 'products' => 3, 'segments' => array(), ), 'intervals' => array( array( 'interval' => $current_hour_start->format( 'Y-m-d H' ), 'date_start' => $current_hour_start->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'date_start_gmt' => $current_hour_start->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'date_end' => $current_hour_end->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'date_end_gmt' => $current_hour_end->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'subtotals' => array( 'orders_count' => $orders_count, 'num_items_sold' => $num_items_sold, 'gross_revenue' => $gross_revenue, 'coupons' => $coupons, 'refunds' => 0, 'taxes' => 0, 'shipping' => $shipping, 'net_revenue' => $net_revenue, 'avg_items_per_order' => $num_items_sold / $orders_count, 'avg_order_value' => $net_revenue / $orders_count, 'num_returning_customers' => 0, 'num_new_customers' => $new_customers, 'segments' => array(), ), ), ), 'total' => 1, 'pages' => 1, 'page_no' => 1, ); $this->assertEquals( $expected_stats, json_decode( json_encode( $data_store->get_data( $query_args ) ), true ), 'Query args: ' . print_r( $query_args, true ) . "; query: {$wpdb->last_query}" ); // ** Product includes, positive filter for 1 product, 1/3 of orders $query_args = array( 'after' => $current_hour_start->format( WC_Admin_Reports_Interval::$sql_datetime_format ), 'before' => $current_hour_end->format( WC_Admin_Reports_Interval::$sql_datetime_format ), 'interval' => 'hour', 'product_includes' => array( $product_3->get_id(), ), ); $order_permutations = 24; $order_w_coupon_1_perms = 8; $order_w_coupon_2_perms = 8; $orders_count = count( $this_['hour'] ) * $order_permutations; $num_items_sold = $orders_count / 2 * $qty_per_product + $orders_count / 2 * $qty_per_product * 2; $coupons = count( $this_['hour'] ) * ( $order_w_coupon_1_perms * $coupon_1_amount + $order_w_coupon_2_perms * $coupon_2_amount ); $shipping = $orders_count * 10; $net_revenue = $product_3_price * $qty_per_product * ( $orders_count / 2 ) + ( $product_3_price + $product_4_price ) * $qty_per_product * ( $orders_count / 2 ) - $coupons; $gross_revenue = $net_revenue + $shipping; $expected_stats = array( 'totals' => array( 'orders_count' => $orders_count, 'num_items_sold' => $num_items_sold, 'gross_revenue' => $gross_revenue, 'coupons' => $coupons, 'refunds' => 0, 'taxes' => 0, 'shipping' => $shipping, 'net_revenue' => $net_revenue, 'avg_items_per_order' => $num_items_sold / $orders_count, 'avg_order_value' => $net_revenue / $orders_count, 'num_returning_customers' => 0, 'num_new_customers' => 2, 'products' => 2, 'segments' => array(), // product 3 and product 4 (that is sometimes included in the orders with product 3). ), 'intervals' => array( array( 'interval' => $current_hour_start->format( 'Y-m-d H' ), 'date_start' => $current_hour_start->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'date_start_gmt' => $current_hour_start->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'date_end' => $current_hour_end->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'date_end_gmt' => $current_hour_end->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'subtotals' => array( 'orders_count' => $orders_count, 'num_items_sold' => $num_items_sold, 'gross_revenue' => $gross_revenue, 'coupons' => $coupons, 'refunds' => 0, 'taxes' => 0, 'shipping' => $shipping, 'net_revenue' => $net_revenue, 'avg_items_per_order' => $num_items_sold / $orders_count, 'avg_order_value' => $net_revenue / $orders_count, 'num_returning_customers' => 0, 'num_new_customers' => 2, 'segments' => array(), ), ), ), 'total' => 1, 'pages' => 1, 'page_no' => 1, ); $this->assertEquals( $expected_stats, json_decode( json_encode( $data_store->get_data( $query_args ) ), true ), 'Query args: ' . print_r( $query_args, true ) . "; query: {$wpdb->last_query}" ); // ** Product excludes, negative filter for 1 product, 2/3 of orders. $query_args = array( 'after' => $current_hour_start->format( WC_Admin_Reports_Interval::$sql_datetime_format ), 'before' => $current_hour_end->format( WC_Admin_Reports_Interval::$sql_datetime_format ), 'interval' => 'hour', 'product_excludes' => array( $product_1->get_id(), ), ); $order_permutations = 48; $order_w_coupon_1_perms = 16; $order_w_coupon_2_perms = 16; $orders_count = count( $this_['hour'] ) * $order_permutations; $num_items_sold = $orders_count / 2 * $qty_per_product + $orders_count / 2 * $qty_per_product * 2; $coupons = count( $this_['hour'] ) * ( $order_w_coupon_1_perms * $coupon_1_amount + $order_w_coupon_2_perms * $coupon_2_amount ); $shipping = $orders_count * 10; $net_revenue = $product_3_price * $qty_per_product * ( $orders_count / 4 ) + ( $product_3_price + $product_4_price ) * $qty_per_product * ( $orders_count / 4 ) + $product_2_price * $qty_per_product * ( $orders_count / 4 ) + ( $product_2_price + $product_4_price ) * $qty_per_product * ( $orders_count / 4 ) - $coupons; $gross_revenue = $net_revenue + $shipping; $expected_stats = array( 'totals' => array( 'orders_count' => $orders_count, 'num_items_sold' => $num_items_sold, 'gross_revenue' => $gross_revenue, 'coupons' => $coupons, 'refunds' => 0, 'taxes' => 0, 'shipping' => $shipping, 'net_revenue' => $net_revenue, 'avg_items_per_order' => $num_items_sold / $orders_count, 'avg_order_value' => $net_revenue / $orders_count, 'num_returning_customers' => 0, 'num_new_customers' => 2, 'products' => 3, 'segments' => array(), ), 'intervals' => array( array( 'interval' => $current_hour_start->format( 'Y-m-d H' ), 'date_start' => $current_hour_start->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'date_start_gmt' => $current_hour_start->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'date_end' => $current_hour_end->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'date_end_gmt' => $current_hour_end->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'subtotals' => array( 'orders_count' => $orders_count, 'num_items_sold' => $num_items_sold, 'gross_revenue' => $gross_revenue, 'coupons' => $coupons, 'refunds' => 0, 'taxes' => 0, 'shipping' => $shipping, 'net_revenue' => $net_revenue, 'avg_items_per_order' => $num_items_sold / $orders_count, 'avg_order_value' => $net_revenue / $orders_count, 'num_returning_customers' => 0, 'num_new_customers' => 2, 'segments' => array(), ), ), ), 'total' => 1, 'pages' => 1, 'page_no' => 1, ); $this->assertEquals( $expected_stats, json_decode( json_encode( $data_store->get_data( $query_args ) ), true ), 'Query args: ' . print_r( $query_args, true ) . "; query: {$wpdb->last_query}" ); // ** Product excludes, negative filter for 2 products, 1/3 of orders $query_args = array( 'after' => $current_hour_start->format( WC_Admin_Reports_Interval::$sql_datetime_format ), 'before' => $current_hour_end->format( WC_Admin_Reports_Interval::$sql_datetime_format ), 'interval' => 'hour', 'product_excludes' => array( $product_1->get_id(), $product_2->get_id(), ), ); $order_permutations = 24; $order_w_coupon_1_perms = 8; $order_w_coupon_2_perms = 8; $orders_count = count( $this_['hour'] ) * $order_permutations; $num_items_sold = $orders_count / 2 * $qty_per_product + $orders_count / 2 * $qty_per_product * 2; $coupons = count( $this_['hour'] ) * ( $order_w_coupon_1_perms * $coupon_1_amount + $order_w_coupon_2_perms * $coupon_2_amount ); $shipping = $orders_count * 10; $net_revenue = $product_3_price * $qty_per_product * ( $orders_count / 2 ) + ( $product_3_price + $product_4_price ) * $qty_per_product * ( $orders_count / 2 ) - $coupons; $gross_revenue = $net_revenue + $shipping; $expected_stats = array( 'totals' => array( 'orders_count' => $orders_count, 'num_items_sold' => $num_items_sold, 'gross_revenue' => $gross_revenue, 'coupons' => $coupons, 'refunds' => 0, 'taxes' => 0, 'shipping' => $shipping, 'net_revenue' => $net_revenue, 'avg_items_per_order' => $num_items_sold / $orders_count, 'avg_order_value' => $net_revenue / $orders_count, 'num_returning_customers' => 0, 'num_new_customers' => 2, 'products' => 2, 'segments' => array(), ), 'intervals' => array( array( 'interval' => $current_hour_start->format( 'Y-m-d H' ), 'date_start' => $current_hour_start->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'date_start_gmt' => $current_hour_start->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'date_end' => $current_hour_end->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'date_end_gmt' => $current_hour_end->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'subtotals' => array( 'orders_count' => $orders_count, 'num_items_sold' => $num_items_sold, 'gross_revenue' => $gross_revenue, 'coupons' => $coupons, 'refunds' => 0, 'taxes' => 0, 'shipping' => $shipping, 'net_revenue' => $net_revenue, 'avg_items_per_order' => $num_items_sold / $orders_count, 'avg_order_value' => $net_revenue / $orders_count, 'num_returning_customers' => 0, 'num_new_customers' => 2, 'segments' => array(), ), ), ), 'total' => 1, 'pages' => 1, 'page_no' => 1, ); $this->assertEquals( $expected_stats, json_decode( json_encode( $data_store->get_data( $query_args ) ), true ), 'Query args: ' . print_r( $query_args, true ) . "; query: {$wpdb->last_query}" ); // ** Product includes + product excludes, positive filter for 2 products, negative for 1 -> 1/3 of orders, only orders with product 2 and product 2 + product 4 $query_args = array( 'after' => $current_hour_start->format( WC_Admin_Reports_Interval::$sql_datetime_format ), 'before' => $current_hour_end->format( WC_Admin_Reports_Interval::$sql_datetime_format ), 'interval' => 'hour', 'product_includes' => array( $product_1->get_id(), $product_2->get_id(), ), 'product_excludes' => array( $product_1->get_id(), ), ); $order_permutations = 24; $order_w_coupon_1_perms = 8; $order_w_coupon_2_perms = 8; $orders_count = count( $this_['hour'] ) * $order_permutations; $num_items_sold = $orders_count / 2 * $qty_per_product + $orders_count / 2 * $qty_per_product * 2; $coupons = count( $this_['hour'] ) * ( $order_w_coupon_1_perms * $coupon_1_amount + $order_w_coupon_2_perms * $coupon_2_amount ); $shipping = $orders_count * 10; $net_revenue = $product_2_price * $qty_per_product * ( $orders_count / 2 ) + ( $product_2_price + $product_4_price ) * $qty_per_product * ( $orders_count / 2 ) - $coupons; $gross_revenue = $net_revenue + $shipping; $expected_stats = array( 'totals' => array( 'orders_count' => $orders_count, 'num_items_sold' => $num_items_sold, 'gross_revenue' => $gross_revenue, 'coupons' => $coupons, 'refunds' => 0, 'taxes' => 0, 'shipping' => $shipping, 'net_revenue' => $net_revenue, 'avg_items_per_order' => $num_items_sold / $orders_count, 'avg_order_value' => $net_revenue / $orders_count, 'num_returning_customers' => 0, 'num_new_customers' => 2, 'products' => 2, 'segments' => array(), ), 'intervals' => array( array( 'interval' => $current_hour_start->format( 'Y-m-d H' ), 'date_start' => $current_hour_start->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'date_start_gmt' => $current_hour_start->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'date_end' => $current_hour_end->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'date_end_gmt' => $current_hour_end->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'subtotals' => array( 'orders_count' => $orders_count, 'num_items_sold' => $num_items_sold, 'gross_revenue' => $gross_revenue, 'coupons' => $coupons, 'refunds' => 0, 'taxes' => 0, 'shipping' => $shipping, 'net_revenue' => $net_revenue, 'avg_items_per_order' => $num_items_sold / $orders_count, 'avg_order_value' => $net_revenue / $orders_count, 'num_returning_customers' => 0, 'num_new_customers' => 2, 'segments' => array(), ), ), ), 'total' => 1, 'pages' => 1, 'page_no' => 1, ); $this->assertEquals( $expected_stats, json_decode( json_encode( $data_store->get_data( $query_args ) ), true ), 'Query args: ' . print_r( $query_args, true ) . "; query: {$wpdb->last_query}" ); // * Coupon filters // ** Coupon includes, positive filter for 2 coupons, i.e. 2/3 of orders. $query_args = array( 'after' => $current_hour_start->format( WC_Admin_Reports_Interval::$sql_datetime_format ), 'before' => $current_hour_end->format( WC_Admin_Reports_Interval::$sql_datetime_format ), 'interval' => 'hour', 'coupon_includes' => array( $coupon_1->get_id(), $coupon_2->get_id(), ), ); $order_permutations = 48; $order_w_coupon_1_perms = 24; $order_w_coupon_2_perms = 24; $orders_count = count( $this_['hour'] ) * $order_permutations; $num_items_sold = $orders_count / 2 * $qty_per_product + $orders_count / 2 * $qty_per_product * 2; $coupons = count( $this_['hour'] ) * ( $order_w_coupon_1_perms * $coupon_1_amount + $order_w_coupon_2_perms * $coupon_2_amount ); $shipping = $orders_count * 10; $net_revenue = $product_1_price * $qty_per_product * ( $orders_count / 6 ) + $product_2_price * $qty_per_product * ( $orders_count / 6 ) + $product_3_price * $qty_per_product * ( $orders_count / 6 ) + ( $product_1_price + $product_4_price ) * $qty_per_product * ( $orders_count / 6 ) + ( $product_2_price + $product_4_price ) * $qty_per_product * ( $orders_count / 6 ) + ( $product_3_price + $product_4_price ) * $qty_per_product * ( $orders_count / 6 ) - $coupons; $gross_revenue = $net_revenue + $shipping; $expected_stats = array( 'totals' => array( 'orders_count' => $orders_count, 'num_items_sold' => $num_items_sold, 'gross_revenue' => $gross_revenue, 'coupons' => $coupons, 'refunds' => 0, 'taxes' => 0, 'shipping' => $shipping, 'net_revenue' => $net_revenue, 'avg_items_per_order' => $num_items_sold / $orders_count, 'avg_order_value' => $net_revenue / $orders_count, 'num_returning_customers' => 0, 'num_new_customers' => 2, 'products' => 4, 'segments' => array(), ), 'intervals' => array( array( 'interval' => $current_hour_start->format( 'Y-m-d H' ), 'date_start' => $current_hour_start->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'date_start_gmt' => $current_hour_start->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'date_end' => $current_hour_end->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'date_end_gmt' => $current_hour_end->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'subtotals' => array( 'orders_count' => $orders_count, 'num_items_sold' => $num_items_sold, 'gross_revenue' => $gross_revenue, 'coupons' => $coupons, 'refunds' => 0, 'taxes' => 0, 'shipping' => $shipping, 'net_revenue' => $net_revenue, 'avg_items_per_order' => $num_items_sold / $orders_count, 'avg_order_value' => $net_revenue / $orders_count, 'num_returning_customers' => 0, 'num_new_customers' => 2, 'segments' => array(), ), ), ), 'total' => 1, 'pages' => 1, 'page_no' => 1, ); $this->assertEquals( $expected_stats, json_decode( json_encode( $data_store->get_data( $query_args ) ), true ), 'Query args: ' . print_r( $query_args, true ) . "; query: {$wpdb->last_query}" ); // ** Coupon includes, positive filter for 1 coupon, 1/3 of orders $query_args = array( 'after' => $current_hour_start->format( WC_Admin_Reports_Interval::$sql_datetime_format ), 'before' => $current_hour_end->format( WC_Admin_Reports_Interval::$sql_datetime_format ), 'interval' => 'hour', 'coupon_includes' => array( $coupon_1->get_id(), ), ); $order_permutations = 24; $order_w_coupon_1_perms = 24; $orders_count = count( $this_['hour'] ) * $order_permutations; $num_items_sold = $orders_count / 2 * $qty_per_product + $orders_count / 2 * $qty_per_product * 2; $coupons = count( $this_['hour'] ) * ( $order_w_coupon_1_perms * $coupon_1_amount ); $shipping = $orders_count * 10; $net_revenue = $product_1_price * $qty_per_product * ( $orders_count / 6 ) + $product_2_price * $qty_per_product * ( $orders_count / 6 ) + $product_3_price * $qty_per_product * ( $orders_count / 6 ) + ( $product_1_price + $product_4_price ) * $qty_per_product * ( $orders_count / 6 ) + ( $product_2_price + $product_4_price ) * $qty_per_product * ( $orders_count / 6 ) + ( $product_3_price + $product_4_price ) * $qty_per_product * ( $orders_count / 6 ) - $coupons; $gross_revenue = $net_revenue + $shipping; $expected_stats = array( 'totals' => array( 'orders_count' => $orders_count, 'num_items_sold' => $num_items_sold, 'gross_revenue' => $gross_revenue, 'coupons' => $coupons, 'refunds' => 0, 'taxes' => 0, 'shipping' => $shipping, 'net_revenue' => $net_revenue, 'avg_items_per_order' => $num_items_sold / $orders_count, 'avg_order_value' => $net_revenue / $orders_count, 'num_returning_customers' => 0, 'num_new_customers' => 2, 'products' => 4, 'segments' => array(), ), 'intervals' => array( array( 'interval' => $current_hour_start->format( 'Y-m-d H' ), 'date_start' => $current_hour_start->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'date_start_gmt' => $current_hour_start->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'date_end' => $current_hour_end->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'date_end_gmt' => $current_hour_end->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'subtotals' => array( 'orders_count' => $orders_count, 'num_items_sold' => $num_items_sold, 'gross_revenue' => $gross_revenue, 'coupons' => $coupons, 'refunds' => 0, 'taxes' => 0, 'shipping' => $shipping, 'net_revenue' => $net_revenue, 'avg_items_per_order' => $num_items_sold / $orders_count, 'avg_order_value' => $net_revenue / $orders_count, 'num_returning_customers' => 0, 'num_new_customers' => 2, 'segments' => array(), ), ), ), 'total' => 1, 'pages' => 1, 'page_no' => 1, ); $this->assertEquals( $expected_stats, json_decode( json_encode( $data_store->get_data( $query_args ) ), true ), 'Query args: ' . print_r( $query_args, true ) . "; query: {$wpdb->last_query}" ); // ** Coupon excludes, negative filter for 1 coupon, 2/3 of orders $query_args = array( 'after' => $current_hour_start->format( WC_Admin_Reports_Interval::$sql_datetime_format ), 'before' => $current_hour_end->format( WC_Admin_Reports_Interval::$sql_datetime_format ), 'interval' => 'hour', 'coupon_excludes' => array( $coupon_1->get_id(), ), ); $order_permutations = 48; $order_w_coupon_2_perms = 24; $orders_count = count( $this_['hour'] ) * $order_permutations; $num_items_sold = $orders_count / 2 * $qty_per_product + $orders_count / 2 * $qty_per_product * 2; $coupons = count( $this_['hour'] ) * ( $order_w_coupon_2_perms * $coupon_2_amount ); $shipping = $orders_count * 10; $net_revenue = $product_1_price * $qty_per_product * ( $orders_count / 6 ) + $product_2_price * $qty_per_product * ( $orders_count / 6 ) + $product_3_price * $qty_per_product * ( $orders_count / 6 ) + ( $product_1_price + $product_4_price ) * $qty_per_product * ( $orders_count / 6 ) + ( $product_2_price + $product_4_price ) * $qty_per_product * ( $orders_count / 6 ) + ( $product_3_price + $product_4_price ) * $qty_per_product * ( $orders_count / 6 ) - $coupons; $gross_revenue = $net_revenue + $shipping; $expected_stats = array( 'totals' => array( 'orders_count' => $orders_count, 'num_items_sold' => $num_items_sold, 'gross_revenue' => $gross_revenue, 'coupons' => $coupons, 'refunds' => 0, 'taxes' => 0, 'shipping' => $shipping, 'net_revenue' => $net_revenue, 'avg_items_per_order' => $num_items_sold / $orders_count, 'avg_order_value' => $net_revenue / $orders_count, 'num_returning_customers' => 0, 'num_new_customers' => $new_customers, 'products' => 4, 'segments' => array(), ), 'intervals' => array( array( 'interval' => $current_hour_start->format( 'Y-m-d H' ), 'date_start' => $current_hour_start->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'date_start_gmt' => $current_hour_start->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'date_end' => $current_hour_end->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'date_end_gmt' => $current_hour_end->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'subtotals' => array( 'orders_count' => $orders_count, 'num_items_sold' => $num_items_sold, 'gross_revenue' => $gross_revenue, 'coupons' => $coupons, 