language: php addons: chrome: stable apt: packages: - nginx sudo: false # Test main supported versions of PHP against latest WP. php: - 5.6 - 7.0 - 7.1 env: - WP_VERSION=latest WP_MULTISITE=0 # Additional tests against stable PHP (min recommended version is 5.6) and past supported versions of WP # and code coverage report. matrix: fast_finish: true include: - php: 5.3 dist: precise - php: 5.2 dist: precise - php: 7.2 env: WP_VERSION=latest WP_MULTISITE=0 RUN_PHPCS=1 RUN_E2E=1 - php: 7.2 env: WP_VERSION=latest WP_MULTISITE=0 RUN_CODE_COVERAGE=1 allow_failures: - env: WP_VERSION=latest WP_MULTISITE=0 RUN_CODE_COVERAGE=1 before_script: - export PATH="$HOME/.composer/vendor/bin:$PATH" - bash tests/bin/ woocommerce_test root '' localhost $WP_VERSION - bash tests/bin/ before script: - bash tests/bin/ - bash tests/bin/ - bash tests/bin/ after_script: - bash tests/bin/ after # Specifies that Travis should create builds for master and release branches and also tags. branches: only: - master - /^\d+\.\d+(\.\d+)?(-\S*)?$/ - /^release\//