'refunds' => 0, 'taxes' => 0, 'shipping' => $shipping, 'net_revenue' => $net_revenue, 'avg_items_per_order' => $num_items_sold / $orders_count, 'avg_order_value' => $net_revenue / $orders_count, 'num_returning_customers' => 0, 'num_new_customers' => $new_customers, 'segments' => array(), ), ), ), 'total' => 1, 'pages' => 1, 'page_no' => 1, ); $this->assertEquals( $expected_stats, json_decode( json_encode( $data_store->get_data( $query_args ) ), true ), 'Query args: ' . print_r( $query_args, true ) . "; query: {$wpdb->last_query}" ); // ** Coupon excludes, negative filter for 2 coupons, 1/3 of orders $query_args = array( 'after' => $current_hour_start->format( WC_Admin_Reports_Interval::$sql_datetime_format ), 'before' => $current_hour_end->format( WC_Admin_Reports_Interval::$sql_datetime_format ), 'interval' => 'hour', 'coupon_excludes' => array( $coupon_1->get_id(), $coupon_2->get_id(), ), ); $order_permutations = 24; $order_w_coupon_1_perms = 0; $order_w_coupon_2_perms = 0; $orders_count = count( $this_['hour'] ) * $order_permutations; $num_items_sold = $orders_count / 2 * $qty_per_product + $orders_count / 2 * $qty_per_product * 2; $coupons = count( $this_['hour'] ) * ( $order_w_coupon_1_perms * $coupon_1_amount + $order_w_coupon_2_perms * $coupon_2_amount ); $shipping = $orders_count * 10; $net_revenue = $product_1_price * $qty_per_product * ( $orders_count / 6 ) + $product_2_price * $qty_per_product * ( $orders_count / 6 ) + $product_3_price * $qty_per_product * ( $orders_count / 6 ) + ( $product_1_price + $product_4_price ) * $qty_per_product * ( $orders_count / 6 ) + ( $product_2_price + $product_4_price ) * $qty_per_product * ( $orders_count / 6 ) + ( $product_3_price + $product_4_price ) * $qty_per_product * ( $orders_count / 6 ) - $coupons; $gross_revenue = $net_revenue + $shipping; $expected_stats = array( 'totals' => array( 'orders_count' => $orders_count, 'num_items_sold' => $num_items_sold, 'gross_revenue' => $gross_revenue, 'coupons' => $coupons, 'refunds' => 0, 'taxes' => 0, 'shipping' => $shipping, 'net_revenue' => $net_revenue, 'avg_items_per_order' => $num_items_sold / $orders_count, 'avg_order_value' => $net_revenue / $orders_count, 'num_returning_customers' => 0, 'num_new_customers' => $new_customers, 'products' => 4, 'segments' => array(), ), 'intervals' => array( array( 'interval' => $current_hour_start->format( 'Y-m-d H' ), 'date_start' => $current_hour_start->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'date_start_gmt' => $current_hour_start->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'date_end' => $current_hour_end->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'date_end_gmt' => $current_hour_end->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'subtotals' => array( 'orders_count' => $orders_count, 'num_items_sold' => $num_items_sold, 'gross_revenue' => $gross_revenue, 'coupons' => $coupons, 'refunds' => 0, 'taxes' => 0, 'shipping' => $shipping, 'net_revenue' => $net_revenue, 'avg_items_per_order' => $num_items_sold / $orders_count, 'avg_order_value' => $net_revenue / $orders_count, 'num_returning_customers' => 0, 'num_new_customers' => $new_customers, 'segments' => array(), ), ), ), 'total' => 1, 'pages' => 1, 'page_no' => 1, ); $this->assertEquals( $expected_stats, json_decode( json_encode( $data_store->get_data( $query_args ) ), true ), 'Query args: ' . print_r( $query_args, true ) . "; query: {$wpdb->last_query}" ); // ** Coupon includes + coupon excludes, positive filter for 2 coupon, negative for 1, 1/3 orders $query_args = array( 'after' => $current_hour_start->format( WC_Admin_Reports_Interval::$sql_datetime_format ), 'before' => $current_hour_end->format( WC_Admin_Reports_Interval::$sql_datetime_format ), 'interval' => 'hour', 'coupon_includes' => array( $coupon_1->get_id(), $coupon_2->get_id(), ), 'coupon_excludes' => array( $coupon_2->get_id(), ), ); $order_permutations = 24; $order_w_coupon_1_perms = 24; $order_w_coupon_2_perms = 0; $orders_count = count( $this_['hour'] ) * $order_permutations; $num_items_sold = $orders_count / 2 * $qty_per_product + $orders_count / 2 * $qty_per_product * 2; $coupons = count( $this_['hour'] ) * ( $order_w_coupon_1_perms * $coupon_1_amount + $order_w_coupon_2_perms * $coupon_2_amount ); $shipping = $orders_count * 10; $net_revenue = $product_1_price * $qty_per_product * ( $orders_count / 6 ) + $product_2_price * $qty_per_product * ( $orders_count / 6 ) + $product_3_price * $qty_per_product * ( $orders_count / 6 ) + ( $product_1_price + $product_4_price ) * $qty_per_product * ( $orders_count / 6 ) + ( $product_2_price + $product_4_price ) * $qty_per_product * ( $orders_count / 6 ) + ( $product_3_price + $product_4_price ) * $qty_per_product * ( $orders_count / 6 ) - $coupons; $gross_revenue = $net_revenue + $shipping; $expected_stats = array( 'totals' => array( 'orders_count' => $orders_count, 'num_items_sold' => $num_items_sold, 'gross_revenue' => $gross_revenue, 'coupons' => $coupons, 'refunds' => 0, 'taxes' => 0, 'shipping' => $shipping, 'net_revenue' => $net_revenue, 'avg_items_per_order' => $num_items_sold / $orders_count, 'avg_order_value' => $net_revenue / $orders_count, 'num_returning_customers' => 0, 'num_new_customers' => $new_customers, 'products' => 4, 'segments' => array(), ), 'intervals' => array( array( 'interval' => $current_hour_start->format( 'Y-m-d H' ), 'date_start' => $current_hour_start->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'date_start_gmt' => $current_hour_start->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'date_end' => $current_hour_end->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'date_end_gmt' => $current_hour_end->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'subtotals' => array( 'orders_count' => $orders_count, 'num_items_sold' => $num_items_sold, 'gross_revenue' => $gross_revenue, 'coupons' => $coupons, 'refunds' => 0, 'taxes' => 0, 'shipping' => $shipping, 'net_revenue' => $net_revenue, 'avg_items_per_order' => $num_items_sold / $orders_count, 'avg_order_value' => $net_revenue / $orders_count, 'num_returning_customers' => 0, 'num_new_customers' => $new_customers, 'segments' => array(), ), ), ), 'total' => 1, 'pages' => 1, 'page_no' => 1, ); $this->assertEquals( $expected_stats, json_decode( json_encode( $data_store->get_data( $query_args ) ), true ), 'Query args: ' . print_r( $query_args, true ) . "; query: {$wpdb->last_query}" ); // * Customer filters // ** Customer new $query_args = array( 'after' => $current_hour_start->format( WC_Admin_Reports_Interval::$sql_datetime_format ), 'before' => $current_hour_end->format( WC_Admin_Reports_Interval::$sql_datetime_format ), 'interval' => 'hour', 'customer' => 'new', ); $orders_count = 144; $num_items_sold = $orders_count / 2 * $qty_per_product + $orders_count / 2 * $qty_per_product * 2; $coupons = $orders_count; $shipping = $orders_count * 10; $net_revenue = $product_1_price * $qty_per_product * ( $orders_count / 6 ) + $product_2_price * $qty_per_product * ( $orders_count / 6 ) + $product_3_price * $qty_per_product * ( $orders_count / 6 ) + ( $product_1_price + $product_4_price ) * $qty_per_product * ( $orders_count / 6 ) + ( $product_2_price + $product_4_price ) * $qty_per_product * ( $orders_count / 6 ) + ( $product_3_price + $product_4_price ) * $qty_per_product * ( $orders_count / 6 ) - $coupons; $gross_revenue = $net_revenue + $shipping; $expected_stats = array( 'totals' => array( 'orders_count' => $orders_count, 'num_items_sold' => $num_items_sold, 'gross_revenue' => $gross_revenue, 'coupons' => $coupons, 'refunds' => 0, 'taxes' => 0, 'shipping' => $shipping, 'net_revenue' => $net_revenue, 'avg_items_per_order' => $num_items_sold / $orders_count, 'avg_order_value' => $net_revenue / $orders_count, 'num_returning_customers' => 0, 'num_new_customers' => $new_customers, 'products' => 4, 'segments' => array(), ), 'intervals' => array( array( 'interval' => $current_hour_start->format( 'Y-m-d H' ), 'date_start' => $current_hour_start->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'date_start_gmt' => $current_hour_start->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'date_end' => $current_hour_end->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'date_end_gmt' => $current_hour_end->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'subtotals' => array( 'orders_count' => $orders_count, 'num_items_sold' => $num_items_sold, 'gross_revenue' => $gross_revenue, 'coupons' => $coupons, 'refunds' => 0, 'taxes' => 0, 'shipping' => $shipping, 'net_revenue' => $net_revenue, 'avg_items_per_order' => $num_items_sold / $orders_count, 'avg_order_value' => $net_revenue / $orders_count, 'num_returning_customers' => 0, 'num_new_customers' => $new_customers, 'segments' => array(), ), ), ), 'total' => 1, 'pages' => 1, 'page_no' => 1, ); $this->assertEquals( $expected_stats, json_decode( json_encode( $data_store->get_data( $query_args ) ), true ), 'Query args: ' . print_r( $query_args, true ) . "; query: {$wpdb->last_query}" ); // ** Customer returning $returning_order = WC_Helper_Order::create_order( $customer_1->get_id(), $product ); $returning_order->set_status( 'completed' ); $returning_order->set_shipping_total( 10 ); $returning_order->set_total( 110 ); // $25x4 products + $10 shipping. $returning_order->set_date_created( $order_1_time + 1 ); // This is guaranteed to belong to the same hour by the adjustment to $order_1_time. $returning_order->save(); WC_Helper_Queue::run_all_pending(); $query_args = array( 'after' => $current_hour_start->format( WC_Admin_Reports_Interval::$sql_datetime_format ), // I don't think this makes sense.... date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s', $orders[0]->get_date_created()->getOffsetTimestamp() + 1 ), // Date after initial order to get a returning customer. 'before' => $current_hour_end->format( WC_Admin_Reports_Interval::$sql_datetime_format ), 'interval' => 'hour', 'customer' => 'returning', ); $order_permutations = 72; $order_w_coupon_1_perms = 24; $order_w_coupon_2_perms = 24; $orders_count = 1; $num_items_sold = 4; $coupons = 0; $shipping = $orders_count * 10; $net_revenue = 100; $gross_revenue = $net_revenue + $shipping; $expected_stats = array( 'totals' => array( 'orders_count' => $orders_count, 'num_items_sold' => $num_items_sold, 'gross_revenue' => $gross_revenue, 'coupons' => $coupons, 'refunds' => 0, 'taxes' => 0, 'shipping' => $shipping, 'net_revenue' => $net_revenue, 'avg_items_per_order' => $num_items_sold, 'avg_order_value' => $net_revenue / $orders_count, 'num_returning_customers' => 1, 'num_new_customers' => 0, 'products' => 1, 'segments' => array(), ), 'intervals' => array( array( 'interval' => $current_hour_start->format( 'Y-m-d H' ), 'date_start' => $current_hour_start->format( WC_Admin_Reports_Interval::$sql_datetime_format ), 'date_start_gmt' => $current_hour_start->format( WC_Admin_Reports_Interval::$sql_datetime_format ), 'date_end' => $current_hour_end->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'date_end_gmt' => $current_hour_end->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'subtotals' => array( 'orders_count' => $orders_count, 'num_items_sold' => $num_items_sold, 'gross_revenue' => $gross_revenue, 'coupons' => $coupons, 'refunds' => 0, 'taxes' => 0, 'shipping' => $shipping, 'net_revenue' => $net_revenue, 'avg_items_per_order' => $num_items_sold, 'avg_order_value' => $net_revenue / $orders_count, 'num_returning_customers' => 1, 'num_new_customers' => 0, 'segments' => array(), ), ), ), 'total' => 1, 'pages' => 1, 'page_no' => 1, ); $this->assertEquals( $expected_stats, json_decode( json_encode( $data_store->get_data( $query_args ) ), true ), 'Query args: ' . print_r( $query_args, true ) . "; query: {$wpdb->last_query};" ); wp_delete_post( $returning_order->get_id(), true ); // Combinations: match all // status_is + product_includes. $query_args = array( 'after' => $current_hour_start->format( WC_Admin_Reports_Interval::$sql_datetime_format ), 'before' => $current_hour_end->format( WC_Admin_Reports_Interval::$sql_datetime_format ), 'interval' => 'hour', 'status_is' => array( $order_status_1, ), 'product_includes' => array( $product_1->get_id(), ), ); $order_permutations = 12; $order_w_coupon_1_perms = 4; $order_w_coupon_2_perms = 4; $orders_count = count( $this_['hour'] ) * $order_permutations; $num_items_sold = $orders_count / 2 * $qty_per_product + $orders_count / 2 * $qty_per_product * 2; $coupons = count( $this_['hour'] ) * ( $order_w_coupon_1_perms * $coupon_1_amount + $order_w_coupon_2_perms * $coupon_2_amount ); $shipping = $orders_count * 10; $net_revenue = $product_1_price * $qty_per_product * ( $orders_count / 2 ) + ( $product_1_price + $product_4_price ) * $qty_per_product * ( $orders_count / 2 ) - $coupons; $gross_revenue = $net_revenue + $shipping; $expected_stats = array( 'totals' => array( 'orders_count' => $orders_count, 'num_items_sold' => $num_items_sold, 'gross_revenue' => $gross_revenue, 'coupons' => $coupons, 'refunds' => 0, 'taxes' => 0, 'shipping' => $shipping, 'net_revenue' => $net_revenue, 'avg_items_per_order' => $num_items_sold / $orders_count, 'avg_order_value' => $net_revenue / $orders_count, 'num_returning_customers' => 0, 'num_new_customers' => $new_customers, 'products' => 2, 'segments' => array(), ), 'intervals' => array( array( 'interval' => $current_hour_start->format( 'Y-m-d H' ), 'date_start' => $current_hour_start->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'date_start_gmt' => $current_hour_start->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'date_end' => $current_hour_end->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'date_end_gmt' => $current_hour_end->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'subtotals' => array( 'orders_count' => $orders_count, 'num_items_sold' => $num_items_sold, 'gross_revenue' => $gross_revenue, 'coupons' => $coupons, 'refunds' => 0, 'taxes' => 0, 'shipping' => $shipping, 'net_revenue' => $net_revenue, 'avg_items_per_order' => $num_items_sold / $orders_count, 'avg_order_value' => $net_revenue / $orders_count, 'num_returning_customers' => 0, 'num_new_customers' => $new_customers, 'segments' => array(), ), ), ), 'total' => 1, 'pages' => 1, 'page_no' => 1, ); $this->assertEquals( $expected_stats, json_decode( json_encode( $data_store->get_data( $query_args ) ), true ), 'Query args: ' . print_r( $query_args, true ) . "; query: {$wpdb->last_query}" ); // status_is + coupon_includes. $query_args = array( 'after' => $current_hour_start->format( WC_Admin_Reports_Interval::$sql_datetime_format ), 'before' => $current_hour_end->format( WC_Admin_Reports_Interval::$sql_datetime_format ), 'interval' => 'hour', 'status_is' => array( $order_status_1, ), 'coupon_includes' => array( $coupon_1->get_id(), ), ); $order_permutations = 12; $order_w_coupon_1_perms = 12; $order_w_coupon_2_perms = 0; $orders_count = count( $this_['hour'] ) * $order_permutations; $num_items_sold = $orders_count / 2 * $qty_per_product + $orders_count / 2 * $qty_per_product * 2; $coupons = count( $this_['hour'] ) * ( $order_w_coupon_1_perms * $coupon_1_amount + $order_w_coupon_2_perms * $coupon_2_amount ); $shipping = $orders_count * 10; $net_revenue = $product_1_price * $qty_per_product * ( $orders_count / 6 ) + $product_2_price * $qty_per_product * ( $orders_count / 6 ) + $product_3_price * $qty_per_product * ( $orders_count / 6 ) + ( $product_1_price + $product_4_price ) * $qty_per_product * ( $orders_count / 6 ) + ( $product_2_price + $product_4_price ) * $qty_per_product * ( $orders_count / 6 ) + ( $product_3_price + $product_4_price ) * $qty_per_product * ( $orders_count / 6 ) - $coupons; $gross_revenue = $net_revenue + $shipping; $expected_stats = array( 'totals' => array( 'orders_count' => $orders_count, 'num_items_sold' => $num_items_sold, 'gross_revenue' => $gross_revenue, 'coupons' => $coupons, 'refunds' => 0, 'taxes' => 0, 'shipping' => $shipping, 'net_revenue' => $net_revenue, 'avg_items_per_order' => $num_items_sold / $orders_count, 'avg_order_value' => $net_revenue / $orders_count, 'num_returning_customers' => 0, 'num_new_customers' => $new_customers, 'products' => 4, 'segments' => array(), ), 'intervals' => array( array( 'interval' => $current_hour_start->format( 'Y-m-d H' ), 'date_start' => $current_hour_start->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'date_start_gmt' => $current_hour_start->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'date_end' => $current_hour_end->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'date_end_gmt' => $current_hour_end->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'subtotals' => array( 'orders_count' => $orders_count, 'num_items_sold' => $num_items_sold, 'gross_revenue' => $gross_revenue, 'coupons' => $coupons, 'refunds' => 0, 'taxes' => 0, 'shipping' => $shipping, 'net_revenue' => $net_revenue, 'avg_items_per_order' => $num_items_sold / $orders_count, 'avg_order_value' => $net_revenue / $orders_count, 'num_returning_customers' => 0, 'num_new_customers' => $new_customers, 'segments' => array(), ), ), ), 'total' => 1, 'pages' => 1, 'page_no' => 1, ); $this->assertEquals( $expected_stats, json_decode( json_encode( $data_store->get_data( $query_args ) ), true ), 'Query args: ' . print_r( $query_args, true ) . "; query: {$wpdb->last_query}" ); // product_includes + coupon_includes. $query_args = array( 'after' => $current_hour_start->format( WC_Admin_Reports_Interval::$sql_datetime_format ), 'before' => $current_hour_end->format( WC_Admin_Reports_Interval::$sql_datetime_format ), 'interval' => 'hour', 'product_includes' => array( $product_1->get_id(), ), 'coupon_includes' => array( $coupon_1->get_id(), ), ); $order_permutations = 8; $order_w_coupon_1_perms = 8; $order_w_coupon_2_perms = 0; $orders_count = count( $this_['hour'] ) * $order_permutations; $num_items_sold = $orders_count / 2 * $qty_per_product + $orders_count / 2 * $qty_per_product * 2; $coupons = count( $this_['hour'] ) * ( $order_w_coupon_1_perms * $coupon_1_amount + $order_w_coupon_2_perms * $coupon_2_amount ); $shipping = $orders_count * 10; $net_revenue = $product_1_price * $qty_per_product * ( $orders_count / 2 ) + ( $product_1_price + $product_4_price ) * $qty_per_product * ( $orders_count / 2 ) - $coupons; $gross_revenue = $net_revenue + $shipping; $expected_stats = array( 'totals' => array( 'orders_count' => $orders_count, 'num_items_sold' => $num_items_sold, 'gross_revenue' => $gross_revenue, 'coupons' => $coupons, 'refunds' => 0, 'taxes' => 0, 'shipping' => $shipping, 'net_revenue' => $net_revenue, 'avg_items_per_order' => $num_items_sold / $orders_count, 'avg_order_value' => $net_revenue / $orders_count, 'num_returning_customers' => 0, 'num_new_customers' => $new_customers, 'products' => 2, 'segments' => array(), ), 'intervals' => array( array( 'interval' => $current_hour_start->format( 'Y-m-d H' ), 'date_start' => $current_hour_start->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'date_start_gmt' => $current_hour_start->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'date_end' => $current_hour_end->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'date_end_gmt' => $current_hour_end->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'subtotals' => array( 'orders_count' => $orders_count, 'num_items_sold' => $num_items_sold, 'gross_revenue' => $gross_revenue, 'coupons' => $coupons, 'refunds' => 0, 'taxes' => 0, 'shipping' => $shipping, 'net_revenue' => $net_revenue, 'avg_items_per_order' => $num_items_sold / $orders_count, 'avg_order_value' => $net_revenue / $orders_count, 'num_returning_customers' => 0, 'num_new_customers' => $new_customers, 'segments' => array(), ), ), ), 'total' => 1, 'pages' => 1, 'page_no' => 1, ); $this->assertEquals( $expected_stats, json_decode( json_encode( $data_store->get_data( $query_args ) ), true ), 'Query args: ' . print_r( $query_args, true ) . "; query: {$wpdb->last_query}" ); // status_is + product_includes + coupon_includes. $query_args = array( 'after' => $current_hour_start->format( WC_Admin_Reports_Interval::$sql_datetime_format ), 'before' => $current_hour_end->format( WC_Admin_Reports_Interval::$sql_datetime_format ), 'interval' => 'hour', 'status_is' => array( $order_status_1, ), 'product_includes' => array( $product_1->get_id(), ), 'coupon_includes' => array( $coupon_1->get_id(), ), ); $order_permutations = 4; $order_w_coupon_1_perms = 4; $order_w_coupon_2_perms = 0; $orders_count = count( $this_['hour'] ) * $order_permutations; $num_items_sold = $orders_count / 2 * $qty_per_product + $orders_count / 2 * $qty_per_product * 2; $coupons = count( $this_['hour'] ) * ( $order_w_coupon_1_perms * $coupon_1_amount + $order_w_coupon_2_perms * $coupon_2_amount ); $shipping = $orders_count * 10; $net_revenue = $product_1_price * $qty_per_product * ( $orders_count / 2 ) + ( $product_1_price + $product_4_price ) * $qty_per_product * ( $orders_count / 2 ) - $coupons; $gross_revenue = $net_revenue + $shipping; $expected_stats = array( 'totals' => array( 'orders_count' => $orders_count, 'num_items_sold' => $num_items_sold, 'gross_revenue' => $gross_revenue, 'coupons' => $coupons, 'refunds' => 0, 'taxes' => 0, 'shipping' => $shipping, 'net_revenue' => $net_revenue, 'avg_items_per_order' => $num_items_sold / $orders_count, 'avg_order_value' => $net_revenue / $orders_count, 'num_returning_customers' => 0, 'num_new_customers' => $new_customers, 'products' => 2, 'segments' => array(), ), 'intervals' => array( array( 'interval' => $current_hour_start->format( 'Y-m-d H' ), 'date_start' => $current_hour_start->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'date_start_gmt' => $current_hour_start->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'date_end' => $current_hour_end->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'date_end_gmt' => $current_hour_end->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'subtotals' => array( 'orders_count' => $orders_count, 'num_items_sold' => $num_items_sold, 'gross_revenue' => $gross_revenue, 'coupons' => $coupons, 'refunds' => 0, 'taxes' => 0, 'shipping' => $shipping, 'net_revenue' => $net_revenue, 'avg_items_per_order' => $num_items_sold / $orders_count, 'avg_order_value' => $net_revenue / $orders_count, 'num_returning_customers' => 0, 'num_new_customers' => $new_customers, 'segments' => array(), ), ), ), 'total' => 1, 'pages' => 1, 'page_no' => 1, ); $this->assertEquals( $expected_stats, json_decode( json_encode( $data_store->get_data( $query_args ) ), true ), 'Query args: ' . print_r( $query_args, true ) . "; query: {$wpdb->last_query}" ); // status_is + status_is_not + product_includes. $query_args = array( 'after' => $current_hour_start->format( WC_Admin_Reports_Interval::$sql_datetime_format ), 'before' => $current_hour_end->format( WC_Admin_Reports_Interval::$sql_datetime_format ), 'interval' => 'hour', 'status_is' => array( $order_status_1, $order_status_2, ), 'status_is_not' => array( $order_status_2, ), 'product_includes' => array( $product_1->get_id(), ), 'coupon_includes' => array( $coupon_1->get_id(), ), ); $order_permutations = 4; $order_w_coupon_1_perms = 4; $order_w_coupon_2_perms = 0; $orders_count = count( $this_['hour'] ) * $order_permutations; $num_items_sold = $orders_count / 2 * $qty_per_product + $orders_count / 2 * $qty_per_product * 2; $coupons = count( $this_['hour'] ) * ( $order_w_coupon_1_perms * $coupon_1_amount + $order_w_coupon_2_perms * $coupon_2_amount ); $shipping = $orders_count * 10; $net_revenue = $product_1_price * $qty_per_product * ( $orders_count / 2 ) + ( $product_1_price + $product_4_price ) * $qty_per_product * ( $orders_count / 2 ) - $coupons; $gross_revenue = $net_revenue + $shipping; $expected_stats = array( 'totals' => array( 'orders_count' => $orders_count, 'num_items_sold' => $num_items_sold, 'gross_revenue' => $gross_revenue, 'coupons' => $coupons, 'refunds' => 0, 'taxes' => 0, 'shipping' => $shipping, 'net_revenue' => $net_revenue, 'avg_items_per_order' => $num_items_sold / $orders_count, 'avg_order_value' => $net_revenue / $orders_count, 'num_returning_customers' => 0, 'num_new_customers' => $new_customers, 'products' => 2, 'segments' => array(), ), 'intervals' => array( array( 'interval' => $current_hour_start->format( 'Y-m-d H' ), 'date_start' => $current_hour_start->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'date_start_gmt' => $current_hour_start->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'date_end' => $current_hour_end->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'date_end_gmt' => $current_hour_end->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'subtotals' => array( 'orders_count' => $orders_count, 'num_items_sold' => $num_items_sold, 'gross_revenue' => $gross_revenue, 'coupons' => $coupons, 'refunds' => 0, 'taxes' => 0, 'shipping' => $shipping, 'net_revenue' => $net_revenue, 'avg_items_per_order' => $num_items_sold / $orders_count, 'avg_order_value' => $net_revenue / $orders_count, 'num_returning_customers' => 0, 'num_new_customers' => $new_customers, 'segments' => array(), ), ), ), 'total' => 1, 'pages' => 1, 'page_no' => 1, ); $this->assertEquals( $expected_stats, json_decode( json_encode( $data_store->get_data( $query_args ) ), true ), 'Query args: ' . print_r( $query_args, true ) . "; query: {$wpdb->last_query}" ); // status_is + status_is_not + product_includes + product_excludes. $query_args = array( 'after' => $current_hour_start->format( WC_Admin_Reports_Interval::$sql_datetime_format ), 'before' => $current_hour_end->format( WC_Admin_Reports_Interval::$sql_datetime_format ), 'interval' => 'hour', 'status_is' => array( $order_status_1, $order_status_2, ), 'status_is_not' => array( $order_status_2, ), 'product_includes' => array( $product_1->get_id(), $product_2->get_id(), ), 'product_excludes' => array( $product_4->get_id(), ), ); $order_permutations = 12; $order_w_coupon_1_perms = 4; $order_w_coupon_2_perms = 4; $orders_count = count( $this_['hour'] ) * $order_permutations; $num_items_sold = $orders_count * $qty_per_product; // No 2-item-orders here. $coupons = count( $this_['hour'] ) * ( $order_w_coupon_1_perms * $coupon_1_amount + $order_w_coupon_2_perms * $coupon_2_amount ); $shipping = $orders_count * 10; $net_revenue = $product_1_price * $qty_per_product * ( $orders_count / 2 ) + $product_2_price * $qty_per_product * ( $orders_count / 2 ) - $coupons; $gross_revenue = $net_revenue + $shipping; $expected_stats = array( 'totals' => array( 'orders_count' => $orders_count, 'num_items_sold' => $num_items_sold, 'gross_revenue' => $gross_revenue, 'coupons' => $coupons, 'refunds' => 0, 'taxes' => 0, 'shipping' => $shipping, 'net_revenue' => $net_revenue, 'avg_items_per_order' => $num_items_sold / $orders_count, 'avg_order_value' => $net_revenue / $orders_count, 'num_returning_customers' => 0, 'num_new_customers' => $new_customers, // Prod_1, status_1, no coupon orders included here, so 2 new cust orders. 'products' => 2, 'segments' => array(), ), 'intervals' => array( array( 'interval' => $current_hour_start->format( 'Y-m-d H' ), 'date_start' => $current_hour_start->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'date_start_gmt' => $current_hour_start->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'date_end' => $current_hour_end->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'date_end_gmt' => $current_hour_end->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'subtotals' => array( 'orders_count' => $orders_count, 'num_items_sold' => $num_items_sold, 'gross_revenue' => $gross_revenue, 'coupons' => $coupons, 'refunds' => 0, 'taxes' => 0, 'shipping' => $shipping, 'net_revenue' => $net_revenue, 'avg_items_per_order' => $num_items_sold / $orders_count, 'avg_order_value' => $net_revenue / $orders_count, 'num_returning_customers' => 0, 'num_new_customers' => $new_customers, 'segments' => array(), ), ), ), 'total' => 1, 'pages' => 1, 'page_no' => 1, ); $this->assertEquals( $expected_stats, json_decode( json_encode( $data_store->get_data( $query_args ) ), true ), 'Query args: ' . print_r( $query_args, true ) . "; query: {$wpdb->last_query}" ); // status_is + status_is_not + product_includes + product_excludes + coupon_includes. $query_args = array( 'after' => $current_hour_start->format( WC_Admin_Reports_Interval::$sql_datetime_format ), 'before' => $current_hour_end->format( WC_Admin_Reports_Interval::$sql_datetime_format ), 'interval' => 'hour', 'status_is' => array( $order_status_1, $order_status_2, ), 'status_is_not' => array( $order_status_2, ), 'product_includes' => array( $product_1->get_id(), $product_2->get_id(), ), 'product_excludes' => array( $product_4->get_id(), ), 'coupon_includes' => array( $coupon_1->get_id(), ), ); $order_permutations = 4; $order_w_coupon_1_perms = 4; $order_w_coupon_2_perms = 0; $orders_count = count( $this_['hour'] ) * $order_permutations; $num_items_sold = $orders_count * $qty_per_product; $coupons = count( $this_['hour'] ) * ( $order_w_coupon_1_perms * $coupon_1_amount + $order_w_coupon_2_perms * $coupon_2_amount ); $shipping = $orders_count * 10; $net_revenue = $product_1_price * $qty_per_product * ( $orders_count / 2 ) + $product_2_price * $qty_per_product * ( $orders_count / 2 ) - $coupons; $gross_revenue = $net_revenue + $shipping; $expected_stats = array( 'totals' => array( 'orders_count' => $orders_count, 'num_items_sold' => $num_items_sold, 'gross_revenue' => $gross_revenue, 'coupons' => $coupons, 'refunds' => 0, 'taxes' => 0, 'shipping' => $shipping, 'net_revenue' => $net_revenue, 'avg_items_per_order' => $num_items_sold / $orders_count, 'avg_order_value' => $net_revenue / $orders_count, 'num_returning_customers' => 0, 'num_new_customers' => $new_customers, 'products' => 2, 'segments' => array(), ), 'intervals' => array( array( 'interval' => $current_hour_start->format( 'Y-m-d H' ), 'date_start' => $current_hour_start->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'date_start_gmt' => $current_hour_start->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'date_end' => $current_hour_end->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'date_end_gmt' => $current_hour_end->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'subtotals' => array( 'orders_count' => $orders_count, 'num_items_sold' => $num_items_sold, 'gross_revenue' => $gross_revenue, 'coupons' => $coupons, 'refunds' => 0, 'taxes' => 0, 'shipping' => $shipping, 'net_revenue' => $net_revenue, 'avg_items_per_order' => $num_items_sold / $orders_count, 'avg_order_value' => $net_revenue / $orders_count, 'num_returning_customers' => 0, 'num_new_customers' => $new_customers, 'segments' => array(), ), ), ), 'total' => 1, 'pages' => 1, 'page_no' => 1, ); $this->assertEquals( $expected_stats, json_decode( json_encode( $data_store->get_data( $query_args ) ), true ), 'Query args: ' . print_r( $query_args, true ) . "; query: {$wpdb->last_query}" ); // status_is + status_is_not + product_includes + product_excludes + coupon_includes + coupon_excludes. $query_args = array( 'after' => $current_hour_start->format( WC_Admin_Reports_Interval::$sql_datetime_format ), 'before' => $current_hour_end->format( WC_Admin_Reports_Interval::$sql_datetime_format ), 'interval' => 'hour', 'status_is' => array( $order_status_1, $order_status_2, ), 'status_is_not' => array( $order_status_2, ), 'product_includes' => array( $product_1->get_id(), $product_2->get_id(), ), 'product_excludes' => array( $product_4->get_id(), ), 'coupon_includes' => array( $coupon_1->get_id(), $coupon_2->get_id(), ), 'coupon_excludes' => array( $coupon_2->get_id(), ), ); $order_permutations = 4; $order_w_coupon_1_perms = 4; $order_w_coupon_2_perms = 0; $orders_count = count( $this_['hour'] ) * $order_permutations; $num_items_sold = $orders_count * $qty_per_product; $coupons = count( $this_['hour'] ) * ( $order_w_coupon_1_perms * $coupon_1_amount + $order_w_coupon_2_perms * $coupon_2_amount ); $shipping = $orders_count * 10; $net_revenue = $product_1_price * $qty_per_product * ( $orders_count / 2 ) + $product_2_price * $qty_per_product * ( $orders_count / 2 ) - $coupons; $gross_revenue = $net_revenue + $shipping; $expected_stats = array( 'totals' => array( 'orders_count' => $orders_count, 'num_items_sold' => $num_items_sold, 'gross_revenue' => $gross_revenue, 'coupons' => $coupons, 'refunds' => 0, 'taxes' => 0, 'shipping' => $shipping, 'net_revenue' => $net_revenue, 'avg_items_per_order' => $num_items_sold / $orders_count, 'avg_order_value' => $net_revenue / $orders_count, 'num_returning_customers' => 0, 'num_new_customers' => $new_customers, 'products' => 2, 'segments' => array(), ), 'intervals' => array( array( 'interval' => $current_hour_start->format( 'Y-m-d H' ), 'date_start' => $current_hour_start->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'date_start_gmt' => $current_hour_start->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'date_end' => $current_hour_end->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'date_end_gmt' => $current_hour_end->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'subtotals' => array( 'orders_count' => $orders_count, 'num_items_sold' => $num_items_sold, 'gross_revenue' => $gross_revenue, 'coupons' => $coupons, 'refunds' => 0, 'taxes' => 0, 'shipping' => $shipping, 'net_revenue' => $net_revenue, 'avg_items_per_order' => $num_items_sold / $orders_count, 'avg_order_value' => $net_revenue / $orders_count, 'num_returning_customers' => 0, 'num_new_customers' => $new_customers, 'segments' => array(), ), ), ), 'total' => 1, 'pages' => 1, 'page_no' => 1, ); $this->assertEquals( $expected_stats, json_decode( json_encode( $data_store->get_data( $query_args ) ), true ), 'Query args: ' . print_r( $query_args, true ) . "; query: {$wpdb->last_query}" ); // Combinations: match any // status_is + status_is_not, all orders. $query_args = array( 'after' => $current_hour_start->format( WC_Admin_Reports_Interval::$sql_datetime_format ), 'before' => $current_hour_end->format( WC_Admin_Reports_Interval::$sql_datetime_format ), 'interval' => 'hour', 'match' => 'any', 'status_is' => array( $order_status_1, ), 'status_is_not' => array( $order_status_1, ), ); $order_permutations = 72; $order_w_coupon_1_perms = 24; $order_w_coupon_2_perms = 24; $orders_count = count( $this_['hour'] ) * $order_permutations; $num_items_sold = $orders_count / 2 * $qty_per_product + $orders_count / 2 * $qty_per_product * 2; $coupons = count( $this_['hour'] ) * ( $order_w_coupon_1_perms * $coupon_1_amount + $order_w_coupon_2_perms * $coupon_2_amount ); $shipping = $orders_count * 10; $net_revenue = $product_1_price * $qty_per_product * ( $orders_count / 6 ) + $product_2_price * $qty_per_product * ( $orders_count / 6 ) + $product_3_price * $qty_per_product * ( $orders_count / 6 ) + ( $product_1_price + $product_4_price ) * $qty_per_product * ( $orders_count / 6 ) + ( $product_2_price + $product_4_price ) * $qty_per_product * ( $orders_count / 6 ) + ( $product_3_price + $product_4_price ) * $qty_per_product * ( $orders_count / 6 ) - $coupons; $gross_revenue = $net_revenue + $shipping; $expected_stats = array( 'totals' => array( 'orders_count' => $orders_count, 'num_items_sold' => $num_items_sold, 'gross_revenue' => $gross_revenue, 'coupons' => $coupons, 'refunds' => 0, 'taxes' => 0, 'shipping' => $shipping, 'net_revenue' => $net_revenue, 'avg_items_per_order' => $num_items_sold / $orders_count, 'avg_order_value' => $net_revenue / $orders_count, 'num_returning_customers' => 0, 'num_new_customers' => $new_customers, 'products' => 4, 'segments' => array(), ), 'intervals' => array( array( 'interval' => $current_hour_start->format( 'Y-m-d H' ), 'date_start' => $current_hour_start->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'date_start_gmt' => $current_hour_start->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'date_end' => $current_hour_end->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'date_end_gmt' => $current_hour_end->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'subtotals' => array( 'orders_count' => $orders_count, 'num_items_sold' => $num_items_sold, 'gross_revenue' => $gross_revenue, 'coupons' => $coupons, 'refunds' => 0, 'taxes' => 0, 'shipping' => $shipping, 'net_revenue' => $net_revenue, 'avg_items_per_order' => $num_items_sold / $orders_count, 'avg_order_value' => $net_revenue / $orders_count, 'num_returning_customers' => 0, 'num_new_customers' => $new_customers, 'segments' => array(), ), ), ), 'total' => 1, 'pages' => 1, 'page_no' => 1, ); $this->assertEquals( $expected_stats, json_decode( json_encode( $data_store->get_data( $query_args ) ), true ), 'Query args: ' . print_r( $query_args, true ) . "; query: {$wpdb->last_query}" ); // status_is OR product_includes. $query_args = array( 'after' => $current_hour_start->format( WC_Admin_Reports_Interval::$sql_datetime_format ), 'before' => $current_hour_end->format( WC_Admin_Reports_Interval::$sql_datetime_format ), 'interval' => 'hour', 'match' => 'any', 'status_is' => array( $order_status_1, ), 'product_includes' => array( $product_1->get_id(), ), ); $order_permutations = 48; $order_w_coupon_1_perms = 16; $order_w_coupon_2_perms = 16; $orders_count = count( $this_['hour'] ) * $order_permutations; $num_items_sold = $orders_count / 2 * $qty_per_product + $orders_count / 2 * $qty_per_product * 2; $coupons = count( $this_['hour'] ) * ( $order_w_coupon_1_perms * $coupon_1_amount + $order_w_coupon_2_perms * $coupon_2_amount ); $shipping = $orders_count * 10; $net_revenue = $product_1_price * $qty_per_product * ( $orders_count / 4 ) + $product_2_price * $qty_per_product * ( $orders_count / 8 ) + $product_3_price * $qty_per_product * ( $orders_count / 8 ) + ( $product_1_price + $product_4_price ) * $qty_per_product * ( $orders_count / 4 ) + ( $product_2_price + $product_4_price ) * $qty_per_product * ( $orders_count / 8 ) + ( $product_3_price + $product_4_price ) * $qty_per_product * ( $orders_count / 8 ) - $coupons; $gross_revenue = $net_revenue + $shipping; $expected_stats = array( 'totals' => array( 'orders_count' => $orders_count, 'num_items_sold' => $num_items_sold, 'gross_revenue' => $gross_revenue, 'coupons' => $coupons, 'refunds' => 0, 'taxes' => 0, 'shipping' => $shipping, 'net_revenue' => $net_revenue, 'avg_items_per_order' => $num_items_sold / $orders_count, 'avg_order_value' => $net_revenue / $orders_count, 'num_returning_customers' => 0, 'num_new_customers' => $new_customers, 'products' => 4, 'segments' => array(), ), 'intervals' => array( array( 'interval' => $current_hour_start->format( 'Y-m-d H' ), 'date_start' => $current_hour_start->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'date_start_gmt' => $current_hour_start->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'date_end' => $current_hour_end->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'date_end_gmt' => $current_hour_end->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'subtotals' => array( 'orders_count' => $orders_count, 'num_items_sold' => $num_items_sold, 'gross_revenue' => $gross_revenue, 'coupons' => $coupons, 'refunds' => 0, 'taxes' => 0, 'shipping' => $shipping, 'net_revenue' => $net_revenue, 'avg_items_per_order' => $num_items_sold / $orders_count, 'avg_order_value' => $net_revenue / $orders_count, 'num_returning_customers' => 0, 'num_new_customers' => $new_customers, 'segments' => array(), ), ), ), 'total' => 1, 'pages' => 1, 'page_no' => 1, ); $this->assertEquals( $expected_stats, json_decode( json_encode( $data_store->get_data( $query_args ) ), true ), 'Query args: ' . print_r( $query_args, true ) . "; query: {$wpdb->last_query}" ); // status_is OR coupon_includes. $query_args = array( 'after' => $current_hour_start->format( WC_Admin_Reports_Interval::$sql_datetime_format ), 'before' => $current_hour_end->format( WC_Admin_Reports_Interval::$sql_datetime_format ), 'interval' => 'hour', 'match' => 'any', 'status_is' => array( $order_status_1, ), 'coupon_includes' => array( $coupon_1->get_id(), ), ); $order_permutations = 48; $order_w_coupon_1_perms = 24; $order_w_coupon_2_perms = 12; $orders_count = count( $this_['hour'] ) * $order_permutations; $num_items_sold = $orders_count / 2 * $qty_per_product + $orders_count / 2 * $qty_per_product * 2; $coupons = count( $this_['hour'] ) * ( $order_w_coupon_1_perms * $coupon_1_amount + $order_w_coupon_2_perms * $coupon_2_amount ); $shipping = $orders_count * 10; $net_revenue = $product_1_price * $qty_per_product * ( $orders_count / 6 ) + $product_2_price * $qty_per_product * ( $orders_count / 6 ) + $product_3_price * $qty_per_product * ( $orders_count / 6 ) + ( $product_1_price + $product_4_price ) * $qty_per_product * ( $orders_count / 6 ) + ( $product_2_price + $product_4_price ) * $qty_per_product * ( $orders_count / 6 ) + ( $product_3_price + $product_4_price ) * $qty_per_product * ( $orders_count / 6 ) - $coupons; $gross_revenue = $net_revenue + $shipping; $expected_stats = array( 'totals' => array( 'orders_count' => $orders_count, 'num_items_sold' => $num_items_sold, 'gross_revenue' => $gross_revenue, 'coupons' => $coupons, 'refunds' => 0, 'taxes' => 0, 'shipping' => $shipping, 'net_revenue' => $net_revenue, 'avg_items_per_order' => $num_items_sold / $orders_count, 'avg_order_value' => $net_revenue / $orders_count, 'num_returning_customers' => 0, 'num_new_customers' => $new_customers, 'products' => 4, 'segments' => array(), ), 'intervals' => array( array( 'interval' => $current_hour_start->format( 'Y-m-d H' ), 'date_start' => $current_hour_start->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'date_start_gmt' => $current_hour_start->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'date_end' => $current_hour_end->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'date_end_gmt' => $current_hour_end->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'subtotals' => array( 'orders_count' => $orders_count, 'num_items_sold' => $num_items_sold, 'gross_revenue' => $gross_revenue, 'coupons' => $coupons, 'refunds' => 0, 'taxes' => 0, 'shipping' => $shipping, 'net_revenue' => $net_revenue, 'avg_items_per_order' => $num_items_sold / $orders_count, 'avg_order_value' => $net_revenue / $orders_count, 'num_returning_customers' => 0, 'num_new_customers' => $new_customers, 'segments' => array(), ), ), ), 'total' => 1, 'pages' => 1, 'page_no' => 1, ); $this->assertEquals( $expected_stats, json_decode( json_encode( $data_store->get_data( $query_args ) ), true ), 'Query args: ' . print_r( $query_args, true ) . "; query: {$wpdb->last_query}" ); // status_is OR coupon_excludes. $query_args = array( 'after' => $current_hour_start->format( WC_Admin_Reports_Interval::$sql_datetime_format ), 'before' => $current_hour_end->format( WC_Admin_Reports_Interval::$sql_datetime_format ), 'interval' => 'hour', 'match' => 'any', 'status_is' => array( $order_status_1, ), 'coupon_excludes' => array( $coupon_1->get_id(), ), ); $order_permutations = 60; $order_w_coupon_1_perms = 12; $order_w_coupon_2_perms = 24; $orders_count = count( $this_['hour'] ) * $order_permutations; $num_items_sold = $orders_count / 2 * $qty_per_product + $orders_count / 2 * $qty_per_product * 2; $coupons = count( $this_['hour'] ) * ( $order_w_coupon_1_perms * $coupon_1_amount + $order_w_coupon_2_perms * $coupon_2_amount ); $shipping = $orders_count * 10; $net_revenue = $product_1_price * $qty_per_product * ( $orders_count / 6 ) + $product_2_price * $qty_per_product * ( $orders_count / 6 ) + $product_3_price * $qty_per_product * ( $orders_count / 6 ) + ( $product_1_price + $product_4_price ) * $qty_per_product * ( $orders_count / 6 ) + ( $product_2_price + $product_4_price ) * $qty_per_product * ( $orders_count / 6 ) + ( $product_3_price + $product_4_price ) * $qty_per_product * ( $orders_count / 6 ) - $coupons; $gross_revenue = $net_revenue + $shipping; $expected_stats = array( 'totals' => array( 'orders_count' => $orders_count, 'num_items_sold' => $num_items_sold, 'gross_revenue' => $gross_revenue, 'coupons' => $coupons, 'refunds' => 0, 'taxes' => 0, 'shipping' => $shipping, 'net_revenue' => $net_revenue, 'avg_items_per_order' => $num_items_sold / $orders_count, 'avg_order_value' => $net_revenue / $orders_count, 'num_returning_customers' => 0, 'num_new_customers' => $new_customers, 'products' => 4, 'segments' => array(), ), 'intervals' => array( array( 'interval' => $current_hour_start->format( 'Y-m-d H' ), 'date_start' => $current_hour_start->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'date_start_gmt' => $current_hour_start->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'date_end' => $current_hour_end->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'date_end_gmt' => $current_hour_end->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'subtotals' => array( 'orders_count' => $orders_count, 'num_items_sold' => $num_items_sold, 'gross_revenue' => $gross_revenue, 'coupons' => $coupons, 'refunds' => 0, 'taxes' => 0, 'shipping' => $shipping, 'net_revenue' => $net_revenue, 'avg_items_per_order' => $num_items_sold / $orders_count, 'avg_order_value' => $net_revenue / $orders_count, 'num_returning_customers' => 0, 'num_new_customers' => $new_customers, 'segments' => array(), ), ), ), 'total' => 1, 'pages' => 1, 'page_no' => 1, ); $this->assertEquals( $expected_stats, json_decode( json_encode( $data_store->get_data( $query_args ) ), true ), 'Query args: ' . print_r( $query_args, true ) . "; query: {$wpdb->last_query}" ); // product_includes OR coupon_includes. $query_args = array( 'after' => $current_hour_start->format( WC_Admin_Reports_Interval::$sql_datetime_format ), 'before' => $current_hour_end->format( WC_Admin_Reports_Interval::$sql_datetime_format ), 'interval' => 'hour', 'match' => 'any', 'product_includes' => array( $product_1->get_id(), ), 'coupon_includes' => array( $coupon_1->get_id(), ), ); $order_permutations = 40; $order_w_coupon_1_perms = 24; $order_w_coupon_2_perms = 8; $orders_count = count( $this_['hour'] ) * $order_permutations; $num_items_sold = $orders_count / 2 * $qty_per_product + $orders_count / 2 * $qty_per_product * 2; $coupons = count( $this_['hour'] ) * ( $order_w_coupon_1_perms * $coupon_1_amount + $order_w_coupon_2_perms * $coupon_2_amount ); $shipping = $orders_count * 10; $net_revenue = $product_1_price * $qty_per_product * ( $orders_count * 3 / 10 ) + $product_2_price * $qty_per_product * ( $orders_count * 1 / 10 ) + $product_3_price * $qty_per_product * ( $orders_count * 1 / 10 ) + ( $product_1_price + $product_4_price ) * $qty_per_product * ( $orders_count * 3 / 10 ) + ( $product_2_price + $product_4_price ) * $qty_per_product * ( $orders_count * 1 / 10 ) + ( $product_3_price + $product_4_price ) * $qty_per_product * ( $orders_count * 1 / 10 ) - $coupons; $gross_revenue = $net_revenue + $shipping; $expected_stats = array( 'totals' => array( 'orders_count' => $orders_count, 'num_items_sold' => $num_items_sold, 'gross_revenue' => $gross_revenue, 'coupons' => $coupons, 'refunds' => 0, 'taxes' => 0, 'shipping' => $shipping, 'net_revenue' => $net_revenue, 'avg_items_per_order' => $num_items_sold / $orders_count, 'avg_order_value' => $net_revenue / $orders_count, 'num_returning_customers' => 0, 'num_new_customers' => $new_customers, 'products' => 4, 'segments' => array(), ), 'intervals' => array( array( 'interval' => $current_hour_start->format( 'Y-m-d H' ), 'date_start' => $current_hour_start->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'date_start_gmt' => $current_hour_start->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'date_end' => $current_hour_end->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'date_end_gmt' => $current_hour_end->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'subtotals' => array( 'orders_count' => $orders_count, 'num_items_sold' => $num_items_sold, 'gross_revenue' => $gross_revenue, 'coupons' => $coupons, 'refunds' => 0, 'taxes' => 0, 'shipping' => $shipping, 'net_revenue' => $net_revenue, 'avg_items_per_order' => $num_items_sold / $orders_count, 'avg_order_value' => $net_revenue / $orders_count, 'num_returning_customers' => 0, 'num_new_customers' => $new_customers, 'segments' => array(), ), ), ), 'total' => 1, 'pages' => 1, 'page_no' => 1, ); $this->assertEquals( $expected_stats, json_decode( json_encode( $data_store->get_data( $query_args ) ), true ), 'Query args: ' . print_r( $query_args, true ) . "; query: {$wpdb->last_query}" ); // status_is OR product_includes OR coupon_includes. $query_args = array( 'after' => $current_hour_start->format( WC_Admin_Reports_Interval::$sql_datetime_format ), 'before' => $current_hour_end->format( WC_Admin_Reports_Interval::$sql_datetime_format ), 'interval' => 'hour', 'match' => 'any', 'status_is' => array( $order_status_1, ), 'product_includes' => array( $product_1->get_id(), ), 'coupon_includes' => array( $coupon_1->get_id(), ), ); $order_permutations = 56; $order_w_coupon_1_perms = 24; $order_w_coupon_2_perms = 16; $orders_count = count( $this_['hour'] ) * $order_permutations; $num_items_sold = $orders_count / 2 * $qty_per_product + $orders_count / 2 * $qty_per_product * 2; $coupons = count( $this_['hour'] ) * ( $order_w_coupon_1_perms * $coupon_1_amount + $order_w_coupon_2_perms * $coupon_2_amount ); $shipping = $orders_count * 10; $net_revenue = $product_1_price * $qty_per_product * ( $orders_count * 3 / 14 ) + $product_2_price * $qty_per_product * ( $orders_count * 1 / 7 ) + $product_3_price * $qty_per_product * ( $orders_count * 1 / 7 ) + ( $product_1_price + $product_4_price ) * $qty_per_product * ( $orders_count * 3 / 14 ) + ( $product_2_price + $product_4_price ) * $qty_per_product * ( $orders_count * 1 / 7 ) + ( $product_3_price + $product_4_price ) * $qty_per_product * ( $orders_count * 1 / 7 ) - $coupons; $gross_revenue = $net_revenue + $shipping; $expected_stats = array( 'totals' => array( 'orders_count' => $orders_count, 'num_items_sold' => $num_items_sold, 'gross_revenue' => $gross_revenue, 'coupons' => $coupons, 'refunds' => 0, 'taxes' => 0, 'shipping' => $shipping, 'net_revenue' => $net_revenue, 'avg_items_per_order' => $num_items_sold / $orders_count, 'avg_order_value' => $net_revenue / $orders_count, 'num_returning_customers' => 0, 'num_new_customers' => $new_customers, 'products' => 4, 'segments' => array(), ), 'intervals' => array( array( 'interval' => $current_hour_start->format( 'Y-m-d H' ), 'date_start' => $current_hour_start->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'date_start_gmt' => $current_hour_start->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'date_end' => $current_hour_end->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'date_end_gmt' => $current_hour_end->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'subtotals' => array( 'orders_count' => $orders_count, 'num_items_sold' => $num_items_sold, 'gross_revenue' => $gross_revenue, 'coupons' => $coupons, 'refunds' => 0, 'taxes' => 0, 'shipping' => $shipping, 'net_revenue' => $net_revenue, 'avg_items_per_order' => $num_items_sold / $orders_count, 'avg_order_value' => $net_revenue / $orders_count, 'num_returning_customers' => 0, 'num_new_customers' => $new_customers, 'segments' => array(), ), ), ), 'total' => 1, 'pages' => 1, 'page_no' => 1, ); $this->assertEquals( $expected_stats, json_decode( json_encode( $data_store->get_data( $query_args ) ), true ), 'Query args: ' . print_r( $query_args, true ) . "; query: {$wpdb->last_query}" ); // status_is OR status_is_not OR product_includes. $query_args = array( 'after' => $current_hour_start->format( WC_Admin_Reports_Interval::$sql_datetime_format ), 'before' => $current_hour_end->format( WC_Admin_Reports_Interval::$sql_datetime_format ), 'interval' => 'hour', 'match' => 'any', 'status_is' => array( $order_status_1, ), 'status_is_not' => array( $order_status_2, ), 'product_includes' => array( $product_1->get_id(), ), 'coupon_includes' => array( $coupon_1->get_id(), ), ); $order_permutations = 56; $order_w_coupon_1_perms = 24; $order_w_coupon_2_perms = 16; $orders_count = count( $this_['hour'] ) * $order_permutations; $num_items_sold = $orders_count / 2 * $qty_per_product + $orders_count / 2 * $qty_per_product * 2; $coupons = count( $this_['hour'] ) * ( $order_w_coupon_1_perms * $coupon_1_amount + $order_w_coupon_2_perms * $coupon_2_amount ); $shipping = $orders_count * 10; $net_revenue = $product_1_price * $qty_per_product * ( $orders_count * 3 / 14 ) + $product_2_price * $qty_per_product * ( $orders_count * 1 / 7 ) + $product_3_price * $qty_per_product * ( $orders_count * 1 / 7 ) + ( $product_1_price + $product_4_price ) * $qty_per_product * ( $orders_count * 3 / 14 ) + ( $product_2_price + $product_4_price ) * $qty_per_product * ( $orders_count * 1 / 7 ) + ( $product_3_price + $product_4_price ) * $qty_per_product * ( $orders_count * 1 / 7 ) - $coupons; $gross_revenue = $net_revenue + $shipping; $expected_stats = array( 'totals' => array( 'orders_count' => $orders_count, 'num_items_sold' => $num_items_sold, 'gross_revenue' => $gross_revenue, 'coupons' => $coupons, 'refunds' => 0, 'taxes' => 0, 'shipping' => $shipping, 'net_revenue' => $net_revenue, 'avg_items_per_order' => $num_items_sold / $orders_count, 'avg_order_value' => $net_revenue / $orders_count, 'num_returning_customers' => 0, 'num_new_customers' => $new_customers, 'products' => 4, 'segments' => array(), ), 'intervals' => array( array( 'interval' => $current_hour_start->format( 'Y-m-d H' ), 'date_start' => $current_hour_start->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'date_start_gmt' => $current_hour_start->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'date_end' => $current_hour_end->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'date_end_gmt' => $current_hour_end->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'subtotals' => array( 'orders_count' => $orders_count, 'num_items_sold' => $num_items_sold, 'gross_revenue' => $gross_revenue, 'coupons' => $coupons, 'refunds' => 0, 'taxes' => 0, 'shipping' => $shipping, 'net_revenue' => $net_revenue, 'avg_items_per_order' => $num_items_sold / $orders_count, 'avg_order_value' => $net_revenue / $orders_count, 'num_returning_customers' => 0, 'num_new_customers' => $new_customers, 'segments' => array(), ), ), ), 'total' => 1, 'pages' => 1, 'page_no' => 1, ); $this->assertEquals( $expected_stats, json_decode( json_encode( $data_store->get_data( $query_args ) ), true ), 'Query args: ' . print_r( $query_args, true ) . "; query: {$wpdb->last_query}" ); // status_is OR status_is_not OR product_includes OR product_excludes. $query_args = array( 'after' => $current_hour_start->format( WC_Admin_Reports_Interval::$sql_datetime_format ), 'before' => $current_hour_end->format( WC_Admin_Reports_Interval::$sql_datetime_format ), 'interval' => 'hour', 'match' => 'any', 'status_is' => array( $order_status_1, ), 'status_is_not' => array( $order_status_2, ), 'product_includes' => array( $product_1->get_id(), ), 'product_excludes' => array( $product_2->get_id(), ), ); $order_permutations = 60; $order_w_coupon_1_perms = 20; $order_w_coupon_2_perms = 20; $orders_count = count( $this_['hour'] ) * $order_permutations; $num_items_sold = $orders_count / 2 * $qty_per_product + $orders_count / 2 * $qty_per_product * 2; $coupons = count( $this_['hour'] ) * ( $order_w_coupon_1_perms * $coupon_1_amount + $order_w_coupon_2_perms * $coupon_2_amount ); $shipping = $orders_count * 10; $net_revenue = $product_1_price * $qty_per_product * ( $orders_count * 1 / 5 ) + $product_2_price * $qty_per_product * ( $orders_count * 1 / 10 ) + $product_3_price * $qty_per_product * ( $orders_count * 1 / 5 ) + ( $product_1_price + $product_4_price ) * $qty_per_product * ( $orders_count * 1 / 5 ) + ( $product_2_price + $product_4_price ) * $qty_per_product * ( $orders_count * 1 / 10 ) + ( $product_3_price + $product_4_price ) * $qty_per_product * ( $orders_count * 1 / 5 ) - $coupons; $gross_revenue = $net_revenue + $shipping; $expected_stats = array( 'totals' => array( 'orders_count' => $orders_count, 'num_items_sold' => $num_items_sold, 'gross_revenue' => $gross_revenue, 'coupons' => $coupons, 'refunds' => 0, 'taxes' => 0, 'shipping' => $shipping, 'net_revenue' => $net_revenue, 'avg_items_per_order' => $num_items_sold / $orders_count, 'avg_order_value' => $net_revenue / $orders_count, 'num_returning_customers' => 0, 'num_new_customers' => $new_customers, 'products' => 4, 'segments' => array(), ), 'intervals' => array( array( 'interval' => $current_hour_start->format( 'Y-m-d H' ), 'date_start' => $current_hour_start->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'date_start_gmt' => $current_hour_start->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'date_end' => $current_hour_end->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'date_end_gmt' => $current_hour_end->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'subtotals' => array( 'orders_count' => $orders_count, 'num_items_sold' => $num_items_sold, 'gross_revenue' => $gross_revenue, 'coupons' => $coupons, 'refunds' => 0, 'taxes' => 0, 'shipping' => $shipping, 'net_revenue' => $net_revenue, 'avg_items_per_order' => $num_items_sold / $orders_count, 'avg_order_value' => $net_revenue / $orders_count, 'num_returning_customers' => 0, 'num_new_customers' => $new_customers, 'segments' => array(), ), ), ), 'total' => 1, 'pages' => 1, 'page_no' => 1, ); $this->assertEquals( $expected_stats, json_decode( json_encode( $data_store->get_data( $query_args ) ), true ), 'Query args: ' . print_r( $query_args, true ) . "; query: {$wpdb->last_query}" ); // status_is OR status_is_not OR product_includes OR product_excludes OR coupon_includes. $query_args = array( 'after' => $current_hour_start->format( WC_Admin_Reports_Interval::$sql_datetime_format ), 'before' => $current_hour_end->format( WC_Admin_Reports_Interval::$sql_datetime_format ), 'interval' => 'hour', 'match' => 'any', 'status_is' => array( $order_status_1, ), 'status_is_not' => array( $order_status_2, ), 'product_includes' => array( $product_1->get_id(), ), 'product_excludes' => array( $product_2->get_id(), ), 'coupon_includes' => array( $coupon_1->get_id(), ), ); $order_permutations = 64; $order_w_coupon_1_perms = 24; $order_w_coupon_2_perms = 20; $orders_count = count( $this_['hour'] ) * $order_permutations; $num_items_sold = $orders_count / 2 * $qty_per_product + $orders_count / 2 * $qty_per_product * 2; $coupons = count( $this_['hour'] ) * ( $order_w_coupon_1_perms * $coupon_1_amount + $order_w_coupon_2_perms * $coupon_2_amount ); $shipping = $orders_count * 10; $net_revenue = $product_1_price * $qty_per_product * ( $orders_count * 3 / 16 ) + $product_2_price * $qty_per_product * ( $orders_count * 1 / 8 ) + $product_3_price * $qty_per_product * ( $orders_count * 3 / 16 ) + ( $product_1_price + $product_4_price ) * $qty_per_product * ( $orders_count * 3 / 16 ) + ( $product_2_price + $product_4_price ) * $qty_per_product * ( $orders_count * 1 / 8 ) + ( $product_3_price + $product_4_price ) * $qty_per_product * ( $orders_count * 3 / 16 ) - $coupons; $gross_revenue = $net_revenue + $shipping; $expected_stats = array( 'totals' => array( 'orders_count' => $orders_count, 'num_items_sold' => $num_items_sold, 'gross_revenue' => $gross_revenue, 'coupons' => $coupons, 'refunds' => 0, 'taxes' => 0, 'shipping' => $shipping, 'net_revenue' => $net_revenue, 'avg_items_per_order' => $num_items_sold / $orders_count, 'avg_order_value' => $net_revenue / $orders_count, 'num_returning_customers' => 0, 'num_new_customers' => $new_customers, 'products' => 4, 'segments' => array(), ), 'intervals' => array( array( 'interval' => $current_hour_start->format( 'Y-m-d H' ), 'date_start' => $current_hour_start->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'date_start_gmt' => $current_hour_start->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'date_end' => $current_hour_end->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'date_end_gmt' => $current_hour_end->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'subtotals' => array( 'orders_count' => $orders_count, 'num_items_sold' => $num_items_sold, 'gross_revenue' => $gross_revenue, 'coupons' => $coupons, 'refunds' => 0, 'taxes' => 0, 'shipping' => $shipping, 'net_revenue' => $net_revenue, 'avg_items_per_order' => $num_items_sold / $orders_count, 'avg_order_value' => $net_revenue / $orders_count, 'num_returning_customers' => 0, 'num_new_customers' => $new_customers, 'segments' => array(), ), ), ), 'total' => 1, 'pages' => 1, 'page_no' => 1, ); $this->assertEquals( $expected_stats, json_decode( json_encode( $data_store->get_data( $query_args ) ), true ), 'Query args: ' . print_r( $query_args, true ) . "; query: {$wpdb->last_query}" ); // status_is OR status_is_not OR product_includes OR product_excludes OR coupon_includes OR coupon_excludes. $query_args = array( 'after' => $current_hour_start->format( WC_Admin_Reports_Interval::$sql_datetime_format ), 'before' => $current_hour_end->format( WC_Admin_Reports_Interval::$sql_datetime_format ), 'interval' => 'hour', 'match' => 'any', 'status_is' => array( $order_status_1, ), 'status_is_not' => array( $order_status_2, ), 'product_includes' => array( $product_1->get_id(), ), 'product_excludes' => array( $product_2->get_id(), ), 'coupon_includes' => array( $coupon_1->get_id(), ), 'coupon_excludes' => array( $coupon_2->get_id(), ), ); $order_permutations = 68; $order_w_coupon_1_perms = 24; $order_w_coupon_2_perms = 20; $orders_count = count( $this_['hour'] ) * $order_permutations; $num_items_sold = $orders_count / 2 * $qty_per_product + $orders_count / 2 * $qty_per_product * 2; $coupons = count( $this_['hour'] ) * ( $order_w_coupon_1_perms * $coupon_1_amount + $order_w_coupon_2_perms * $coupon_2_amount ); $shipping = $orders_count * 10; $net_revenue = $product_1_price * $qty_per_product * ( $orders_count * 3 / 17 ) + $product_2_price * $qty_per_product * ( $orders_count * 5 / 34 ) + $product_3_price * $qty_per_product * ( $orders_count * 3 / 17 ) + ( $product_1_price + $product_4_price ) * $qty_per_product * ( $orders_count * 3 / 17 ) + ( $product_2_price + $product_4_price ) * $qty_per_product * ( $orders_count * 5 / 34 ) + ( $product_3_price + $product_4_price ) * $qty_per_product * ( $orders_count * 3 / 17 ) - $coupons; $gross_revenue = $net_revenue + $shipping; $expected_stats = array( 'totals' => array( 'orders_count' => $orders_count, 'num_items_sold' => $num_items_sold, 'gross_revenue' => $gross_revenue, 'coupons' => $coupons, 'refunds' => 0, 'taxes' => 0, 'shipping' => $shipping, 'net_revenue' => $net_revenue, 'avg_items_per_order' => $num_items_sold / $orders_count, 'avg_order_value' => $net_revenue / $orders_count, 'num_returning_customers' => 0, 'num_new_customers' => $new_customers, 'products' => 4, 'segments' => array(), ), 'intervals' => array( array( 'interval' => $current_hour_start->format( 'Y-m-d H' ), 'date_start' => $current_hour_start->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'date_start_gmt' => $current_hour_start->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'date_end' => $current_hour_end->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'date_end_gmt' => $current_hour_end->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'subtotals' => array( 'orders_count' => $orders_count, 'num_items_sold' => $num_items_sold, 'gross_revenue' => $gross_revenue, 'coupons' => $coupons, 'refunds' => 0, 'taxes' => 0, 'shipping' => $shipping, 'net_revenue' => $net_revenue, 'avg_items_per_order' => $num_items_sold / $orders_count, 'avg_order_value' => $net_revenue / $orders_count, 'num_returning_customers' => 0, 'num_new_customers' => $new_customers, 'segments' => array(), ), ), ), 'total' => 1, 'pages' => 1, 'page_no' => 1, ); $this->assertEquals( $expected_stats, json_decode( json_encode( $data_store->get_data( $query_args ) ), true ), 'Query args: ' . print_r( $query_args, true ) . "; query: {$wpdb->last_query}" ); } /** * Test if lookup tables are cleaned after delete an order. * * @covers WC_Admin_Reports_Orders_Stats_Data_Store::delete_order * @covers WC_Admin_Reports_Products_Data_Store::sync_on_order_delete * @covers WC_Admin_Reports_Coupons_Data_Store::sync_on_order_delete * @covers WC_Admin_Reports_Taxes_Data_Store::sync_on_order_delete */ public function test_order_deletion() { global $wpdb; WC_Helper_Reports::reset_stats_dbs(); // Tables to check. $tables = array( 'wc_order_coupon_lookup', 'wc_order_product_lookup', 'wc_order_stats', 'wc_order_tax_lookup', ); // Enable taxes. $default_calc_taxes = get_option( 'woocommerce_calc_taxes', 'no' ); $default_customer_address = get_option( 'woocommerce_default_customer_address', 'geolocation' ); $default_tax_based_on = get_option( 'woocommerce_tax_based_on', 'shipping' ); update_option( 'woocommerce_calc_taxes', 'yes' ); update_option( 'woocommerce_default_customer_address', 'base' ); update_option( 'woocommerce_tax_based_on', 'base' ); // Create tax. $tax_id = WC_Tax::_insert_tax_rate( array( 'tax_rate_country' => '', 'tax_rate_state' => '', 'tax_rate' => '10.0000', 'tax_rate_name' => 'VAT', 'tax_rate_priority' => '1', 'tax_rate_compound' => '0', 'tax_rate_shipping' => '1', 'tax_rate_order' => '1', 'tax_rate_class' => '', ) ); // Create product. $product = new WC_Product_Simple(); $product->set_name( 'Test Product' ); $product->set_regular_price( 25 ); $product->save(); // Create coupon. $coupon = new WC_Coupon(); $coupon->set_code( '20fixed' ); $coupon->set_discount_type( 'fixed_cart' ); $coupon->set_amount( 20 ); $coupon->save(); // Create order. $order = new WC_Order(); $order->add_product( $product, 1 ); $order->set_status( 'completed' ); $order->set_shipping_total( 10 ); $order->apply_coupon( $coupon ); $order->save(); WC_Helper_Queue::run_all_pending(); // Check if lookup tables are populated. foreach ( $tables as $table ) { $results = $wpdb->get_results( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT * FROM {$wpdb->prefix}{$table} WHERE order_id = %d", // phpcs:ignore $order->get_id() ) ); $this->assertTrue( is_array( $results ) && (bool) count( $results ) ); } // Delete order and clean all other objects too. $order->delete( true ); $product->delete( true ); $coupon->delete( true ); WC_Tax::_delete_tax_rate( $tax_id ); // Check if results are empty now. foreach ( $tables as $table ) { $results = $wpdb->get_results( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT * FROM {$wpdb->prefix}{$table} WHERE order_id = %d", // phpcs:ignore $order->get_id() ) ); $this->assertEmpty( $results ); } // Reset taxes settings. update_option( 'woocommerce_calc_taxes', $default_customer_address ); update_option( 'woocommerce_default_customer_address', $default_calc_taxes ); update_option( 'woocommerce_tax_based_on', $default_tax_based_on ); } /** * Test segmenting by product id and by variation id. */ public function test_segmenting_by_product_and_variation() { // Simple product. $product_1_price = 25; $product_1 = new WC_Product_Simple(); $product_1->set_name( 'Simple Product' ); $product_1->set_regular_price( $product_1_price ); $product_1->save(); // Variable product. $product_2 = new WC_Product_Variable(); $product_2->set_name( 'Variable Product' ); $product_2->save(); $child_1 = new WC_Product_Variation(); $child_1->set_parent_id( $product_2->get_id() ); $child_1->set_regular_price( 23 ); $child_1->save(); $child_2 = new WC_Product_Variation(); $child_2->set_parent_id( $product_2->get_id() ); $child_2->set_regular_price( 27 ); $child_2->save(); $product_2->set_children( array( $child_1->get_id(), $child_2->get_id() ) ); $child_1->set_stock_status( 'instock' ); $child_1->save(); $child_2->set_stock_status( 'instock' ); $child_2->save(); WC_Product_Variable::sync( $product_2 ); // Simple product, not used. $product_3_price = 17; $product_3 = new WC_Product_Simple(); $product_3->set_name( 'Simple Product not used' ); $product_3->set_regular_price( $product_3_price ); $product_3->save(); $order_status = 'completed'; $customer_1 = WC_Helper_Customer::create_customer( 'cust_1', 'pwd_1', '' ); $order_1_time = time(); $order_3_time = $order_1_time - 1 * HOUR_IN_SECONDS; // Order 3: 4 x product 1, done one hour earlier. $order_3 = WC_Helper_Order::create_order( $customer_1->get_id(), $product_1 ); $order_3->set_date_created( $order_3_time ); $order_3->set_status( $order_status ); $order_3->calculate_totals(); $order_3->save(); // Order 1: 4 x product 1 & 3 x product 2-child 1. $order_1 = WC_Helper_Order::create_order( $customer_1->get_id(), $product_1 ); $item = new WC_Order_Item_Product(); $item->set_props( array( 'product_id' => $product_2->get_id(), 'variation_id' => $child_1->get_id(), 'quantity' => 3, 'subtotal' => 3 * floatval( $child_1->get_price() ), 'total' => 3 * floatval( $child_1->get_price() ), ) ); $item->save(); $order_1->add_item( $item ); $order_1->set_status( $order_status ); $order_1->calculate_totals(); $order_1->save(); // Order 2: 4 x product 2-child 1 & 1 x product 2-child 2. $order_2 = WC_Helper_Order::create_order( $customer_1->get_id(), $child_1 ); $item = new WC_Order_Item_Product(); $item->set_props( array( 'product_id' => $product_2->get_id(), 'variation_id' => $child_2->get_id(), 'quantity' => 1, 'subtotal' => floatval( $child_2->get_price() ), 'total' => floatval( $child_2->get_price() ), ) ); $item->save(); $order_2->add_item( $item ); $order_2->set_status( $order_status ); $order_2->calculate_totals(); $order_2->save(); WC_Helper_Queue::run_all_pending(); $data_store = new WC_Admin_Reports_Orders_Stats_Data_Store(); // Tests for before & after set to current hour. $now = new DateTime(); $two_hours_back = new DateTime(); $i1_start_timestamp = $order_1_time - 2 * HOUR_IN_SECONDS; $two_hours_back->setTimestamp( $i1_start_timestamp ); $i1_end_timestamp = $i1_start_timestamp + ( 3600 - ( $i1_start_timestamp % 3600 ) ) - 1; $i1_start = new DateTime(); $i1_start->setTimestamp( $i1_start_timestamp ); $i1_end = new DateTime(); $i1_end->setTimestamp( $i1_end_timestamp ); $i2_start_timestamp = $i1_end_timestamp + 1; $i2_end_timestamp = $i1_end_timestamp + 3600; $i2_start = new DateTime(); $i2_start->setTimestamp( $i2_start_timestamp ); $i2_end = new DateTime(); $i2_end->setTimestamp( $i2_end_timestamp ); $i3_start_timestamp = $i2_end_timestamp + 1; $i3_end_timestamp = $now->format( 'U' ); $i3_start = new DateTime(); $i3_start->setTimestamp( $i3_start_timestamp ); $i3_end = new DateTime(); $i3_end->setTimestamp( $i3_end_timestamp ); $query_args = array( 'after' => $two_hours_back->format( WC_Admin_Reports_Interval::$sql_datetime_format ), 'before' => $now->format( WC_Admin_Reports_Interval::$sql_datetime_format ), 'interval' => 'hour', 'segmentby' => 'product', ); $shipping_amnt = 10; $o1_net_revenue = 4 * $product_1_price + 3 * intval( $child_1->get_price() ); $o2_net_revenue = 4 * intval( $child_1->get_price() ) + 1 * intval( $child_2->get_price() ); $o3_net_revenue = 4 * $product_1_price; $o1_num_items = 4 + 3; $o2_num_items = 4 + 1; $o3_num_items = 4; // Totals. $orders_count = 3; $num_items_sold = 7 + 5 + 4; $shipping = $orders_count * $shipping_amnt; $net_revenue = $o1_net_revenue + $o2_net_revenue + $o3_net_revenue; $gross_revenue = $net_revenue + $shipping; $new_customers = 1; // Totals segments. $p1_orders_count = 2; $p1_num_items_sold = 8; $p1_shipping = round( $shipping_amnt / $o1_num_items * 4, 6 ) + round( $shipping_amnt / $o3_num_items * 4, 6 ); $p1_net_revenue = 8 * $product_1_price; $p1_gross_revenue = $p1_net_revenue + $p1_shipping; $p1_new_customers = 1; $p2_orders_count = 2; $p2_num_items_sold = 8; $p2_shipping = round( $shipping_amnt / $o1_num_items * 3, 6 ) + $shipping_amnt; $p2_net_revenue = 7 * intval( $child_1->get_price() ) + 1 * intval( $child_2->get_price() ); $p2_gross_revenue = $p2_net_revenue + $p2_shipping; $p2_new_customers = 0; // Interval 3. // I3 Subtotals. $i3_tot_orders_count = 2; $i3_tot_num_items_sold = 4 + 3 + 4 + 1; $i3_tot_shipping = $i3_tot_orders_count * $shipping_amnt; $i3_tot_net_revenue = 4 * $product_1_price + 7 * intval( $child_1->get_price() ) + 1 * intval( $child_2->get_price() ); $i3_tot_gross_revenue = $i3_tot_net_revenue + $i3_tot_shipping; $i3_tot_new_customers = 0; // I3 Segments. $i3_p1_orders_count = 1; $i3_p1_num_items_sold = 4; $i3_p1_shipping = round( $shipping_amnt / $o1_num_items * 4, 6 ); $i3_p1_net_revenue = $i3_p1_num_items_sold * $product_1_price; $i3_p1_gross_revenue = $i3_p1_net_revenue + $i3_p1_shipping; $i3_p1_new_customers = 0; $i3_p2_orders_count = 2; $i3_p2_num_items_sold = 8; $i3_p2_shipping = round( $shipping_amnt / $o1_num_items * 3, 6 ) + $shipping_amnt; $i3_p2_net_revenue = 7 * intval( $child_1->get_price() ) + 1 * intval( $child_2->get_price() ); $i3_p2_gross_revenue = $i3_p2_net_revenue + $i3_p2_shipping; $i3_p2_new_customers = 0; // Interval 2 // I2 Subtotals. $i2_tot_orders_count = 1; $i2_tot_num_items_sold = 4; $i2_tot_shipping = $i2_tot_orders_count * $shipping_amnt; $i2_tot_net_revenue = 4 * $product_1_price; $i2_tot_gross_revenue = $i2_tot_net_revenue + $i2_tot_shipping; $i2_tot_new_customers = 1; // I2 Segments. $i2_p1_orders_count = 1; $i2_p1_num_items_sold = 4; $i2_p1_shipping = $shipping_amnt; $i2_p1_net_revenue = 4 * $product_1_price; $i2_p1_gross_revenue = $i2_p1_net_revenue + $i2_p1_shipping; $i2_p1_new_customers = 1; $i2_p2_orders_count = 0; $i2_p2_num_items_sold = 0; $i2_p2_shipping = 0; $i2_p2_net_revenue = 0; $i2_p2_gross_revenue = $i2_p2_net_revenue + $i2_p2_shipping; $i2_p2_new_customers = 0; $expected_stats = array( 'totals' => array( 'orders_count' => $orders_count, 'num_items_sold' => $num_items_sold, 'gross_revenue' => $gross_revenue, 'coupons' => 0, 'refunds' => 0, 'taxes' => 0, 'shipping' => $shipping, 'net_revenue' => $net_revenue, 'avg_items_per_order' => round( $num_items_sold / $orders_count, 4 ), 'avg_order_value' => $net_revenue / $orders_count, 'num_returning_customers' => 0, 'num_new_customers' => $new_customers, 'products' => 2, 'segments' => array( array( 'segment_id' => $product_1->get_id(), 'segment_label' => $product_1->get_name(), 'subtotals' => array( 'orders_count' => $p1_orders_count, 'num_items_sold' => $p1_num_items_sold, 'gross_revenue' => $p1_gross_revenue, 'coupons' => 0, 'refunds' => 0, 'taxes' => 0, 'shipping' => $p1_shipping, 'net_revenue' => $p1_net_revenue, 'avg_items_per_order' => ( $o1_num_items + $o3_num_items ) / $p1_orders_count, 'avg_order_value' => ( $o1_net_revenue + $o3_net_revenue ) / $p1_orders_count, 'num_returning_customers' => $p1_orders_count - $p1_new_customers, 'num_new_customers' => $p1_new_customers, ), ), array( 'segment_id' => $product_2->get_id(), 'segment_label' => $product_2->get_name(), 'subtotals' => array( 'orders_count' => $p2_orders_count, 'num_items_sold' => $p2_num_items_sold, 'gross_revenue' => $p2_gross_revenue, 'coupons' => 0, 'refunds' => 0, 'taxes' => 0, 'shipping' => $p2_shipping, 'net_revenue' => $p2_net_revenue, 'avg_items_per_order' => ( $o1_num_items + $o2_num_items ) / $p2_orders_count, 'avg_order_value' => ( $o1_net_revenue + $o2_net_revenue ) / $p2_orders_count, 'num_returning_customers' => $p2_orders_count - $p2_new_customers, 'num_new_customers' => $p2_new_customers, ), ), array( 'segment_id' => $product_3->get_id(), 'segment_label' => $product_3->get_name(), 'subtotals' => array( 'orders_count' => 0, 'num_items_sold' => 0, 'gross_revenue' => 0, 'coupons' => 0, 'refunds' => 0, 'taxes' => 0, 'shipping' => 0, 'net_revenue' => 0, 'avg_items_per_order' => 0, 'avg_order_value' => 0, 'num_returning_customers' => 0, 'num_new_customers' => 0, ), ), ), ), 'intervals' => array( array( 'interval' => $i3_start->format( 'Y-m-d H' ), 'date_start' => $i3_start->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'date_start_gmt' => $i3_start->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'date_end' => $i3_end->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'date_end_gmt' => $i3_end->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'subtotals' => array( 'orders_count' => $i3_tot_orders_count, 'num_items_sold' => $i3_tot_num_items_sold, 'gross_revenue' => $i3_tot_gross_revenue, 'coupons' => 0, 'refunds' => 0, 'taxes' => 0, 'shipping' => $i3_tot_shipping, 'net_revenue' => $i3_tot_net_revenue, 'avg_items_per_order' => $i3_tot_num_items_sold / $i3_tot_orders_count, 'avg_order_value' => $i3_tot_net_revenue / $i3_tot_orders_count, 'num_returning_customers' => 1, 'num_new_customers' => $i3_tot_new_customers, 'segments' => array( array( 'segment_id' => $product_1->get_id(), 'segment_label' => $product_1->get_name(), 'subtotals' => array( 'orders_count' => $i3_p1_orders_count, 'num_items_sold' => $i3_p1_num_items_sold, 'gross_revenue' => $i3_p1_gross_revenue, 'coupons' => 0, 'refunds' => 0, 'taxes' => 0, 'shipping' => $i3_p1_shipping, 'net_revenue' => $i3_p1_net_revenue, 'avg_items_per_order' => $o1_num_items / $i3_p1_orders_count, 'avg_order_value' => $o1_net_revenue / $i3_p1_orders_count, 'num_returning_customers' => $i3_p1_orders_count - $i3_p1_new_customers, 'num_new_customers' => $i3_p1_new_customers, ), ), array( 'segment_id' => $product_2->get_id(), 'segment_label' => $product_2->get_name(), 'subtotals' => array( 'orders_count' => $i3_p2_orders_count, 'num_items_sold' => $i3_p2_num_items_sold, 'gross_revenue' => $i3_p2_gross_revenue, 'coupons' => 0, 'refunds' => 0, 'taxes' => 0, 'shipping' => $i3_p2_shipping, 'net_revenue' => $i3_p2_net_revenue, 'avg_items_per_order' => ( $o1_num_items + $o2_num_items ) / $i3_p2_orders_count, 'avg_order_value' => ( $o1_net_revenue + $o2_net_revenue ) / $i3_p2_orders_count, 'num_returning_customers' => $i3_p2_orders_count - $i3_p2_new_customers, 'num_new_customers' => $i3_p2_new_customers, ), ), array( 'segment_id' => $product_3->get_id(), 'segment_label' => $product_3->get_name(), 'subtotals' => array( 'orders_count' => 0, 'num_items_sold' => 0, 'gross_revenue' => 0, 'coupons' => 0, 'refunds' => 0, 'taxes' => 0, 'shipping' => 0, 'net_revenue' => 0, 'avg_items_per_order' => 0, 'avg_order_value' => 0, 'num_returning_customers' => 0, 'num_new_customers' => 0, ), ), ), ), ), array( 'interval' => $i2_start->format( 'Y-m-d H' ), 'date_start' => $i2_start->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'date_start_gmt' => $i2_start->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'date_end' => $i2_end->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'date_end_gmt' => $i2_end->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'subtotals' => array( 'orders_count' => $i2_tot_orders_count, 'num_items_sold' => $i2_tot_num_items_sold, 'gross_revenue' => $i2_tot_gross_revenue, 'coupons' => 0, 'refunds' => 0, 'taxes' => 0, 'shipping' => $i2_tot_shipping, 'net_revenue' => $i2_tot_net_revenue, 'avg_items_per_order' => $i2_tot_num_items_sold / $i2_tot_orders_count, 'avg_order_value' => $i2_tot_net_revenue / $i2_tot_orders_count, 'num_returning_customers' => $i2_tot_orders_count - $i2_tot_new_customers, 'num_new_customers' => $i2_tot_new_customers, 'segments' => array( array( 'segment_id' => $product_1->get_id(), 'segment_label' => $product_1->get_name(), 'subtotals' => array( 'orders_count' => $i2_p1_orders_count, 'num_items_sold' => $i2_p1_num_items_sold, 'gross_revenue' => $i2_p1_gross_revenue, 'coupons' => 0, 'refunds' => 0, 'taxes' => 0, 'shipping' => $i2_p1_shipping, 'net_revenue' => $i2_p1_net_revenue, 'avg_items_per_order' => $o3_num_items / $i2_p1_orders_count, 'avg_order_value' => $o3_net_revenue / $i2_p1_orders_count, 'num_returning_customers' => $i2_p1_orders_count - $i2_p1_new_customers, 'num_new_customers' => $i2_p1_new_customers, ), ), array( 'segment_id' => $product_2->get_id(), 'segment_label' => $product_2->get_name(), 'subtotals' => array( 'orders_count' => $i2_p2_orders_count, 'num_items_sold' => $i2_p2_num_items_sold, 'gross_revenue' => $i2_p2_gross_revenue, 'coupons' => 0, 'refunds' => 0, 'taxes' => 0, 'shipping' => $i2_p2_shipping, 'net_revenue' => $i2_p2_net_revenue, 'avg_items_per_order' => $i2_p2_orders_count ? $o3_num_items / $i2_p2_orders_count : 0, 'avg_order_value' => $i2_p2_orders_count ? $o3_net_revenue / $i2_p2_orders_count : 0, 'num_returning_customers' => $i2_p2_orders_count - $i2_p2_new_customers, 'num_new_customers' => $i2_p2_new_customers, ), ), array( 'segment_id' => $product_3->get_id(), 'segment_label' => $product_3->get_name(), 'subtotals' => array( 'orders_count' => 0, 'num_items_sold' => 0, 'gross_revenue' => 0, 'coupons' => 0, 'refunds' => 0, 'taxes' => 0, 'shipping' => 0, 'net_revenue' => 0, 'avg_items_per_order' => 0, 'avg_order_value' => 0, 'num_returning_customers' => 0, 'num_new_customers' => 0, ), ), ), ), ), array( 'interval' => $i1_start->format( 'Y-m-d H' ), 'date_start' => $i1_start->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'date_start_gmt' => $i1_start->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'date_end' => $i1_end->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'date_end_gmt' => $i1_end->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'subtotals' => array( 'orders_count' => 0, 'num_items_sold' => 0, 'gross_revenue' => 0, 'coupons' => 0, 'refunds' => 0, 'taxes' => 0, 'shipping' => 0, 'net_revenue' => 0, 'avg_items_per_order' => 0, 'avg_order_value' => 0, 'num_returning_customers' => 0, 'num_new_customers' => 0, 'segments' => array( array( 'segment_id' => $product_1->get_id(), 'segment_label' => $product_1->get_name(), 'subtotals' => array( 'orders_count' => 0, 'num_items_sold' => 0, 'gross_revenue' => 0, 'coupons' => 0, 'refunds' => 0, 'taxes' => 0, 'shipping' => 0, 'net_revenue' => 0, 'avg_items_per_order' => 0, 'avg_order_value' => 0, 'num_returning_customers' => 0, 'num_new_customers' => 0, ), ), array( 'segment_id' => $product_2->get_id(), 'segment_label' => $product_2->get_name(), 'subtotals' => array( 'orders_count' => 0, 'num_items_sold' => 0, 'gross_revenue' => 0, 'coupons' => 0, 'refunds' => 0, 'taxes' => 0, 'shipping' => 0, 'net_revenue' => 0, 'avg_items_per_order' => 0, 'avg_order_value' => 0, 'num_returning_customers' => 0, 'num_new_customers' => 0, ), ), array( 'segment_id' => $product_3->get_id(), 'segment_label' => $product_3->get_name(), 'subtotals' => array( 'orders_count' => 0, 'num_items_sold' => 0, 'gross_revenue' => 0, 'coupons' => 0, 'refunds' => 0, 'taxes' => 0, 'shipping' => 0, 'net_revenue' => 0, 'avg_items_per_order' => 0, 'avg_order_value' => 0, 'num_returning_customers' => 0, 'num_new_customers' => 0, ), ), ), ), ), ), 'total' => 3, 'pages' => 1, 'page_no' => 1, ); $actual = json_decode( json_encode( $data_store->get_data( $query_args ) ), true ); $this->assertEquals( $expected_stats, $actual, 'Segmenting by product, expected: ' . print_r( $expected_stats, true ) . '; actual: ' . print_r( $actual, true ) ); } /** * Test zero filling when ordering by date in descending and ascending order. */ public function test_zero_fill_order_date() { global $wpdb; WC_Helper_Reports::reset_stats_dbs(); $product_price = 11; $product = new WC_Product_Simple(); $product->set_name( 'Test Product' ); $product->set_regular_price( $product_price ); $product->save(); $customer = WC_Helper_Customer::create_customer( 'cust_1', 'pwd_1', '' ); $order_1_time = time(); $order_2_time = $order_1_time; $order_during_this_['hour'] = array( 1, 2 ); $order_during_this_['day'] = array( 1, 2 ); $order_during_this_['week'] = array( 1, 2 ); $order_during_this_['month'] = array( 1, 2 ); $order_during_this_['year'] = array( 1, 2 ); $order_1_datetime = new DateTime(); $order_1_datetime = $order_1_datetime->setTimestamp( $order_1_time ); // Previous year. $order_7_datetime = new DateTime(); $order_7_datetime = $order_7_datetime->setTimestamp( $order_1_time - YEAR_IN_SECONDS ); $order_7_time = $order_7_datetime->format( 'U' ); $order[7]['year'] = (int) $order_7_datetime->format( 'Y' ); $order[7]['month'] = (int) $order_7_datetime->format( 'm' ); $order[7]['week'] = (int) $order_7_datetime->format( 'W' ); $order[7]['day'] = (int) $order_7_datetime->format( 'd' ); // Previous month. $order_6_datetime = new DateTime(); $order_6_datetime = $order_6_datetime->setTimestamp( $order_1_time - MONTH_IN_SECONDS ); $order_6_time = $order_6_datetime->format( 'U' ); $order[6]['year'] = (int) $order_6_datetime->format( 'Y' ); $order[6]['month'] = (int) $order_6_datetime->format( 'm' ); $order[6]['week'] = (int) $order_6_datetime->format( 'W' ); $order[6]['day'] = (int) $order_6_datetime->format( 'd' ); // Previous week. $order_5_datetime = new DateTime(); $order_5_datetime = $order_5_datetime->setTimestamp( $order_1_time - WEEK_IN_SECONDS ); $order_5_time = $order_5_datetime->format( 'U' ); $order[5]['year'] = (int) $order_5_datetime->format( 'Y' ); $order[5]['month'] = (int) $order_5_datetime->format( 'm' ); $order[5]['week'] = (int) $order_5_datetime->format( 'W' ); $order[5]['day'] = (int) $order_5_datetime->format( 'd' ); // Previous day. $order_4_datetime = new DateTime(); $order_4_datetime = $order_4_datetime->setTimestamp( $order_1_time - DAY_IN_SECONDS ); $order_4_time = $order_4_datetime->format( 'U' ); $order[4]['year'] = (int) $order_4_datetime->format( 'Y' ); $order[4]['month'] = (int) $order_4_datetime->format( 'm' ); $order[4]['week'] = (int) $order_4_datetime->format( 'W' ); $order[4]['day'] = (int) $order_4_datetime->format( 'd' ); // same day, -1 hour. $order_3_datetime = new DateTime(); $order_3_datetime = $order_3_datetime->setTimestamp( $order_1_time - HOUR_IN_SECONDS ); $order_3_time = $order_3_datetime->format( 'U' ); $order[3]['year'] = (int) $order_3_datetime->format( 'Y' ); $order[3]['month'] = (int) $order_3_datetime->format( 'm' ); $order[3]['week'] = (int) $order_3_datetime->format( 'W' ); $order[3]['day'] = (int) $order_3_datetime->format( 'd' ); // Current order. $order[1]['year'] = (int) $order_1_datetime->format( 'Y' ); $order[1]['month'] = (int) $order_1_datetime->format( 'm' ); $order[1]['week'] = (int) $order_1_datetime->format( 'W' ); $order[1]['day'] = (int) $order_1_datetime->format( 'd' ); $order[1]['hour'] = (int) $order_1_datetime->format( 'H' ); foreach ( array( 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ) as $order_no ) { if ( $order[ $order_no ]['day'] === $order[1]['day'] && $order[ $order_no ]['month'] === $order[1]['month'] && $order[ $order_no ]['year'] === $order[1]['year'] ) { $order_during_this_['day'][] = $order_no; } if ( $order[ $order_no ]['week'] === $order[1]['week'] && $order[ $order_no ]['year'] === $order[1]['year'] ) { $order_during_this_['week'][] = $order_no; } if ( $order[ $order_no ]['month'] === $order[1]['month'] && $order[ $order_no ]['year'] === $order[1]['year'] ) { $order_during_this_['month'][] = $order_no; } if ( $order[ $order_no ]['year'] === $order[1]['year'] ) { $order_during_this_['year'][] = $order_no; } } $order_status = 'completed'; $qty_per_product = 4; // Hardcoded in WC_Helper_Order::create_order. $orders = array(); foreach ( array( $order_1_time, $order_2_time, $order_3_time, $order_4_time, $order_5_time, $order_6_time, $order_7_time, ) as $order_time ) { // Order with 1 product. $order = WC_Helper_Order::create_order( $customer->get_id(), $product ); $order->set_date_created( $order_time ); $order->set_status( $order_status ); $order->calculate_totals(); $order->save(); $orders[] = $order; } WC_Helper_Queue::run_all_pending(); $data_store = new WC_Admin_Reports_Orders_Stats_Data_Store(); // Tests for before & after set to current hour. $current_hour_start = new DateTime(); $current_hour_start->setTimestamp( $order_1_time ); $current_hour_minutes = (int) $current_hour_start->format( 'i' ); $current_hour_start->setTimestamp( $order_1_time - $current_hour_minutes * MINUTE_IN_SECONDS ); $current_hour_end = new DateTime(); $current_hour_end->setTimestamp( $order_1_time ); $seconds_into_hour = (int) $current_hour_end->format( 'U' ) % HOUR_IN_SECONDS; $current_hour_end->setTimestamp( $order_1_time + ( HOUR_IN_SECONDS - $seconds_into_hour ) - 1 ); // Test for current hour--only 1 hour visible. // DESC. $query_args = array( 'after' => $current_hour_start->format( WC_Admin_Reports_Interval::$sql_datetime_format ), 'before' => $current_hour_end->format( WC_Admin_Reports_Interval::$sql_datetime_format ), 'interval' => 'hour', 'orderby' => 'date', 'order' => 'desc', ); $orders_count = count( $order_during_this_['hour'] ); $num_items_sold = $orders_count * $qty_per_product; $coupons = 0; $shipping = $orders_count * 10; $net_revenue = $product_price * $qty_per_product * $orders_count - $coupons; $gross_revenue = $net_revenue + $shipping; $new_customers = 1; $expected_stats = array( 'totals' => array( 'orders_count' => $orders_count, 'num_items_sold' => $num_items_sold, 'gross_revenue' => $gross_revenue, 'coupons' => $coupons, 'refunds' => 0, 'taxes' => 0, 'shipping' => $shipping, 'net_revenue' => $net_revenue, 'avg_items_per_order' => $num_items_sold / $orders_count, 'avg_order_value' => $net_revenue / $orders_count, 'num_returning_customers' => 0, 'num_new_customers' => $new_customers, 'products' => 1, 'segments' => array(), ), 'intervals' => array( array( 'interval' => $current_hour_start->format( 'Y-m-d H' ), 'date_start' => $current_hour_start->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'date_start_gmt' => $current_hour_start->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'date_end' => $current_hour_end->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'date_end_gmt' => $current_hour_end->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'subtotals' => array( 'orders_count' => $orders_count, 'num_items_sold' => $num_items_sold, 'gross_revenue' => $gross_revenue, 'coupons' => $coupons, 'refunds' => 0, 'taxes' => 0, 'shipping' => $shipping, 'net_revenue' => $net_revenue, 'avg_items_per_order' => $num_items_sold / $orders_count, 'avg_order_value' => $net_revenue / $orders_count, 'num_returning_customers' => 0, 'num_new_customers' => $new_customers, 'segments' => array(), ), ), ), 'total' => 1, 'pages' => 1, 'page_no' => 1, ); $this->assertEquals( $expected_stats, json_decode( json_encode( $data_store->get_data( $query_args ) ), true ), 'Query args: ' . print_r( $query_args, true ) . "; query: {$wpdb->last_query}" ); // ASC -- only 1 interval, so should be the same. $query_args = array( 'after' => $current_hour_start->format( WC_Admin_Reports_Interval::$sql_datetime_format ), 'before' => $current_hour_end->format( WC_Admin_Reports_Interval::$sql_datetime_format ), 'interval' => 'hour', 'orderby' => 'date', 'order' => 'asc', ); $this->assertEquals( $expected_stats, json_decode( json_encode( $data_store->get_data( $query_args ) ), true ), 'Query args: ' . print_r( $query_args, true ) . "; query: {$wpdb->last_query}" ); /* * Test for [-5 hours, now] -- partial 1 page. * bottom ... top * | --------------------|------|-----|-----| * minus 5 hours | | order1 now * | | order2 * | now-1 hour * order 3 */ // DESC. $hour_offset = 5; $minus_5_hours = new DateTime(); $now_timestamp = (int) $current_hour_end->format( 'U' ); $minus_5_hours->setTimestamp( $now_timestamp - $hour_offset * HOUR_IN_SECONDS ); $query_args = array( 'after' => $minus_5_hours->format( WC_Admin_Reports_Interval::$sql_datetime_format ), 'before' => $current_hour_end->format( WC_Admin_Reports_Interval::$sql_datetime_format ), 'interval' => 'hour', 'orderby' => 'date', 'order' => 'desc', ); // Expected Intervals section construction. $expected_intervals = []; // Even in case this runs exactly at the hour turn second, there should still be 6 intervals: // e.g. 20:30:51 -(minus 5 hours)- 15:30:51 means intervals 15:30:51--15:59:59, 16:00-16:59, 17, 18, 19, 20:00-20:30, i.e. 6 intervals // also if this run exactly at 20:00 -(minus 5 hours)- 15:00, then intervals should be 15:00-15:59, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20:00-20:00. $interval_count = $hour_offset + 1; for ( $i = 0; $i < $interval_count; $i ++ ) { if ( 0 === $i ) { $date_start = new DateTime( $current_hour_end->format( 'Y-m-d H:00:00' ) ); $date_end = $current_hour_end; } elseif ( $hour_offset === $i ) { $date_start = $minus_5_hours; $date_end = new DateTime( $minus_5_hours->format( 'Y-m-d H:59:59' ) ); } else { $hour_anchor = new DateTime(); $hour_anchor->setTimestamp( $now_timestamp - $i * HOUR_IN_SECONDS ); $date_start = new DateTime( $hour_anchor->format( 'Y-m-d H:00:00' ) ); $date_end = new DateTime( $hour_anchor->format( 'Y-m-d H:59:59' ) ); } if ( 0 === $i ) { $orders_count = count( $order_during_this_['hour'] ); $num_items_sold = $orders_count * $qty_per_product; $coupons = 0; $shipping = $orders_count * 10; $net_revenue = $product_price * $qty_per_product * $orders_count - $coupons; $gross_revenue = $net_revenue + $shipping; $new_customers = 1; } elseif ( 1 === $i ) { $orders_count = 1; $num_items_sold = $orders_count * $qty_per_product; $coupons = 0; $shipping = $orders_count * 10; $net_revenue = $product_price * $qty_per_product * $orders_count - $coupons; $gross_revenue = $net_revenue + $shipping; $new_customers = 1; } else { $orders_count = 0; $num_items_sold = $orders_count * $qty_per_product; $coupons = 0; $shipping = $orders_count * 10; $net_revenue = $product_price * $qty_per_product * $orders_count - $coupons; $gross_revenue = $net_revenue + $shipping; $new_customers = 0; } $expected_interval = array( 'interval' => $date_start->format( 'Y-m-d H' ), 'date_start' => $date_start->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'date_start_gmt' => $date_start->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'date_end' => $date_end->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'date_end_gmt' => $date_end->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'subtotals' => array( 'orders_count' => $orders_count, 'num_items_sold' => $num_items_sold, 'gross_revenue' => $gross_revenue, 'coupons' => $coupons, 'refunds' => 0, 'taxes' => 0, 'shipping' => $shipping, 'net_revenue' => $net_revenue, 'avg_items_per_order' => 0 === $orders_count ? 0 : $num_items_sold / $orders_count, 'avg_order_value' => 0 === $orders_count ? 0 : $net_revenue / $orders_count, 'num_returning_customers' => 0, 'num_new_customers' => $new_customers, 'segments' => array(), ), ); $expected_intervals[] = $expected_interval; } // Totals section. $orders_count = count( $order_during_this_['hour'] ) + 1; // order 3 is 1 hour before order 1 & 2, so include it. $num_items_sold = $orders_count * $qty_per_product; $coupons = 0; $shipping = $orders_count * 10; $net_revenue = $product_price * $qty_per_product * $orders_count - $coupons; $gross_revenue = $net_revenue + $shipping; $new_customers = 1; $expected_stats = array( 'totals' => array( 'orders_count' => $orders_count, 'num_items_sold' => $num_items_sold, 'gross_revenue' => $gross_revenue, 'coupons' => $coupons, 'refunds' => 0, 'taxes' => 0, 'shipping' => $shipping, 'net_revenue' => $net_revenue, 'avg_items_per_order' => $num_items_sold / $orders_count, 'avg_order_value' => $net_revenue / $orders_count, 'num_returning_customers' => 0, 'num_new_customers' => $new_customers, 'products' => 1, 'segments' => array(), ), 'intervals' => $expected_intervals, 'total' => $interval_count, 'pages' => 1, 'page_no' => 1, ); $actual = json_decode( json_encode( $data_store->get_data( $query_args ) ), true ); $this->assertEquals( $expected_stats, $actual, 'Query args: ' . print_r( $query_args, true ) . "; query: {$wpdb->last_query}" ); // ASC -- reverse the intervals array, but numbers stay the same. $query_args = array( 'after' => $minus_5_hours->format( WC_Admin_Reports_Interval::$sql_datetime_format ), 'before' => $current_hour_end->format( WC_Admin_Reports_Interval::$sql_datetime_format ), 'interval' => 'hour', 'orderby' => 'date', 'order' => 'asc', ); $expected_stats['intervals'] = array_reverse( $expected_stats['intervals'] ); $actual = json_decode( json_encode( $data_store->get_data( $query_args ) ), true ); $this->assertEquals( $expected_stats, $actual, 'Query args: ' . print_r( $query_args, true ) . "; query: {$wpdb->last_query}" ); /* * Test for [-9 hours, now] -- full 1 page. * DESC: * bottom ... top * | --------------------|------|-----|-----| * minus 9 hours | | order1 now * | | order2 * | now-1 hour * order 3 */ $hour_offset = 9; $minus_9_hours = new DateTime(); $now_timestamp = (int) $current_hour_end->format( 'U' ); $minus_9_hours->setTimestamp( $now_timestamp - $hour_offset * HOUR_IN_SECONDS ); $query_args = array( 'after' => $minus_9_hours->format( WC_Admin_Reports_Interval::$sql_datetime_format ), 'before' => $current_hour_end->format( WC_Admin_Reports_Interval::$sql_datetime_format ), 'interval' => 'hour', 'orderby' => 'date', 'order' => 'desc', ); // Expected Intervals section construction. $expected_intervals = []; $interval_count = $hour_offset + 1; for ( $i = 0; $i < $interval_count; $i ++ ) { if ( 0 === $i ) { $date_start = new DateTime( $current_hour_end->format( 'Y-m-d H:00:00' ) ); $date_end = $current_hour_end; } elseif ( $hour_offset === $i ) { $date_start = $minus_9_hours; $date_end = new DateTime( $minus_9_hours->format( 'Y-m-d H:59:59' ) ); } else { $hour_anchor = new DateTime(); $hour_anchor->setTimestamp( $now_timestamp - $i * HOUR_IN_SECONDS ); $date_start = new DateTime( $hour_anchor->format( 'Y-m-d H:00:00' ) ); $date_end = new DateTime( $hour_anchor->format( 'Y-m-d H:59:59' ) ); } if ( 0 === $i ) { $orders_count = count( $order_during_this_['hour'] ); $num_items_sold = $orders_count * $qty_per_product; $coupons = 0; $shipping = $orders_count * 10; $net_revenue = $product_price * $qty_per_product * $orders_count - $coupons; $gross_revenue = $net_revenue + $shipping; $new_customers = 1; } elseif ( 1 === $i ) { $orders_count = 1; $num_items_sold = $orders_count * $qty_per_product; $coupons = 0; $shipping = $orders_count * 10; $net_revenue = $product_price * $qty_per_product * $orders_count - $coupons; $gross_revenue = $net_revenue + $shipping; $new_customers = 1; } else { $orders_count = 0; $num_items_sold = $orders_count * $qty_per_product; $coupons = 0; $shipping = $orders_count * 10; $net_revenue = $product_price * $qty_per_product * $orders_count - $coupons; $gross_revenue = $net_revenue + $shipping; $new_customers = 0; } $expected_interval = array( 'interval' => $date_start->format( 'Y-m-d H' ), 'date_start' => $date_start->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'date_start_gmt' => $date_start->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'date_end' => $date_end->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'date_end_gmt' => $date_end->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'subtotals' => array( 'orders_count' => $orders_count, 'num_items_sold' => $num_items_sold, 'gross_revenue' => $gross_revenue, 'coupons' => $coupons, 'refunds' => 0, 'taxes' => 0, 'shipping' => $shipping, 'net_revenue' => $net_revenue, 'avg_items_per_order' => 0 === $orders_count ? 0 : $num_items_sold / $orders_count, 'avg_order_value' => 0 === $orders_count ? 0 : $net_revenue / $orders_count, 'num_returning_customers' => 0, 'num_new_customers' => $new_customers, 'segments' => array(), ), ); $expected_intervals[] = $expected_interval; } // Totals section. $orders_count = count( $order_during_this_['hour'] ) + 1; // order 3 is 1 hour before order 1 & 2, so include it. $num_items_sold = $orders_count * $qty_per_product; $coupons = 0; $shipping = $orders_count * 10; $net_revenue = $product_price * $qty_per_product * $orders_count - $coupons; $gross_revenue = $net_revenue + $shipping; $new_customers = 1; $expected_stats = array( 'totals' => array( 'orders_count' => $orders_count, 'num_items_sold' => $num_items_sold, 'gross_revenue' => $gross_revenue, 'coupons' => $coupons, 'refunds' => 0, 'taxes' => 0, 'shipping' => $shipping, 'net_revenue' => $net_revenue, 'avg_items_per_order' => $num_items_sold / $orders_count, 'avg_order_value' => $net_revenue / $orders_count, 'num_returning_customers' => 0, 'num_new_customers' => $new_customers, 'products' => 1, 'segments' => array(), ), 'intervals' => $expected_intervals, 'total' => $interval_count, 'pages' => 1, 'page_no' => 1, ); $this->assertEquals( $expected_stats, json_decode( json_encode( $data_store->get_data( $query_args ) ), true ), 'Query args: ' . print_r( $query_args, true ) . "; query: {$wpdb->last_query}" ); // ASC -- same values, just reverse order of intervals. $query_args = array( 'after' => $minus_9_hours->format( WC_Admin_Reports_Interval::$sql_datetime_format ), 'before' => $current_hour_end->format( WC_Admin_Reports_Interval::$sql_datetime_format ), 'interval' => 'hour', 'orderby' => 'date', 'order' => 'asc', ); $expected_stats['intervals'] = array_reverse( $expected_stats['intervals'] ); $actual = json_decode( json_encode( $data_store->get_data( $query_args ) ), true ); $this->assertEquals( $expected_stats, $actual, 'Query args: ' . print_r( $query_args, true ) . "; query: {$wpdb->last_query}" ); /* * Test for [-10 hours, now] -- 1 page full, 1 interval on 2nd page. * DESC: * bottom ... top * page 1 * | --------------------|------|-----|-----| * minus 9 hours | | order1 now * | | order2 * | now-1 hour * order 3 * * page 2 * |---| * minus 10 hours * minus 9 hours */ $hour_offset = 10; $minus_10_hours = new DateTime(); $now_timestamp = (int) $current_hour_end->format( 'U' ); $minus_10_hours->setTimestamp( $now_timestamp - $hour_offset * HOUR_IN_SECONDS ); $per_page = 10; // Page 1. $query_args = array( 'after' => $minus_10_hours->format( WC_Admin_Reports_Interval::$sql_datetime_format ), 'before' => $current_hour_end->format( WC_Admin_Reports_Interval::$sql_datetime_format ), 'interval' => 'hour', 'orderby' => 'date', 'order' => 'desc', 'page' => 1, 'per_page' => $per_page, ); // Expected Intervals section construction. $expected_intervals = []; $interval_count = 11; for ( $i = 0; $i < $interval_count; $i ++ ) { if ( 0 === $i ) { $date_start = new DateTime( $current_hour_end->format( 'Y-m-d H:00:00' ) ); $date_end = $current_hour_end; } elseif ( $hour_offset === $i ) { $date_start = $minus_10_hours; $date_end = new DateTime( $minus_10_hours->format( 'Y-m-d H:59:59' ) ); } else { $hour_anchor = new DateTime(); $hour_anchor->setTimestamp( $now_timestamp - $i * HOUR_IN_SECONDS ); $date_start = new DateTime( $hour_anchor->format( 'Y-m-d H:00:00' ) ); $date_end = new DateTime( $hour_anchor->format( 'Y-m-d H:59:59' ) ); } if ( 0 === $i ) { $orders_count = count( $order_during_this_['hour'] ); $num_items_sold = $orders_count * $qty_per_product; $coupons = 0; $shipping = $orders_count * 10; $net_revenue = $product_price * $qty_per_product * $orders_count - $coupons; $gross_revenue = $net_revenue + $shipping; $new_customers = 1; } elseif ( 1 === $i ) { $orders_count = 1; $num_items_sold = $orders_count * $qty_per_product; $coupons = 0; $shipping = $orders_count * 10; $net_revenue = $product_price * $qty_per_product * $orders_count - $coupons; $gross_revenue = $net_revenue + $shipping; $new_customers = 1; } else { $orders_count = 0; $num_items_sold = $orders_count * $qty_per_product; $coupons = 0; $shipping = $orders_count * 10; $net_revenue = $product_price * $qty_per_product * $orders_count - $coupons; $gross_revenue = $net_revenue + $shipping; $new_customers = 0; } $expected_interval = array( 'interval' => $date_start->format( 'Y-m-d H' ), 'date_start' => $date_start->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'date_start_gmt' => $date_start->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'date_end' => $date_end->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'date_end_gmt' => $date_end->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'subtotals' => array( 'orders_count' => $orders_count, 'num_items_sold' => $num_items_sold, 'gross_revenue' => $gross_revenue, 'coupons' => $coupons, 'refunds' => 0, 'taxes' => 0, 'shipping' => $shipping, 'net_revenue' => $net_revenue, 'avg_items_per_order' => 0 === $orders_count ? 0 : $num_items_sold / $orders_count, 'avg_order_value' => 0 === $orders_count ? 0 : $net_revenue / $orders_count, 'num_returning_customers' => 0, 'num_new_customers' => $new_customers, 'segments' => array(), ), ); $expected_intervals[] = $expected_interval; } // Totals section. $orders_count = count( $order_during_this_['hour'] ) + 1; // order 3 is 1 hour before order 1 & 2, so include it. $num_items_sold = $orders_count * $qty_per_product; $coupons = 0; $shipping = $orders_count * 10; $net_revenue = $product_price * $qty_per_product * $orders_count - $coupons; $gross_revenue = $net_revenue + $shipping; $new_customers = 1; $expected_stats = array( 'totals' => array( 'orders_count' => $orders_count, 'num_items_sold' => $num_items_sold, 'gross_revenue' => $gross_revenue, 'coupons' => $coupons, 'refunds' => 0, 'taxes' => 0, 'shipping' => $shipping, 'net_revenue' => $net_revenue, 'avg_items_per_order' => $num_items_sold / $orders_count, 'avg_order_value' => $net_revenue / $orders_count, 'num_returning_customers' => 0, 'num_new_customers' => $new_customers, 'products' => 1, 'segments' => array(), ), 'intervals' => array_slice( $expected_intervals, 0, $per_page ), 'total' => 11, 'pages' => 2, 'page_no' => 1, ); $this->assertEquals( $expected_stats, json_decode( json_encode( $data_store->get_data( $query_args ) ), true ), 'Query args: ' . print_r( $query_args, true ) . "; query: {$wpdb->last_query}" ); // Page 2. $query_args = array( 'after' => $minus_10_hours->format( WC_Admin_Reports_Interval::$sql_datetime_format ), 'before' => $current_hour_end->format( WC_Admin_Reports_Interval::$sql_datetime_format ), 'interval' => 'hour', 'orderby' => 'date', 'order' => 'desc', 'page' => 2, ); $expected_stats = array( 'totals' => array( 'orders_count' => $orders_count, 'num_items_sold' => $num_items_sold, 'gross_revenue' => $gross_revenue, 'coupons' => $coupons, 'refunds' => 0, 'taxes' => 0, 'shipping' => $shipping, 'net_revenue' => $net_revenue, 'avg_items_per_order' => $num_items_sold / $orders_count, 'avg_order_value' => $net_revenue / $orders_count, 'num_returning_customers' => 0, 'num_new_customers' => $new_customers, 'products' => 1, 'segments' => array(), ), 'intervals' => array_slice( $expected_intervals, $per_page ), 'total' => 11, 'pages' => 2, 'page_no' => 2, ); $this->assertEquals( $expected_stats, json_decode( json_encode( $data_store->get_data( $query_args ) ), true ), 'Query args: ' . print_r( $query_args, true ) . "; query: {$wpdb->last_query}" ); /* * Test for [-10 hours, now] -- 1 page full, 1 interval on 2nd page. * ASC: * bottom ... top * page 1 * | -----------|-----|-----------|-----------| * minus 1 hour | | | minus 10 hours * order 3 | | * | minus 9 hours * minus 2 hours * * page 2 * |-----------| * now hours * minus 1 hour */ $expected_intervals = array_reverse( $expected_intervals ); // Page 1. $query_args = array( 'after' => $minus_10_hours->format( WC_Admin_Reports_Interval::$sql_datetime_format ), 'before' => $current_hour_end->format( WC_Admin_Reports_Interval::$sql_datetime_format ), 'interval' => 'hour', 'orderby' => 'date', 'order' => 'asc', 'page' => 1, 'per_page' => $per_page, ); $expected_stats = array( 'totals' => array( 'orders_count' => $orders_count, 'num_items_sold' => $num_items_sold, 'gross_revenue' => $gross_revenue, 'coupons' => $coupons, 'refunds' => 0, 'taxes' => 0, 'shipping' => $shipping, 'net_revenue' => $net_revenue, 'avg_items_per_order' => $num_items_sold / $orders_count, 'avg_order_value' => $net_revenue / $orders_count, 'num_returning_customers' => 0, 'num_new_customers' => $new_customers, 'products' => 1, 'segments' => array(), ), 'intervals' => array_slice( $expected_intervals, 0, $per_page ), 'total' => 11, 'pages' => 2, 'page_no' => 1, ); $this->assertEquals( $expected_stats, json_decode( json_encode( $data_store->get_data( $query_args ) ), true ), 'Query args: ' . print_r( $query_args, true ) . "; query: {$wpdb->last_query}" ); // Page 2. $query_args = array( 'after' => $minus_10_hours->format( WC_Admin_Reports_Interval::$sql_datetime_format ), 'before' => $current_hour_end->format( WC_Admin_Reports_Interval::$sql_datetime_format ), 'interval' => 'hour', 'orderby' => 'date', 'order' => 'asc', 'page' => 2, 'per_page' => $per_page, ); $expected_stats = array( 'totals' => array( 'orders_count' => $orders_count, 'num_items_sold' => $num_items_sold, 'gross_revenue' => $gross_revenue, 'coupons' => $coupons, 'refunds' => 0, 'taxes' => 0, 'shipping' => $shipping, 'net_revenue' => $net_revenue, 'avg_items_per_order' => $num_items_sold / $orders_count, 'avg_order_value' => $net_revenue / $orders_count, 'num_returning_customers' => 0, 'num_new_customers' => $new_customers, 'products' => 1, 'segments' => array(), ), 'intervals' => array_slice( $expected_intervals, $per_page ), 'total' => 11, 'pages' => 2, 'page_no' => 2, ); $this->assertEquals( $expected_stats, json_decode( json_encode( $data_store->get_data( $query_args ) ), true ), 'Query args: ' . print_r( $query_args, true ) . "; query: {$wpdb->last_query}" ); // Now the same should be done for days, weeks, months and years. But I'm too low on mana to do that. } /** * Test zero filling when ordering by non-date property, in this case orders_count. */ public function test_zero_fill_order_orders_count() { global $wpdb; WC_Helper_Reports::reset_stats_dbs(); $product_price = 11; $product = new WC_Product_Simple(); $product->set_name( 'Test Product' ); $product->set_regular_price( $product_price ); $product->save(); $customer = WC_Helper_Customer::create_customer( 'cust_1', 'pwd_1', 'user_1@mail.test' ); // 1 order within the current hour. $order_1_time = time(); $order_during_this_['hour'] = array( 1 ); $order_during_this_['day'] = array( 1 ); $order_during_this_['week'] = array( 1 ); $order_during_this_['month'] = array( 1 ); $order_during_this_['year'] = array( 1 ); $order_1_datetime = new DateTime(); $order_1_datetime = $order_1_datetime->setTimestamp( $order_1_time ); // Create one order in previous year. $order_7_datetime = new DateTime(); $order_7_datetime = $order_7_datetime->setTimestamp( $order_1_time - YEAR_IN_SECONDS ); $order_7_time = $order_7_datetime->format( 'U' ); $order[7]['year'] = (int) $order_7_datetime->format( 'Y' ); $order[7]['month'] = (int) $order_7_datetime->format( 'm' ); $order[7]['week'] = (int) $order_7_datetime->format( 'W' ); $order[7]['day'] = (int) $order_7_datetime->format( 'd' ); // Create one order in previous month. $order_6_datetime = new DateTime(); $order_6_datetime = $order_6_datetime->setTimestamp( $order_1_time - MONTH_IN_SECONDS ); $order_6_time = $order_6_datetime->format( 'U' ); $order[6]['year'] = (int) $order_6_datetime->format( 'Y' ); $order[6]['month'] = (int) $order_6_datetime->format( 'm' ); $order[6]['week'] = (int) $order_6_datetime->format( 'W' ); $order[6]['day'] = (int) $order_6_datetime->format( 'd' ); // Create one order in previous week. $order_5_datetime = new DateTime(); $order_5_datetime = $order_5_datetime->setTimestamp( $order_1_time - WEEK_IN_SECONDS ); $order_5_time = $order_5_datetime->format( 'U' ); $order[5]['year'] = (int) $order_5_datetime->format( 'Y' ); $order[5]['month'] = (int) $order_5_datetime->format( 'm' ); $order[5]['week'] = (int) $order_5_datetime->format( 'W' ); $order[5]['day'] = (int) $order_5_datetime->format( 'd' ); // Create one order in previous day. $order_4_datetime = new DateTime(); $order_4_datetime = $order_4_datetime->setTimestamp( $order_1_time - DAY_IN_SECONDS ); $order_4_time = $order_4_datetime->format( 'U' ); $order[4]['year'] = (int) $order_4_datetime->format( 'Y' ); $order[4]['month'] = (int) $order_4_datetime->format( 'm' ); $order[4]['week'] = (int) $order_4_datetime->format( 'W' ); $order[4]['day'] = (int) $order_4_datetime->format( 'd' ); // Create one order in same day, -1 hour. $order_3_datetime = new DateTime(); $order_3_datetime = $order_3_datetime->setTimestamp( $order_1_time - HOUR_IN_SECONDS ); $order_3_time = $order_3_datetime->format( 'U' ); $order[3]['year'] = (int) $order_3_datetime->format( 'Y' ); $order[3]['month'] = (int) $order_3_datetime->format( 'm' ); $order[3]['week'] = (int) $order_3_datetime->format( 'W' ); $order[3]['day'] = (int) $order_3_datetime->format( 'd' ); // Current order. $order[1]['year'] = (int) $order_1_datetime->format( 'Y' ); $order[1]['month'] = (int) $order_1_datetime->format( 'm' ); $order[1]['week'] = (int) $order_1_datetime->format( 'W' ); $order[1]['day'] = (int) $order_1_datetime->format( 'd' ); $order[1]['hour'] = (int) $order_1_datetime->format( 'H' ); // 2 orders within 1 hour before now to test multiple orders within one time interval. $order_2_time = $order_3_time; $order_during_this_['hour-1'] = array( 2, 3 ); // In case some of the orders end up on different day/hour/month/year, we need to find out where exactly they ended up. foreach ( array( 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ) as $order_no ) { if ( $order[ $order_no ]['day'] === $order[1]['day'] && $order[ $order_no ]['month'] === $order[1]['month'] && $order[ $order_no ]['year'] === $order[1]['year'] ) { $order_during_this_['day'][] = $order_no; } if ( $order[ $order_no ]['week'] === $order[1]['week'] && $order[ $order_no ]['year'] === $order[1]['year'] ) { $order_during_this_['week'][] = $order_no; } if ( $order[ $order_no ]['month'] === $order[1]['month'] && $order[ $order_no ]['year'] === $order[1]['year'] ) { $order_during_this_['month'][] = $order_no; } if ( $order[ $order_no ]['year'] === $order[1]['year'] ) { $order_during_this_['year'][] = $order_no; } } $order_status = 'completed'; $qty_per_product = 4; // Hardcoded in WC_Helper_Order::create_order. // Create orders for the test cases. $orders = array(); foreach ( array( $order_1_time, $order_2_time, $order_3_time, $order_4_time, $order_5_time, $order_6_time, $order_7_time, ) as $order_time ) { // Order with 1 product. $order = WC_Helper_Order::create_order( $customer->get_id(), $product ); $order->set_date_created( $order_time ); $order->set_status( $order_status ); $order->calculate_totals(); $order->save(); $orders[] = $order; } WC_Helper_Queue::run_all_pending(); $data_store = new WC_Admin_Reports_Orders_Stats_Data_Store(); // Tests for before & after set to current hour. // (this sets minutes for current hour to 0, seconds are left as they arem e.g. 15:23:43 becomes 15:00:43). $current_hour_start = new DateTime(); $current_hour_start->setTimestamp( $order_1_time ); $current_hour_minutes = (int) $current_hour_start->format( 'i' ); $current_hour_start->setTimestamp( $order_1_time - $current_hour_minutes * MINUTE_IN_SECONDS ); // This is the last second of the current hour, e.g. 15:23:43 becomes 15:59:59. $current_hour_end = new DateTime(); $current_hour_end->setTimestamp( $order_1_time ); $seconds_into_hour = (int) $current_hour_end->format( 'U' ) % HOUR_IN_SECONDS; $current_hour_end->setTimestamp( $order_1_time + ( HOUR_IN_SECONDS - $seconds_into_hour ) - 1 ); // Test 1: only one hour visible, so only 1 interval in the response, no real ordering. // DESC. $query_args = array( 'after' => $current_hour_start->format( WC_Admin_Reports_Interval::$sql_datetime_format ), 'before' => $current_hour_end->format( WC_Admin_Reports_Interval::$sql_datetime_format ), 'interval' => 'hour', 'orderby' => 'orders_count', 'order' => 'desc', ); $orders_count = count( $order_during_this_['hour'] ); $num_items_sold = $orders_count * $qty_per_product; $coupons = 0; $shipping = $orders_count * 10; $net_revenue = $product_price * $qty_per_product * $orders_count - $coupons; $gross_revenue = $net_revenue + $shipping; $new_customers = 1; $expected_stats = array( 'totals' => array( 'orders_count' => $orders_count, 'num_items_sold' => $num_items_sold, 'gross_revenue' => $gross_revenue, 'coupons' => $coupons, 'refunds' => 0, 'taxes' => 0, 'shipping' => $shipping, 'net_revenue' => $net_revenue, 'avg_items_per_order' => $num_items_sold / $orders_count, 'avg_order_value' => $net_revenue / $orders_count, 'num_returning_customers' => 0, 'num_new_customers' => $new_customers, 'products' => 1, 'segments' => array(), ), 'intervals' => array( array( 'interval' => $current_hour_start->format( 'Y-m-d H' ), 'date_start' => $current_hour_start->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'date_start_gmt' => $current_hour_start->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'date_end' => $current_hour_end->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'date_end_gmt' => $current_hour_end->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'subtotals' => array( 'orders_count' => $orders_count, 'num_items_sold' => $num_items_sold, 'gross_revenue' => $gross_revenue, 'coupons' => $coupons, 'refunds' => 0, 'taxes' => 0, 'shipping' => $shipping, 'net_revenue' => $net_revenue, 'avg_items_per_order' => $num_items_sold / $orders_count, 'avg_order_value' => $net_revenue / $orders_count, 'num_returning_customers' => 0, 'num_new_customers' => $new_customers, 'segments' => array(), ), ), ), 'total' => 1, 'pages' => 1, 'page_no' => 1, ); $this->assertEquals( $expected_stats, json_decode( json_encode( $data_store->get_data( $query_args ) ), true ), 'Query args: ' . print_r( $query_args, true ) . "; query: {$wpdb->last_query}" ); // ASC -- only 1 interval, so should be the same. $query_args = array( 'after' => $current_hour_start->format( WC_Admin_Reports_Interval::$sql_datetime_format ), 'before' => $current_hour_end->format( WC_Admin_Reports_Interval::$sql_datetime_format ), 'interval' => 'hour', 'orderby' => 'orders_count', 'order' => 'asc', ); $this->assertEquals( $expected_stats, json_decode( json_encode( $data_store->get_data( $query_args ) ), true ), 'Query args: ' . print_r( $query_args, true ) . "; query: {$wpdb->last_query}" ); /* * Test for [-5 hours, now] -- partial 1 page. * This should include 3 orders, 2 done at hour-1 and one in the current hour. * * DESC ordering by order count => * previous hour with 2 orders at the top, * then current hour with 1 order, * then zero-filled intervals. */ $hour_offset = 5; $minus_5_hours = new DateTime(); $now_timestamp = (int) $current_hour_end->format( 'U' ); $minus_5_hours->setTimestamp( $now_timestamp - $hour_offset * HOUR_IN_SECONDS ); $query_args = array( 'after' => $minus_5_hours->format( WC_Admin_Reports_Interval::$sql_datetime_format ), 'before' => $current_hour_end->format( WC_Admin_Reports_Interval::$sql_datetime_format ), 'interval' => 'hour', 'orderby' => 'orders_count', 'order' => 'desc', ); // Expected Intervals section construction. $expected_intervals = []; // Even in case this runs exactly at the hour turn second, there should still be 6 intervals: // e.g. 20:30:51 -(minus 5 hours)- 15:30:51 means intervals 15:30:51--15:59:59, 16:00-16:59, 17, 18, 19, 20:00-20:30, i.e. 6 intervals // also if this run exactly at 20:00 -(minus 5 hours)- 15:00, then intervals should be 15:00-15:59, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20:00-20:00. $interval_count = $hour_offset + 1; for ( $i = $interval_count - 1; $i >= 0; $i -- ) { if ( 0 === $i ) { $date_start = new DateTime( $current_hour_end->format( 'Y-m-d H:00:00' ) ); $date_end = $current_hour_end; } elseif ( $hour_offset === $i ) { $date_start = $minus_5_hours; $date_end = new DateTime( $minus_5_hours->format( 'Y-m-d H:59:59' ) ); } else { $hour_anchor = new DateTime(); $hour_anchor->setTimestamp( $now_timestamp - $i * HOUR_IN_SECONDS ); $date_start = new DateTime( $hour_anchor->format( 'Y-m-d H:00:00' ) ); $date_end = new DateTime( $hour_anchor->format( 'Y-m-d H:59:59' ) ); } if ( 1 === $i ) { $orders_count = count( $order_during_this_['hour-1'] ); $num_items_sold = $orders_count * $qty_per_product; $coupons = 0; $shipping = $orders_count * 10; $net_revenue = $product_price * $qty_per_product * $orders_count - $coupons; $gross_revenue = $net_revenue + $shipping; $new_customers = 1; } elseif ( 0 === $i ) { $orders_count = count( $order_during_this_['hour'] ); $num_items_sold = $orders_count * $qty_per_product; $coupons = 0; $shipping = $orders_count * 10; $net_revenue = $product_price * $qty_per_product * $orders_count - $coupons; $gross_revenue = $net_revenue + $shipping; $new_customers = 1; } else { $orders_count = 0; $num_items_sold = $orders_count * $qty_per_product; $coupons = 0; $shipping = $orders_count * 10; $net_revenue = $product_price * $qty_per_product * $orders_count - $coupons; $gross_revenue = $net_revenue + $shipping; $new_customers = 0; } $expected_interval = array( 'interval' => $date_start->format( 'Y-m-d H' ), 'date_start' => $date_start->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'date_start_gmt' => $date_start->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'date_end' => $date_end->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'date_end_gmt' => $date_end->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'subtotals' => array( 'orders_count' => $orders_count, 'num_items_sold' => $num_items_sold, 'gross_revenue' => $gross_revenue, 'coupons' => $coupons, 'refunds' => 0, 'taxes' => 0, 'shipping' => $shipping, 'net_revenue' => $net_revenue, 'avg_items_per_order' => 0 === $orders_count ? 0 : $num_items_sold / $orders_count, 'avg_order_value' => 0 === $orders_count ? 0 : $net_revenue / $orders_count, 'num_returning_customers' => 0, 'num_new_customers' => $new_customers, 'segments' => array(), ), ); $expected_intervals[] = $expected_interval; } /* * The zero-filled intervals are actually always ordered by time ASC if the primary sorting condition is the same. * $expected_intervals now: * - [0] => 0 orders, hour - 5 * - [1] => 0 orders, hour - 4 * - [2] => 0 orders, hour - 3 * - [3] => 0 orders, hour - 2 * - [4] => 2 orders, hour - 1 * - [5] => 1 orders, hour - 0 * * This means we need to put last two to the beginning of the array. */ $to_be_second = array_pop( $expected_intervals ); $to_be_first = array_pop( $expected_intervals ); array_unshift( $expected_intervals, $to_be_second ); array_unshift( $expected_intervals, $to_be_first ); // Totals section. $orders_count = count( $order_during_this_['hour'] ) + count( $order_during_this_['hour-1'] ); // order 2 & 3 is 1 hour before order 1, so include all of those. $num_items_sold = $orders_count * $qty_per_product; $coupons = 0; $shipping = $orders_count * 10; $net_revenue = $product_price * $qty_per_product * $orders_count - $coupons; $gross_revenue = $net_revenue + $shipping; $new_customers = 1; $expected_stats = array( 'totals' => array( 'orders_count' => $orders_count, 'num_items_sold' => $num_items_sold, 'gross_revenue' => $gross_revenue, 'coupons' => $coupons, 'refunds' => 0, 'taxes' => 0, 'shipping' => $shipping, 'net_revenue' => $net_revenue, 'avg_items_per_order' => $num_items_sold / $orders_count, 'avg_order_value' => $net_revenue / $orders_count, 'num_returning_customers' => 0, 'num_new_customers' => $new_customers, 'products' => 1, 'segments' => array(), ), 'intervals' => $expected_intervals, 'total' => $interval_count, 'pages' => 1, 'page_no' => 1, ); $actual = json_decode( json_encode( $data_store->get_data( $query_args ) ), true ); $this->assertEquals( $expected_stats, $actual, 'Query args: ' . print_r( $query_args, true ) . "; query: {$wpdb->last_query}" ); /* * 5 hour time window, ASC ordering -- numbers stay the same, but first include zero intervals in asc order, then the rest. * $expected_intervals now: * - [0] => 2 orders, hour - 1 * - [1] => 1 orders, hour - 0 * - [2] => 0 orders, hour - 2 * - [3] => 0 orders, hour - 3 * - [4] => 0 orders, hour - 4 * - [5] => 0 orders, hour - 5 * so we need to revert first two and put them at the bottom of the array. */ $to_be_last = array_shift( $expected_stats['intervals'] ); $to_be_second_last = array_shift( $expected_stats['intervals'] ); array_push( $expected_stats['intervals'], $to_be_second_last ); array_push( $expected_stats['intervals'], $to_be_last ); $query_args = array( 'after' => $minus_5_hours->format( WC_Admin_Reports_Interval::$sql_datetime_format ), 'before' => $current_hour_end->format( WC_Admin_Reports_Interval::$sql_datetime_format ), 'interval' => 'hour', 'orderby' => 'orders_count', 'order' => 'asc', ); $actual = json_decode( json_encode( $data_store->get_data( $query_args ) ), true ); $this->assertEquals( $expected_stats, $actual, 'Query args: ' . print_r( $query_args, true ) . "; query: {$wpdb->last_query}" ); /* * Test for [-9 hours, now] -- full 1 page. * Very similar to -5 hours. * */ $hour_offset = 9; $minus_9_hours = new DateTime(); $now_timestamp = (int) $current_hour_end->format( 'U' ); $minus_9_hours->setTimestamp( $now_timestamp - $hour_offset * HOUR_IN_SECONDS ); $query_args = array( 'after' => $minus_9_hours->format( WC_Admin_Reports_Interval::$sql_datetime_format ), 'before' => $current_hour_end->format( WC_Admin_Reports_Interval::$sql_datetime_format ), 'interval' => 'hour', 'orderby' => 'orders_count', 'order' => 'desc', ); /* * Expected Intervals section construction. * Initially intervals are ordered from the least recent to most recent, i.e.: * - [0] => 0 orders, hour - 9 * - [1] => 0 orders, hour - 8 * ... * - [7] => 0 orders, hour - 2 * - [8] => 2 orders, hour - 1 * - [9] => 1 orders, hour - 0 * * To change ordering by orders_count, just pop last two and push them to the front (aka unshift in php). */ $expected_intervals = []; $interval_count = $hour_offset + 1; for ( $i = $interval_count - 1; $i >= 0; $i -- ) { if ( 0 === $i ) { $date_start = new DateTime( $current_hour_end->format( 'Y-m-d H:00:00' ) ); $date_end = $current_hour_end; } elseif ( $hour_offset === $i ) { $date_start = $minus_9_hours; $date_end = new DateTime( $minus_9_hours->format( 'Y-m-d H:59:59' ) ); } else { $hour_anchor = new DateTime(); $hour_anchor->setTimestamp( $now_timestamp - $i * HOUR_IN_SECONDS ); $date_start = new DateTime( $hour_anchor->format( 'Y-m-d H:00:00' ) ); $date_end = new DateTime( $hour_anchor->format( 'Y-m-d H:59:59' ) ); } if ( 0 === $i ) { $orders_count = count( $order_during_this_['hour'] ); $num_items_sold = $orders_count * $qty_per_product; $coupons = 0; $shipping = $orders_count * 10; $net_revenue = $product_price * $qty_per_product * $orders_count - $coupons; $gross_revenue = $net_revenue + $shipping; $new_customers = 1; } elseif ( 1 === $i ) { $orders_count = count( $order_during_this_['hour-1'] ); $num_items_sold = $orders_count * $qty_per_product; $coupons = 0; $shipping = $orders_count * 10; $net_revenue = $product_price * $qty_per_product * $orders_count - $coupons; $gross_revenue = $net_revenue + $shipping; $new_customers = 1; } else { $orders_count = 0; $num_items_sold = $orders_count * $qty_per_product; $coupons = 0; $shipping = $orders_count * 10; $net_revenue = $product_price * $qty_per_product * $orders_count - $coupons; $gross_revenue = $net_revenue + $shipping; $new_customers = 0; } $expected_interval = array( 'interval' => $date_start->format( 'Y-m-d H' ), 'date_start' => $date_start->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'date_start_gmt' => $date_start->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'date_end' => $date_end->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'date_end_gmt' => $date_end->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'subtotals' => array( 'orders_count' => $orders_count, 'num_items_sold' => $num_items_sold, 'gross_revenue' => $gross_revenue, 'coupons' => $coupons, 'refunds' => 0, 'taxes' => 0, 'shipping' => $shipping, 'net_revenue' => $net_revenue, 'avg_items_per_order' => 0 === $orders_count ? 0 : $num_items_sold / $orders_count, 'avg_order_value' => 0 === $orders_count ? 0 : $net_revenue / $orders_count, 'num_returning_customers' => 0, 'num_new_customers' => $new_customers, 'segments' => array(), ), ); $expected_intervals[] = $expected_interval; } $to_be_second = array_pop( $expected_intervals ); $to_be_first = array_pop( $expected_intervals ); array_unshift( $expected_intervals, $to_be_second ); array_unshift( $expected_intervals, $to_be_first ); // Totals section. $orders_count = count( $order_during_this_['hour'] ) + count( $order_during_this_['hour-1'] ); // order 3 is 1 hour before order 1 & 2, so include it. $num_items_sold = $orders_count * $qty_per_product; $coupons = 0; $shipping = $orders_count * 10; $net_revenue = $product_price * $qty_per_product * $orders_count - $coupons; $gross_revenue = $net_revenue + $shipping; $new_customers = 1; $expected_stats = array( 'totals' => array( 'orders_count' => $orders_count, 'num_items_sold' => $num_items_sold, 'gross_revenue' => $gross_revenue, 'coupons' => $coupons, 'refunds' => 0, 'taxes' => 0, 'shipping' => $shipping, 'net_revenue' => $net_revenue, 'avg_items_per_order' => $num_items_sold / $orders_count, 'avg_order_value' => $net_revenue / $orders_count, 'num_returning_customers' => 0, 'num_new_customers' => $new_customers, 'products' => 1, 'segments' => array(), ), 'intervals' => $expected_intervals, 'total' => $interval_count, 'pages' => 1, 'page_no' => 1, ); $this->assertEquals( $expected_stats, json_decode( json_encode( $data_store->get_data( $query_args ) ), true ), 'Query args: ' . print_r( $query_args, true ) . "; query: {$wpdb->last_query}" ); /* * ASC ordering -- same values, different intervals order. * * Now the intervals are ordered by order count desc, i.e.: * - [0] => 2 orders, hour - 1 * - [1] => 1 orders, hour - 0 * - [2] => 0 orders, hour - 9 * ... * - [8] => 0 orders, hour - 3 * - [9] => 0 orders, hour - 2 * * To change ordering to orders_count ASC, just shift first two and push them to the back in reversed order. */ $to_be_last = array_shift( $expected_stats['intervals'] ); $to_be_second_last = array_shift( $expected_stats['intervals'] ); array_push( $expected_stats['intervals'], $to_be_second_last ); array_push( $expected_stats['intervals'], $to_be_last ); $query_args = array( 'after' => $minus_9_hours->format( WC_Admin_Reports_Interval::$sql_datetime_format ), 'before' => $current_hour_end->format( WC_Admin_Reports_Interval::$sql_datetime_format ), 'interval' => 'hour', 'orderby' => 'orders_count', 'order' => 'asc', ); $actual = json_decode( json_encode( $data_store->get_data( $query_args ) ), true ); $this->assertEquals( $expected_stats, $actual, 'Query args: ' . print_r( $query_args, true ) . "; query: {$wpdb->last_query}" ); /* * Test for [-10 hours, now] -- 1 page full, 1 interval on 2nd page. * DESC. */ $hour_offset = 10; $minus_10_hours = new DateTime(); $now_timestamp = (int) $current_hour_end->format( 'U' ); $minus_10_hours->setTimestamp( $now_timestamp - $hour_offset * HOUR_IN_SECONDS ); $per_page = 10; // Page 1. $query_args = array( 'after' => $minus_10_hours->format( WC_Admin_Reports_Interval::$sql_datetime_format ), 'before' => $current_hour_end->format( WC_Admin_Reports_Interval::$sql_datetime_format ), 'interval' => 'hour', 'orderby' => 'orders_count', 'order' => 'desc', 'page' => 1, 'per_page' => $per_page, ); /** * Expected Intervals section construction. * Initially created as: * - [0] => 0 orders, hour - 10 * - [1] => 0 orders, hour - 9 * ... * - [8] => 0 orders, hour - 2 * - [9] => 2 orders, hour - 1 * - [10] => 1 orders, hour - 0 * * so last two need to be put first (last one second, second last one first). */ $expected_intervals = []; $interval_count = 11; for ( $i = $interval_count - 1; $i >= 0; $i -- ) { if ( 0 === $i ) { $date_start = new DateTime( $current_hour_end->format( 'Y-m-d H:00:00' ) ); $date_end = $current_hour_end; } elseif ( $hour_offset === $i ) { $date_start = $minus_10_hours; $date_end = new DateTime( $minus_10_hours->format( 'Y-m-d H:59:59' ) ); } else { $hour_anchor = new DateTime(); $hour_anchor->setTimestamp( $now_timestamp - $i * HOUR_IN_SECONDS ); $date_start = new DateTime( $hour_anchor->format( 'Y-m-d H:00:00' ) ); $date_end = new DateTime( $hour_anchor->format( 'Y-m-d H:59:59' ) ); } if ( 0 === $i ) { $orders_count = count( $order_during_this_['hour'] ); $num_items_sold = $orders_count * $qty_per_product; $coupons = 0; $shipping = $orders_count * 10; $net_revenue = $product_price * $qty_per_product * $orders_count - $coupons; $gross_revenue = $net_revenue + $shipping; $new_customers = 1; } elseif ( 1 === $i ) { $orders_count = count( $order_during_this_['hour-1'] ); $num_items_sold = $orders_count * $qty_per_product; $coupons = 0; $shipping = $orders_count * 10; $net_revenue = $product_price * $qty_per_product * $orders_count - $coupons; $gross_revenue = $net_revenue + $shipping; $new_customers = 1; } else { $orders_count = 0; $num_items_sold = $orders_count * $qty_per_product; $coupons = 0; $shipping = $orders_count * 10; $net_revenue = $product_price * $qty_per_product * $orders_count - $coupons; $gross_revenue = $net_revenue + $shipping; $new_customers = 0; } $expected_interval = array( 'interval' => $date_start->format( 'Y-m-d H' ), 'date_start' => $date_start->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'date_start_gmt' => $date_start->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'date_end' => $date_end->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'date_end_gmt' => $date_end->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'subtotals' => array( 'orders_count' => $orders_count, 'num_items_sold' => $num_items_sold, 'gross_revenue' => $gross_revenue, 'coupons' => $coupons, 'refunds' => 0, 'taxes' => 0, 'shipping' => $shipping, 'net_revenue' => $net_revenue, 'avg_items_per_order' => 0 === $orders_count ? 0 : $num_items_sold / $orders_count, 'avg_order_value' => 0 === $orders_count ? 0 : $net_revenue / $orders_count, 'num_returning_customers' => 0, 'num_new_customers' => $new_customers, 'segments' => array(), ), ); $expected_intervals[] = $expected_interval; } $to_be_second = array_pop( $expected_intervals ); $to_be_first = array_pop( $expected_intervals ); array_unshift( $expected_intervals, $to_be_second ); array_unshift( $expected_intervals, $to_be_first ); // Totals section. $orders_count = count( $order_during_this_['hour'] ) + count( $order_during_this_['hour-1'] ); // orders 2 & 3 are 1 hour before order 1, so include all of those. $num_items_sold = $orders_count * $qty_per_product; $coupons = 0; $shipping = $orders_count * 10; $net_revenue = $product_price * $qty_per_product * $orders_count - $coupons; $gross_revenue = $net_revenue + $shipping; $new_customers = 1; $expected_stats = array( 'totals' => array( 'orders_count' => $orders_count, 'num_items_sold' => $num_items_sold, 'gross_revenue' => $gross_revenue, 'coupons' => $coupons, 'refunds' => 0, 'taxes' => 0, 'shipping' => $shipping, 'net_revenue' => $net_revenue, 'avg_items_per_order' => $num_items_sold / $orders_count, 'avg_order_value' => $net_revenue / $orders_count, 'num_returning_customers' => 0, 'num_new_customers' => $new_customers, 'products' => 1, 'segments' => array(), ), 'intervals' => array_slice( $expected_intervals, 0, $per_page ), 'total' => 11, 'pages' => 2, 'page_no' => 1, ); $this->assertEquals( $expected_stats, json_decode( json_encode( $data_store->get_data( $query_args ) ), true ), 'Query args: ' . print_r( $query_args, true ) . "; query: {$wpdb->last_query}" ); // Page 2. $query_args = array( 'after' => $minus_10_hours->format( WC_Admin_Reports_Interval::$sql_datetime_format ), 'before' => $current_hour_end->format( WC_Admin_Reports_Interval::$sql_datetime_format ), 'interval' => 'hour', 'orderby' => 'orders_count', 'order' => 'desc', 'page' => 2, ); $expected_stats = array( 'totals' => array( 'orders_count' => $orders_count, 'num_items_sold' => $num_items_sold, 'gross_revenue' => $gross_revenue, 'coupons' => $coupons, 'refunds' => 0, 'taxes' => 0, 'shipping' => $shipping, 'net_revenue' => $net_revenue, 'avg_items_per_order' => $num_items_sold / $orders_count, 'avg_order_value' => $net_revenue / $orders_count, 'num_returning_customers' => 0, 'num_new_customers' => $new_customers, 'products' => 1, 'segments' => array(), ), 'intervals' => array_slice( $expected_intervals, $per_page ), 'total' => 11, 'pages' => 2, 'page_no' => 2, ); $this->assertEquals( $expected_stats, json_decode( json_encode( $data_store->get_data( $query_args ) ), true ), 'Query args: ' . print_r( $query_args, true ) . "; query: {$wpdb->last_query}" ); /* * Test for [-10 hours, now] -- 1 page full, 1 interval on 2nd page. * ASC * * Currently, the intervals are in DESC order by orders_count: * - [0] => 2 orders, hour - 1 * - [1] => 1 orders, hour - 0 * - [2] => 0 orders, hour - 10 * - [3] => 0 orders, hour - 9 * ... * - [9] => 0 orders, hour - 3 * - [10] => 0 orders, hour - 2 * so first one needs to become the last one, second one the second last. */ $to_be_last = array_shift( $expected_intervals ); $to_be_second_last = array_shift( $expected_intervals ); array_push( $expected_intervals, $to_be_second_last ); array_push( $expected_intervals, $to_be_last ); // Page 1. $query_args = array( 'after' => $minus_10_hours->format( WC_Admin_Reports_Interval::$sql_datetime_format ), 'before' => $current_hour_end->format( WC_Admin_Reports_Interval::$sql_datetime_format ), 'interval' => 'hour', 'orderby' => 'orders_count', 'order' => 'asc', 'page' => 1, 'per_page' => $per_page, ); $expected_stats = array( 'totals' => array( 'orders_count' => $orders_count, 'num_items_sold' => $num_items_sold, 'gross_revenue' => $gross_revenue, 'coupons' => $coupons, 'refunds' => 0, 'taxes' => 0, 'shipping' => $shipping, 'net_revenue' => $net_revenue, 'avg_items_per_order' => $num_items_sold / $orders_count, 'avg_order_value' => $net_revenue / $orders_count, 'num_returning_customers' => 0, 'num_new_customers' => $new_customers, 'products' => 1, 'segments' => array(), ), 'intervals' => array_slice( $expected_intervals, 0, $per_page ), 'total' => 11, 'pages' => 2, 'page_no' => 1, ); $actual = json_decode( json_encode( $data_store->get_data( $query_args ) ), true ); $this->assertEquals( $expected_stats, $actual, 'Query args: ' . print_r( $query_args, true ) . "; query: {$wpdb->last_query}" ); // Page 2. $query_args = array( 'after' => $minus_10_hours->format( WC_Admin_Reports_Interval::$sql_datetime_format ), 'before' => $current_hour_end->format( WC_Admin_Reports_Interval::$sql_datetime_format ), 'interval' => 'hour', 'orderby' => 'orders_count', 'order' => 'asc', 'page' => 2, 'per_page' => $per_page, ); $expected_stats = array( 'totals' => array( 'orders_count' => $orders_count, 'num_items_sold' => $num_items_sold, 'gross_revenue' => $gross_revenue, 'coupons' => $coupons, 'refunds' => 0, 'taxes' => 0, 'shipping' => $shipping, 'net_revenue' => $net_revenue, 'avg_items_per_order' => $num_items_sold / $orders_count, 'avg_order_value' => $net_revenue / $orders_count, 'num_returning_customers' => 0, 'num_new_customers' => $new_customers, 'products' => 1, 'segments' => array(), ), 'intervals' => array_slice( $expected_intervals, $per_page ), 'total' => 11, 'pages' => 2, 'page_no' => 2, ); $this->assertEquals( $expected_stats, json_decode( json_encode( $data_store->get_data( $query_args ) ), true ), 'Query args: ' . print_r( $query_args, true ) . "; query: {$wpdb->last_query}" ); } }